Home Is Always You

"You mean there's no more activity for today?", Jennie asked her bestfriend and plops on the sand beside the girl.

Shaking her head, Lisa adjusts her sunglasses and answered, "No more. We'll have a little game later in the evening, though. But no more activity. Today's our last day here so you can just relax all you want."

"I see."

The brunette props her hands against the sand and leans back a little, focusing her attention to the crystal clear sea where the others are goofing around.

Friday. Time sure flies. She feels like she's just starting to get comfortable, and it's already ending. Come to think of it, what has she achieved this week? Well, besides a brand new yacht and a bruise on her forehead, she has not really achieved anything.

Jisoo's agenda in bringing her and Roseanne together in the same space was to find answers and get that closure. But, she feels like she's got even more questions now. Truly frustrating.

"Oh, hey, Rosie. You trying out our new jet ski?", she heard Lisa call out.

Tipping her head, Jennie was met with the woman she was thinking of just now. Roseanne was wearing this very minimal piece of clothing that exposes her milky white skin. Not too revealing since she's still wearing some shorts. Just...a perfectly normal beach outfit.

Yeah, perfectly normal.

But if so, then Jennie wonders why she couldn't look properly at the girl and why she feels her cheeks heating up.

'Ah, because of the sun. Right, sun bathing', she argued in her mind.

"Yep, been years since I last rode one, so", Roseanne replied, softly kicking on the sand under her feet.

"Been years? Don't tell me that was when we went to Hawaii?", Lisa asked in disbelief.

Chuckling, the pink-haired nodded, "Yeah, barely had time to visit the beach. And when I do, it's only for work."

"Aww, that . But, same, to be honest", the youngest said, shaking her head, "That makes me wonder, did you take a week off for this party? I mean, I'd assume your schedule is clear?"

Roseanne's smile slowly falters, before it was replaced with a slightly bothered one, "O-Of course...I especially cleared my schedule for you guys."

The stuttering went unnoticed by Lisa. But not by Jennie.

"I am flattered, Miss Global Superstar", the younger girl joked, making them bubble in a laugh, "Anyways, go ahead and have fun out there, Rosie."

"You guys don't wanna come?", the singer asked, gesturing a hand at the two girls who're both plopped down on the shore.

Lisa waved a hand, "Oh, nah, I'm having a moment with my coconut juice", she said, lifting the coconut in view, "You, Nini?"

The brunette's eyes widened a little before she shakes her head frantically, "N-No...I'm sun bathing."

Roseanne subtly suppresses a chuckle at the brunette's cute reaction. She swears everything the girl does is purely adorable.

"Alright, have fun sun bathing, you two", she playfully salutes at them, before walking over to the water to join the others.

Lisa turns to her bestfriend once the singer was far enough, giving her a questioning look, "Have you decided?"

"Decided on what?", Jennie asks back.

"If you're going to give Rosie a chance to explain?", the younger elaborated, "This party's coming to an end. What do you plan on doing?"

Slightly lifting her chin up, Jennie ponders. She has thought about it a lot of times since their first day in the villa. A part of her didn't want to hear her out because she used to think Roseanne doesn't deserve it. Whatever the reason is, what's done is done. A simple explanation can't change anything.

But, can't it really change anything?

If she's going to be very honest with herself, a part of her knows that she didn't want the girl's explanation because she doesn't know what she would feel once she learned the reason.

She's scared. For herself, for everyone, and for what's going to happen.

But then again, she thought...how could she ever move forward if she's trapped in the past? If the ghost of unanswered questions were pinning her down, restricting her from completely moving on.

"I've thought about it. Sohee gave her opinion about it, too", the brunette replied.

"So, what's your decision?"

Biting on her bottom lip, she breathes out, "I am going to hear her out."

Lisa turns to her in concern, reaching a hand out to pat her back, "Whatever happens, we're here for you, okay?"

Jennie gave her bestfriend a small smile, "I know, and I'm always thankful, buddy."

"If I may just ask, though, what made you change your mind?"

What made her change her mind?

Maybe she's just tired of running away? Tired of always dodging the issue.

She just wants them all to move forward now.

"I just want to get this over with", she simply replied, not bothering to elaborate her answer.

They shared another smile and simultaneously turned their attention back to the sea. Both are secretly hoping that that was Jennie's only reason for it.


It was past noon when Roseanne left the sea and went back inside the villa after hours of jet skiing and paddle boarding. She figured spending some time under the sun would be good for her pale skin because she honestly looks sick all the time.

And besides, this party's coming to an end, so might as well let herself savor the remaining of it.

She was in the midst of drying her hair with a towel while walking back to her room, when she passed by Jennie's room and heard her talking.

Roseanne was never nosy. But she's always curious. And Jennie's door was slightly ajar that she could clearly hear what the girl was saying. So, mindlessly, she paused on her tracks and leans her back against the wall just beside the door.

"I told youu, I'm fine. It's just a small bruise", she heard the brunette speaks, softly chuckling at the person she's talking to.

"A small bruise is still a bruise. Look at that bandage on your forehead, do you think you're cute?", the woman on the other line replied, "Well, I get that you're cute. But not the bruise. It's not cute."

Roseanne was quick to identify the voice. It's Sohee's. They're probably on a video call.

She heard the brunette's laugh again, "It will heal in no time, babe, don't worry. I'm perfectly fine."

The singer felt a pang of bitterness hearing that pet name. She thought she's already accepted her defeat, but the truth still slaps and it still ing hurts.

"I swear if I get another bad update, Jennie Kim, I am going to book the next available flight and fly back to Korea."

"Babe, please, you have a private jet."

"Oh, even if I have to swim my way to the other side of the globe, I would."

That made Jennie laugh even more.

"Seriously, honeybunch, please take care while you're there. You know how worried I get."

"I will. I promise this won't happen again."

"Good, now where's my kisses?"

Roseanne her heels and hastily walked away from Jennie's room, not wanting to hear any more conversations of the couple. She couldn't stand being a witness to their affection and have her heart shatter all over again.

She shuts her door and leans against it once she reached her room, eyes blank and forward, staring at nothing.

For the past two years, she thought pain was when she sees the one she loves hurting because of her. She never thought pain would hit her the hardest when she sees the one she loves happy...with someone that's not her.

'It's time to accept, Chaeng', she muttered to herself.

Jennie's moved on. She's okay.

Let her go.


Everyone was gathered in the villa's KTV room for the last time that Friday evening. They had no more day activity, but the engaged couple wouldn't let their last night pass without a little game. So, with all their remaining supplies of alcoholic drinks served at the long chabudai table, they all sat together and waited for the host's cue.

"I honestly don't know why Lisa and Jisoo made me the host for tonight", Hanbin announces while scratching the back of his neck, "But, I just also want to take this opportunity to thank you, two, for this superb and lit- party you organized."

The couple received a series of playful hollers and cheers from the others.

"We enjoyed it so much that we didn't even notice the week already ending", the host added, "Congrats to you, two, yeah? Sending you our best wishes, and may you have lots of little Lisoos soon."

"Congrats, my favourite cousin!"

"To a long and happy marriage!"

"Live as long as you want!"

The audience cracks up and gave them another round of applause.

"Ya'll are so dramatic, the wedding's in three weeks please", Jisoo commented beside her fiancé, holding her laugh, "But, thank you. For coming here. We know you're all busy with life, but you lent us your time. So, thanks, guys."

"Alright, I think we should now start the game before Jisoo starts crying in front of us", Hanbin teases, before dodging her cousin's playful jab.

"Okaaay, what are we playing, boy?", Nayeon half-yelled from the furthest side of the table.

"Well, I guess it's the classic", the host answered, taking a look at the cue card, "Never Have I Ever."

"Oh, maaaaan."

"What a way to end the week."

Remarks and comments erupted from the group.

"You're all pretty much familiar with the game, right? Do I still need to explain, or?", Hanbin continued.

"Nah, we're good, brother. You may take your seat now. Thank you so much for your service", Bambam jokes, setting the mood.

The group started the game lightly. Each of them takes turns stating the experiences they've never done. Those who had done the actions in question took a shot.

"Never have I ever...", it was Bona's turn, "...faked being drunk just so I could escape a drinking session."

Four people took a shot, while Jennie did the honors of pouring the drink on Lisa's glass because the latter won't admit that she's been doing just that in every drinking session.

"Never have I ever...", next was Nayeon, "...used someone else's toothbrush."

The group playfully grimaced at the statement, before they all crack up when Jisoo took a shot of her drink.

"Eww, Kim Jisoo??"

"It was Lisa's, okay??", Jisoo defended, flailing her arms in the air.

They all nodded knowingly and teasingly, "Ahh, makes sense. They practically share saliva when they make out so I guess that's fine."

"Alright, whose turn is it now?", Minnie asks.

"Not yet", Jennie suddenly spoke while her eyes were on the plate infront of her, poking a piece of meat, not bothering to look at them, "There's someone who hasn't taken their shot yet."

Everyone turns to look at each other with suspecting eyes, urging whoever the culprit is. It was about ten seconds of finger-pointing when they heard a soft chuckle from Roseanne. The singer then surprisingly lifted her glass and took a shot.

"Ooooohhhhh", everyone reacted.

"Hey, that was one time", the singer justified, "I was still so sleepy when I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Turned out I picked the wrong toothbrush."

A smile unconsciously made its way to her lips, softly shaking her head at the memory.

"Are we allowed to know whose toothbrush it was?", Tenten quietly asked in the corner.

Roseanne carefully lifted a hand and pointed a finger at Jennie who was still playing with her plate, acting fool.

"Ooooohhhhh", everyone reacted again.

That lasted for another ten seconds until Bona saved them by changing the topic and diverting the spotlight to the next person in turn.

Jennie takes a very subtle glance at Roseanne who seemed unbothered by the unexpected attention. She didn't know why she suddenly did that, either. The memory just flashed in her mind when the scenario was mentioned, and she thought it'd be unfair if the singer wouldn't do the consequence when she knew she was guilty of the action.

That was the brunette's only reason, of course. Nothing more.

The game continued for a couple of hours. Surprisingly, everyone was still sober. By that time, the statements have gotten either sensual or personal.

"Never have I ever...", Lisa trails off, "...cheated in a relationship."

All of them turned to Mino and gave him a mocking laugh.

"Yah, Mino, you should take 20 shots", Bambam snarks at him.

"What the hell??"

"One shot for every time you cheated, jerk", Minnie added.

"I don't think 20's enough, though. Make it 30 shots."

"Damn ya'll."

After teaming up against Mino, they made the guy drink at least five shots before they left him alone.

"I hate ya'll", he fires back, grimacing.

"The feeling is mutual, dear cousin."

"Alright, since you're the only one who drank, it's your turn", Jisoo said.

Mino pretends to ponder for a moment, scanning each of them, before his lips curl in a sly smile.

That kind of smile he plasters when he's thinking of something evil.

"Never have I ever...", he leans forward and props his elbows on the table, "...looked at my ex with guilt and wistful yearning, and wished that she'll give us another chance."

Everyone in the table knew, this guy's always up to no good.

The room fell silent as none of them dared to even touch their glass. They knew the targets of the statement. And they badly want to kick Mino's out of the villa for being a total douchebag.

Lisa was going to speak up and switch the topic to lighten the mood, but everyone lets out inaudible gasps when Roseanne took her glass and emptied its content.

She looks at everyone with raised brows as if asking them what's wrong afterwards.

"Rosie...", Bona softly whispered.

The singer waves a hand, "It's alright. No need to be awkward. It's a game."

They nodded albeit the awkwardness that still hangs in the air, stealing empathetic glances at the girl.

"We're out of rum", Roseanne announced, "I'm just going to get us more drinks."

She plasters a smile, before getting up and walking out of the room.

Jennie's grip on the fork in her hand tightened as she watches the pink-haired leave through her peripheral vision. Despite her personal grudge against the girl, she still thinks what Mino did was low and immature. And she's having this strong urge to break his nose, God help her.

Tipping her head to her left, she spares Lisa a knowing glance and she was reminded of what they've talked about earlier this day. She was thinking this may be the only time they could sort it out, there'll be no other chances. Her bestfriend reciprocated the look, and they both nodded in understanding.

It's now or never.

"I'll just go to the restroom", the brunette told them, before she gets up as well and leaves.

The others were left astounded. All are thinking of the same thing.

"You are such an , Song Mino."


Roseanne kicks on the sand in vexation once she reached the shore where her feet has led her. She's not even sure of what she's feeling anymore. Everything was going downhill, and that snarky statement from that douchebag, which was obviously directed to her, was the last straw.

She was fully aware of all her accountabilities, she never denied anything. But, to slap her with the very reason of her dejection, Roseanne has never felt so pathetic. She thought she could fix things. She thought wrong.

Everything is a lost cause.

As if the universe was really testing her tonight, her phone started ringing inside her pocket. She fished it out and answered the call without looking at the ID.

"Glad you finally answered after ages, Park Chaeyoung", the person on the other line started, his voice hints a slight exasperation.

Balling her fist, Roseanne lets out a breath upon identifying the voice, "I was busy."

"Oh, I wonder what's keeping you busy considering that you ditched all your schedules for the week without a word", Teddy said in a sarcastic tone.

"I forgot I have schedules."

"I had to pay compensations for all the contracts you breached, and you're seriously telling me you just forgot?"

The singer gritted her teeth, regretting that she ever answered the call, "I'll pay for all my missed schedules if that'll console you."

"Look, Chaeyoung", she heard the man heave out a sigh, "I'm not even mad that you ditched us. I'm just mad at what you're doing to yourself."

"We've been through this father-daughter talk, Teddy."

"It's sad, Chaeng", the man spoke again, ignoring her remark, "How you now despise the things you once dreamt of."

Roseanne refused to answer. She just bobbed her head in a nod as if he could see her. He's right, though. She hates everything. Because everything she used to dream of...had led her to this.

"I hope you still know that we're here for you", Teddy said in a softer voice this time, "And know that the agency's open anytime you feel like working again."

The call ended at that. Throwing her head back, Roseanne tried to blink away the tears that were threatening to fall. She hates how they've always been so considerate. How they've always tolerated her even when she doesn't deserve it.

Even when all of her actions don't make sense anymore.

She shut off her phone and pocketed it, before she slumps down on the sand, burying her face in between her knees.

"I thought your schedule is clear for this week."

The singer slightly jolted in surprise and raised her head to face the owner of the voice.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to overhear your phone conversation", Jennie told her, eyes fixated on the darkness of the sea.

Softly shaking her head, Roseanne simply replied, "It's fine."

She felt the brunette shifts and takes a seat on the sand as well, leaving a considerable distance between them.

Both staring out at the sea, silence engulfs the two girls for the next couple of seconds. It was not the comfortable nor the agonizing type of silence. It's just...silence. One that allows them to bask in the stillness of the night.

Roseanne must've been too frustrated with everything that's happening that she didn't even have the energy to wonder what her ex fiancé was doing here with her. Last time she checked, the girl was allergic to her presence.

"Why did you follow me?", the pink-haired asks, finally breaking the silence.

Jennie shakes her head, "I didn't. I wanted to get some air."

"But, you're talking to me now."

"Don't you want me to?"

The singer slightly bent her head down, bubbling in a soft chuckle, "You're cute when you're grumpy."

"Shut up, Rosé", the brunette retorted.


Baffled, Jennie turns to look at her acquaintance, "What?"

"Chaeyoung", the pink-haired answered, a faint smile ghosted around the corners of her lips, "You call me Chaeyoung."

She got crickets. Guess that one hit a nerve.

But, Roseanne doesn't want another awkward air, so she continued, "So, why did you really follow me? I'm genuinely curious."

Looking down at her feet, Jennie purses her lips before responding, "You said you wanted to explain."

The singer turns her gaze at the girl with surprised and hopeful eyes.

"I think it's time we put an end to this. Because all we want is to move on and go about our lives", Jennie continued, mustering all the courage she has in her, "Let's have that closure, Rosé."

The light in Roseanne's eyes left almost immediately. Of course, that was the agenda in the first place. To give them that long overdue explanation, get that closure, and move on. Easy as that.

So, why does it feel like she's being stabbed with million knives over and over again?

Roseanne never knew that doing the right thing would be this painful.

"So, tell me, once and for all...", Jennie swallows the invisible lump in , lifting her head to look at the singer, "...why didn't you show up at our wedding?"

The question felt like a wave of emotions washing over her all at once. Like a raging storm after a long period of drought. It came unannounced yet expected.

Staring back into her favorite pair of eyes, all Roseanne sees is a betrayed, frail soul. She has caused her this much. And she's afraid she'll cause her more.

"Because, for a second...at that time, Jen..."

Her voice cracks as she finally lets out the perception she has been painfully regretting for years.

"...I lost sight of my future with you."



prepare your tissues for the next chapter,

but please trust me on this 🥹

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HIAY chapter 13 is up!! sorry for the long wait huhu


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Chapter 13: Thank you for coming back 🥺
I need chapter 14 😅
Chapter 13: 😭😭 been sooooooolongggg
Chapter 13: Yahhh I am so happy ☺️
Chapter 12: Please authornim it may look like we are annoying you but what can we do we are desperate for this story, please update when you can 😭
Chapter 12: Update please 🙏🏽
Chapter 11: So we still have more chapters????? Yayyyy
Chapter 10: I need an update ☹️
Authornim is the end
Fansey #9
Chapter 10: 😭😭😭
tiss89y #10
Chapter 10: The closuree finally here