Home Is Always You

"Alright, everyone! Please gather around here", Jisoo instructed while gesturing their guests to come over at the villa's pool area, "We'll now be starting our first activity for the week!"

Hollers and cheers filled the area, thanks to Bambam and Mino's enthusiasm, as the group crowds around the engaged couple. The sun was up and the weather was just perfect for the activity they have prepared today. The sound of ocean waves hitting the shore also added to the mood.

They have just finished their brunch, which was actually supposedly breakfast, but they all overslept and ended up waking up pretty late.

"Aren't these kids a little too excited now?", Lisa commented beside her fiancé.

"Even more excited than we are, babe", Jisoo replied, shaking her head in amusement, "Guess ya'll had a very good sleep, huh."

She scans them playfully, seeing their excited expressions, until her eyes landed on a certain brunette and pink-head that her smile almost fades away.

The brunette was cowering behind her girlfriend, while the pink-haired singer was standing at the far back looking like an outcast as she zones out in the distance.

Jisoo wanted to take back what she said about having a good sleep when she saw dark circles under both girls' eyes.

'Okay, maybe not everyone had a good sleep last night', she thought.

She's still unsure if bringing the two in the same space was a good idea, but she realized contemplating would be too late now. The least she could do is make them feel less uncomfortable in each other's presence.

"Rosie", as if reading her fiancé's mind, Lisa softly calls out to the singer and gestures a hand, "Come over here."

The engaged couple saw how Jennie cautiously took a glance at Roseanne at the mention of her name, and how she quickly looked away as if it burned her eyes when Roseanne turned to her direction while meekly walking closer to the group. The girl settled beside Bona who then gave her a small smile.

'Okay, so much for making them feel less uncomfortable', Jisoo thought again.

Man, this will be hard.

"Okay, so Jisoo and I have prepared a lot of games for this party", Lisa announces once everyone's settled, "And to start it off, we'll be playing The Ring Hunt."

A series of 'ooh's echoed in the area.

"The game is pretty self-explanatory", Jisoo added, "You'll all have to find the yellow gold Cartier ring that the organizers have hidden somewhere inside the villa."

"You will be given one hint each, initially. Then, you're gonna have to search for more hints that are also hidden everywhere as the game starts. Now, here's the catch", the younger continued explaining, "For every hint that you're gonna find, there'll be a specific dare that you'll need to do before you can move forward."

"We'll give you an hour or two. Whoever finds the ring can have it."

The cheers got louder after Jisoo said that.

"Dang, if all of the games' prizes are like this, I might have to unleash the warrior in me", Minnie jokes, making the others laugh.

"From here on and until this party's over, we're no longer cousins, okay? This is a competition", Nayeon added to the humor.

The engaged couple could only shake their heads, "Guys, this is our bachelorette party. Not some reality slash survival show please. Don't take us seriously."

"Jisoo be telling us to not take her seriously, but watch her give away a wholeass helicopter as the prize", Mino commented on the side, grinning.

The group exchanges talks some more, with Jennie also joining the teasing.

Roseanne watches and couldn't help a smile. She honestly missed this. She missed these people. Their humor. She missed hanging out with them and do silly things like they're not among the elites.

If she could turn back the time, she would.

But she can't.

She was almost getting lost in her own thoughts, when she heard Jisoo spoke again.

"Alright, if we're all clear with the instructions, let's start the game!"

The organizers came out and handed them their respective hints. The group dispersed as soon as they read their paper's content and started searching room by room.

Jennie and Sohee went in pair, of course. While Roseanne went to the opposite direction alone. She was in the midst of checking through the cushions of the lounging area, when she felt a presence behind her.


Her cautious stance softens after hearing the voice. Especially knowing that the person called her by her nickname. She suddenly felt her eyes glistening, but tried to hold it back. Taking one breath, she turns around to face the girl.


Jisoo was stoic. Among the four of them, she's the least to show emotions. It's been years but Roseanne got to admit she still can't predict her sometimes. But the fact that she's now here with them, she knew she somehow made a crack on the walls Jisoo has built between them.

"Lisa told me the reason why you're back", the older started, "Rosie, we don't want anymore inconvenience. Jennie's doing fine now. Please don't do something that'll put her back to where she was two years ago."

Roseanne hung her head low. Jisoo's first sentences were strong. What will she answer to that? It's true. Jennie's okay now. She's moved on. And pursuing her would just make the situation worse. Come to think of it, who is she to even think about winning her back after leaving her devastated? She has no right to do that.

But then again, the heart wants what it wants, doesn't it?

"I don't want to cause trouble, Chu", she finally replied, "And I didn't know she's with someone when I decided to come back."

"Well, now that you know, what will you do?"

The pink-haired singer shook her head, "I don't know. I'm sorry."

Jisoo lifted a hand to the stop the girl, "Didn't Lisa already tell you that we don't need endless apologies?"

Roseanne nodded and kept her head low. That's all she could do at the moment.

"Look, Rosie, we didn't invite you here to make you feel thrown aside", the older spoke again, "We didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, despite how awkward the situation gets. We just want all of us to move on."

"I know, Chu."

They held a gaze for a couple of seconds, not really knowing where the conversation is going.

"You told me you'll fix every you've done", Jisoo's voice softens, "I hope you'll stick to that."

She her heels and was about to head out, when she turned back to Roseanne one more time, "And I do hope you'll still get to enjoy this vacation. So, please loosen up."

Then, she left the room.

Sighing, Roseanne swears this will be the longest week of her ing life.


One and a half hour into the game and no one's still finding the ring. They've picked up almost every hint hidden in the area, yet they couldn't seem to figure it out.

"I swear to god, Kim Jisoo, if you're just pranking us and there's really no ring, I'm gonna feed you to the piranhas", Flailing her arms, Bona slumped herself on the couch.

"Same", Ten agreed, his arms crossed over his chest, "Ya'll made me do that stupid chicken dance for a hint, but I didn't get anything."

His cousins burst out laughing when they remembered the dare he did for a hint.

Each of them had their fair share of funny dares as part of the game. Hanbin had to do 25 frog jumps around the pool while sticking his tongue out. Bona's face was painted with ketchup. Sohee even had to dip in the pool and swim back and forth while singing the full chorus of 'Under The Sea'. The girl was surprisingly a good sport at that.

"Jennie's the only one who didn't do a stupid dare", Mino complained.

The brunette rolled her eyes before retorting, "I ate tomato ice cream, please."

"And how is that a stupid dare? You enjoy that flavor."

Jennie just rolled her eyes again, making the group cackle. Including Roseanne who's subtly glancing at the brunette. She remembers when she first introduced the flavor to her. The girl didn't want to taste it at first. Saying how weird a tomato-flavored ice cream is and how even weirder the person who invented it is. But the moment she took a bite, it instantly became her favorite. She would always bug Roseanne to buy her tomato ice cream even in the coldest of winter.

A bitter smile curled the singer's lips at the memory. That's all there is to it now. A memory.

"Wait, where's Sohee, by the way?", Lisa asked moments after when she noticed the girl missing.

"She went to dry her hair, you meanie, ya'll made her swim like Ariel", Jennie answered in behalf of her girlfriend, earning another round of laughter from the group.

That made Roseanne's smile falter. She meekly got up from the counter stool she was seated on and was about to head out, when she suddenly noticed something inside the lampshade just beside Bona's seat. She took steps towards it and carefully twists the shade.

"Yo, Rosie, what's up with the lamp?", Bambam asked, earning the others' attention and making them turn to the singer.

The pink-haired just gave him a smile before she slowly pulled out a piece of paper from inside the lamp.

"I believe this is a hint", she told them while unrolling the paper.

"Oh my god, there's one more hint??", Nayeon blurted.

All eyes are now on Roseanne as she takes her time to read the hint.

"Ah, there's one more dare as well", she added, "Take off a piece of clothing."

A series of 'Woooh's followed after she said that, and she could only shake her head at their sudden enthusiasm.

"Can I just take off my shoes?"

Everyone poses their thumbs down. These dorks.

Roseanne lets out a soft chuckle before nodding, "Alright."

She took a quick glance at her outfit. White tank top tucked in white shorts and topped with a loose white long sleeves.

She decided to keep it easy, and slowly removed her long sleeves shirt, slowly exposing her shoulders.

Too slow. Jennie thought it was too slow that she finds herself staring at the girl, unable to tear her eyes off of her even if she wanted to. Even if it's burning her eyes.

It was a good thirty seconds when she finally snapped from her trance and looked away. 'What the was that, Jennie Kim?'

"With this final hint, I think...", Roseanne eyed them all, crumpled the paper in her hand, and sprinted her way to the second floor of the villa.

The group was baffled at first, but started catching up to the singer when they realized she must've figured out the location of the ring.

They were a panting mess once they reached the second floor lounging area, but they managed to caught up to Roseanne as the girl slowly approaches the grand piano sitting in the middle of the room.

The pink-haired carefully lifts off the lid of the piano, hoping to find the ring there.

But much to everyone's dismay, it was empty.

"Damn, I was confident it's here", Roseanne said.

"Oh, you're actually right. It was there."

Everyone turned to the direction of the voice, and saw Sohee approaching with a huge grin on her face.

"I just happen to have found it first", the woman added and lifted her hand to show the sparkling yellow gold Cartier ring that they've all been looking for.

"Ohh, daaaang."


"I tried so hard with the dares, goddamn."

Playful complaints and whines filled the room as the game officially ended with Sohee as the winner.

"Sooo, there we have it!", Jisoo announced from behind, "That ring is yours, Sohee dear."

The woman dips her head in a playful bow, "Thank you."

Bambam approaches Roseanne and gave her a fist-bump, "Nice game, Rosie. That was close."

"Yeah, it's alright, though. I enjoyed it", she gave him a smile.

Everyone else was still busy whining, when Sohee walked up to the pink-haired.

"It was close, indeed", the woman told her with a small simper, "I just figured it out as well when I heard your footsteps in the stairs."

Roseanne nodded, "I was just a few seconds late, then."

"Hm, pretty much. You should've come sooner."

"Well, I took my time...rethinking the hints, I guess."

Sohee plasters another smile, "Too bad, you could've gotten it."

The two girls held each other's gaze and paused. Both knowing that they're no longer talking about the gameThey failed to notice how everyone stopped interacting and all attention are now on them.

"It's fine. I didn't intend to win anyway", the singer replied after the excruciating gaze battle.

"I see. You didn't want the ring, then?"

The audiences are sharing a look, unsure if they need to meddle with them now. Jennie's head's starting to throb as well but she couldn't find her courage to stop the two from further word exchange.

"Let's just say...I have a bad history with rings", Roseanne's words rolled bitterly off her tongue, lips curling into a wistful smile, "I'm gonna have to use the restroom. Please excuse me."

Everyone had a glimpse of a look of sadness behind the girl's eyes as they watch her walk out of the room. No one dared to speak after that and they just quietly dispersed to do their own business. Only four persons remained unable to move, probably trying to comprehend each other's minds with eye language.

Sighing, Jennie's starting to think on how she would survive the rest of this ing week.


The group had another (more laid back) game later that afternoon, before the majority of them went down to the beach to do some water activities. Lisa and Jisoo joined as well as they've been wanting to test drive their newly bought jet skis. They're surely gonna make most out of this hard-earned vacation.

"For a guitar that costs over $5,000, this one is so out of tune", Roseanne whispered to herself while trying to tune a high-end acoustic guitar she has found in one of the rooms.

The singer decided to stay inside the villa and not join the others because, even though Jisoo told her to loosen up, she still can't seem to do it. She believes she has no right to. She doesn't deserve to have fun. Not when she had hurt people she wasn't supposed to hurt.

The only reason she's here is to apologize to them. To explain herself and to give them answers. Albeit not knowing where to start, or if there's even something to start with. She doesn't know if she can ever justify herself.

Especially to Jennie.

It's not helping that the brunette was practically ignoring her. She's tried to approach the girl last night and even earlier today. But it was evident that Jennie doesn't want to be in the same space with her, let alone talk to her.

And Roseanne honestly thinks she deserves that. Sure, she was a wreck. But more than that, she was a wrecker.

"Will I get to hear The Rosé Park sing infront of me right now? My ears will be blessed."

Slightly startled, she tips her head to the direction of the voice, before answering, "Nah, I'm just trying to tune this guitar."

Sohee nodded and settled on the seat across hers, slowly swirling the glass of wine in her hand, "But, why are you here alone?"

"I could ask you the same."

"Hmm, too exhausted from the earlier games."

"Same here, then."

They shared a look, before both of them crack a half-smile.

"Hey, Rosé", Sohee softly said as she looks out of the balcony of the room they're currently in, "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier. Just...sometimes, my mouth really acts faster than my mind."

Roseanne nodded and puts down the guitar she's holding, fully focusing her attention on the view outside, "It's fine. I mean, I don't really expect everyone to be nice to me after what I did."

"We have reasons on why we do what we do", the older replied, "I know you have your reasons, too."

The singer glances shortly at the girl, slightly taken aback, "You're pretty considerate."

Sohee lets out a quiet chuckle, "I always try to see the goodness in every person."

"I bet you know the story."

"I sure do."

"Then, you loathe me, too."

The older shook her head, "I don't know you enough. Can't say I hate someone I don't know on a personal level."

"But, I hurt Jennie", Roseanne bit on her lip.

"You did. And I've been wanting to slap you for that."

Sohee took a sip from her glass when the pink-haired didn't answer, before slowly swirling it again in her hand.

"I hope you're fully aware that what you did was horrendous, terrible, and absolutely vicious. Nothing can sugar-coat it", she added, highlighting her accent, "But, then I thought, there's a reason Jennie loved you for the longest time. So, I'm in no position to judge you."

The pink-haired lets out a humorless chuckle, "You just judged me with those adjectives."

"Judging is different from describing."

"I respect the bluntness."

The two fell in silence as a gush of wind blew past them through the open balcony. Both are amused by how this conversation is progressing.

"No matter what your reason is, I only want peace for Jennie", Sohee said after a while, "I always want just the best for her. 'Cause that's what she deserves."

Roseanne bobs her head in a nod before looking down at her feet. She felt the older girl get up from her seat and turned her back on her.

"Thank you", she softly told Sohee before the girl could walk away, "For taking care of Jennie."

She heard Sohee chuckle, a bitter one, before the girl spoke for the last time, "It's amusing how people always thank me for doing something they should have done."

Then she left the room, words hitting Roseanne like daggers she could not dodge.

Throwing her head back, all she could do was plaster a pained simper that left her vulnerable as ever.

Sure, she was a wrecker. But more than that...she was a wreck.

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HIAY chapter 13 is up!! sorry for the long wait huhu


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Chapter 13: Thank you for coming back 🥺
I need chapter 14 😅
Chapter 13: 😭😭 been sooooooolongggg
Chapter 13: Yahhh I am so happy ☺️
Chapter 12: Please authornim it may look like we are annoying you but what can we do we are desperate for this story, please update when you can 😭
Chapter 12: Update please 🙏🏽
Chapter 11: So we still have more chapters????? Yayyyy
Chapter 10: I need an update ☹️
Authornim is the end
Fansey #9
Chapter 10: 😭😭😭
tiss89y #10
Chapter 10: The closuree finally here