Home Is Always You

"Are you sure you don't want me to send you to the airport?", Jennie asked her girlfriend as they stood by the gates of the villa, with Lisa and Jisoo following behind.


"Yep, I'll be fine. I have like, a battalion of bodyguards with me", Sohee bubbles in a soft chuckle and gives the brunette's hand an affectionate squeeze.


She wasn't kidding when she said their company couldn't go a day without her. She hasn't been away for long and her phone and email's already blowing up. So, as much as she'd want to stay and party more with the girls, she has to go back to London just two days after.


"How about you? Will you be fine?", she asks Jennie, half-whispering the last part.


The brunette nodded and gave her a smile, "I have the dorks with me. I'll be fine as well."


Sohee's genuinely concerned about the girl, and she hates that she has to leave her for a month. They've never been apart ever since Jennie transferred to London. She's grown used to watching over her, making sure she's fine and well.


One more thing she worries about is Rosé's presence. Her conversation with the singer yesterday baffled her, to say the least. She saw her pain. Remorse. Despair. No matter how much she etch to her mind that it's the same girl who left Jennie devastated, all she saw was a frail girl with a shattered soul. So, just why...did she do what she did?


And besides the blatant fact that the girl showed up to win Jennie back, she knows her girlfriend still gets anxious at the sight of the singer. She knows she's not fully healed. And she fears something unpleasant might happen.


Being away with Jennie would mean restless nights full of worry, but that's how it is.


"Be sure to attend our wedding, Sohee-ah", Jisoo spoke with a smile, "We'll see you again in a few weeks, yeah?"


She reciprocated with a warm simper, "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world."


Sohee turned back to her girlfriend and playfully pokes her cheek, "Take care, little one. Don't miss me too much."


Jennie chuckles, nodding, "Call me when you arrived, hm?"


"I will."


She leaned in and gave the brunette a quick kiss to her cheek, before stepping back and waving goodbye to them.


"Have fun, you guys!"


"Have a safe flight, Sohee-ah", Lisa waves back, "See you real soon!"


After exchanging goodbyes, they watched as the woman hopped in the car and sped away with two convoys tailing behind.


Watching the vehicles get smaller as they get farther makes Jennie suddenly nervous with an unknown reason. She's unsure if it's because she'll be away from Sohee. Or because she'll have to deal with her ex's presence alone. Or because she still doesn't trust herself when it comes to the latter.


She doesn’t want her girlfriend to leave this early, but she knows the girl also needs to look after the company. Especially that it’s a crucial period for the headquarters, and the directors have been solely depending on her. Sohee needs to be extra hands-on.


The brunette absentmindedly balled her fist and just hoped that things won't get any more messed up than it already is.


"So, since it's still early", Jisoo turned to the two girls once the vehicles were out of sight, "How about we go try our newly-bought surfboards before we start the evening game?"


Jennie and Lisa crack a grin, both nodding as they make their way back to the shore.


"Surfing, it is."




It was already nightfall when the group decided to start their last game for the day. They were all seated on a cushion on the floor around a long Chabudai table, and infront of them was a projector screen. There was plenty of alcoholic beverages and korean side dishes prepared on the table.


Roseanne was sitting beside Lisa, while Jennie was sitting beside Jisoo. The brunette was staring down at a plate that doesn't interest her in the slightest. She's just trying her best not to look up because she fears she might make eye contact with her ex who's directly across her.


Jennie takes note to scold whoever made this terrific seating arrangement.


"There's a reason evening games are much more fun", Mino remarked, pertaining to the variety of drinks on the table.


"Can I sit this one out?", Ten playfully asked before clutching her tummy almost dramatically, "I'm trying to keep my liver intact."


A flying piece of popcorn hit his head, making him pout.


"No one's escaping tonight. Not on my watch", Minnie, the culprit, answered.


"Where did you even get the popcorn??"


"Lisa and Jisoo have everything in this villa."


"Yeah, including you. And that's so unfortunate", Ten retorted in a mocking voice.


That earned him another flying popcorn from his cousin. This time, it hit him on his forehead, bullseye.


"Okay, kids, listen up!", Nayeon, who's sitting close to the projector screen, waves a hand to gain everyone's attention, "I'll be the host for tonight's game because I'm awesome like that."


A round of applause erupted from the very unserious group.


"So, we'll be playing this 'I don't know what it's called' game, literally. 'Cause I really don't know what it's called", Nayeon continued in a sassy manner, "As you all can see, we have this big screen right here, and I will be playing a video of Lisa."


The applause and cheers got even louder.


"Yah, Lalisa! What video is that??!", Jisoo playfully hollered through the noise.


The girl in question only bubbles in a laugh, shaking her head and waving her hands as she does.


"You, dirty minds, it's not even starting yet and you're already thinking of unholy things", the host swatted them, "It was a wholesome video of Lisa, please."


"Ahh, wholesome", the group said in unison, nodding teasingly.


"So, days prior to this party, we interviewed Lisa", Nayeon continued again, "We asked her questions about her and Jisoo's relationship. Y'know, just some typical couple facts. What color was your lingerie when you first did it, and so on."


"Yah, you said it's wholesome!"


Nayeon bursts out laughing, "Nah, that one's not included in the questions, chill. Anyway, we filmed Lisa answering the questions. Now, we will ask Jisoo the same questions, and she'll have to guess what Lisa answered in each question."




"If Jisoo's guess is correct, everyone but her will have to take a shot of the drink. If she's wrong, only her will take the shot."


Everyone nodded in understanding.


"So, Jisoo my girl, are you ready?", the host asks the bride-to-be.


Jisoo scoffs before smirking, "Piece of cake."


Another round of applause from the unserious audiences.


"Alright, if you're ready, let's play the first question", Nayeon presses on the remote control, and the words appeared on the screen, "How did you two become a couple?"


"That was so easy! Guys, ready your glasses", Lisa whined.


"Hep hep, it may be easy, but remember the mechanic, Jisoo has to guess what you answered. She doesn't necessarily need to answer the question correctly. But she needs to guess what you answered", Nayeon clarified, grinning.


Jisoo turns to her fiancé and playfully sticks out her tongue, "Still easy. Of course, I know exactly what she will answer to that. First, she will say 'Oh my gosh, that was so embarrassing, why would you even ask me that again?' Then, she'll say, 'It was in Norway. We were arguing in the hotel's balcony because of some random tourist. Gosh, memories'."


Everyone cackled at how Jisoo even mimicked Lisa's voice. The latter could only hide her face behind her hands.


"That was sooo detailed, Kim Jisoo, gosh", Nayeon said, playfully hitting her cousin's shoulder, "Okay, let's see if your correct."


When Nayeon pressed the play button, everyone's in chaos watching how accurate Jisoo's answer is to Lisa's answer. Even the expression was on point.


"I told youuu!", Lisa got up and flails her arms in the air, "She knows me so well."


"Daaang, I guess all of us are gonna get dead drunk tonight, then", the host commented before reaching for her glass, "Alright, everyone except Jisoo, take a shot!"


They all took a swig from their respective glasses, all the while Jisoo laughing at them. She's surely gonna enjoy this game.


There's one person in the room who thinks otherwise, though.


Jennie takes her own shot and unintentionally caught a glimpse of Roseanne when she lifted her head. She saw how the girl took one straight gulp from her glass without grimacing. As if it's a normal thing for her.


And it honestly surprised the brunette. Because the Roseanne she knew couldn't take even the smell of the alcohol. She'll easily throw up if she ever takes one sip of it.


But here she is now, emptying a glass with a straight face.


Jennie felt a sudden pang in her chest. She doesn't know where it came from. It just kind of...hurt.


"Okay, let's move on to the next question!"


The game continued until the middle of the night. Jisoo was able to get 18 correct answers out of the 20 questions. That was quite impressive considering that the succeeding questions were pretty random. By the time the game ends, some of them were already slurring, some were already swaying while walking, and some were totally knocked out right on their seat. Only three persons were left sober when they decided to call it a night.


Roseanne helped Jisoo in settling everyone to their respective rooms because Lisa was dead drunk too. Poor girl ended up enjoying the game too much that she's had way too much to drink.


"Thanks, Rosie", Jisoo told the pink-haired once everyone's settled, "I hope you had fun tonight."


The singer nodded, plastering a smile, "I did. I was pretty entertained. Thanks for the laughs. I needed that."


The older reciprocated the smile, albeit still conscious, "Have some rest now. See you tomorrow."


Jisoo, then, left her and went to their room.


So much for getting some rest, though, Roseanne's not in the mood to sleep just yet. She's had a couple of drinks back at the game, but still not enough to knock her out. Thinking about it, she's impressed at how her tolerance progressed.


Craning her neck to give it a light massage, she heads to the villa's bar to get some more drinks. Maybe a bottle or two will finally help her sleep.


To her surprise, she found a very familiar figure sitting on one of the counter stools. Guess she's not the only one.


"Couldn't sleep as well?", she casually asked her as she went straight for the fridge, taking out a bottle of beer.


Jennie was evidently startled by her presence, and the girl almost immediately got up from the stool when she learned that it was her.


To say that Roseanne was hurt is an understatement. It pains her to see the brunette dodging her whenever there's a chance. Avoiding her like she's some plague. Sure, she understands her anger. But she doesn't think she could ever get used to the look of disgust in Jennie's eyes whenever the girl would spare her a glance.


It breaks her.


"No, you don't have to go...please", she stops her in time, her hand mindlessly ghosting over the brunette's arm to stop her from leaving, "I-I'm just going to have one bottle...quietly...over that side."


Jennie turns to look at her, then sat back on the stool just so she could dodge her touch.


Roseanne slowly retracts her arm, feeling dejected yet again at the older girl's action. She bit on her lip and meekly walked over the other side of the counter, sitting on the furthest stool.


Seconds of agonizing silence have passed as they sat there. The singer was playing with her bottle while subtly taking glances at her aloof acquaintance who's also playing with her own glass. She wanted to speak up, but was afraid she'll just scare the brunette away again.


Sighing, Roseanne placed her arm on the counter and lays her head on it, her other hand still clutching the bottle, feeling its moist.


"Better go to your room if you're just gonna sleep there", Jennie said in a hoarse voice.


The pink-haired threw her head back in astonishment when she heard the other girl speak. She carefully turns to her direction and bites back a smile.


Those were the first words the brunette has told her in years.


"I'm not sleepy yet. I'm just...resting my eyes", she answered, averting her eyes back to her bottle.


She felt Jennie nodded in her peripheral vision, before the girl spoke again, "You drank quite a lot back there. It's surprising how you're still able to handle another bottle."


"Let's just say, I've mastered the art of drinking", the singer quietly chuckled, "My tolerance got pretty impressive now."


For the past two years, drinking has become her escape. Whenever everything becomes too heavy, whenever flashbacks occur, and whenever she feels the world crumbling down on her, she just drinks the pain away. 


Because what's a better way to numb you from reality than drown yourself in alcohol?


"So, you've been drinking?", Jennie asks, clutching her glass a little tighter.


Roseanne pursed her lips in a smirk, "So, you've been watching me?"


The brunette snapped her head to look at the younger, "I'm sorry, what?"


"You knew I've drank a lot back at the game. Were you watching me?"


"I don't??"


Jennie's answer was firm and automatic, making the pink-haired chuckle more.


"Sorry, you're just...", Roseanne trails off, turning to the older girl with soft eyes, "...cute."


She saw how the brunette pursed her lips, tossed her a glare, and shifts on her seat, about to leave again.


This girl really has a talent in escaping.


"Jen...", but she won't back down without a fight, "I know this is long overdue. And I'm not sure if you still need it. But, I just want to a—"




Roseanne's eyes linger on Jennie's which hold so much coldness she almost didn't recognize them. It hurts her that the same pair of eyes that used to gaze at her lovingly are now filled with rage and agony.


She has no right to even be in the same space as the woman. She has no right to breathe the same air as she does. She has no right to ask for forgiveness she knows she doesn't deserve.


"I'm sorry."


But Jennie deserves every apology she could ever offer. If she has to apologize to the girl for the rest of her pathetic life, she would. For it still wouldn't be enough to ease all the pain she has caused her.


"I'm really sorry, Jen", she told her again, voice cracking a little.


The brunette shook her head before looking away, "I don't want to hear it."


Roseanne averted her eyes as well, picking up her bottle, she took a quick swig of it, "I know I could never justify how stupid I was. I'm not planning to, either. I just...really want to apologize."


She felt the older girl scoff.


"Of course, disappearing on your own wedding and leaving your bride like a pathetic fool could never be justified, right?", Jennie's words were filled with bitterness.


The singer bit on her lip and hung her head low, gripping on the bottle a little tighter, "Jen..."


"It's over, Rosé", the brunette spoke, emphasizing the use of the younger's stage name, "We shouldn't be having this conversation."


Jennie hops off of the stool in another attempt to leave. But Roseanne was quick to close the distance between them and managed to stop the girl by her arm.


"Jen, please..."


Still clutching on her, the pink-haired meekly presses her forehead against the older girl's shoulder. It was a brave and risky move. Liquid Courage, as they say. But she couldn't think straight anymore. Not when the love of her life is just within her reach again.


"Let go", Jennie's voice was cold as the winter.


"Please hear me out."


"What the do you still want?"


The brunette in a breath and balled her fist, trying to calm herself.


"You", Roseanne blatantly answered.


Jennie scoffed at the girl's shameless reply. She's really impressed with her audacity. 


"You don't have the right to desire something you've nonchalantly thrown away", she told the singer, "You don't get to do that."


Roseanne fluttered her eyes close and bit on her lip in guilt. Too much guilt that she feels it eating her up. Swallowing her alive. 


"Jen, please—"


The brunette grips on the singer's hand that was holding her arm, before yanking it away. And Roseanne felt the weight of the world over her when Jennie spoke for the last time.


"I have a girlfriend."


Roseanne was left trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered self as she watched the girl leave. She realized, alcohol never really numbed anything. The pain was still so exquisite she can almost taste it.


And as she stood there alone, she reminded herself that she’s lost all rights to complain.


For at the end of the day, it was all her fault.


She did this to herself.

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HIAY chapter 13 is up!! sorry for the long wait huhu


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Chapter 13: Thank you for coming back 🥺
I need chapter 14 😅
Chapter 13: 😭😭 been sooooooolongggg
Chapter 13: Yahhh I am so happy ☺️
Chapter 12: Please authornim it may look like we are annoying you but what can we do we are desperate for this story, please update when you can 😭
Chapter 12: Update please 🙏🏽
Chapter 11: So we still have more chapters????? Yayyyy
Chapter 10: I need an update ☹️
Authornim is the end
Fansey #9
Chapter 10: 😭😭😭
tiss89y #10
Chapter 10: The closuree finally here