Chapter 7.

Don't Let Me Let You Go


Dinner had gone by peacefully. Wheein explained to Yongsun how she and Byul were accquainted. Yongsun was surprised to find out that Wheein was the friend that Byul had lost and that Byul was the friend that Wheein had been searching for. It was a crazy coincidence.


Wheein and Byul spent the rest of the evening catching up on each other's lives while Hyejin and Yongsun occasionally contributed to the conversation. Hyejin was starting to warm up to Byul. She started seeing in Byul the person that Wheein had told her she was. A strong and kind person who deeply cared for her friends. 


"-so she broke the damn door! The door, Wheein-ah!" Byul's loud voice interrupted Hyejin's thoughts.


Wheein laughed. Yongsun had been the one to teach her how to control her vampire strength but she herself still went around breaking doors.


"You'll never let that go, will you?" Yongsun groaned.


"No, it's too precious to be forgotten. I haven't even told her yet how you become clumsier than normal when drunk. And about your poor attempts at flirting." 


"Omg, I need to hear that! So that's why Yongsun unnie never wants to get drunk with us!" Hyejin jumped into the conversation, suddenly interested.


"Byul, I swear to god, if you say another word-"


"I won't live to see the light of day ever again, I know." Byul rolled her eyes. "But I don't need to see the light of day, I only need you, the light of my life." she playfully winked at Yongsun and sent flying hearts.


Yongsun faked gagged at that. "Please just shut your mouth."


"But I wanted to know!" Hyejin insisted.


"That is a tale for another day, friend." Byul dramatically said while gesturing zipping shut and looking sideways at Yongsun with fake fear.


Wheein practically fell on Hyejin laughing. She had missed Byul so much that anything that Byul now did she found hilarious and amazing, even if it wasn't even remotely funny or admirable


"So, um, how did you guys meet?" Byul asked, gesturing to Wheein and Hyejin.


"Oh, well, I met her at a café she was working at. She got my number and that's it. We got to know each other." Wheein answered.


"Wheein, you at telling stories. I need details! Details!" Byul said, strongly emphasizing the word details. She pouted and turned to Hyejin. "Hyejin, tell me your version, please."


Hyejin laughed at Byul's expression. "I met Wheein on beautiful autumn morning, it was like ten degrees outside I think, kind of cloudy with light rain, but it was the kind that you don't need an umbrella for, and if I remember correctly she was wearing a jean jacket, because of the temperature, you know-"


"Hyejin, I don't want the entire weather forecast! Only the important details." Byul face-palmed.


"I know, I'm just messing with you." Hyejin burst out laughing.


"Wheein, your girlfriend has a weird sense of humour." Byul said to Wheein, covering with her hand as if she was telling a secret even though the whole room could hear her. Hyejin chuckled at Byul's dramatics.


"I find it cute." Wheein smiled fondly at Hyejin.


"Ew, people in love. Spare my single , please." Byul fake gagged and scooted over to Yongsun, hiding behind her. Yongsun laughed at that but then stopped, remembering that she was supposed to still be mad at Byul.


"You're one to talk." Wheein said, smirking at them. Byul and Yongsun shyly avoided looking at each other and blushed. In love? No, they definitely weren't in love.


"Well, do you want to hear the story or not?" Hyejin said.


"I do! Please continue."



Hyejin was late to work that day. Her boss had threatened to fire her, as he did whenever she did something that remotely bothered him. Every time it happened, she swore she'd open her own café one day and be her own boss. It would have a library part too, for people who like to read, and she was already imagining all the pastries she'd include in her menu, and the different blends of coffee she would create when the front door bell rang, announcing that the first customer of the day had arrived. 


When she looked up from her daydreaming, she saw the most beautiful person that had ever walked through the café's door. Even though she looked sleep-deprived and was wearing a cap, her beauty still managed to shine through. Hyejin couldn't help but think that on her good days she most look like an actual goddess. The woman's jean jacket was drenched, as if she had spent all night outside under the drizzling rain. Her wet sneakers made a sqeaking sound as she walked up to Hyejin and sat at the counter, looking tired and spaced out.


"Good morning." Hyejin smiled. "What would you like to order?"


"You." she said absentmindedly. Hyejin looked at her weirdly and after a second of confusion the woman blushed and raised her hands in panic. "No, no, no- I meant you too. As in good morning to you too." she hid her face in her hands in embarrassment briefly as Hyejin laughed.


"Are you okay? You seem like you had a rough night." Hyejin asked.


"Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't get much sleep."


The woman stared at Hyejin for a while, as if she had forgotten what she was there for. 


"And your order?" Hyejin interrupted her from whatever she was thinking, if she was even thinking about anything.


"Oh, yes, sorry. I want a cheesecake, and a coffee, I'm not sure which, I've never really drunk any coffee before because I find it too bitter but today I think I need the caffeine."


"You've come to the right place, then. I have the best blends in town, actually, in the whole country."


"You do?" she chuckled at Hyejin's smug expression. Hyejin noticed that the woman's canine teeth were larger than a normal person's. They almost looked like fangs, maybe she was a vampire? Sometimes, when too tired (or scared or excited), vampires started turning from their humans form into their vampire form. This girl definitely looked tired enough to unconciously start turning back into her vampire form.


"You don't need to doubt me." Hyejin smiled, if this person was a vampire, maybe they could become friends. Or maybe something more. Just saying, life is full of possibilities.


"Alright then, what do you recommend?"


"If you find your coffee too bitter, then you've been drinking the wrong coffee." Hyejin thought for a moment. "I'll make an extra sweet blend for you, something not in the menu, but don't tell my boss, please, I'd never hear the end of it. He prefers bitter coffees and thinks everyone likes them too. His coffee is as bitter as he is." 


"Okay." she giggled.


Hyejin got to work. Starting with mostly Peruvian coffee beans for extra sweetness, she then used some Colombian beans to add that juicy flavor, and finally some Ethiopian beans to add a little acidity to the blend. She looked so earnest doing it.


"Why do you use different coffee beans, don't they all taste the same? They're all coffee."


"They each have their unique flavor. I also roasted them to a different level; beans that are too roasted usually come off bitter, which isn't necesarily a bad thing, but you said you don't like bitter coffee." She then started grinding the beans."If you grind them too much, then the coffee will brew too quickly and release not only it's flavor but also its bitterness. I'm grinding them coarse, so although it'll take more time brewing, it's worth it." She then checked the temperature of the water she was boiling, let it cool for a bit, and added her ground beans. "Now we wait." She looked up to the woman. "Sorry for rambling." Hyejin shyly laughed. "I get too carried away when talking about these things."


"It's cute." she smiled.


Hyejin slightly blushed. She wasn't used to getting these kinds of compliments. "Could I have the honor of knowing your name, dear customer?"


"I'm Wheein. Nice to meet you, Hyejin."


"You know my name?"


Wheein answered by pointing to her nametag.


"Ah, sometimes I forget about this thing. No one really sees it, and customers only use it to leave complaints when they don't like something. Not that I'd know, though, I only get good reviews."


"A confident one, aren't you?" Wheein smiled.


"You'll see why. Or taste why, actually." Hyejin finished the coffee and gave it to Wheein, along with the cheesecake she had ordered. Wheein looked at her questioningly as she received an extra slice of cheesecake. "Because you're really cute." Hyejin explained with a flirty smile. "And you also look like you need the sugar." she said as she gave her utensils. "If my boss knew I make my own blends, he'd probably fire me, as he would if he also found out I was flirting with a customer, a very beautiful one by the way." 


"Oh, so you're trying to flirt with me?" she chuckled.


"I don't know if I'm too good at it, though, so I'll make you fall for me through my coffee blend. It'll make you keep coming back, I'm sure."


Wheein playfully rolled her eyes and brought the cup to her lips to take a sip, but her eyes widened in surprise as she tasted it. "Woah, this tastes great!"


"Told you."


"If you opened your own café, I bet you'd be very successful."


"So, I take it I was successful in making you fall for me?" Hyejin winked.


"No. You just turned me into a loyal customer." Wheein laughed.


"And did I win said customer's phone number?"


Wheein was going to say yes, but in the split second before answering, all of the 'stranger danger' talks that Byul had given her flashed through her mind. On second thought, maybe she shouldn't. "I don't give my number to strangers." 


"That hurts me, Wheein." Hyejin dramatically put a hand over her heart in fake pain. "I'm not a stranger. I'm your favorite barista in the world." 


"You're the only barista I know." Wheein chuckled.


"Exactly. I'm irreplaceable. So?"


Hyejin looked like a good person. What harm could she do? "Alright. Gimme your phone." Wheein said while gesturing for Hyejin's phone to type in her number.



"What the hell, Wheein, you just gave her your number after a cup of coffee?! What did I teach you about these things! If Hyejin was a bad person, you'd be six feet under! Or worse!" Byul looked to Wheein in disbelief. "Do you know how many innocent girls like you end up in human traffic because of seemingly 'good' people, who end up being traffickers?!"


"I'm not a kid, unnie! Besides she turned out to be a good person! And the coffee was really good! You should try it too sometime." she defended herself.


Hyejin put on a smug grin. "I can make some coffee for you now. I just need to go downstairs for a sec-"


"It's midnight." Yongsun interrupted. "No one's drinking caffeine at this hour. You guys are hyperactive enough. Actually, I think we should all go sleep."


"We're grown women, unnie." Wheein whined. "Let's stay up a little more."


"It's okay , Whee. I'm tired too. Let's talk more tommorrow." Byul said. 


"Alright." Wheein pouted.



Byul was assigned to sleeping in the living room couch since there were only two rooms in the apartment, one occupied by Wheein and Hyejin and the other by Yongsun. She uncomfortably shifted from side to side on the couch; although her injuries were mostly healed by now, her back was still sore from the beating that that vampire had given her a month ago.


Suddenly, she heard footsteps in the dark. "Byul?"


She sat up. "Yong? I mean Yongsun." Byul quickly corrected herself, remembering that Yongsun had forbidden her from using that nickname.


"You can sleep in the bedroom with me."


"What?" Byul was confused. Wasn't Yongsun still mad at her?


"Don't make me repeat myself. You heard me the first time."


"Really?" she grinned.


"I'm only doing this because you're probably still hurting from your wounds. Don't get the wrong idea." Yongsun lied, annoyed by Byul's stupid smile. 


Byul accompanied Yongsun to her room. She lied down on the bed as far as she could from her because she didn't want to make her uncomfortable but Yongsun told her to come closer. "You're gonna fall off the bed," she had said in annoyance. They both couldn't fall asleep, though. Byul was staring at the ceiling and Yongsun was lying on her side, fiddling with her hair.


"Byul? Are you still awake?" 


"Yeah." Byul nodded even though Yongsun couldn't see it from where she was.


"Tommorow I want us four to go to the Vampire League. It's a place where vampires delete and manipulate evidence to hide any proofs of our existence online. Maybe we'll be able to find some information as to who posted your photo online." Apart from finding information, though, Yongsun also wanted to see how Byul would behave around other vampires.


"I don't think that's a good idea, no? That building will be full of vampires. I mean, vampires want to kill me, right?"


"They're good vampires, Byul. They won't hurt you. I have a friend who works there who's a computer nerd. He helped me delete the post that had your photo and the reward, by the way."


"Still, I just... I don't know if I can handle it."


"Didn't you say you were okay with us three being vampires?" Yongsun's mind had already gone to the worst conclusion. If Byul wasn't okay with other good vampires then how long would it be until she got tired of them three?


"I said that but... that doesn't mean I trust every vampire. I... don't know. It's hard to just change everything I believed in this fast."


Yongsun the bed to face Byul. "If I said you could trust them, would you?"


Byul thought about it for a moment. Two of her closest friends were vampires, plus her best friend's girlfriend. There was really no point in trying to avoid other vampires. "If you trust them then I'll trust them too." she sighed. Still, she made a mental note of bringing her gun just in case, without telling Yongsun, of course.


"I would never put you in a dangerous situation, Byul." Yongsun sincerely said as she looked into Byul's eyes. Byul smiled.


"Thank you, Yong. I mean, Yongsun." she sighed. "Sorry, force of habit."


"It's okay. You can call me Yong." 


"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" Byul smirked.


"You wish." Yongsun turned her back to her again. Byul gathered up some courage and asked:


"Is it okay if I hug you? Just for a little bit?"


After a brief moment of silence, she barely heard Yongsun's small "alright."


Byul spooned Yongsun from behind and they both melted into the hug. Byul had planned for her hug to be brief, but now she couldn't let go anymore. Yongsun didn't want her to let go either, although she would never admit it. They eventually fell asleep like that.



When Wheein woke up in the morning, she walked into the kitchen, expecting to find Yongsun already up but she wasn't there. So she went into the living room to find Byul, but she also wasn't there. Confused, she then went to the bedroom Yongsun was staying at and found the door was wide open, which was weird as Yongsun never forgot to close her door. She entered the room and found them in a compromising position. Byul was spooning Yongsun and Yongsun was hugging Byul's arms, which were around her waist. Wheein ran back to her room to wake Hyejin up.


"Hyejin, wake up! You need to see this!"


Hyejin pulled the bed sheets over her face. "Hmpf."


"Come on!"


"Don't wanna."


"I"ll bake you that banana bread you like if you're out of here in ten seconds."


Hyejin shot up, suddenly feeling refreshed. "Where are we going?"


Wheein guided her to Yongsun's room. Hyejin frowned at what she saw. She didn't expect for Yongsun to give in to Byul's apology this quickly. Wheein, however, was ecstatic. She had been secretly hoping they reconciled already.


"Wake up, unnies."


Yongsun woke up first, and seeing their position, she sat up quickly, getting away from Byul's embrace as if she had been burned with fire. Byul stayed where she was, confused and still half asleep.


"You were sleeping together?" Wheein teased in a suggestive tone and wriggled her eyebrows. What? Wherever was the innocent Wheein that Byul used to know?


"It's not anything that we haven't done before." Byul retorted but then realized how it sounded. Hyejin's frown visibly deepened. Wheein's chin dropped to floor level.


"The , Byulyi unnie?! You didn't mention you'd gone that far in your relationship!"


"Calm down, Wheein." Yongsun interjected in an annoyed tone. "We just literally slept together because Byul's back was hurting too much for her to sleep on the couch. Get your mind out of the gutter." 


"Good." Hyejin sighed, relieved for some reason. Wheein was kind of disappointed.


"Let's go have breakfast, losers." Yongsun said as she got up.



"So, what are we doing today?" Wheein asked, looking up from her waffles.


"We're going to the Vampire League." Yongsun answered. "I want to see if Changsub can help us with Byul's problem."


"Oh." Wheein thought for a moment. "Is Byul going too?"


"She is." Yongsun answered matter-of-factly.


Wheein turned to Byul, worried. "Are you comfortable with that, unnie?"


"Yeah, it's fine." Byul smiled reassuringly, but soon her smile turned playful. "Yongsun said she would protect me because she loves me so mu-" she smirked.


"I never said that." Yongsun interrupted, annoyed. "I only said that I wouldn't put you in danger." 


Byul ignored her just to annoy her more. "Who runs that place, by the way?" she asked.


"The government. They wouldn't want the public to know about vampires and start a major freakout. Some government officials are vampires, too. Good ones, of course." Wheein answered.


"Woah, that's... unexpected. Isn't it better for the public to know the truth, though?"


Yongsun shrugged.


"Byulyi unnie, why don't you ask your hunter's association for help?" Hyejin interrupted.


"Honestly, I'm not sure they would want to waste resources on finding the person who wants to kill me. Although, I'm one of the best hunters, I'm not irreplaceble. They'd probably let me be killed. But even if they wanted to help, I wouldn't want that. I trust you guys more."


"Hm." Hyejin nodded. "But didn't they help you track Yongsun unnie? You don't seem like a tech person so I just assumed they'd done it for you."


"Oh, well, that was a co-worker. It was outside of the job."


Yongsun looked at Byul in indignation. "Wait, what? You tracked me?! This is an invasion of privacy!"


"You wouldn't answer your phone! I had no other options!"


"I have the right to not answer my phone!"


"How was I supposed to find you, then?!"



"Are we there yet?"




"What about now?"


"Byul, really?"


Byul sighed. They had been walking uphill for what felt like forever to get to the vampire league. Of course she wouldn't have the same stamina as a the others, who were vampires. They should have told her it was so far before they parked her car like a million miles away to 'be safe'. Yongsun only raised a questioning eyebrow in response to Byul's impatient sigh. Wheein and Hyejin were walking a bit behind them, having been delayed by a foodtruck on the way.


Yongsun finally pointed to a building in the distance and said "there it is". When they went inside, Byul noticed that there were lots offices and all the employees looked normal. It was weird for her to know that they were vampires. When she thought of vampires, she usually saw the evil creatures she killed at night, not these completely normal and kind-looking people. She was sure she looked like a creep staring and looking around as Yongsun guided them to Changsub's office but she couldn't help being surprised.


"This is the one." Yongsun said as she knocked on an office door. A tall man (or maybe the four of them were just short?) opened the door.


"Yongsun! Long time no see! Come in, come in." he smiled and gestured them inside.


"Hey, Changsub. How are you doing?"


"Good, good. And you? I see you brought some friends."


"I'm good too." Yongsun then introduced the others. "My new friend is Byul; I've talked about her to you before. And I think you've already met Wheein and Hyejin before." 


"Ah, your human friend. I have seen Wheein and Hyejin around but we haven't had the chance to properly talk yet. Nice to meet you all."


The three women politely smiled and returned nice to meet yous. 


"Well, why did you come to visit? Did you miss me too much?" he playfully winked at Yongsun. "I know I'm popular around here, but you know I only see you as a friend, right?" The way in which he playfully flirted with Yongsun rubbed Byul in the wrong way, but whatever. She was not a jealous person. Didn't have any reason to be anyway, she and Yongsun were just friends.


"You're so full of yourself." Yongsun rolled her eyes. "I came because I need your help for something."


"Right, tell me then." Changsub put his arm around Yongsun's shoulder to guide her to his computer and talk on the other end of the room. He then turned to the other three. "You guys can sit and get comfortable and I can get you some coffee or water if you're thirsty."


Hyejin was about to accept his water offer but Byul interrupted her. "We're fine." she curtly said. Hyejin was about to protest but Wheein told her to keep silent. She had sensed Byul get jealous when Changsub had been joking around with Yongsun, but now that he had put his arm around her shoulder, she could practically feel murderous vibes coming from where Byul was seated. 


"Unnie, are you okay?"


"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Byul answered through gritted teeth.


"I don't know. You seem jealous and you really don't need to be. Changsub and Yongsun are just very close friends."


Byul wasn't really paying any attention but was staring at Changsub and Yongsun, who were on the other end of the room.




"I should go."


"What? Why?"


"Vampires are after me. It's my problem, so I should be the one doing whatever it is they're doing." With that, she stood up and went to Yongsun and Changsub.


Wheein shook her head and let her go.


"You should let her be jealous if she wants to be." Hyejin told her.


"People aren't jealous because they want to be, Hyejin-ah. It just happens."


"I know, that's not what I meant. I mean that you should let her be jealous. Maybe that will make her make a move on Yongsun."


Wheein was surprised. "I thought you were against it?" 


"I am but... it's just pathetic seeing how they obviously like each other but are just too scared to do something about it. "


"Sure. That's the only reason. It's totally not because you've started warming up to Byul unnie." Wheein smirked and Hyejin rolled her eyes. "But Yongsun unnie has been pretty curt with her don't you think? Maybe she doesn't want her to, you know, make a move."


"I think she's just waiting to see if Byul really likes her, but that just annoys her constantly instead of showing her that she's serious about this."


"Oh." Wheein nodded as she realized it. 



On the other end of the room, Changsub was talking to Byul and Yongsun.


"Since the post was already deleted, there's not much I can do for you."


"Not even get a location?" Yongsun asked.


"I do have an address, but it's from a random internet café, so I don't know if that's too useful."


Yongsun sighed.


"That could be useful." Byul chimed in. "If they have security cameras, we might be able to get a glimpse of who did it. It's better than nothing."


"Yeah, I guess we should try that." Yongsun said. "Thank you for your help, Changsub."


"Don't worry about it. Anything for you, love." he teasingly said while making finger hearts at her. Yongsun just ignored him; she was already used to Changsub's annoying playful flirting. Changsub turned to Byul and noticing her glare, his smile faded. He cleared his throat.


"You should still be careful, Byul-ssi. Although I deleted the post, vampires can still find you if they downloaded your photo before it was deleted."


"Right. Thank you. We'll get going now." she said as she practically dragged Yongsun away. 


"Bye Changsub!" Yongsun yelled. Wheein and Hyejin also said their goodbyes quickly as they followed their unnies, confused. When they were outside, Yongsun turned to Byul.


"Byul, what the hell was that?!"




"What do you mean nothing?! Are you always this rude to other people?!"


"I wasn't rude." Byul avoided looking at Yongsun.




"Hey, unnies!" Wheein interrupted before they got into a full blown fight. "We should go celebrate." 


"Celebrate what?" Yongsun asked, annoyed.


"Well, we have an address, no? That's something to celebrate. We should go drink! And dance! To the nightclub!" Wheein shouted. "We can go home to get changed first, and I think I can get us into a guest list somewhere-"


Yongsun interrupted her. "Wheein, we have so much to do and worry about, I don't think that going to a club right now is a good idea."


"We're not gonna find the person who wants to hurt Byul on day one, unnie. Let's take it easy and have fun together."


"I don't want to get hit on by some random guy."  Byul interrupted. "Besides, that other guy said I should still be careful."


"That 'other guy' is one of my closest friends. And he has a name." Yongsun remarked in a slightly aggressive tone.


"I know-" Byul started but Hyejin took her by the arm and dragged her apart from the others.


"We're going to a queer club so don't worry about getting hit on by a guy." she half-whispered. "I doubt anyone would want to hit on you anyway so shut up and be grateful that Wheein is trying to help your sorry ." 




"Apologize to Yongsun unnie for your little stunt in there and stop being an idiot. Now that we get to the club, invite her to dance. She loves dancing."


Byul looked at her, confused. Why was Hyejin trying to help her?


"You can thank me for the advice later. Good luck." she said, leaving Byul behind.



A/N: Hey everyone, so I've been very busy lately. I hope the length of the chapter makes up for the delay, though.

Side note: I don't really know anything about making coffee so there might be some innacuracies in that part of the story. 


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Chapter 14: welcome back!!!! thank you so much for updating <333
Chapter 14: Everything is in total mess. These hunters are more like monsters instead. to think they were okay whether their companion died just because he is less valuable than yongsun… I hope Irene will soon find out about what Hajoon did 😑 Irene seemed genuine about her concern with byul (I hope so 🤞🏻) but before that, I hope Hajoon will get killed first because he might spill that yongsun is a vampire hahaha
Taitai84 1225 streak #3
Chapter 14: Glad they saved her in time!

Maybe it’s time to clean up the hunters association with the evidence
Chapter 14: my heart was beating so fast from the point where they started pulling on yong's fangs, and then the gun fight?!?! author-nim i need the next chapter!!! i hope they are all ok 😭 and poor byul she really had mercy for the hunters but they don't seem like good people? maybe some of them are and just need to understand vampires more like byul. anyways i really hope they all make it out ok and thank you for the chapter!
_moongalaxy #5
Chapter 14: aaarrrhhh😭glad that byul could make it to yong before anything happen😭💜
byul! please stay alive!😭
oh wait! even though you die, you'll stay alive because of yong😆🙈
_moomoo_nim #6
Chapter 14: omg Thanks for the update !!!! hope byul will be fine 🙏
_moomoo_nim #7
author nim update please 🙏🙏🙏
_moongalaxy #8
Chapter 13: what the fudge?!?
please be fast byul😭
Sksapphire #9
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update... I've waited quit long for this update ☺️
Chapter 13: oh nooooo go byul go!!!! save ur girl 😭