Chapter 8.

Don't Let Me Let You Go


The car ride had been silent except from some interjections from Wheein and Hyejin, who were trying to lighten up the mood. It wasn't tense, per se, it was just kind of awkward. Yongsun completely ignored Byul, who was too nervous to say anything to her. When they got to the apartment, Hyejin lent Byul a white shirt and a deep ocean blue jacket and pants, so deep blue that they almost looked black. As for Hyejin, she changed into a beautiful white dress that matched with the purple dress Wheein was wearing. Yongsun changed into a black off-shoulders dress.


Then they took a cab to the club, to ensure that they would all be able to drink a little. That ride was almost as awkward as the one to the apartment, but at least it was shorter. They were lucky enough to get both an entry and a table when they got to the club. After having a few drinks, Wheein and Hyejin left Byul and Yongsun alone on the table to go dancing right away.


The way Byul jiggled her leg and nervously fidgeted with her hands surely gave away the fact that she didn't come to these places very often. She took a sip of her drink to try to calm her nerves and rid herself of some of her boredom. Why was she here? What was she supposed to do? She glanced at Yongsun, who was seating accross her, in search of some sort of answer, but instead got sidetracked as her thoughts were flooded with admiration for her. Maybe she was biased but, truly, Byul had never seen a woman as beautiful as Yongsun. The club lights reflected from Yongsun's adorable round face unto her slender neck and shoulders. The black off-shoulders dress she wore hugged her figure perfectly, showing off both her curves and muscular physique. She held herself so elegantly, as if she were royalty, and perhaps in a past life, she had been. A slight blush colored her cheeks, probably caused by the mojito glass on the table that trembled from the resonance of the music. Suddenly, Yongsun lifted a hand from her lap to feel her pink cheeks, probably in an effort to cool them down. Such a lightweight, Byul chuckled, but her smiled faded as Yongsun noticed and sent a glare her way.


Hyejin's advice resonated in Byul's mind. Stop being an idiot and apologize. Or was it apologize and stop being an idiot? You know what, the order didn't really matter.




Yongsun turned to look at her, annoyed, but with a hint of curiousity. "What?"


Byul gulped under Yongsun's stern gaze. "I'm sorry for being rude to your friend earlier, I just... wasn't feeling well."


"And you're allowed to treat other people like when you're not feeling well?"


"No, unnie-"


"Or was it really because he's a vampire-"


"No! No, that's not it at all." Byul put her head in her hands, as if it would help her find the right words. "He seemed like a nice guy." she said sincerely. "The truth is... I... I felt jealous." Her last words came almost as low as a whisper.


Yongsun looked at her, surprised, and leaned closer to be able to hear her through the music. "Jealous? Why?"


"He flirted with you." Byul continued whispering, embarrassed. "I know he wasn't serious and I know you're just friends but I couldn't help it. I'm sorry."


"Um, okay." Yongsun didn't really know what to say to that. "I'm sorry for being too mad about it too, I guess."


"It's fine."


Byul glanced away from their awkward conversation and spotted Wheein and Hyejin on the middle of dance floor dancing to a very loud song she'd never heard before, and thought again about what Hyejin had told her. Invite her to dance. She loves dancing.


Byul again looked at Yongsun, who was taking another sip from her drink, looking at an undefined point in the ceiling, deep in thought.


"Yong, would you like to dance with me?"


Yongsun flinched in surprise at the sudden confidence in Byul's voice, but she still managed to deposit her glass gracefully on the table. She then turned to her, eyeing her suspiciously before saying "okay." Byul took Yongsun's soft hand in hers and they moved to the dance floor.


They danced hard, trying to match the unstopping and lively beat of the music. Yongsun was a pretty good dancer, but Byul couldn't help but laugh a few times when she had to catch Yongsun because she tripped. In one of those moments, Byul noticed that Wheein and Hyejin went to sit at a table again because it looked like Hyejin had had too much to drink.


"Hyejin can't hold her alcohol? She's like someone I know." Byul teased through the music.


"Shut up. I'm not as intolerant to alcohol as she is." Yongsun yelled back.


"I didn't mention who was the person that I knew. You must feel it applies to you, though." Byul smirked and tried to shield herself from the shove she knew would come from Yongsun.


"God, you're so annoying."


"Yes. But you love me anyway." Byul grinned playfully.


Yongsun chuckled. "Keep dreaming." 


"I will. This is the best dream I've ever had, because you are in it."


"Oh my god, you're so cheesy." Yongsun slightly blushed and playfully hit Byul's shoulder again.


Suddenly, their crazy dance moves and teasing came to a halt as a slow romantic song started playing. Byul adjusted her movements to the slower flow of the song, but Yongsun just stood there, frozen. She'd been to this club before with Wheein, and it didn't usually play slow songs. She looked like she didn't know what to do with herself.


"Where did your confidence go?" Byul chuckled.


Ignoring the glare-eyeroll combo she got in response, Byul took Yongsun's hands and placed them around her neck and placed her own hands around Yongsun's waist. Yongsun then rested her head on Byul's chest as they started swaying with the music.


Dancing with Yongsun literally felt like a dream. Like a lucid dream, in which you are dreaming something wonderful and never want to wake up, even though you know it's not real. But this was real, the sweet smell of Yongsun's perfume, her soft hands on Byul's neck, the way the she would occasionally brush her body against Byul's. Byul could barely breathe, afraid to somehow disturb the perfect balance they were in by annoying Yongsun or making her uncomfortable.


Byul didn't know it, but Yongsun was in a similar position. For some reason, she was reminiscing the time when they were roommates. The last day they spent together had only been a little more than a month ago, but with all the things that had happened since then it felt more like years ago. She had missed it. Missed when they had movie marathons together, when they went out to try new restaurants, or even when Byul simply watched her have several mental breakdowns while preparing for an exam, occasionally bringing her snacks for moral support. While thinking, she unconciously moved closer to Byul, significantly altering the latter's heartbeat, although she didn't notice it. If only she could hold Byul like this whenever she pleased, without needing the bravery alcohol provided her with. If only she could hold her without having to restrain herself from crossing some imaginary line that she herself had created. No, no. Stop these thoughts, Kim Yongsun, she told herself. Control yourself.  But her body betrayed her, making her hug Byul closer.


Byul's heart started beating even more erratically than before. Why was Yongsun hugging her? What's going on? Nevertheless, Byul reciprocated the hug, her fingers delicately carressing Yongsun's back, trying to grasp what little was left of her sanity. Yongsun tensed at her action and Byul chuckled nervously. She hadn't meant to make Yongsun uncomfortable.


So she chose the easiest route she knew out of an uncomfortable situation: teasing.


"Don't be so awkward, Yong. Do you need me to teach you how to dance to slow songs or something?"


Yongsun made a big show of getting offended, raising her head from Byul's chest and giving her a stern 'you're so annoying' look. But then she smirked as though she'd gotten the best idea ever and proceded to lean dangerously close to Byul's ear.


"Don't get too cocky with me, Byul-ssi. I can make your confidence melt away in a second."


Byul blushed as she felt Yongsun's warm breath on her ear. Yongsun chuckled at her reaction, satisfied of having the upper hand once again, but Byul just stared at her, dumbfounded but also embarrassed and kind of confused.


So Yongsun wanted to play dirty? Byul would too, then. 


So she rested her head on Yongsun's shoulder, grimacing as she had to bend her neck at an uncomfortable angle to achieve her wanted position, but now was not the time to worry about that.


"You shouldn't provoke me, Yongsun," she spoke in a low tone against Yongsun's neck. Yongsun audibly gulped, in a mix of nervousness and arousal, although she'd never admit that last one.


Not satisfied with just doing that much, Byul then started tentatively dragging her lips against Yongsun's neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps in her wake. Yongsun's breath hitched.


"Byul, remember I'm still mad at you." she managed to mumble.


Hearing that, Byul immediately stopped. She raised her head and looked straight into Yongsun's eyes.


"Are you really? Or are you just too stubborn to let it go?"


Yongsun avoided looking at her directly . "I-"


"Be honest."


"I forgive you, alright." she sighed in surrender.


Byul smiled, but her smile soon turned into a teasing smirk. "I forgive you too."


"The hell are you forgiving me for?!"


"I forgive you for stealing my heart."


Yongsun rolled her eyes. This was the thing she didn't like about Byul. She always spoke playfully just to be able to say 'I was joking' if things didn't go as planned. One second they were having a serious conversation, and the next second they were arguing over something stupid.


"Can you be serious for a second?" she sighed, a little annoyed that the serene atmosphere had been corrupted by Byul's grease.


Byul's smirk turned into a frown. "But I am." she answered.


Yongsun scoffed. In the time they had known each other, she'd only seen Byul really be serious with her once, and she had to ghost her for an entire month for that to happen.


When Byul saw Yongsun's unbelieving look, she gently took her chin, lifting her head up so that they were more or less eye level, and then leaned into her until their noses bumped. Byul's eyes conveyed some sort of sincerity that Yongsun had never seen before, not even when she had apologized last night. She was usually so laid back that Yongsun didn't expect this intensity from her. 


"I am serious, Yongsun." Byul stated, as if she'd never said something truer in her whole life. "I've always been."


Byul was so close that Yongsun's could feel her breath on her lips. They both blushed but neither wanted to pull away. Yongsun glanced at Byul's lips, remembering the time they had kissed before, and turned to an even deeper shade of red. When Byul noticed, she leaned a tiny bit more into Yongsun, tilting her head. Screw starting anew and just being friends. Byul wanted more. Needed more.


"Yong, can I kiss you?" she whispered.


Yongsun hesitated. She still remembered the fear in Byul's eyes the night she had discovered that she was a vampire. She still recalled what Byul had said. What if Byul changed her mind and came to regret kissing her now that she knew who she really was? Maybe Byul was too drunk to think properly right now? What if-


Byul saw Yongsun's hesitation and carressed her cheek with her right hand after moving some stray hair strands off her face. Seemingly reading her mind, she said, "We don't have to if you don't want to, Yong. But I want you to know that if we do, I'll never regret it."


They kept staring at each other, Byul searching for an answer from Yongsun, and Yongsun thinking about what Byul just said. I'll never regret it.


After a while, Yongsun nodded and looked expectantly at Byul as if she were waiting for her to make the first move. Noticing this, Byul immediately crashed their lips together. It wasn't like their first kiss that day in the living room, slow and sweet. This kiss was hungry, as if with this kiss their differences could be ignored and they could just focus on how well they actually fit together. They were no longer a human and vampire. They were just Byul and Yong, dancing together to the beat of the music, going with the flow, and forgetting, if only momentarily, all the anger, frustration, pain, and longing they had experienced during the past month in which they had been separated. But they ran out of breath eventually, so they pulled away and rested their foreheads together to catch their breaths.


Byul was first to break the silence. "Yong, I like you a lot. Very, very, very seriously." 


Yongsun looked into Byul's eyes, truly looked, and noticed a new side to her. Sure, she was playful and annoying, but she could still be serious and sweet. These were just different ways of expressing that she cared.


So she kissed Byul again, more slowly this time. "I like you too."


When Yongsun felt Byul smile into their kiss, she lost all the self control she thought she had. She had missed Byul terribly, and pretending to be mad at her had taken its toll. So she started tracing Byul's lips with her tongue, trying to imprint their shape and texture in her mind, just in case she didn't get the opportunity of kissing her ever again. Byul sighed and held Yongsun tighter, sensually carressing her back, which made Yongsun moan and softly bite Byul's lower lip to try to deepen their kiss. Byul's breathing failed her and she groaned as Yongsun entered with her tongue. At this moment, Byul couldn't think about anything else but the warm tingles at the back of her head caused by Yongsun's tongue inside . If her heart had been beating fast before, now it was literally racing. It felt as if she would combust right then and there. All she could see, think, hear, and smell was Yongsun. Until she bumped into another couple who was dancing. Right, they were in the middle of a club.


She gently pushed Yongsun away from her. "Wait, Yong, let's get out of here."


Yongsun nodded and they stealthily moved off the dance floor into a dark corner in which they would be able to continue, unbothered. Yongsun walked backwards, dragging Byul by the lapels of her jacket, until her back hit the wall and then resumed kissing her. This time, however, Byul took the lead as she hungrily pushed her tongue into Yongsun's mouth. Yongsun tangled her hands in Byul's hair, trying to pull her in more, even though she was already as close as she could be. At that, Byul briefly opened her eyes.


She could see Yongsun's forehead furrowed in pleasure despite the darkness of the space they were in. Their bodies were so interwined, that there was barely any space for the rising and falling of their chests, a sign of their laboured breathing. Byul was becoming dizzier by the second, too drunk by both the alcohol and their kiss to think about anything other than wanting more of Yongsun. More of her touch, her attention, more of her everything. Byul pressed her body against Yongsun's, completely trapping her against the wall. Her lower stomach clenched at the feeling of their chests being pressed together through their clothing and she moaned into Yongsun's mouth. Byul's hands, which had been carressing Yongsun's back, were now slowly her hips up and down as she on her tongue, making Yongsun completely melt against her, losing her balance in the process.


So Byul held Yongsun's waist to help steady her and then moved from kissing Yongsun's mouth to her jawline, making her way to her neck. Although the music and people were loud, all Byul could hear at that moment were the little moans her biting and elicited from Yongsun. She was careful to not leave any marks, even though that's all she wanted right now. She wanted Yongsun to be hers. She wanted to be Yongsun's.


With those thoughts in mind, Byul started moving from kissing her neck to her collar bone but Yongsun suddenly tugged on her hair.


"Byul, wait." she panted.


Byul stopped what she was doing and looked up at Yongsun, pupils dark with want.


Yongsun was struggling to steady her breathing. "We should stop. What if Wheein and Hyejin see us kissing?"


"So what if they do?" Byul said as she started leaning back into Yongsun. She was pretty sure that this had been their plan all along anyway. And she wasn't too far from the truth; on the other end of the club, Hyejin was paying Wheein her lost bet on who would make a move first. Wheein had said Byul would make the first move by inviting Yongsun to dance, and she was now twenty thousand won richer because of it.


"Should we go somewhere private?" Byul asked suggestively while tracing Yongsun's jawline with the tip of her nose.


In a moment of weakness, Yongsun considered actually saying yes to her offer. But there were still so many things they needed to work out, so much they still had to worry about. This wasn't the time. Besides, they couldn't just leave and ditch Wheein and Hyejin.


"No, Byul, I- Let's just go home. It's late." Things are moving too fast for me is what she wanted to say, but even though she didn't, Byul somehow understood anyway.


"Of course." Byul nodded and tried to steady both her breathing and her not-so innocent thoughts. "Let's go check on the kids, then."


"Ew, the 'kids'?" Yongsun giggled. "It sounds weird."


Byul chuckled and dramatically bowed and extended her arm for Yongsun to take it. Looks like she was back to her playful self.


"Shall we go, my queen? Your faithful knight is waiting."


"I'm not your queen." Yongsun retorted, cringing, but smiling internally, and linked her arm with Byul's.


"Mm, true." Byul accepted, nodding solemnly. 


Yongsun eyed her suspiciously. "Why do I feel like you want to say something annoying but are holding yourself back?"


"Because I was going to say something annoying."




"But it's true. You're not my queen." The words came out unexpectedly bitter. Maybe, just maybe, it was because of the memory of Changsub flirting with Yongsun earlier that suddenly came into her mind again.


Yongsun narrowed her eyes. "What are you trying to insinuate?"


"I don't know." Byul shrugged. "Do you feel that there's something to insinuate?"


"Well, there must be, since you just did."


"You must know what it is that I'm supposedly insinuating, then."


Yongsun sighed. This conversation wasn't going anywhere. "Well, I'm inferring that you insinuated that you wish us to be in an exclusive relationship, most likely a romantic one."


"Wow, I felt like I was hearing a text to speech AI for a second there." Byul chuckled. "But yes, you're correct." she said, suddenly turning serious.




"I want to go out with you, Yong." Byul said, nervously avoiding looking at Yongsun. "I'd like you to think about it."


Yongsun soflty took Byul's chin and made her look at her. "I'd like to go out with you too, Byul, but give me some time. Also, we should sort out the whole vampire thing, first." she said in a gentle voice that came accompanied by a reassuring smile.


"Sure." Byul smiled, letting out a relieved sigh. This went better than expected.


They walked together to search for Wheein and Hyejin, arms linked, naturally and comfortably, as if it was something they did all the time. Finally, there were no more misunderstandings, no more fights.


They didn't find the 'kids' in the club, so they went outside to search for them. And there they were, making out. Yongsun looked away, half-disgusted, half-indifferent, as if she were used to it.


On the other hand, Byul was slightly traumatized. Byul thought of Wheein as an innocent baby sister and seeing her doing those, well, grown-up things was uncomfortable to say the least. Something she wishes to permanently erase from her mind. It wasn't any of her bussiness anyway.


After getting over her initial shock, Byul awkwardly cleared to get their attention. "Um, guys?"


"Oh my god, Byul unnie! You scared me!" Wheein yelled as she peeled off of Hyejin.


"Yeah, you scared me too." Byul said, still in a daze. "I mean, sorry for scaring you."


"Did you have to interrupt now?" Hyejin groaned, annoyed. "Weren't you two too busy at each others faces just a minute ago?"


Byul looked down and blushed, suddenly becoming embarrassed.


"Hyejin, that's none of your bussiness." Yongsun responded. "It's late and we need to get home."


"Yes, mother." Hyejin rolled her eyes.


Wheein giggled, finding her girlfriend's expression funny. Yongsun ignored them and was about to take out her phone to call for a cab, but suddenly an unfamiliar voice interrupted their conversation.


"No one's going home here." it said.


They all turned to see who had spoken and found themselves surrounded by four, no, five, people. Too immersed in their conversation, they hadn't noticed them approach. All of them seemed hostile, something most people would commonly classify as 'they look like they're looking for trouble'.


"What do you want?" Byul asked through gritted teeth, standing straighter to try to make herself more intimidating.


"You, sweetheart." one of them sadistically smiled, revealing his perfectly straight white fangs. So they were vampires. More specifically, telling by their fangs, they were vampires who were out for blood.


"What the ?" Hyejin cursed under her breath.


The one who had spoken took out his phone and showed them something. It was Byul's wanted post.


"Pretty smart, eh?" he snickered. "I screenshotted the photo. You thought you could escape if you deleted it?" 


They all shared a nervous glance as the five vampires started closing in on them, pushing them back into a dark alley.


. They were too drunk to fight, or even run. Wheein looked like the only sober one among them, and that didn't help much. Even if all of them were sober, they would still be outnumbered.


Yongsun immediately sprung into action and managed to knock one of them out while Hyejin helped her distract the others. Byul then took out the gun she had secretly brought and managed to shoot three of them despite her aim being terrible because of her tipsy state. But by that time, Yongsun and Hyejin had already been knocked out by the remaining vampire. They had fought the best they could but since they were tipsy they kept missing some punches and took some hits they were too slow to avoid. It all happened so fast.


After noticing that Byul was out of bullets and making sure that Hyejin and Yongsun were out for good, the last attacker slowly approached Wheein, wanting to knock her out before getting to Byul.




Byul desperately looked at her, but Wheein was frozen in place, staring at the three dead bodies on the floor and the one knocked out by Yongsun.


"Wheein! Snap out of it!"


Wheein remained motionless, deaf to Byul's cries for help, and oblivious to the imminent danger of the ill-intentioned vampire before her.


A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 100 SUBSCRIBERS! (now 111 subs, omg.) *insert crying emoji here* I haven't had much confidence in my creative writing in the past, but this has really helped, so thank you to everyone who is reading! (Also, I read and appreciate each and every one of your comments even though I don't reply. Maybe I should start replying to comments. Honestly, I only just discovered I could reply to comments like a week ago. I'm such a , lol.) 


Side note: I never wear dresses and know next to nothing about them, so if my description about the girl's dresses at the beginning of the chapter seems weird, then now you know why. Sorry about that, btw.


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Chapter 14: welcome back!!!! thank you so much for updating <333
Chapter 14: Everything is in total mess. These hunters are more like monsters instead. to think they were okay whether their companion died just because he is less valuable than yongsun… I hope Irene will soon find out about what Hajoon did 😑 Irene seemed genuine about her concern with byul (I hope so 🤞🏻) but before that, I hope Hajoon will get killed first because he might spill that yongsun is a vampire hahaha
Taitai84 1233 streak #3
Chapter 14: Glad they saved her in time!

Maybe it’s time to clean up the hunters association with the evidence
Chapter 14: my heart was beating so fast from the point where they started pulling on yong's fangs, and then the gun fight?!?! author-nim i need the next chapter!!! i hope they are all ok 😭 and poor byul she really had mercy for the hunters but they don't seem like good people? maybe some of them are and just need to understand vampires more like byul. anyways i really hope they all make it out ok and thank you for the chapter!
_moongalaxy #5
Chapter 14: aaarrrhhh😭glad that byul could make it to yong before anything happen😭💜
byul! please stay alive!😭
oh wait! even though you die, you'll stay alive because of yong😆🙈
_moomoo_nim #6
Chapter 14: omg Thanks for the update !!!! hope byul will be fine 🙏
_moomoo_nim #7
author nim update please 🙏🙏🙏
_moongalaxy #8
Chapter 13: what the fudge?!?
please be fast byul😭
Sksapphire #9
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update... I've waited quit long for this update ☺️
Chapter 13: oh nooooo go byul go!!!! save ur girl 😭