Chapter 6.

Don't Let Me Let You Go


After lots of hugging and crying, the three of them settled in the living room. Wheein started the conversation by introducing Hyejin to Byul.


"Byul unnie, this is my girlfriend, Hyejin."


Byul extended her arm to shake Hyejin's hand and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Hyejin."


Hyejin only smiled politely. Wheein nudged her with her elbow to make her shake Byul's hand. She annoyedly looked at Wheein, as if trying to say 'what more do you want me to do?' and Wheein whispered in her ear to be kinder. Hyejin reluctantly shook Byul's hand.


"Nice to meet you too," she sighed, "but I want you to know that I still don't completely trust you."


"Hyejin!" Wheein whisper-yelled.


"I just want to be honest." Hyejin looked to the side in annoyance. "First, she hurt you, now she also hurt Yongsun unnie," she then turned to Byul, "I'm keeping my eyes on you."


"Hyejin! What's with you today?!" Wheein poked Hyejin's arm.


"It's okay, I understand. I promise I'll earn your trust. " Byul interrupted and then smiled. "I'm glad you protect Wheein and Yongsun like this. It really says a lot about you. You look like a good person."


"Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere."


"Oh my god! Hyejin!" 


Byul chuckled at Wheein's expression, which was a mix of bewilderment, embarrassment, and indignation.


She would have to earn Hyejin's trust, and what best way to do that than by changing the subject to ask about her café? As soon as Byul mentioned the café, Hyejin's face and demeanor immediately lit up. Her café was her pride and joy. After Wheein, of course.


It was a very successful change of subject until Byul decided to ask about Yongsun's whereabouts. Hyejin retracted back into her shell, as if remembering that she wasn't supposed to be this kind to Byul, and Wheein answered that Yongsun was at university, and would probably come back late since she had to take like two buses, plus the train.


"Should I go get her? I have a car" Byul asked.


"I don't think she'd want that." Hyejin said.


Byul looked at the ground guiltily. "Do you guys think she'll forgive me?"


"I think she will eventually, but it's obviously going to take time for her to start trusting you again." Wheein said. 


Byul nodded. "Aren't you upset that I'm a vampire hunter? I mean, I kill people like you. Isn't it weird?" She'd been thinking about it and was wondering why they hadn't mentioned anything about that. 


"I am kind of upset that you would kill anyone, unnie." Wheein sighed. "Although I understand you, it's weird. But also, those vampires kind of deserve it. You only kill vampires who smell like blood, right?" Byul nodded. "Then you've only killed those who drink human blood; 'good' vampires don't smell like that, which is probably why you didn't figure out Yongsun unnie was a vampire."


Byul stayed in deep thought for a while. "Do you guys think I should stop, then? Stop being a vampire hunter?"


Wheein was going to answer but Hyejin interrupted her. "You shouldn't." 


They both looked inquisitively at her. 


"Those vampires deserve what they get. Besides, if no one gets rid of them, then humans would probably go extinct."


"You think so?" Wheein asked.


"For sure."


"There has to be another way-" 


"Guys, it's okay, we can think about this later, I'm just glad you don't hate me."


Wheein looked at Byul and smiled for what was like the thousandth time that evening. "I can't believe that this big misunderstanding we were in resolved this quickly. I should've walked up to you that night I found you." 


"No, you shouldn't have." Byul said. "I'm ashamed to say this, but at that time I don't think I would have taken well the fact that you're a vampire. After living with Yong, though, and learning that she was a vampire, I realized that maybe not all vampires are bad. She's even a better person than some humans I know."


"Yongsun tends to have a strong influence in people she meets." Hyejin chipped in. Wheein nodded and smiled.


"So, you like her?" 


Byul got shy all of a sudden. "Yeah." she admitted sheepishly.


"Wow, who would've thought I'd get to see my unnie being so shy and cute." Wheein laughed but her laugh faded as something came to her mind. "Wait, Yongsun unnie said something about you being wanted by vampires, what's that?"


Byul shrugged. "I don't really know anything about that. I was too busy to think about it." Yeah right, busy. Busy thinking about Yongsun. Byul's lame excuse didn't even sound convincing to her. She literally had had a month to at least start looking into it but she'd been too busy moping around the apartment.


Wheein eyed her suspiciously. "You should be careful, unnie, what if a vampire actually gets to you?"


"You could move in with us. We'd protect you." Hyejin offered. The fact that she didn't trust Byul didn't mean that she wanted her to get hurt. Byul smiled; this was progress in winning over her trust.


"Thank you, guys, but I can't go missing from the vampire hunters' association."


"Can't you ask for a vacation or something?" Wheein asked.


"I can try, but I'm already on sick leave. I can't miss work that often."


Wheein and Hyejin nodded in understanding.


"By the way, unnie, what's the association about? What do they do? They can't be hunting vampires without getting anything in return."


"The sell vampire's bodies to make money; that's all I know."


"And who are their customers? What are the bodies being used for? Didn't you ask anything when you accepted the job? What if they're bad people or something?"


Byul stopped to think about it for a moment and realized that she'd never even considered those things. "ll ask Irene."


Wheein mentally face-palmed. "I swear to god, unnie, you can be so dumb sometimes." 


Suddenly the front door was heard opening and someone walked to the living room; Yongsun. Byul panicked; she had decided to come see her in the spur of the moment and hadn't really thought about what she would do once she saw her. Of course, she was going to apologize, but how? And then what?


"Byul? What are you doing here? How'd you find me?" Yongsun said confused but also angry. She then turned to Wheein. "Wheein, why did you let her in?"


Wheein opened to answer but Byul interrupted her.


"Yong, I need to talk to you, please. I'm really sorry."


"It's Yongsun to you." Yongsun spat out defensively. When she felt hurt, she had the tendency to do that.


"Please." Byul pleaded.


How could Yongsun say no when Byul was looking at her desperately like that? She sighed and took her to another room to talk privately. Byul started the conversation as soon as they entered the room, fearing that Yongsun would end up kicking her out without giving her a chance to fully apologize.


"Yongsun, I didn't mean what I said that day. I was just scared and confused." Byul blurted out in a rush as she fiddled with her hoodie's sleeves, which was something she did when she felt nervous.


Yongsun didn't look too convinced. Byul took a deep breath to calm herself down from being under Yongsun's fiery gaze and tried to speak more slowly.


"These weeks without you made me realize just how much you really mean to me, Yongsun. I don't want us to become strangers again or drift apart. I want us to start anew and be friends again, if you want to, please."


Yongsun thought for a moment. "How do I know you won't push me away again if you change your mind or something? You can't just be friends with someone you think is a... a monster," she looked down. 


"I know I said that, and I'm really sorry. You don’t know how much I regret it, Yongsun. I don't think you're a monster. That month we lived together, not once did I think you were a monster. Quite the opposite, I thought you were one of the greatest people I had ever met." Byul took Yongsun's hands in hers. "Wheein explained to me the difference between you guys and those other vampires, too. I'm really so sorry for jumping to the worst conclusion when I found out you were a vampire."


Yongsun looked up. "You mean that?"


"A hundred percent." Byul seemed determined.


Although Yongsun had her doubts about the veracity and durability of Byul's statements and determination, she wanted to believe her. She looked intently at Byul, as if examining her would give her a clue with which to solve her doubts. They stared into each other's eyes for a full minute before Byul couldn't help but start leaning in to kiss Yongsun, but Yongsun stopped Byul with a finger to her lips.


"It's going to take more than that to earn my full forgiveness. What were you thinking, ghosting me for an entire month?!" Yongsun said as she slapped Byul's shoulder, which had become a habit of hers when they had been roommates. Byul wanted to defend herself and say that, technically, it was Yongsun who had ghosted her, but she didn't dare interrupt her right now. "Besides, didn't you say we'd start by being only friends? I'll wait and see how you redeem yourself." 


Byul shyly looked down. "Right, sorry."


Yongsun wondered if maybe she was being too harsh for a moment. After all, Byul's reaction to discovering she was a vampire had been understandable.


"If you're hungry, eat with us. Wheein and Hyejin probably already ordered dinner." 


Byul nodded. Yongsun looked at her watch and sighed, pretending to be annoyed.


"Looks like it's too late for you to go back to our apartment, so you can stay here for the night. I'm sure Wheein will let you, and she'll make Hyejin agree."


Byul widened her eyes in surprise at Yongsun's choice of pronoun. "Our apartment?"


"What? I paid six months' rent in advance. You owe me." Yongsun said in exasperation.


"Does that mean that... that you'll move back in?"


"I'll see about that." Yongsun said dismissively but didn't miss the way Byul's eyes lit up with hope at her answer. "So, are you coming? Wheein and Hyejin probably already started eating. Also, I'll need an explanation as to how you know Wheein."


"Yes, ma'am! I mean, yes, Yongsun!" Byul closed her eyes in embarrassment. Why did she call her that?


Yongsun suddenly walked out of the room to avoid smiling in front of her, leaving a confused Byul behind. She found shy awkward Byul cute; it was going to be hard trying to stay mad at her.



A/N: It took me so long to write this chapter. I was too busy watching Mamamoo's new year gayodaejun performance on repeat, lol. The new Illella dance break is amazing. Also, I added a cover to the story. It's kinda minimalistic because I don't really know how to edit pictures, but I hope you guys like it. Updates might slow down now that I'm back to work and school but I'll do my best to keep being consistent. Thank you for reading!



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Chapter 14: welcome back!!!! thank you so much for updating <333
Chapter 14: Everything is in total mess. These hunters are more like monsters instead. to think they were okay whether their companion died just because he is less valuable than yongsun… I hope Irene will soon find out about what Hajoon did 😑 Irene seemed genuine about her concern with byul (I hope so 🤞🏻) but before that, I hope Hajoon will get killed first because he might spill that yongsun is a vampire hahaha
Taitai84 1234 streak #3
Chapter 14: Glad they saved her in time!

Maybe it’s time to clean up the hunters association with the evidence
Chapter 14: my heart was beating so fast from the point where they started pulling on yong's fangs, and then the gun fight?!?! author-nim i need the next chapter!!! i hope they are all ok 😭 and poor byul she really had mercy for the hunters but they don't seem like good people? maybe some of them are and just need to understand vampires more like byul. anyways i really hope they all make it out ok and thank you for the chapter!
_moongalaxy #5
Chapter 14: aaarrrhhh😭glad that byul could make it to yong before anything happen😭💜
byul! please stay alive!😭
oh wait! even though you die, you'll stay alive because of yong😆🙈
_moomoo_nim #6
Chapter 14: omg Thanks for the update !!!! hope byul will be fine 🙏
_moomoo_nim #7
author nim update please 🙏🙏🙏
_moongalaxy #8
Chapter 13: what the fudge?!?
please be fast byul😭
Sksapphire #9
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update... I've waited quit long for this update ☺️
Chapter 13: oh nooooo go byul go!!!! save ur girl 😭