Chapter 5

Winter Dahlia (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)




The cold sting of disinfectant against the cut on her back made Soyoung hiss softly, and she felt the light fingers on her back withdraw immediately. 


“It’s fine.” She said before Jinyoung could say a word, “Continue.” The young prince hesitated for another moment before nodding, and Soyoung turned her head to look at the mirror as he blindly reached out and lightly dabbed the alcohol across the cut before taking the bottle of ointment on the table. The white strip he had tied around his eyes stood out against his dark brown hair, the ends fluttering lightly as he moved. Soyoung had told him it was okay, but Jinyoung had insisted it wouldn’t be proper for him to see her undressed, and Soyoung was growing too tired to argue with him. And so, the prince had ripped off a strip of bandage from the large roll in the medical kit and tied it around his eyes, effectively preventing him from seeing her bare skin while Soyoung gave him directions on which direction to move by looking at the mirror. 


“What were you going to do if I didn’t come in?” Jinyoung asked, “Were you going to hide it from everyone?” 


“Not entirely.” Soyoung answered, “Eunseong usually comes to check on me after he’s done at the infirmary. If it’s something I can take care of myself, I dress the wound while I wait for him.” 


“So it’s a habit.” Jinyoung mused as he finished dabbing ointment over the cut, “To be frank, Your Majesty, I am surprised you were able to hide this wound for so long.”


“My men come first.” Soyoung answered simply as she handed him the roll of white bandages, “Besides, I’ve suffered worse before during wars and still come out alive and standing.”


“Still, when it comes to wounds, isn’t it better to tell someone sooner?” Jinyoung pressed, “You almost fainted today because of the blood loss.” Soyoung raised an eyebrow at her husband’s tone.


“Prince.” She mused, “Are you worrying about me right now?” Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed red at the comment, and he shook his head so hard the bandage almost fell off his eyes. Soyoung’s lips curved upward slightly in amusement at the sight of her husband’s flustered expression. 


How innocent.


“Don’t look like that.” She said, cutting off Jinyoung’s flustered stammering, “I know you are kindhearted. You would do the same for anyone, now wouldn’t you?” Jinyoung gulped slightly and nodded. Although she had been expecting that answer, Soyoung felt a slight pang flutter across her chest. 


“As a ruler, not everything has, or can be said out loud.” She answered, switching the topic back to his original question, “Even if it hurts to the point of wanting to die, there are many situations where I can only keep silent.” 


“Is it for the sake of the royal family’s reputation?” Jinyoung asked quietly as he carefully tied the bandage around her upper abdomen. Soyoung sighed softly.


“No.” She answered, “It’s because what the people need is not a ruler who shows everything she is thinking or feeling, but a ruler who is strong and capable of keeping them safe. A ruler who shows everything is bound to lose everything in the end. Showing signs of weakness is even more out of the question.” Jinyoung’s fingers paused for a brief moment before he finished tying the bandage together.


“I am merely a prince who has spent his life surrounded by books and animals.” He answered quietly, “I know nothing about the ways of a ruler. I only wish to live my days out in peace and away from the conflicts of royal life.” 


“It doesn’t sound like you believe me.” Soyoung noted wryly. 


“I dare not.” Jinyoung answered quietly as he fiddled with the roll of bandages, “You are the queen. In this country, your words are the truth, are they not? I am merely expressing my own wishes.” Soyoung sighed.


“You appear gentle, but you are more stubborn than I thought.” She mused. 


“My father often complimented me on my persistence.” Jinyoung answered simply as he felt for the medicinal box before slipping the roll of bandages back inside. Still blindfolded, he turned and began feeling his way back to the other end of the bathroom.


“Prince.” Soyoung spoke before he could get more than a few steps away, “At this point, and whether you like it or not, I cannot simply send you back to Assai after everyone knows that we’ve been married since that day. Not only would it harm your reputation, but it would also affect the tenuous relationship between the two countries. I hope you understand that.” Jinyoung didn’t answer, so Soyoung continued speaking.


“Rather than question my every move, why don’t you try to trust me instead?” She suggested, “Even if it’s just a little. I realize that I cannot expect the same unconditional trust as I receive from my men, but you can at least try, can’t you? That would make your life here far easier.” Jinyoung was silent for a long moment before responding.


“Your Majesty likes to make difficult requests, it seems.” He said quietly. 


“In return,” Soyoung continued, “I will do my best to speak my mind when it comes to you. I can’t tell you everything, but I’ll try. How about that?” Jinyoung hesitated for another few seconds before responding.


“And if you really did order the attack on my country?” He asked.


“You may do whatever you wish with me.” Soyoung answered firmly. From Jinyoung’s point of view, her answer would seem bold, but from her point of view, she had nothing to fear. After all, hadn’t done what he thought she had, and the gravity of her answer would put him more at ease.


“I’ll consider it.” Jinyoung said at last. The young prince moved to continue on his way over to the other end of the bathroom, but before he could get any further, his foot slipped on the slick bathroom floor, sending him tumbling backwards. The momentum sent him tumbling onto Soyoung, sending both of them falling onto the ground. Soyoung bit back a muffled yelp as her back hit the floor, the scent of shampoo filling her nose as Jinyoung half fell on top of her. 


“Did you change your mind about killing me?” She asked breathlessly, the wind knocked out of her lungs.


“I’m sorry, I-!” Jinyoung’s flustered voice filled her ears before cutting off with a startled gasp, and Soyoung opened her eyes to see that the fall had ripped the bandage off of his eyes. His cheeks flushed a deep red, his startled expression and frozen posture like a deer that had been caught in the path of an oncoming carriage. 


How cute.


The thought flickered through Soyoung’s mind before she could stop it, and she turned her head away with a slightly awkward cough. 


“How long are you going to stay on top of me?” She asked, noting their close proximity.


“Oh, I-” Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed a deeper red as he noted their current position, but before he could move, another voice and footsteps came from outside the door.


“Sister, are you inside? I’m coming in!” The door opened before either Soyoung or Jinyoung could move, revealing Eunseong’s handsome face. The young prince looked exhausted from the flurry of activity in the infirmary, but a mixture of shock, surprise, and mild amusement immediately washed the weary look from his features as he took in the sight in front of him.


“It seems I came at the wrong time.” He noted, a smile crossing his face, “I shall return later.” 


“Wait, it’s not-!” The prince was gone before Jinyoung could finish his sentence, returning the room to the previous silence. Soyoung groaned. Eunseong wasn’t a loose lipped person, but the minute someone spotted Jinyoung leaving her quarters not long after Eunseong had left in a rush a mere minute after going inside, rumors were bound to spread about what the queen’s brother had walked into.


“If you don’t get off me, someone else really is going to see.” She noted, reaching up and giving Jinyoung a light push. Jinyoung quickly scrambled to his feet and kept his eyes away from Soyoung as he reached down to help her up.


“Just help me to the bed.” She continued, “There should be a clean shift in the closet.” Jinyoung didn’t dare to look directly at her until Soyoung was fully dressed and sitting on the bed. 


“Then, please get some rest.” He mumbled. Before Soyoung could stop him, the prince gave her a quick bow and rushed out of the room. Soyoung chuckled softly under her breath as the door closed behind him.


“How innocent.”






Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed hot as he shut the doors to the queen’s chambers behind him, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. As he closed his eyes and leaned against the cool marble in an attempt to calm himself, he couldn’t help but recall the way the queen’s soft hair had tickled his cheeks and the way her arm had instinctively wrapped around his as they fell. And then, once they were up close, his mind had been momentarily captured by Soyoung’s features, her large glimmering eyes and pale pink slightly parted lips…


No no no!


Park Jinyoung, what are you thinking? Stop it!


Jinyoung hit his head lightly against the wall to stop his train of thought.


“Ouch!” Startled murmurs and amused giggles could be heard from the maids passing by, and he quickly shook his head.


Get it together, Park Jinyoung! You can’t possibly be attracted to her! Your feelings were for Soeun, not Soyoung!


Nodding, Jinyoung took a deep breath and headed off towards the guest room.


That’s right, I was just momentarily taken off guard, that’s all.


To clear his mind, Jinyoung decided to stay away from the queen for a few days until he could stop thinking about what had happened that night.


Of course, as was everything when it came to the queen, that was easier said than done.


A few days afterwards, a servant appeared in the garden where Jinyoung was enjoying the sunshine, and informed him that the queen was asking for his presence. When Jinyoung asked for the reason, the servant simply shook his head and answered that he was only told to bring the prince to the queen’s study. Knowing he couldn’t refuse, Jinyoung sighed and nervously followed the servant to where Soyoung was waiting, his heart pounding the entire way.

What if she wants to talk about what happened that night?


When Jinyoung entered, however, the stormy expression on Soyoung’s face hinted that she had different things on her mind. The queen didn’t so much as look up as he entered the room, her fingers laced together in front of her face as she propped her elbows against the large mahogany desk. 


“Your Majesty.” Jinyoung bowed politely after the servant left, “You asked to see me?” Soyoung’s eyes flickered over to him.


“Tell me.” She said without so much as a greeting, “If you had to interrogate a criminal, would you be willing to do it?” Jinyoung blinked in confusion, taken aback by the sudden question.


“Your Majesty intends to have me interrogate criminals?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Soyoung rose from her seat and walked over to the sofa in the middle of the room, the sunlight coming in from the window illuminating her tired features.


“I’ve tried just about every method possible to get an answer from those pirates.” She said, motioning for Jinyoung to sit across from her, “I thought if we switched in someone else, they might answer differently.” 


“What is Your Majesty trying to get them to disclose?” Jinyoung asked curiously, “The location of the stolen merchant goods?” Soyoung shook her head.


“The majority of those items have been sold, so the merchants can only be reimbursed with the money seized from the pirates’ main lair.” She answered, “What I want is the location of the girls they kidnapped and sold.” Jinyoung thought back to the dazed woman he had seen on the street the day the pirates had been captured and nodded slowly.


“I do recall hearing about young women going missing.” He answered, “But why do you want me to get involved?” 


“Because you are my husband.” Soyoung answered simply, “And I’d always intended to have you become involved with work by my side, it was simply a matter of time. Since you came along on the expedition to capture the pirates, this seemed like the perfect opportunity.” Crossing one leg over the other and folding her hands on her knee, Soyoung leveled her gaze at Jinyoung.


“Are you willing?” She repeated the question, her gaze steady. Jinyoung thought for a long moment. On one hand, he didn’t feel particularly open to anything that would make it look like he was accepting a marriage started with lies that he had been forced into, but on the other hand, if there was no going back to Assai, there were certain duties that were unavoidable, including sharing the queen’s burdens. On top of that, if he worked by Soyoung’s side, it would be easier for him to see her true self, and only then could Jinyoung decide if he wanted to trust her or not.


“Very well.” He said at last, “I will do it.” 


Soyoung personally took Jinyoung down to the royal prison as soon as their conversation ended, and during the first few steps down, Jinyoung wondered if he had made the right decision. The royal prisons were a ghastly place, unsurprisingly darker and far less lavish than the main palace itself. The shouts and cries of prisoners being tortured or begging for release could be heard from several parts of the winding corridors, but Soyoung barely batted an eyelash as she walked past them all. At last, they came to a row of large cells, and Jinyoung shivered slightly as he recognized the pirates from before. One of the burly men scoffed as Jinyoung came into view.


“The queen has to even bring her male pet to the prisons now?” He sneered, “It seems like the court is lacking more than we thought!” The other pirates in his cell began laughing on cue, earning him a loud punch to the mouth from Soyoung that sent him tumbling back. Barely batting an eyelash, Soyoung turned to Jinyoung. 


“You can begin.” She said. Jinyoung gulped as he looked over at the men glaring at him from the various cells, his feet freezing to the ground. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he was feeling intimidated by the large men inside that looked like they could snap him in two within seconds. His gaze moved carefully beyond the imprisoned men to the cell at the farthest end of the hallway, and he blinked in surprise as he realized the last cell consisted entirely of women.


“I don’t recall seeing female pirates.” He commented, nodding at the last cell. Soyoung followed his gaze.


“Those aren’t female pirates, they are the pirates’ women.” She answered, “Some of them are es from the various cities they’ve been to.” 


“Can I ask them first?” Jinyoung asked, casting another brief glance at the male pirates glaring from their cells. 


“Go ahead.” Soyoung answered nonchalantly, waving at the guards to bring the women closer to the bars. Jinyoung swallowed nervously and steeled himself before stepping forward towards the cell. The girls inside were scantily clad, the thin fabric sticking to their bodies and showing off their slender figures, making Jinyoung’s cheeks flush in embarrassment. The girls all turned towards Jinyoung as he approached. One of the women, whose clothes seemed to indicate a higher status, clucked her tongue as she took a long look at Jinyoung. 


“What a handsome young man.” She cooed, reaching out and patting Jinyoung on the cheek, “They decided to give us a toy this time instead of torture?” The other girls giggled behind the woman, and Jinyoung took a step back to move out of the woman’s touch. 


“How shameless.” He muttered, drawing another round of laughter from the women.


“What a pure boy.” Another e cooed from the crowd, “But that makes me like you even more!”


“Alright, stop teasing him.” The first e chided after the laughter died down again, “You’re frightening the cute little prince. Little prince, go and tell your queen that it doesn’t matter who she sends to us. We don’t know where those girls were sold. Our job was only to keep the pirates entertained.” Jinyoung sighed as he wracked his brain for what to say. He wasn’t experienced in these matters, but he understood that directly asking wasn’t going to give him an answer. Then, as the lead e moved, his eyes caught onto a glint of red on her wrist. Jinyoung blinked and looked again, his lips parting slightly in surprise. The simple piece of jewelry showed signs of wear, but it had been maintained well enough for Jinyoung to recognize the red and cream stone linked to the silver chain. The stall keeper’s words from a few days ago echoed in his mind.


A stone that can only be found inside Allegria.


“That bracelet…” He pointed at it, “Where did you get that from?” The e looked at the bracelet lazily.


“What, this?” She answered, “I took it from one of the girls when we were told to take everything valuable off of them before they were taken away and sold. It’s a stone that can only be found in this country, isn’t it?” Jinyoung thought for a long moment, a possibility rising in his mind. 


What if…?


Jinyoung hesitated for a moment before heading back to where Soyoung and the guards were waiting a few feet away.


“Your Majesty, may I have a word?”






A short while later, Soyoung pulled a folder containing a small stack of papers from her desk and handed them to Jinyoung.


“This is a list of all the items that were seized from the pirate ships and their main lair.” She said, “Why did you want to see this?” Jinyoung took the papers from her carefully, and instead of answering her question, slowly flipped through each one. Soyoung silently waited for him to finish, crossing her arms and tilting her head curiously as she watched his focused expression. At last, he shut the folder with a decisive thwack, a pleased smile on his face.


“As I thought.” He declared, “They didn’t keep the bracelets.” Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“Bracelets?” She repeated, “What are you talking about?” 


“One of the es was wearing a bracelet containing a stone that can only be found in Allegria.” Jinyoung answered, “When I asked her where it was from, she said she took it from one of the captured girls while stripping them of any valuables. If the pirates didn’t keep the bracelets, but the other es didn’t keep all of them, then what else would they have done with them?”


“Sold them.” Soyoung answered immediately, “Coins are more valuable to pirates than stones, especially a stone that can’t be found everywhere.” Something clicked within her, and she looked up at Jinyoung as she realized where his thoughts were going.


“You’re thinking of tracking down these stones as a way of tracking where the girls have gone?” She guessed. Jinyoung’s eyes lit up, and for a moment Soyoung was reminded of the way he would react back in Assai when he came across a good book or a fascinating revelation from one of the old scholars. 


“Exactly!” He exclaimed. Soyoung laughed softly as she turned over Jinyoung’s idea slowly in her mind. Her attention had been focused on the pirates rather than the es around them, and unlike other girls, she never had a habit of paying particular attention to jewelry or precious stones. To her, the women found on the ship had been an afterthought. But now that she thought about it, it all made sense. 


As expected, he’s intuitive.


Soyoung snapped her fingers to summon the guards standing outside.


“Summon Prime Minister Hyojun here.” She ordered, “I have a task to give to him.” 


“There’s no need.” A familiar voice came from outside, “I’m already here.” Hyojun swept past the guards at the door, pausing briefly as he saw Jinyoung inside the room. Surprise flickered across his features for a moment before he bowed politely. 


“Your Highness.” He greeted, “I didn’t expect you to be here.” 


“He is my husband.” Soyoung reminded him pointedly, “It’s only natural that he will be working by my side. You’ll be seeing more of him in the future” 


“Your Majesty, a decision like that…” Hyojun began to protest, but Soyoung raised a hand to stop him.


“It’s not up for discussion.” She said shortly, “I didn’t marry him just to leave him in my room for decoration. Now tell me, what brings you here?” Seeming to sense the conversation was over, Hyojun sighed.


“I came to visit you.” He answered, “I heard you were injured while capturing the pirates but haven’t been properly resting. Eunseong has been worried about you.”


“That Eunseong…” Soyoung muttered, “I’ll need to have a word with him about running his mouth.” Hyojun smiled and opened his mouth to speak, but Jinyoung cleared his throat, cutting him off.


“I am still here, Your Majesty, Your Lordship.” He said pointedly, an awkward expression on his face. 


“My apologies, Your Highness.” Hyojun bowed politely again, “Her Majesty and I have always been rather close, so it’s easy to fall into our old habits.” A brief look of irritation flashed over Jinyoung’s eyes, and Soyoung interjected before the two men could say anything else.


“That’s enough.” She said smoothly, “Hyojun, I have a task for you. Go and inform our spies outside of Allegria to scour the market for any signs of bracelets sold or being sold with our unique stones embedded in them. I don’t care if it’s on the regular market or the black market, find every last one and the source of the jewelry. It must be done as soon as possible. I want those missing girls back as soon as possible, do you understand?” Hyojun blinked in confusion.


“What does this have to do with the kidnapped girls?” He asked. Soyoung’s gaze flickered over to Jinyoung.


“My husband has suggested a method of tracking their location that I find viable.” She answered, “It won’t apply within Allegria, but it would work elsewhere.” Hyojun looked like he wanted to say something else, then seemed to decide against it.


“Yes, Your Majesty. I will arrange for it right away.” He said at last.


“Excellent.” Soyoung replied, “Then you are dismissed.” Hyojun cast another look at Jinyoung, then nodded and left the room.


“You two seem rather close.” Jinyoung commented after Hyojun’s footsteps disappeared down the hallway. 


“Are you jealous?” Soyoung answered smoothly, a slightly amused smirk on her face. Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed pink for a brief moment before he shook his head furiously.


“Absolutely not!” He exclaimed firmly. Soyoung laughed dryly, although her chest tightened slightly at his reaction. 


“You didn’t have to answer that quickly.” She commented, crossing her arms. Jinyoung rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, and Soyoung sighed.


“Forget it.” She said, crossing her arms, “And as for Hyojun, don’t mind him. We’ve known each other for many years, so sometimes he forgets to watch his tongue when it comes to my matters. I seem to have spoiled him too much over the years.” 


“You trust him?” Jinyoung asked curiously. 


“With my life.” Soyoung answered simply. It was true; she and Hyojun had met as children, and interacted often in their studies and daily lives, to the point that Hyojun often served as her partner at balls when they were younger and her training partner when she was forced to take dance classes. For a while, rumors even spread that the previous king would arrange a marriage between the two families. Even when she was in military training, he often came to visit her and watched over her wellbeing. The Im family wasn’t entirely in her favor, but Soyoung could trust Hyojun. Jinyoung nodded slowly. 


“So that’s how it is.” He mused. 


“But before you leave.” Soyoung continued, “Tell me, why did the bracelet of all things catch your eye?” Jinyoung looked startled for a moment, then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bracelet with a gold chain and a red and cream stone attached to it. It was a simple piece of jewelry, one that someone could likely find anywhere on the market. 


“Here.” Jinyoung said, holding the bracelet out to her, “This is for you.” Soyoung frowned in confusion.


“But why…?” Her voice trailed off in confusion as Jinyoung took her hand and slipped the bracelet onto her wrist before kissing the back of her hand, as was custom in Allegria when a man gave a woman a gift. 


“I apologize.” Jinyoung mumbled quietly as he stepped back, “For the way I acted that day after the banquet. I admit that I spoke out of turn that night. The street vendor said there was nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a kiss and a gift.” Soyoung’s mind raced as she tried to process what was happening.


“I must say.” She said at last, “I didn’t think you would apologize first.” Jinyoung shuffled awkwardly, and Soyoung sighed.


“I should apologize as well.” She said, “I shouldn’t have expected you to have the same level of trust as my men do, so soon after you entered the palace.” A glimmer of surprise passed through Jinyoung’s eyes, and he gave Soyoung a polite bow.


“Thank you, Your Majesty.” He said softly. 


“Go and get some rest.” Soyoung said, “I will call you when there is news. Thank you for your hard work today.” Jinyoung bowed again and left the room, leaving Soyoung alone. The young queen straightened up from where she had been leaning against the desk, but crumpled back against its hard surface as the room suddenly spun dizzily. A soft groan escaped her lips as Soyoung closed her eyes and waited for it to stop. She had been getting dizzy spells periodically over the past few days, each serious enough to force her to stop whatever she was doing at the moment. Chalking it up to exhaustion compared to her injuries, Soyoung hadn’t bothered to ask Eunseong or any of the royal doctors about it. As the room stilled, Soyoung rose experimentally to her feet and cast a glance at the closed door through which Jinyoung had left. 


Jinyoung, I hope that one day, you can trust me in the same way that everyone else does.




One week later, news arrived from Hyojun that the missing girls had been located. The location though, made things rather difficult. The pirates, as it turned out, had been selling the girls through the black market slave trade in Comodo, sometimes as slaves to rich noblemen and sometimes to e houses in the capital city. As Jinyoung had predicted, the girls’ bracelets had also been sold through the black market, and while the vendors were careful to hide their records, any transaction inevitably left records of what had happened.


“You cannot ask the king of Comodo to return the girls?” Jinyoung asked one afternoon after Soyoung had called him to her office to discuss the matter, “Those are your citizens, they have no right to hold onto them, much less hold title to them.” Soyoung shook her head.


“You have read many books, so I’m sure you are aware of the tenuous relationship between Comodo and Allegria.” She said, “Without clear evidence, I cannot directly accuse any citizen of Comodo of purchasing women illegally from pirates, much less nobles. That holds even if there’s a treaty between our countries preventing any slave trade of any sort involving either country’s citizens.” Jinyoung sighed.


“If only there was a way to make them hand over the women themselves.” He commented. Soyoung thought for a long moment, then smiled.


“In fact, I think there is.” She replied.




A few days later, the circle of the uppermost nobility in Comodo was thrown into chaos. The Education Minister, one of the highest ranked and esteemed men in the royal court, had gone missing, along with the slave girl he had purchased from the black market not long ago. Rumors spread like wildfire about where the man could have gone, and all of the nobility was on edge. After all, they were all pointedly aware of where his newest slave girl, along with many of their newest toys, had been purchased from. 


Then, news spread that the Education Minister had been spotted boarding a merchant ship bound for Allegria, sending another shockwave through the circle of nobility. In a panic, several of the highest ranked ministers held secret meetings where they tried to plan what to do in hushed whispers, but no one could come up with a way to protect everyone while keeping their secret source of money secure. At the same time, the air was filled with tension and anxiety. After all, if the Education Minister managed to make his way before Queen Soyoung, they were all finished. King Diedrich turned a blind eye to certain things, but breaching the treaty against intercounty slavery was not something any of the nobility could bear, nor was it something even the king could hide, especially in front of Soyoung Adamir. 


Eventually, the nobles settled on the only method they could agree on: throw themselves in front of King Diedrich and beg for his forgiveness, and push all the blame onto the Education Minister. If they admitted their guilt before the king before he even got around to questioning them, then perhaps he would give them some merit and at least spare their lives, right?




Another few days later


“Your Majesty!” Soyoung’s attention was drawn from the plate of food she was picking aimlessly at by the sound of running feet, followed by the loud bang of the door as Hyojun rushed in.


“Hyojun, where have your manners gone?” Soyoung scolded, “Just what is the matter for you to lose decorum like this?” Hyojun’s eyes were wide with delight as he paused for a few moments to catch his breath.


“A ship bearing a Comodo flag has been spotted approaching the harbor!” He exclaimed, “The scouts say that they can see young girls onboard!” Soyoung’s eyes widened, a broad smile crossing her face.


“Call Jinyoung.” She ordered the closest servant, “We’re going to the harbor.”


News seemed to have spread quickly about the unannounced ship, and by the time Soyoung arrived the entire harbor was milling with people. The crowds parted as Soyoung and Jinyoung appeared, leaving the path empty to the young women who were being escorted off the ship by soldiers dressed in Comodo colors.


“Your Majesty.” One of the soldiers, who appeared to be their leader, approached after Soyoung waved away the guards that attempted to stop him. 


“Greetings.” He stated with a sharp bow, “Our king has a letter for you.” Soyoung raised an eyebrow and took the thin envelope from his hand, a slight smirk crossing her face as she read over its short contents. 


“You look pleased, Your Majesty.” Jinyoung commented. Soyoung laughed softly and handed the letter to him.


“King Diedrich intends to send a representative to Allegria in a few weeks who will give us a proper answer to what has happened with my people.” She stated, “In the meantime, he has returned every last woman who has been sold through the Comodo black market this year. In return, he’s asking us to return his Education Minister.” 


“Our king has already done what he should.” The soldier insisted, “We hope Your Majesty can also do as you should.” Soyoung laughed again at the statement. 


“In that case, you should go back and tell your king that I am quite grateful that he’s made efforts to respect our treaty and return my people.” She answered, “But as for his Minister of Education, he is not in my hands.” The soldier frowned in confusion.


“Your Majesty, now is not the time to be lying.” He said warningly, “Many eyes saw where the Minister of Education was going.” Soyoung smiled calmly, her gaze calm as she stepped closer to the soldier and beckoned him to lean closer. 


“If you’re looking for the Education Minister, perhaps you should take a look at the little island off the coast of Comodo.” She said coolly, “I heard many nobles like to spend time there while they’re on vacation. I can assure you that a search there will be far more fruitful than making a fuss in my territory, understand?” The soldier stared in confusion at Soyoung for a long moment before understanding entered his eyes. 


“I thank Your Majesty for the information.” He said. 


“Oh, and before you go,” Soyoung spoke again as the man turned to go, “Don’t forget to tell your king that I look forward to his explanation for this incident. After all, we will have to renew the treaty within half a year.” Irritation flickered across the soldier’s features as Soyoung hinted that she intended Comodo to pay a price for the kidnappings, but could do nothing but give a curt bow and head on his way. Soyoung smiled as she watched him turn and wave his soldiers back onto the ship from where they had come. In the end, things had worked out just as she had expected.


The plan, as she had explained to Jinyoung not long ago, had been simple. Regardless of the country, the lords of the court were suspicious men by nature, prone to turn on each other when it became necessary to protect themselves and their property. According to Soyoung’s spies in Comodo, that problem was even more prevalent in a country prone to corrupt practices like Comodo, where the king was more likely to turn a blind eye to their illegal dealings. As part of the plan, Soyoung took hold of that inherent suspicion, and used it to force the men to admit their deeds to their own king. Once it became open knowledge, King Diedrich would have no choice but to hand over the women before Soyoung so much as said a word. After all, the treaty against slavery was a longstanding agreement that was renewed every year; the king needed a clean conscience in order to continue enjoying its benefits and leaving the road open for future benefits from Allegria. The only other option would be to kill off all the women who had been illegally sold, but a body was bound to turn up in the wrong place sooner or later. In the end, the king would choose to protect his own reputation and the country’s benefit. 


The sound of nervous murmurs drew Soyoung out of her thoughts, and her gaze returned to the group of young women standing alone on the dock, their hands clasped in front of chests nervously as they stared wide-eyed at Soyoung’s royal soldiers. Sensing their fear, Soyoung waved a hand, and the men scattered away from their master. Soyoung approached them carefully, but only got within a few feet of them before the young women fell to their knees.


“Thank you Your Majesty for saving us!” They cried, “We are willing to repay you with our lives!” Soyoung blinked in surprise, then smiled and reached down to help the closest one to her feet.


“I didn’t save you to obtain your services.” She said kindly, lightly patting the dust off the girl’s clothes, “All of you are my citizens. It is only right that I keep you safe and punish those who have wronged you. And besides…” Soyoung stepped to the side lightly and raised a hand towards Jinyoung, who was still standing where she’d left him.


“It is not I that you should thank, but my husband, Prince Jinyoung.” She added, “The original idea for locating where you had all been sold came from him.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened in surprise at Soyoung’s words, but she nodded encouragingly to him as the girls turned to look at him hesitantly before falling to their knees in front of him.


“Thank you, Your Highness!” They chorused, “We will never forget this favor!” Jinyoung took a step backwards in surprise, a startled look flickering across his face. 


“Please don’t do that.” He exclaimed, clearly flustered by the attention, “It was nothing, really! Please get up!” Soyoung couldn’t help but raise a hand and chuckle softly behind her palm. Smart as he was, her husband clearly wasn’t used to public attention like this. In time though, Soyoung knew he would grow more comfortable by her side.


“Hyojun.” She said as she felt a familiar presence behind her, her gaze still fixated on her flustered husband, “Have you contacted the girls’ parents?” 


“They should be on their way.” Hyojun’s deep voice answered, “They will be home tonight without any issues.”


“Excellent.” Soyoung answered simply, crossing her arms, “Then you are dismissed. You may go home.” Instead of moving, Hyojun followed Soyoung’s gaze.


“It seems you have taken quite a fancy to the Prince Consort.” He commented, “It has been a long time since I’ve seen you smile like that at anyone.” 


“Hyojun.” Soyoung’s gaze sharpened as she glanced over at him, “You’ve overstepped your boundaries.” Hyojun’s gaze dropped quickly, and he bowed as he took a step back.


“I apologize, Your Majesty.” He said quickly, “I will take my leave now.” Soyoung nodded and waved him off before looking back at Jinyoung. Hyojun had overstepped his boundaries, but he had gotten one thing right.


When was the last time I smiled at someone else so freely before?


The kidnapped women’s family members soon arrived to fetch their daughters, and the air was once again filled with the sounds of gratitude as they thanked Soyoung profusely for recovering their children. The families were given their share of the money that had been taken from the pirates and sent on their way, and soon only the royal couple and the royal guards were left at the dock. Soyoung turned to Jinyoung after the crowd had dispersed and held out her hand.


“Let us go home as well.” 





The sound of wheels rattling down the road was the only sound to be heard in the carriage as the royal couple headed back towards the palace. Jinyoung took a long careful look at the queen as she sat across from him, her gaze fixated on nothing in particular outside the carriage window. The light of the setting sun illuminated her features, casting her in an almost ethereal glow and adding a golden hue to her dark brown eyes. Jinyoung felt that he had seen another side of the queen today; she had gone to the port still dressed in her usual formal military attire that she always wore while working, but the way she had smiled at the rescued women and as she watched them reunite with their families had softened her sharp edges and taken away the domineering aura that she usually instilled in anyone simply by walking past them. She could have left the port as soon as the Comodo soldiers had left, but she had instead chosen to remain until the final woman had been reunited with her family, and had personally given money to each of them before they left. It was an act that many people wouldn’t even dare to hope for from a nobleman, much less the queen herself. The day’s events made Jinyoung think back to the way everyone had said the queen took care of everything personally, and as much as Jinyoung didn’t want to admit it, it was increasingly becoming clear to him that perhaps these people hadn’t been lying. 


And if that is the case…would that have been the case with Assai as well?


“It seems you have something to say.” Soyoung commented suddenly, her gaze flickering over to her husband. Jinyoung’s eyes widened slightly as he was caught, and he turned his head away slightly to clear his throat awkwardly.


“I apologize for staring.” He muttered. 


“If you have something to ask, just go ahead.” Soyoung said, crossing her arms and putting one leg over the other. Jinyoung swallowed hard and shook his head.


“It’s really nothing.” He insisted, turning his gaze away. Soyoung didn’t press him any further, and Jinyoung felt his thoughts wandering off again.


If she is someone who loves even a lowly commoner…then it’s less likely that she ordered a slaughter in Assai, isn’t it?


“Husband. Husband!” Soyoung’s voice drew his attention again, and Jinyoung blinked as he realized the carriage had stopped. The door had been opened before he realized it, and he turned his head to see Soyoung standing outside, one hand extended towards him.


“We’ve arrived.” She said, and Jinyoung looked beyond her to see the sparkling lights of the royal palace.


“Ah…” He coughed in embarrassment, then took the queen’s hand to come down from the carriage. Eunseong appeared as the royal couple entered the main gates,


“Sister, everything is ready.” He said with a sharp bow. Soyoung smiled and nodded.


“Good job.” She replied, “I knew I could count on you to do it on time.” Jinyoung looked between the royal siblings in confusion, not understanding where the conversation was going. 


“Jinyoung, go with Eunseong for a little while.” Soyoung said, “I still have matters to take care of.” Perplexed, Jinyoung followed Eunseong down a different path away from the main part of the palace. 


“Where are we going?” He asked, “Are there still criminals to be interrogated?” Eunseong chuckled.


“Brother-in-law, there are other things to do in the palace besides investigating criminals.” He chided, “My sister is a workaholic, and the saying is that a married couple takes after each other, but I do not expect you to be one as well.” Jinyoung laughed awkwardly.


“Is that so?” He replied, “Then where are we going?” Eunseong smiled mysteriously.


“Your reward.” He answered. Confused but nonetheless curious, Jinyoung followed Eunseong down several hallways before coming to a stop in front of a set of tall ornate doors. Eunseong handed Jinyoung a small golden key and motioned for him to open the doors. The doors unlocked with an audible click as Jinyoung turned the key, and the doors opened to reveal a large sweeping library covered from wall to wall with endless shelves of books. Jinyoung’s jaw dropped as he stared at the room in surprise, barely believing his eyes. 


“What…is this?” He asked as he walked down a random shelf in a daze, running one finger along the spines. 


“Your personal library.” Eunseong replied, “My sister ordered the royal craftsmen to drop everything they were working on and create it a few months ago, because her husband likes books.” Jinyoung felt his chest grow warm as he gazed around the endless shelves. 


“She remembered…” He murmured. In Assai, he had always been holed up in the library as long as there weren’t official matters to address, and somehow, Soeun had always known where to find him. He had once mentioned that he wished to create an entire library just for himself filled with the world’s books, and she had laughingly told him she’d make it come true. He had taken her words as joking at the time, but now with the room in front of him, Soyoung had clearly taken his words to heart. 


“I thank Her Majesty for her grace.” He murmured softly. 


“You should thank her in person.” Eunseong suggested, “It may not seem like it, but my sister truly cares about you. I’ve never seen her so insistent on getting something for a man before.” Jinyoung sighed and nodded. 


“I will.” He answered.


When Jinyoung returned to the queen’s bedroom, the room was silent and the curtains had been drawn. 


“Your Majesty?” Jinyoung called softly, but received no reply. He wandered around the room slowly until his gaze fell on a figure lying on the sofa in the first room. Barely changed out of her official clothing, Soyoung had fallen asleep directly on the sofa, one arm folded over her stomach while the other was stretched over her head. Jinyoung knelt down carefully next to the queen and gazed at Soyoung for a few long moments. 


She must be exhausted after everything.


He remembered Soeun had often fallen asleep in his arms after a long day of work, or sometimes even during the daytime as she came to give him his afternoon snack and been pulled down to join him in the library. In those times, Soeun slept peacefully in his lap, while he gently her hair with one hand, the other holding a book on his desk. Jinyoung sighed softly as he rose to his feet and left for the guest room instead. 


If we had met under different circumstances…would things have been different?




The next few weeks passed peacefully, and Jinyoung found himself slowly getting used to life in the palace. While he and the queen kept up the usual pretenses of being a loving couple and shared their meals together, for the most part, the queen kept a respectful distance from him. On more than one occasion, Jinyoung surprisingly caught himself thinking that perhaps it wouldn’t be as bad as he had imagined to live as the queen’s husband. While she had been using him from the beginning of their relationship, he was well aware that she treated him respectfully now that they were married, and he now understood more about her intentions. If life continued this way, perhaps they could consider each other as political partners, each helping the other for the sake of their respective countries.


All those thoughts went out the window though, as a letter arrived for Jinyoung one day from Assai.


Jinyoung didn’t think too much about the letter as he opened it; his family members all periodically sent him letters to report on the current status of Assai and the recovery efforts there. This time though, the letter was short and written in hurried, scrawled writing, and as Jinyoung read the words, he felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach.


“Your brother the crown prince was attacked while on a hunting expedition. His legs were heavily injured in the attack, and it’s unknown if he will be able to walk again. Brother-in-law, do you recognize this symbol? It was on the pin that the attacker left behind.”


Jinyoung’s hands shook as he laid eyes on the drawing of the symbol on the bottom of the letter from Crown Prince Jaebeom’s wife. Of course he recognized the symbol. In fact, he had seen it many times before.


It was the symbol worn by Soyoung’s highest ranked generals.

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2033 streak #1
Hey there, remember me? I just saw your sequel (sorts) post in Phoenix Aurora and here I am! And looking at the forword, I see many familiar characters. But I assume this is from an alternate universe and hence, the storyline is different? Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading the story. But will be back later to do so ^^
Jamess #2
nice 😄