Chapter 2: Queen of Allegria

Winter Dahlia (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)


The sound of Jinyoung’s heartbeat thrummed loudly in his ears, drowning out the speech that the Queen was giving to all the attendees of the banquet. He could faintly feel the eyes of several nobles around him, no doubt silently judging him for failing to bow properly when the two highest ranked people in the queendom had appeared in front of him. 


Still, Jinyoung didn’t care.


His eyes were fixated on the tall figure in the center of the room dressed in a red and gold dress made to match his suit. Her eyes sparkled and danced under the chandelier lights, her posture straight and confident while somehow at ease at the same time. All eyes were on her, but it was clear that she was comfortable under the attention. At last, the speech was finished, and the familiar yet strange figure walked towards him. Jinyoung’s breath hitched in his throat as the Queen dipped gently into a polite curtsey in front of him. 


“Prince.” She greeted, holding a hand out towards him, “Shall we dance?” Jinyoung’s voice stuck in his throat, and he found himself staring at the white gloved hand extended towards him like a fool. He vaguely recalled one of his etiquette teachers reminding him that it was customary for the Queen and her partner to lead the first dance, and as her future husband, it was natural for him to fill that role. If he stood gawking any longer, he’d be called rude by the entirety of high society for the rest of the year at least. Still, Jinyoung couldn’t bring himself to move. 


Seeming to pick up on his confusion after a few awkward moments, Queen Soyoung stepped forward. Her outstretched hand took the one he had awkwardly pressed against his side, and with a light tug, she pulled him slightly forward. Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed hot as she leaned forward slightly next to his ear and spoke loud enough only for him to hear.


“Whatever you have to ask, you can save it for later.” She murmured. Jinyoung felt another rush of emotion at the sound of the familiar voice, the usually gentle and cheerful tone now calm and cold. He gazed at the woman in front of him for another long moment, and she tilted her head slightly towards the dance floor with a polite smile on her lips. Jinyoung took a deep breath to collect himself for a moment before taking a step back and bowing with one hand over his chest.


“It would be my honor to share a dance with Your Majesty.” His fingers clasped softly around the Queen’s hand, and the familiar beats of a waltz began as the pair walked to the center of the ballroom. Jinyoung’s body moved mechanically to the music, his eyes completely fixated on the woman in front of him. Despite the situation they were in, the Queen had a serene unreadable smile on her face, her feet moving along to the dance as if she had been doing it her entire life. 


“I see the instructors have been teaching you well.” She noted as Jinyoung spun her in a little circle before they resumed their positions again. 


“I thank Your Majesty for choosing good teachers.” Jinyoung answered politely, not knowing what else to say. The music came to a stop at last, and the sound of clapping filled the room as the Queen and Jinyoung bowed to each other. Jinyoung expected the Queen to take him aside then, but she merely turned and headed towards a group of nobles on the other side of the room.


“Your Majesty!” Jinyoung couldn’t help but call out to her. Queen Soyoung paused and turned slightly, a small smile on her face as she walked back towards him.


“Patience, Jinyoung Park.” She said softly, “Patience is a good virtue.” She disappeared into the crowd before Jinyoung could react, leaving him stunned. 


Just what had that been?


Patience? How could I be patient in times like this!


Still, it quickly became apparent to Jinyoung that the Queen had no intention of cutting the night short. She busied herself with conversing with several nobles, always keeping the same calm smile on her lips. Some noblemen attempted to converse with Jinyoung, but he could only manage a few words before he lost interest. Standing at the front of the public eye had never been Jinyoung’s strong suit anyway; he preferred to keep himself busy behind the scenes while Jaebeom faced the crowd. Jinyoung was certain that his gaze was boring holes into the Queen’s back, but she seemed rather capable of ignoring it. Occasionally, she would turn and give him a smile before turning back to whoever was talking to her. 


Jinyoung, on his part, thought it was ridiculous. He was well aware of what their dance had looked like; a model couple, the perfect pairing of the Queen and the foreign prince who had been handpicked to be her husband. It was the exact image that a ruler would want before a marriage, and the Queen had managed it all with one dance. And now that she had achieved her goal, she was ignoring what she had promised? 




The night drew on, and at last, the banquet came to a close. Jinyoung was led out a side door while the Queen exited another door with the Prime Minister next to her. Feeling his emotions finally snap, Jinyoung broke away from the servant who was leading him to his room, and dashed headlong in the direction he had seen the Queen walking. Ignoring the shouts of startled servants who rushed to get out of his way, Jinyoung ran until he spotted the Queen’s familiar red and gold dress in front of him.


“Your Majesty!” Even the Queen looked slightly surprised as Jinyoung skidded to a stop in front of her, completely out of breath. 


“With all due respect,” Jinyoung panted, “I’ve done as you asked, so please tell me everything!” The Prime Minister stepped forward protectively in front of the Queen, a look of distaste on his face.


“Your Highness, you may be Her Majesty’s future husband, but this is too unbecoming of your status!” He scolded, “Please be mindful of where you are!” 


“It’s fine, Hyojun.” Queen Soyoung spoke up, raising a hand to softly tap the Prime Minister on the chest as she stepped forward, “It seems that my husband has many things to say to me.” Jinyoung stared at her incredulously, but the Queen held out one hand to him calmly.


“Would you like to me back then?” She offered, “Since you have so much to say.” Jinyoung swallowed hard as he fought the urge to refuse, then reached out and took her hand in his. The two set off down the hallway again after Queen Soyoung exchanged a glance with the Prime Minister, who only dipped his head slightly and walked off in the other direction. 


“You appear very close with him.” Jinyoung couldn’t help but comment. 


“Hyojun is both my right and left hand.” The Queen replied, “Naturally, I know I can rely on him. But Prince, that is not what you came all the way here to say, now is it?” Jinyoung took a deep breath and steeled himself before answering. 


“That’s right.” He said as they reached the large doors that led to the Queen’s personal chambers. Queen Soyoung gazed at him silently, her dark eyes telling him to continue. Jinyoung took another deep breath.


“Just who are you?” He demanded, “And what relationship do you have with my wife?” Her gaze barely wavering, the Queen looked at the two guards standing near the door, who immediately left their positions and walked further down the hall. Pushing open the large doors herself, the Queen motioned for Jinyoung to enter. Taking in Jinyoung’s skeptical expression, she sighed.


“Do you expect me to discuss political matters in the open hallway?” She asked. Jinyoung realized that she was right, and reluctantly followed her into the bedroom. The Queen’s chambers were far more spacious than anything Jinyoung had ever seen, consisting of three interlocking rooms that held a meeting room, a dressing area, and a private bedroom.  Queen Soyoung sat down calmly on the couch in the meeting area, barely seeming perturbed by the anxious prince in front of her.


“Where shall we begin?” She mused, her voice as calm as if she was speaking with a nobleman who had come to her with a proposal for a new project. She motioned for Jinyoung to sit, which he did with a frustrated huff.


“Just who are you?” He demanded, deciding to cut straight to the chase, “What is your relationship with my wife?” The Queen sighed softly, her expression placid as she leaned forward, folding her hands over one knee before speaking. 


“Soyoung Annalisa Adamir, Queen of the Allegria queendom.” She answered smoothly, “But for a few months, I was once known by a different name.” Jinyoung’s heart pounded in his chest as she smiled faintly and looked at him directly in the eye.


“Soeun.” She continued, “A young prince once often called me fondly by that name.” Jinyoung felt his throat grow dry as he heard the queen confirm what he had been suspecting ever since she had appeared in the ballroom.


“What was that prince like?” He found himself asking despite himself. Queen Soyoung smiled faintly, but Jinyoung couldn’t read the emotions on her face.


“He’s a gentle man.” She answered, “A loyal and gentle prince who would be a great asset to anyone he was with.” Jinyoung took a deep shuddering breath.


“So you chose to use me?” He said, “You took advantage of my temperament to destroy my country?” The queen’s brow furrowed slightly as she took in his words.


“What are you talking about?’





Soyoung could barely believe her ears as she gazed at the prince sitting across from her. His face was a mixture of shock and disbelief, his clasped hands barely keeping each other from trembling as he stared forward at nothing in particular for a long moment before shifting his gaze to her.


“You used me.” He repeated, his voice trembling slightly, “You manipulated your way to my side so you could destroy my country, didn’t you? I saw the destruction with my own eyes!” Soyoung sighed and bit back a deep groan. It wasn’t hard to guess that he was talking about the damage done by General Dragovic when he had gone against her orders. But still, how had he gotten the idea that she had been behind it?


“I don’t know who put those ideas in your head.” She answered at last, “But I was not the one who gave those orders.” Prince Jinyoung scoffed.


“Every citizen of the Assai capital swore that it was Allegria soldiers who destroyed their homes and businesses, killing innocent civilians in their wake!” He said firmly, “Who do you think I should believe? My own citizens, or the woman who lied to me, tricked her way into my heart, and never spoke a single truthful word to me the entire time I knew her?” This time, Soyoung couldn’t help but let a soft sigh escape from her lips. She had expected that the prince would be wary and distrustful of her after realizing the truth, but not to this extent. 


“Didn’t your brother ever teach you not to jump to conclusions?” She answered simply. 


“I wish Your Majesty would not change the subject to my brother.” Jinyoung answered shortly. Soyoung sighed again, and with a flick of her long red skirts, she rose from her seat and walked over to Jinyoung. The prince let out a slightly startled gasp as she leaned down and pressed a hand on either side of his arms, effectively trapping him in a makeshift cage. 


“Listen carefully, Prince Jinyoung of Assai.” Soyoung said firmly, “It was not I who gave the order to slaughter innocents, but an older general who used to follow my father and has the support of the older generation of nobility behind him. I’ve already punished him and ordered for more supplies to be sent to the capital, so you can be rest assured that your people have been compensated. I am a woman of the battlefield; if I’ve done something, I’ll happily admit to it. I have no reason to lie to you on this point.” The prince’s cheeks reddened at their proximity, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly as he swallowed hard. If he hadn’t been getting on her nerves, Soyoung would have thought he was cute.


“Then give me a good reason why you secretly went to Assai.” He said at last, “You can do that at least, can’t you, Your Majesty?” Soyoung rose from her position over him and crossed her arms as she walked over to the large window across from the sofas and threw open the wide curtains. The bright moonlight poured in as she opened the doors to the balcony, and along with the cool wind, Soyoung could hear the chatters of palace employees as they went along with their tasks. Further out into the distance, the lights of the city twinkled among the darkness.


“To protect this.” She answered simply. Soyoung heard the sound of sofa fabric shifting as Prince Jinyoung rose from his seat.


“What do you mean?” He asked, looking puzzled. Soyoung beckoned towards the scene in front of her.


“Six months ago, I received reliable news that the second prince of Assai was planning a rebellion. After he managed to defeat me, he would return to Assai and steal the throne from Crown Prince Jaebeom.” She continued, “While I had no doubt I could defeat him when the time came, I didn’t wish for my people to suffer from another preventable war. And so, I decided to enter the Assai royal palace myself and take steps to stop the rebellion before it ever started. But to do that, I needed a different identity, one that no one would ever suspect. And among the various roles in a palace, the one most suitable would be…”


“A palace maid.” Prince Jinyoung finished the sentence, seeming to pick up on where she was going, “And the lowest ranked one at that.” 


“Correct.” Soyoung answered, “But to really do what I needed, I needed backing that would allow me to walk where I wanted without anyone questioning why.” Soyoung started walking closer to Jinyoung again, and he backed up accordingly as she advanced until she had him pressed against the wall.


“Think about it, Prince.” She said, “Who among those with power in your palace would have been most suitable?” The wheels seemed to turn in Jinyoung’s head for a few moments before it clicked.


“Me.” He said at last. 


“That’s correct.” Soyoung answered, “And that, is how I ended up becoming your personal maid.” The color drained from Jinyoung’s face as he gazed at her.


“Your Majesty.” He said quietly, “Then are you admitting that you were manipulating me for your plans this entire time? Everything you said, everything you did, from the moment you appeared in front of me to the day we were married…those were all lies you spun for the sake of your plan?” Soyoung thought for a long moment before answering. 


“Getting close to you had been part of the plan.” She finally said, “But marrying you was not.” 


“Then, Your Majesty, do you truly hold feelings for me?” Jinyoung continued. Soyoung gazed at his eyes, watching as a mixture of hope, hesitation, and worry flickered across his face.


“You make me feel comfortable.” She answered at last, “And that is why I chose to marry you.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion.


“What do you mean?” He asked. Soyoung smiled dryly.


“Perhaps Your Highness isn’t familiar with my personal background yet.” She said, “But I am not someone who is in a position or has the right to talk about love and romantic feelings. I am expected to marry and continue the family line, and that is what I intend to do. But all of the men that have appeared in front of me as suitors all hold ulterior motives or only know how to say flowery words in an attempt to flatter me. But you, you are different from them. And that is why I chose you as my husband.” Jinyoung was silent for a long moment before responding. 


“Your Majesty must forgive me.” He answered at last, “But I have no way of believing your words right now.” 


“Why not?” Soyoung answered, feeling slightly flabbergasted. 


“You used me for your personal gain!” Jinyoung answered sharply, “Every word you said to me during those four months were all lies. After all that, do you really expect me to believe that soldiers bearing your country’s emblem, holding swords made from your territory, all appearing while you were in the same vicinity as they were, acted on their own without their ultimate leader’s approval? Your Majesty, I am not a warrior, but I know enough to understand that in the military, the leader’s orders are absolute. You are their queen; unless they are fools, none of those soldiers should even think of disobeying your words.” He sighed deeply and shook his head.

“And on top of it all, I’m supposed to believe that the highest ranked person in the entire country of Allegria personally went into potential enemy territory in order to stop a rebellion from happening?” He continued, “Please don’t make me laugh, Your Majesty. You have thousands of subjects you could use, why would you go yourself?” Soyoung sighed deeply.


“Fine.” She said at last, deciding it wasn’t worth her time to argue with him, “If that’s the way you’d like to think, then so be it. But remember this, Jinyoung Park: I didn’t bring you here with the intention to continue lying to you. If you are to be my husband, you need to know what led to our union.” Soyoung stepped away from the prince with a flick of her head as she headed towards her innermost chambers.


“You are dismissed.” She said firmly.


“Your Majesty, please let me go home.” The prince’s next words startled her, causing her to turn back towards him.


“What did you say?” She asked, certain she had heard wrong. Jinyoung wrung his hands together slightly before repeating himself.


“Please let me go home.” He answered, “Please rescind your order for marriage and cancel the wedding.” 


“And why should I do that?” Soyoung demanded, raising an eyebrow.


“Your Majesty, you’ve made it clear that you don’t hold feelings for me.” Jinyoung answered, “And the one I gave my heart to was Soeun, a person who doesn’t really exist. Why should we get married?” Soyoung laughed softly and crossed her arms as she walked back up to Jinyoung.


“Prince, I think you’ve forgotten something.” She said firmly, “I never said I wanted to marry you for love. In fact, what I need isn’t your love, but your presence in the role of my husband. I chose you because you make me comfortable, not because of silly things like romantic feelings. On top of that, our union is beneficial to both of our countries, isn’t it? If you’re my husband, Assai will receive the protection of Allegria, while I can be certain that there will not be a rebellion. Politically beneficial marriages have been happening for several centuries already; why should our situation be any different?” Jinyoung sighed in exasperation.


“I cannot sleep next to the person who attacked my country!” He exclaimed at last, “I cannot possibly marry Your Majesty!” Soyoung took a deep shuddering breath, her patience starting to wear dangerously thin.


“It is not up to you to decide whether we should be married or not.” She said at last, “This will be the last time I hear this request coming from your lips, Prince Jinyoung. Return to your room at once.” 


“But Your Majesty-!” Jinyoung’s voice cut off as Soyoung glared at him.


“Do not make me repeat myself again!” She snapped, “Is anyone out there?” 


“Yes, Your Majesty.” The voice of a servant answered from outside.


“Take the prince back to his quarters!” Soyoung ordered sharply. The doors to the room opened slightly, and a servant held out a hand to Jinyoung.


“Please come with me, Your Highness.” He said. Jinyoung looked like he wanted to say something else, then decided against it and followed the servant out reluctantly. The door closed behind them, followed by a knock a few moments later.


“What is it!” Soyoung snapped, barely bothering to check her temper as she pulled out the clips that had been holding her hair together. 


“It’s me.” Soyoung sighed at the sound of the familiar voice.


“Come in, Hyojun.” The Prime Minister stepped into the room, making sure to stop a few feet away to maintain proper decorum while inside the queen’s private chambers. 


“I take it the conversation didn’t go very well.” Hyojun commented, noting the stormy look on Soyoung’s face. 


“As expected.” She answered, reaching up to slip out the red ruby earrings dangling next to her face, “How are things outside?” 


“I’ve had a stern word with all the servants on duty tonight.” Hyojun answered, “By tomorrow morning, no one should have a single word to say about the prince’s actions.” 


“Good.” Soyoung answered, “The last thing I need is some ridiculous rumor going around before the wedding has happened. The prince might not be aware of it, but you and I know how a mere step out of place can lead to reputational troubles.”


“Which is why you didn’t speak to him in the ballroom.” Hyojun guessed, drawing a little smirk from the queen.


“If only he could understand me in the same way you do.” She commented. 


“With time, Your Majesty, I believe he’ll start to understand the reasons behind your actions.” Hyojun answered, “He’s an intelligent prince, but you can’t blame him for thinking you ordered the attack on Assai.” Soyoung sighed as she sank down onto the sofa.


‘You really do like him, don’t you?” Hyojun suddenly said, drawing a raised eyebrow from the queen.


“That nonsense again.” She scolded, “Haven’t I already answered that question? My patient has its limits, even for you, Hyojun.” Hyojun chuckled and sat down across from her.


“It’s just, I’ve never seen you so worked up over a man who didn’t understand you before.” He commented, “Anger as a ruler to her subordinate, yes. But anger as a woman to a man, no.” Soyoung barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes.


“Has General Dragovic been dealt with?” She asked, changing the topic. Hyojun hesitated, his eyes looking away from her.


“Hyojun.” Soyoung’s stern voice brought him back to attention, drawing an embarrassed sigh from the young Prime Minister.


“I apologize.” He said, “He escaped while being escorted to exile and we haven’t been able to relocate him.” Soyoung groaned, the headache from arguing with Jinyoung getting worse.


“Double the amount of soldiers searching for him.” She ordered, “We can’t have a traitor like him wandering freely around the continent.” Hyojun bowed.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”




For the next two weeks, Jinyoung didn’t receive a single word from the queen. Instead of visiting him herself, he was told she had arranged several teachers to continue his training to become the Prince Consort, and despite his unwillingness, Jinyoung was pulled from one lesson to the next from the moment he woke up until he fell into bed at night. He wrote letters to Jaebeom asking him to find a way to avoid the marriage, but his brother’s only response was there was no avoiding it if the queen wanted it. Jinyoung could understand his brother’s thinking; Assai was weaker than the ruling Allegria queendom, and in a way, Queen Soyoung had been right. No matter how you looked at it, the union was beneficial for both of them, especially while Assai was still rebuilding after the recent turmoil. And so, two weeks after the welcome banquet, Jinyoung was woken early in the morning and dressed in a custom tailored suit for his wedding day. Like the one made for the banquet, the suit was made with the finest cloth anyone could find in the continent. The base was made of soft dark blue material, paired with sparkling pins at his left pocket and a sash to mark his status. The gold material on the shoulders emphasized Jinyoung’s own golden eyes, causing them to sparkle in the morning sun.


“Please smile a little, Your Highness.” The head servant overseeing his preparation urged him, “It is your wedding day.” Jinyoung attempted to press a smile to his lips, but it ended up more like a grimace in the mirror than anything.


“I never said I wanted this marriage.” He grumbled. 


“Your Highness, please allow this old servant to say a few words.” The head servant offered, and Jinyoung waved a hand at him to continue.


“Her Majesty may look sharp, and her words might be harsh sometimes, but she is a good ruler.” The head servant said, “Many of the servants watched her grow up. She has suffered much as a princess, which ultimately formed the way she is now. I hope you will come to see and appreciate her values as time goes on.” Jinyoung scoffed softly, but didn’t bother to respond.


A good ruler? I would never believe such words.


When the preparation was finished, Jinyoung was led to wait outside the ceremonial hall, which was usually saved for the grandest occasions in the queendom. A few moments later, he heard the soft rustle of fabric and the gentle clicking sound of high heels, and he turned his head to see the queen arriving. Despite his misgivings towards his future wife, Jinyoung’s heart skipped a beat as he took in his bride. The royal tailors had worked day and night to create what he was sure would be the most beautiful wedding gown in the entire continent. The dress was made of pure white silk and chiffon, dotted with flower patterns over the long flowing skirt. The delicate veil was decorated with pale pink swirls, hand-stitched to barely be visible while reflecting the sunlight shining down behind her. The white stood out against the queen’s midnight black hair and accented the bright red lipstick the maids had used on her. The tailors had been intent on turning the queen into an elegant angel that had descended to earth, and Jinyoung had to admit that they had certainly succeeded. 


“Your Highness.” The head servant whispered under his breath to Jinyoung, and with a start, he realized he had been staring. The queen stopped next to him and turned towards the door, but for a moment Jinyoung was sure he saw the ghost of an amused smile dance across her lips. The music began inside, and Jinyoung felt his throat grow dry. Queen Soyoung held out a hand to him silently before looking up at him.


“Put a smile on your face, Husband.” She said, “There are many eyes watching.” The doors to the ceremonial hall opened, and Jinyoung saw rows upon rows of nobility that had been invited to watch the grandest wedding in the entire continent. The queen was right; all eyes were on them, waiting to see what would happen with the respected queen and her unconventional choice for a husband. Blowing out his breath softly, Jinyoung took the queen’s hand, then turned and kissed the back of her hand. He no longer had any choice in the matter.


If an act is what she needs, then an act is what she will receive.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”




The ceremony proceeded smoothly, each step having been meticulously planned out by Soyoung’s handpicked servants. At the end, the royal couple said their vows, and the priest announced that the husband could now kiss his wife. Jinyoung turned to Soyoung as he had been instructed, but as he leaned in towards her, he hesitated before stopping close to her lips. From the audience’s point of view, it looked like they were kissing, but Soyoung was well aware that they weren’t.


“I think this is enough, don’t you think, Your Majesty?” He whispered under his breath, soft enough that only Soyoung could hear. Soyoung smirked slightly, quickly catching on to what he was trying to do.


“Perhaps for you, Husband.” She answered, “But I never do things halfway.” Before Jinyoung could react, Soyoung reached out and pulled him down towards her, their lips touching before he could move away. Eunseong began clapping from his place at the front of the altar, which was followed suit by the nobles watching them. Jinyoung finally seemed to come to his senses, and he pulled away quickly from Soyoung, his eyes wide.


“You-!” He spluttered, but Soyoung only offered him a calm smile and held out her hand towards him. Taking a second to collect himself, Jinyoung took the hand she offered him, and together, the newlywed couple walked out of the ceremonial hall. The night was filled with drinking and celebration, and despite Soyoung’s warnings for him to watch his alcohol consumption, she returned from some socializing with the nobles to find him sitting with a half dazed look in his eyes, a half empty bottle of wine next to him. Soyoung raised an eyebrow to Eunseong, who only shook his head and shrugged. Soyoung waved a hand at a few servants to bring Jinyoung to the marital chambers before returning to socializing with yet another group of nobles who came to congratulate her. When the night finally came to a close and Soyoung was finally allowed to retire to her chambers, she found Jinyoung standing near the edge of the balcony, his body half leaning out into the wind.


“Jinyoung Park!” Soyoung pulled him back from the edge, sending them both stumbling back into the room. 


“What do you think you’re doing?” She demanded, slapping his alcohol reddened cheeks. 


“Looking.” Jinyoung mumbled drowsily, pointing a finger at the balcony.


“Looking at what?” Soyoung demanded, “If you leaned out any further you were going to fall! I can’t believe the servants left you here on your own like this.” 


“The city.” Jinyoung answered, “The city you said you were going to protect. I wanted to see…see what was worth more than the lives of my own people…” Soyoung sighed deeply.


“How many times do I have to repeat myself?” She asked, clapping both hands around Jinyoung’s face, “I did not give an order to kill your people!” 


“But even so!” Jinyoung pushed away her hands so hard he staggered backwards again, and when Soyoung reached out to grab him they both ended up falling onto the bed.


“Even so…” Jinyoung muttered as he gazed up at her with half lidded eyes, “If you hadn’t been there, my people wouldn’t have died!” Soyoung’s heart skipped a beat as Jinyoung reached up and touched her cheek.


“Soeun…my dearest Soeun…” He whimpered, “Why did you have to leave me? Why…why did you have to be a fake? Why do you have to be her?” Soyoung’s chest clenched slightly as she looked at the forlorn look on Jinyoung’s face. 


“I’m sorry.” She murmured softly, “But in the face of my country, I couldn’t have chosen otherwise.” On a whim, Soyoung leaned down and kissed Jinyoung softly, and for a moment, she felt like she was back in Assai, and she was nothing more than a young palace maid in love with the gentle Third Prince. 


Things seemed so much simpler then.




The soft sound of birds chirping drew Jinyoung from his slumber, and he groaned as he turned over slightly, letting the blankets fall down his bare skin. 


Wait a minute…


Jinyoung’s eyes flew open, his gaze immediately moving down to his bare body covered by the blanket. His lips parted in disbelief, Jinyoung pulled away the blanket slightly and almost cursed as he realized he wasn’t dressed.


Don’t tell me I…


He groaned as an earsplitting throb broke through his thoughts, and he lowered his head slightly to his knees as he waited for it to pass. Closing his eyes, Jinyoung thought back to what had happened the night before. He remembered the Queen warning him not to drink too much of the potent Allegria alcohol, but half out of pettiness and half out of cajoling from the neverending stream of nobles who had to do their job and greet the new Prince Consort, he had ended up downing one cup after another. He’d been brought back to the room by some servants, and then he wanted to get some fresh air after being left alone, and then the Queen had suddenly arrived, and then…the rest of his memory was blurry, but Jinyoung could faintly remember the touch of Queen Soyoung’s lips on his and her warm body in his embrace. Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed red as he realized what had happened, and he let out a muffled shout of frustration into the pillows. 

This is the last time I drink!


“Your Highness, are you awake?” The sound of a servant came from outside, “I have prepared some warm water for you to wash your face.”


“No.” Jinyoung muttered, but the servant came in anyway, followed by the sound of other footsteps behind him.


“Breakfast is ready outside when Your Highness is done getting ready.” The servant continued, handing Jinyoung a clean towel. 


“Where is the Queen?” Jinyoung asked, reluctantly dipping the towel into the water.


“Her Majesty wakes up early every morning for training with the soldiers.” The servant answered, “She should still be at the training grounds right now.” Jinyoung nodded silently. When he went to the dining table, he was surprised to see the types of food placed on the table.


“Eel this early in the morning?” He commented, raising an eyebrow at the grilled pieces of meat placed in front of him. 


“Her Majesty especially ordered that breakfast consist of foods that replenish stamina, Your Highness.” The head servant answered. Jinyoung heard the soft giggles of maids from where they were standing in another corner of the room before being hushed by the head servant. It wasn’t hard to guess where their minds had gone, but Jinyoung didn’t bother to say anything. There wouldn’t be a second time anyway.


After breakfast, Jinyoung headed down to the training grounds in search of the Queen. The sounds of loud shouting drew his attention in the right direction, and before long he arrived at a large expanse of sand and dirt ground. Several soldiers were sparring across the wide grounds, but as Jinyoung drew closer, he realized they were all sparring with one person in particular.


Queen Soyoung.


The young queen had shed the heavy formal robes and opted for a light set of training wear consisting of a simple white top and sleek black pants that showed off her slim figure. Her movements were sharp and agile, allowing her to flip from one movement to the next to avoid the soldiers’ swords. The sun shone down on her heat flushed cheeks and reflected off her midnight black hair tied into a sleek ponytail, giving her a surprising sense of unbridled freedom and energy. If Jinyoung didn’t know better, he would’ve thought she was one of the leading generals rather than the ruling queen. One of the soldiers bravely lunged towards her and as Soyoung twisted to move out of the way, the edge of the sword caught onto the hairband holding back her hair, snapping it into two and sending her long hair flowing down her back. Jinyoung’s heart skipped a beat as he watched, his cheeks growing hot. Regardless of what he thought of the Queen and her actions, she was undoubtedly beautiful. Whether she had been a maid or the famous queen of Allegria, Soyoung Annalisa Adamir had an acknowledged beauty and grace, which made her doubly dangerous. 


“I apologize, Your Majesty!” The soldier exclaimed, falling to his knees, “I was too rash!” To Jinyoung’s surprise, the queen laughed and shook her head before reaching out and pulling the young man to his feet. 


“What are you apologizing for?” She answered, clapping her hands on the man’s shoulders, “I’m glad to see you’ve improved. Keep up the good work.” The young man’s eyes lit up in delight at the praise and nodded eagerly.


“Yes, Your Majesty!” He exclaimed. Jinyoung felt a curious emotion stir in his chest as he watched the queen interact with her soldiers. It was strange; in front of them, she held herself as no different from the rest of them. Rather than a queen, she was their brother, their ally, one of their own. When she was among the soldiers, she was very different from the regal ruler that no one dared to cross.


Jinyoung’s foot hit against an ill placed vase as he backed up slightly, drawing the attention of a few nearby soldiers.


“His Highness the Prince!” One of the younger soldiers exclaimed, bowing quickly at Jinyoung’s presence. The boy’s voice drew the attention of the others around him, sending off a ripple effect of bows and curious murmurs among the young soldiers. Jinyoung gulped as Soyoung turned and saw him, a polite smile gracing her lips. Tossing her sword to a nearby soldier, Soyoung walked over to Jinyoung before he could back away.


“Did you sleep well, Husband?” She greeted, giving him a greeting kiss on the cheek. Jinyoung began to move away instinctively, but Soyoung’s hand on his wrist stopped him.


“My men are watching.” She murmured softly in his ear. Jinyoung glanced to the side at where the soldiers were waiting, and sure enough, the young men were all gazing at their leader, their eyes shining. Swallowing hard, Jinyoung leaned down and kissed the back of Soyoung’s hand.


“Good morning, Wife.” He answered. 


“Your Majesty, please kiss again!” One brave soldier shouted cheerfully, whose request was supported by loud cheers from the rest.


“Whoever just shouted can do an extra twenty laps around the training field.” Soyoung answered smoothly, barely sparing the young men a glance.


“But, Your Majesty-!” 


“Forty!” Soyoung amended, a slightly amused smile on her face. The young men grumbled under their breath, but hurried to do as they’d been ordered, the rumbling sound of their footsteps fading into the distance. 


“Continue training on your own for another hour.” Soyoung instructed the remaining soldiers, who bowed in compliance with her command.


“Take a walk with me, Husband.” Soyoung said as she turned to Jinyoung, holding out her hand. Biting back a sigh, Jinyoung offered her his arm, which she lightly looped her hand around.


“You seem very close with your soldiers.” He commented as they walked along the outside hallway.


“Of course.” Soyoung answered, “They are my brothers who have gone through life and death with me for several years. Naturally, our relationship is very different from the rest.”


“Did any of them go with you to attack Assai?” Jinyoung couldn’t help but ask petulantly, “I’m surprised they can still laugh like this.”


“Husband.” Soyoung’s voice turned cold, her gaze firm as she gazed up at him, “I do not wish to argue with you over a false point as soon as we meet in the morning. Moreover, every one of those that you saw today are honorable men who would give their life for me and their country, so I will not have you sully their reputations.” Jinyoung bit back a sharp retort and instead switched the topic.


“What happened last night?” He asked, “How did I end up in bed like that?” Soyoung’s cold expression was replaced with a slightly amused smile.


“I’m surprised you forgot.” She said, a teasing glint in her eye, “It was our wedding night after all.” Jinyoung gulped at her response.


“Then…you mean we…we really…?” He spluttered, “Your Majesty! As drunk as I may have been, how could you-?” Soyoung chuckled as they stopped near a little stone pagoda. In one fluid motion, she gave Jinyoung a light push, sending him falling into one of the carved stone stools and the wind rushing out of his lungs at the sudden movement. His breath caught in his throat as Soyoung leaned in close to him, a smirk on her face.


“Where has your mind gone, Husband?” She mused, “Or did you really want to sleep with me that badly?” Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed at her words and their sudden proximity, his eyes moving away on instinct.


“So you mean we…” He muttered, letting his voice trail off. Soyoung reached down and tilted his head up.


“I am not one to take advantage of a drunk man.” She answered simply. Jinyoung gulped.


“Your Majesty, you are too close.” He muttered. 


“We are husband and wife.” She answered, “What is there to be shy about?” Despite her words, to Jinyoung’s relief, she stepped back and sat down on the stool across from him. Jinyoung cleared his throat awkwardly before continuing.


“If we didn’t…” He said hesitantly, “Then why wasn’t I dressed when I woke up? And the food prepared for breakfast…” Soyoung sighed.


“Think about it carefully, Husband.” She said, “The Queen of Allegria suddenly insisted on marrying a prince of a foreign country over all the other eligible noblemen in the country. On top of that, the two have appeared to have a loving relationship during the few times they appeared in public. If rumors start spreading that they didn’t consummate their marriage on the wedding night, what would people start saying?” Jinyoung thought for a long moment, the pieces starting to fall together in his head.


“Rumors would start arising about discord between us before the marriage even truly began.” He answered, “Either that, or there was something wrong with either of us preventing consummation of the marriage.” Soyoung snapped her fingers.


“Precisely.” She answered, “Therefore, I had to create the image that we’d done something last night.” Jinyoung sighed.


“With all respect, Your Majesty,” He said, “I’d appreciate it if you told me things first before you did them, especially if it involves me.”


“If I told you, would you have been able to trick the servants with your reaction?” She answered smoothly, “If I disclose something, it’s because I think it’s necessary, and if I don’t, it’s also because it’s necessary. Perhaps you could get your head out of your books for a while and start thinking a little further.” Jinyoung sighed deeply. With the way the Queen liked to run things, it was going to take a while for him to get used to life here. 


If only I had any other choice.


Still, he was relieved to hear that nothing had happened. It must have shown on his face, as the Queen laughed softly.


“Are you that relieved we didn’t do anything?” She asked, “We shared a bed in Assai before.” Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed as he remembered his first wedding night with the woman who ended up being the Queen.


“That…that was different then.” He muttered, ducking his head. Soyoung sighed and shook her head.


“Husband, I’m going to be frank with you.” She said, “Just because it didn’t happen last night doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future.” Jinyoung looked up in surprise.


“What do you mean?” He asked. Soyoung scoffed slightly.


“Jinyoung, you are my husband.” She answered simply, “There are certain duties a husband and wife must fulfill, particularly when we fill the roles that we do.” Jinyoung’s mind turned over her words slowly, and his cheeks grew hot as he realized what she meant. 


“You mean…an heir.” He guessed, “You expect me to help you have an heir.” 


“Precisely.” Soyoung answered, “And by imperial rule, regardless of the amount of consorts a ruling king has, he must be intimate once a month with his queen. The same goes for the two of us.”


“What kind of rule is that?” Jinyoung demanded, “How could I sleep with a woman who plotted against my country?” 


“It is duty.” Soyoung answered simply, “Do you really think you are the first consort to have married the ruler without having any romantic feelings?” Jinyoung took a shuddering breath as he tried to calm down his rush of emotions.


“Your Majesty.” He said coldly, “I may be in a position that can’t fight against your words right now, but I still have my limits. I will not conceive a child with a woman that I cannot possibly love.” Soyoung only chuckled softly and shook her head.


“We’ll have to see about that, Prince.” She answered simply.

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2033 streak #1
Hey there, remember me? I just saw your sequel (sorts) post in Phoenix Aurora and here I am! And looking at the forword, I see many familiar characters. But I assume this is from an alternate universe and hence, the storyline is different? Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading the story. But will be back later to do so ^^
Jamess #2
nice 😄