Chapter 3: Trust, Bumps, and Bruises

Winter Dahlia (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)


To Jinyoung’s relief, Soyoung proved to be too busy to follow up on the words she had said in the garden that day. Although the servants made sure they were housed in the same quarters in the palace, Soyoung was usually working late into the night and long after Jinyoung fell asleep. By the time he rose in the morning, the queen was once again long gone. Jinyoung filled his days by wandering around the palace, taking his time to explore every possible room and the vast libraries scattered around the many buildings. One thing that didn’t escape his notice though, was the way everyone looked at him. Regardless of whether it was a servant, a visiting noble, or anyone else, they unabashedly stared every time Jinyoung walked by, their hushed whispers reaching his ears despite their minimal attempts to hide their mouths behind their hands. It wasn’t hard to guess why they were staring or what they were whispering about. Everyone was curious about the prince that the queen had plucked from the tribute territory that was Assai, the prince that no one had heard of until the day the queen had announced her marriage. One of the servants summoned from Assai to serve Jinyoung had even barged in angrily one day and told Jinyoung that some of the more brash servants had been openly making jokes that Jinyoung was merely the queen’s toy, just a pretty face that would be thrown aside after he had given her an heir to the throne. After all, Soyoung Annalisa Adamir was the most eligible woman in the entire empire; she could have any man she wanted with a flick of her finger. Why would she waste her time and youth on an unknown prince from a lesser developed country?


Not wanting to stir up trouble, and not seeing a value in stirring up trouble, Jinyoung had merely told the Assai servants to ignore the whispers and just focus on their tasks. 


Still, it didn’t mean he didn’t feel like an animal in a zoo. Being in the position as he was though, there was little he could do besides avoiding trouble and hoping the queen would decide to send him away sooner rather than later.


Then, one day, Soyoung summoned him to her office, where the confused prince was presented with a letter. 


“The eldest princess of Comodo is coming for a visit.” She informed him, “I would like you to prepare the welcome banquet.” Jinyoung stared at the queen in surprise, the letter dropping from his hands.


“Why me?” He asked, “There are many competent people in the palace.” 


“But there is only one Prince Consort.” Soyoung answered smoothly, folding her hands under her chin, “Traditionally, the Queen has been in charge of planning events with foreign dignitaries. Naturally, the same will be true for you, the Prince Consort.” Jinyoung barely swallowed a grimace at her words. 


“I do not think I am a suitable choice.” He insisted, holding the letter back out to her. Soyoung merely pushed the letter back towards him.


“You are, if I say you are.” She answered, “I’ve arranged for a few nobles who have lived in Comodo before to help you. Perhaps you can make some friends along the way.” Jinyoung opened his mouth to protest, but the queen had already turned her attention to a different stack of papers on her desk, signaling that the conversation was over. Realizing that he had no choice in the matter, Jinyoung could only bow and make his way out.


Despite his misgivings, the nobles the queen had arranged seemed nice enough and willing to help. Unlike the others that Jinyoung had come across, the three young men were easy to speak with and were willing to speak with him about the country he had never been to. Knowing that he liked to read, they provided him with ample books on Comodo culture and history and told him stories of Comodo’s elaborate hunting culture. One month of preparation passed by in a blur, and before long, Jinyoung had finished a large stack of documents outlining the banquet and performances to be used in welcoming the eldest princess of Comodo. 


“Thank you very much for all of your help.” He said to the young nobles as they finished the final night of planning, “I am grateful for all of your advice.”


“It is our pleasure, Your Highness. Please let us know if you need anything else.” The eldest of the three nobles, Dario, answered with a deep bow, “We will see you on the day of the banquet, I’m certain Her Majesty will be pleased with your efforts.” Jinyoung waved them off cheerfully, and the three men took their leave. 


As soon as the three men left the room, they headed for a carriage waiting outside that took them away from the palace. 


“At last, the preparation process is over.” One of the men commented, “We can finally stop playing nice to that useless prince.” 


“Don’t you mean the esteemed Prince Consort, His Highness Jinyoung Park?” Another sneered with a laugh, “It’s hilarious how much he relied on us. They say the Crown Prince relied on him while he was in Assai, but out here, he’s no match for us when he’s used to being in the shadows. Once the banquet begins and the food is served, he will be finished. Isn’t that right, Dario?” The moonlight shone down through the carriage window, highlighting Dario’s sharp features from where he sat across from the other two young men. A slight smirk turned up the corner of his lips, long fingers tapping propped lightly against his cheek.


“But of course.” He answered, “Everyone knows I was the one who should have married Her Majesty the queen. She must have been temporarily led astray by his handsome face, but after he makes a fool of the royal family during the banquet, she’ll have no choice but to put him aside! And when that happens, I will be the one who will take the place by her side!” 


“All hail His Highness!” The other young men crowed cheerfully, “All hail His Highness!” The smile on Dario’s face grew broader under the moonlight at the sound of his friends’ cheers.


Jinyoung Park, you are finished!



A few days later, Soyoung


“Your Majesty.” Soyoung looked up at the sound of the attending servant’s voice.


“What is it?” She asked. 


“The head chef has requested an audience.” The servant answered, “Would you like to speak with him?” Soyoung frowned in confusion. It was rare for any member of the kitchen staff to speak with her, much less request an audience.


“Let him in.” She decided. The head chef was brought in, and Soyoung raised an eyebrow as she watched the portly man squirm nervously in front of her for a few long moments.


“Am I that frightening?” She asked at last, “You keep staring at the floor.”


“I dare not say that, Your Majesty!”  The man blurted quickly, “Of course you are not frightening! It’s just…” Soyoung’s gaze slipped to the man’s hands behind his back and held out her hand.


“Give it to me.” She said, “That’s why you came to see me, isn’t it? That thing you’re hiding behind your back.” The chef’s eyes widened, and his body trembled as he held out a stack of papers in front of him. The servant delivered the paper to Soyoung’s hand, and her brow furrowed as she flipped through the crumpled sheets. For a long few seconds, the room was silent except for the sound of paper crinkling as Soyoung turned the pages in her hand.


“These are…the dishes that my husband arranged for the welcome feast?” She asked, her frown deepening. The chef nodded nervously.


“Forgive me, Your Majesty!” He cried, “I know you said to take the prince’s orders as if they were your own, but I simply could not turn a blind eye to this!” Soyoung scoffed softly and shook her head.


“What are you talking about?” She mused, crossing one booted leg over the other, “In fact, I should be giving you a reward for your bravery.” Soyoung held up the sheets of paper in her hand, the thin paper crinkling as she tightened her hand over them.

“I’d like to hear in your own words, Chef.” She said, “What is wrong with the dishes my husband proposed?”  The older man gulped. 

“The eldest princess of Comodo is vegetarian.” He answered nervously, “Anyone who has spent time in Comodo would know that. But the dishes that His Highness ordered…were all meat heavy foods. There isn’t a single dish without meat in it.” Soyoung’s expression turned grave. 

“Precisely.” She answered, “No one in Comodo doesn’t know that the most favored princess in the entire country hasn’t eaten a bite of meat since she was a child.” 


It seems that someone has overstepped their boundaries.


The head chef was sent back to work with strict instructions to keep the matter under wraps and await further orders from Soyoung. Hyojun was summoned from his office, and Soyoung quickly briefed him on the situation.


“Shall I arrest those three nobles immediately?” He asked, “I think it is obvious who was behind this.” Soyoung shook her head.


“No, don’t startle them yet.” She answered, “Instead, send some of your best men to keep an eye on them and investigate who they’ve been in contact with. After the banquet is over, then we will arrest them immediately.” 


“Yes, Your Majesty.” Hyojun answered, “What about the Prince Consort? Shouldn’t he know?” Soyoung thought for a moment and shook her head.


“He’s not experienced enough to know how to react to such a thing yet.” She answered, “If I tell him now, he’s either going to choose not to believe me, or go look for those nobles immediately, or both. It’s better to wait until after the banquet. In the meantime, ask him to brush up on this list of vegetarian dishes. If he asks why, just say it’s better for him to be knowledgeable on all fronts, in case any future guests ask.” Hyojun bowed.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”


One week later, Jinyoung


Jinyoung sighed as he forced himself to straighten his back against the hard throne he had been given next to the queen. It was only the beginning of the banquet, but he was already feeling exhausted by the constant stream of guests coming to greet him, and he swore that his face was growing stiff from smiling politely. He felt like the greetings had been going on for several hours already, but the main character of the banquet, Princess Brisa Galena Ivo of Comodo, had yet to make an appearance. 


“Just a little longer.” Soyoung said under her breath as Jinyoung sighed again, “It’ll be done soon.” Jinyoung could only blow out his breath slowly. Just as he was about to respond, a loud shout came from the servant standing by the door of the banquet.


“Her Highness, Princess Brisa Galena Ivo of Comodo!” 


Heads turned instinctively at the sound of the announcement, and even Jinyoung found himself looking curiously at the mysterious guest. A tall young woman strode confidently into the ballroom, ignoring the stares of the other guests as she walked as if she owned the entire place. Jinyoung was surprised to see what the princess was wearing; unlike Soyoung, who had shed her official uniform for an elegant cream ballgown, Princess Brisa was wearing a dark forest green uniform, paired with tall black boots. The only sight of dressing up was a pair of earrings sparkling under the candlelight, which swayed along with her dark reddish brown hair that had been pulled into a tight ponytail. Jinyoung had long heard of the powerful eldest princess of Comodo; the first child of the previous king and the elder sister of the current ruler, she held a powerful sway in court. The king himself often listened to her advice, and her son, although only ten years old, was already hailed to be a genius among the scholarly realms. A few years ago, she had taken the world by a storm when news spread that she had divorced her husband and used the momentum to rise even further in court. In short, she wasn’t one to be offended, and in some ways, was just as dangerous as the queen by Jinyoung’s side.


“Your Majesty.” Princess Brisa greeted, giving Soyoung a sharp bow, “Your Highness the Prince Consort.” Jinyoung dipped his head slightly, still slightly taken aback by the princess’ strong appearance.


“Your Highness.” He managed to greet in response. The princess gazed for a long moment at Jinyoung, making him squirm slightly in his seat and look away. Princess Brisa laughed at his reaction.


“Your Majesty, it looks like your husband is shy!” She chuckled, “How cute.” 


“Princess.” Soyoung’s lips continued to smile, but her voice turned slightly dangerous, “Please watch your language.” Any other royal might have bristled at the thinly veiled warning in Soyoung’s words, but Princess Brisa only chuckled again.


“It seems that Your Majesty likes the Prince Consort very much.” She mused with a little bow, “My apologies for being too frank.” Soyoung motioned towards the tables set out behind them.


“Please take a seat, Your Highness.” She said, “It has been a long journey and you must be hungry. We have prepared a large feast for you, I hope the dishes will be to your liking. My husband spent many hours to prepare for this banquet.” 


“Oh?” Princess Brisa looked curiously over at Jinyoung, “Then I must try every dish. Only then can I repay the Prince Consort’s efforts, right?” Jinyoung smiled politely and bobbed his head. He had never imagined that he’d come across a woman who was even more straightforward than the queen, but here they were. The banquet officially began with a clap of Soyoung’s hands and a strum of music from the string quartet in the corner of the banquet hall. A stream of servants began bringing the food, and Jinyoung felt his heart pound nervously in his chest as they put down several platters of dishes. Although he wasn’t fond of his current situation, he knew he had to perform well in order to avoid placing shame on Assai. As the servants lifted the platters, however, Jinyoung was startled to see what the servants had brought. 


But…that’s not what I told the head chef to prepare!


One after the other, vegetarian dishes appeared in front of Jinyoung’s eyes. He had no doubt that each was well made, but Jinyoung was certain he had planned meat heavy dishes in order to match the strong hunting culture of Comodo. What was going on? He glanced over at Soyoung in confusion, but she only smiled and nodded her head slightly. Fully expecting to be facing a firestorm of criticism, Jinyoung was taken aback when he turned to see a bright smile on the princess’ face as she tried the first dish in front of her.


“This is delicious!” She declared, “Your Highness, what is this dish called?” Jinyoung stared wordlessly at the various dishes on the table, not sure what to say. Now that he looked again, he realized that each dish looked familiar. Specifically, the spread of food on the table matched the list of food that Prime Minister Hyojun had given him not that long ago with instructions to be familiar with each dish and their ingredients. Jinyoung glanced over at the young prime minister at the next table over, who, like the queen, only smiled and nodded his head. 


“Husband?” Jinyoung was startled out of his thoughts as Soyoung laid a hand on his leg, “The princess has asked you a question.” Jinyoung swallowed hard as he looked back at Princess Brisa and took a deep breath before doing the only thing he could do in that situation. The images and words from the list he had read floated back up in his mind, and he began to explain each dish to Princess Brisa, from the name to each ingredient to how each dish had been made. When he was finally finished, the princess smiled and looked over at Soyoung.


“Your Majesty, it appears you have chosen a very intelligent husband.” She commented, “I must say, I am very impressed. I was concerned someone from outside my country wouldn’t know my food preferences.” Soyoung smiled and shook her head.


“You are our guest.” She answered, placing her hand over Jinyoung’s hand on the table, “It is only right that we do everything to give you a pleasant stay.” The princess nodded in approval, and the banquet continued on as if nothing had happened. But to Jinyoung, he knew something had happened. His entire menu had been changed into something else within the span of a few days, and it almost looked like the queen had been well aware of the entire matter ahead of time without saying a single word to him even after she had told him to plan the banquet. There were more secrets surrounding that night than Jinyoung liked, and it left a bad taste in his mouth. When the banquet was over and the princess had returned to her quarters, Jinyoung looked around for the three young nobles among the departing guests, but they were nowhere to be seen. As he turned around, he realized that not only had the young men disappeared, but so had the queen herself. 


Did she go back by herself?


Jinyoung wandered out of the banquet hall, in search of any familiar faces as his confusion grew. As he headed down another inner hallway, his confusion growing, he heard the sound of frightened cries coming from a closed door. 


“Your Majesty, please spare us!” Frowning, Jinyoung walked closer and peeked through the crack between the two doors. His eyes widened as he spotted three men crouched at the feet of a young woman in a long cream dress. 


Isn’t that…?





“Your Majesty, please spare us!” Soyoung gritted her teeth as she glared at the three men groveling at her feet.


“Spare you?” She scoffed, “Do you even realize what you’ve done wrong?” The three men glanced at each other in fear for a few seconds before one finally spoke.


“W-we thought it is what Your Majesty would have wanted.” He stammered, “Everyone knows Prince Jinyoung has little experience at the front of politics and is far from an asset for you. Your Majesty must have just been temporarily led astray by his sweet honeyed words!” Soyoung laughed incredulously. The young man who had spoken froze in fear as Soyoung reached down and grabbed him by the chin.


“What I would have wanted?” She repeated, “Are you trying to say that you have the right to guess what I’m thinking and what my wishes are?” The young man tried to shake his head in terror.


“N-no, Your Majesty!” He whimpered, “I dare not!” Soyoung scoffed and shoved him backwards.


“I think you are quite daring!” She answered, “Why else would you dare to frame the man who I chose to be my husband? Do you really think I would never find out about it?” The man could only whimper in fear as he curled into a ball and groveled for mercy in front of Soyoung. She sighed in annoyance and turned her attention to the third young man on the ground.


“As for you, Lord Dario.” She commented, “What do you have to say for yourself?” The young man was silent for a few long moments before looking up. Taking a second to steel himself, he spoke bravely.


“That man doesn’t deserve the place by Your Majesty’s side.” He answered defiantly, “I assure you, Your Majesty, I am not the only one who thinks that way!” Soyoung laughed dryly.


“Oh?” She answered, “Then who would be, if not the man I chose? Would you be?” 


“I am more qualified than that prince who knows nothing!” Dario answered, “I am certain Your Majesty is aware of that!” Soyoung scoffed, feeling incredulous and for a rare moment, at a loss of words at what she was hearing. She was well aware that there were many who were dissatisfied with the choice of Jinyoung as her husband, but she had underestimated how far the nobility were willing to go to push their ideal choice into her bed. If she didn’t give them a stern warning this time, there was no telling what they would do next. 


“Insulting the princess of a foreign country by serving her the food she would never eat, you must be out of your mind.” She growled, “If I hadn’t caught it, then not only would Jinyoung have been affected, but all three of you as well, along with your families. In the end, because he is my husband, I would be affected as well. Did you ever think about that?” Dario’s face turned pale as Soyoung’s words sunk in. Soyoung reached down and patted his cheek sharply.


“It seems that your lust for power has made you forget who the true master of this palace and this country is.” She said, her voice a low growl, “And it is precisely that uncontrolled desire that made me reject the notion of marrying you from the very beginning.” Soyoung straightened up and raised her voice.


“Guards” She said sharply, “Throw these three men out of the palace at once! Neither they nor their families or their descendants may ever enter the palace again, regardless of what purpose!” The men howled in horror as they were dragged to their feet, but their cries fell on deaf ears. It wasn’t hard to understand why; for a noble, all the money and titles in the world meant nothing if they didn’t have the ruler’s favor. What they had now would eventually run out, and then they would be left with nothing but an empty title. It was a death sentence for their clan, and a slow one at that. The men were taken away, and a few moments later, Soyoung heard another voice.


“Your Majesty.” Soyoung frowned slightly as she saw Jinyoung standing by the door, which had been left open by the guards’ quick exit. 


“Jinyoung.” She greeted, “What are you doing here?” Jinyoung motioned a bit aimlessly before settling on an answer.


“I…was wondering where everyone went.” He said at last, “I heard voices so I came over here, and then…” Soyoung sighed. She hadn’t intended for Jinyoung to see what had happened; the plan had been to take care of the three noblemen quietly and then explain to Jinyoung later why his menu had turned into something else, if he had asked.


“Would you care to explain what happened here, Your Majesty?” Jinyoung asked, drawing another sigh from Soyoung. 


“As you can see,” She said, waving her hand at the door, “I have punished a few noblemen who didn’t know their place.”


“And why did you need to do that?” Jinyoung continued. Soyoung sighed and crossed her arms as she leaned against the desk in the room, her temple beginning to throb. It had been a long night of socializing with every person eager for her attention, and on top of it all she had wasted energy she didn’t have on those noblemen. It really wasn’t the time to be engaging in conversation with her husband, but refusing to answer also seemed to be a bad idea. 


“Jinyoung, I’m sure you heard everything.” She said at last, “Why ask questions that you already know the answer to?” 


“I want to hear it from you.” Jinyoung insisted, “In addition to why I was never informed that the princess is vegetarian.” Soyoung tilted her head back and blew out her breath slowly. Entertaining Jinyoung’s questions was like answering a child’s questions; everything inevitably revolved around the same thing: why? 


Why is he being so insistent today about this one thing?


“Very well.” She answered at last, walking up to him and planting her feet right in front of her husband. Jinyoung stumbled backwards slightly at her sudden approach, but Soyoung reached out and grabbed his arm to hold him in place


“Those noblemen set you up.” Soyoung said firmly, “Under the guise of helping you, they fed you information to sway your thoughts in the wrong direction, ultimately leading you to prepare a meal that the princess would refuse to eat, thus putting both you and her into an awkward position. If she was kind, perhaps you would be let off easily. If you were unlucky, who knows what would have happened. Luckily, I received a tip about this ahead of time, and so stepped in to change the entire menu before everything could crash to pieces. And so, here we are.” Her words finished, Soyoung let go of Jinyoung and crossed her arms.


“It is that simple.” She finished, “Now are you satisfied?” A mixture of emotions flashed across Jinyoung’s face before his expression hardened.


“Your Majesty, with all due respect, why didn’t you just inform me directly?” He asked, “You placed me in charge of this event, should I not have been made aware of the issue? On top of that, why was I never told about the princess’ eating habits from the beginning, when others besides those three noblemen were surely aware of it?” 


“I admit, I underestimated what those noblemen were willing to do.” Soyoung answered, “But I was always ready to step in when needed. I didn’t tell you anything from the beginning because I trusted that you would discover the information you needed on your own, so I didn’t want to simply feed you information. And as to why I didn’t tell you about their plot against you, I couldn’t risk alarming them ahead of time and giving them a chance to destroy any evidence that I would need against them, and it made more sense for me to punish them for their actions rather than you. It all turned out well in the end, didn’t it? You were credited as the organizer of a successful banquet of a foreign dignitary, and I was able to remove some subjects who have long been an interfering eyesore.” Jinyoung sighed in exasperation.


“So once again, Your Majesty was using me, weren’t you?” He said, “You let those noblemen use me like a pawn, and then come in to save the day, with the expectation that I should be grateful that I can hide behind your power?” Soyoung frowned, irritation starting to stir in her chest.


“I do not intend for you to hide behind me.” She answered, “Rather, I think it makes sense for you, as my husband, to rely on my status and authority in situations such as this. Moreover, I think you’re overreacting. I genuinely wanted for you to take the lead in hosting the banquet, because I know many people in court think you are a powerless figurehead. How could you twist my motives that way instead of trusting my words?”


“Because Your Majesty is still keeping secrets from me!” Jinyoung finally exploded, “From the day we met up until today, you still intend to keep secrets from me, even when the matter involves me! How can I think positively of anyone who never tells me anything? How am I supposed to believe the words of a woman whose smallest movements are shrouded in lies and secrecy? Moreover…” His expression turned cold. 


“How can I trust the woman who attacked my country?” He said, “On top of that, I am not one of your subordinates. You cannot expect me to blindly bow my head to your orders without saying a word!” 


“I do not expect you to do so!” Soyoung’s voice rose along with Jinyoung’s, her voice tinged with barely suppressed anger, “I only wish that you can trust my judgment and rationale at least in things like this!” 


“And I am saying that I cannot!” Jinyoung answered sharply, “Whether it is for something small or large, I simply see no grounds for trusting you, Your Majesty!” Soyoung was rendered momentarily speechless by Jinyoung’s outburst, the complete opposite of the tones he had ever used with her before. Her headache getting worse, Soyoung sighed and rubbed a hand over her face.


“Fine.” She said simply, “Then do not. I don’t see a reason or any value to go in circles with you over something like this. You are dismissed.” She crossed her arms and turned her back to him, and a few moments later, a shuffle of movement away from her signaled Jinyoung’s departure. After a few long minutes of silence, another set of footsteps approached, and the faint scent of herbs filled Soyoung’s nose as a cup of tea was held out to her. Sighing softly, Soyoung took the cup without a word and sipped on the soothing drink. 


“As expected, you know what I need most.” She mused, drawing a chuckle from Eunseong. 


“Naturally.” He answered, “We came from the same womb after all.” Soyoung sighed and took another sip of her tea.


“If only Jinyoung understood me even half as well as you do.” She muttered.


“Sister.” Eunseong chided softly, “Brother-in-law hasn’t been with you for as long as anyone here has, much less me. Perhaps you should consider matters from his point of view.” Soyoung blew out her breath slowly.


“I just don’t understand why he’s so angry.” She said, “Isn’t it right for a wife to help her husband? I don’t have to tell him every detail before I do anything, even if it’s on his behalf.” 


“That is assuming there is a peaceful relationship between you both.” Eunseong reminded her gently, “But given how your marriage came about, it is natural that he wouldn’t understand your choices and decisions unless he knows more about it ahead of time. That is what I mean by thinking from his point of view.” Soyoung opened to speak but Eunseong shook his head.


“Allow me to be frank, Sister.” He said, “As the queen and a much respected military leader, you are used to receiving deference from the people around you most of the time, including from me. When it comes to small things like dealing with those noblemen, it may seem natural for you to act silently behind the scenes. But for him, who still holds misunderstandings and misgivings against you, that deference won’t come naturally to him. You must earn it from him.” Soyoung sighed and reached out to pinch her brother’s cheek.


“I really shouldn’t have let you get married so soon.” She teased, “You’re able to school me now.” Eunseong chuckled and bowed lightly.


“I dare not, dearest Sister.” He answered, “This is merely the advice of a man who has suffered multiple scoldings from his wife.” Soyoung put down her tea, a faint smile on her face.


“In that case, how do you suggest I gain my husband’s trust?” She asked. 


“Time.” Eunseong answered, “And let him be around you more often. The more he is around you, the better he will understand you. In the meantime, communicate with him more. It never hurts to be more open with your spouse.” Soyoung sighed quietly.


“Perhaps you’re right.” She murmured quietly, “But that doesn’t mean he can argue with me like that! You heard the things he accused me of, didn’t you?” Eunseong sighed and patted his sister on the shoulder. 


“Perhaps you can be magnanimous and grant him your understanding?” He suggested. Soyoung huffed and crossed her arms.


“At the very least, he should apologize.” She muttered. Eunseong could only chuckle and squeeze his sister on the shoulder.


“You and Brother-in-law have a long way to go.” He commented.



Princess Brisa quickly finished her discussions with Queen Soyoung within a week and left the country before long after finishing the tasks she had come to do. Her departure, however, didn’t change what had happened as a result of her arrival. For a full month, the atmosphere around the palace remained sour. No one dared to say anything outright, but everyone knew that the queen and her new husband were already at odds with each other. Servants were forbidden from outright talking about the loud argument that had been heard on the night of the princess’ banquet, but everyone knew there was nothing the masters could do to stop them from gossiping under the blankets in the safety of the servants’ quarters. Soyoung and Jinyoung ate their meals together to keep up the image of peace, but barely a word was spoken between the couple while they were together. When Jinyoung’s head servant came to ask Soyoung for permission to take the prince out to the city for a walk, she merely waved her hand and told them to get on their way. It would be better for both of them to be away from each other for a little, even if only for a few hours. 


Despite his lingering irritation at the queen, Jinyoung found his mood lifting as he wandered along the busy market streets. The capital of Allegria was loud and festive, the cheerful shouts of venders calling out their wares mixing with the sounds of children laughing as they weaved in and out among the market stalls under the bright sun. It was so different from Assai, but Jinyoung found the chaotic cacophony soothing as it washed away the stress that had been eating at him from the little cold war he and the queen had been going at for an entire month. In his heart, he knew that he needed to apologize; regardless of his thoughts, he had challenged a ruling sovereign’s authority and decisions, and instinct told him he had stepped out of line. At the same time though, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything whenever they were together, especially when he took in the cold expression on the queen’s face. It wasn’t like he was entirely in the wrong; the little selfish part of his heart said if he apologized now, he’d look like he was admitting the queen hadn’t done anything wrong at all. On top of it all, she hadn’t even apologized for lying to him while they were in Assai!


“My Lord?” The sound of his servant’s voice drew Jinyoung’s attention out of his thoughts, pulling the prince’s eyes towards the jewelry stand they were standing in front of.


“My apologies, what were you saying?” He said. The servant pointed towards the various bracelets, necklaces, and hairpieces laid out on the table.


“Would you like to buy one of these for Her Ladyship?” He asked, “A gift may soften her heart.” Jinyoung frowned.


“Why must I try and soften her heart?” He muttered, his gaze scanning over the various items nevertheless. The shopowner chuckled at the expression on Jinyoung’s face. 


“Young man, have you had an argument with your wife?” He asked, “Don’t think too much about it, there’s nothing a gift and a kiss can’t fix. Couples argue all the time, especially in the early days.” 


“Why must I apologize first?” Jinyoung couldn’t help but challenge, “She was the one who was keeping secrets from me!” The shopkeeper shook his head.


“Have you thought about why your wife hid things from you?” He said, “Maybe it was for your benefit!” 


“That woman wouldn’t think for my benefit.” Jinyoung huffed, “It is all for her own benefit.” The shopkeeper tsked. 


“You have a handsome face, but why must your heart be like that?” He chided, “Don’t only think about her bad side, try and think about her good side! You’ll never be happy if you only think about her bad side.” Jinyoung was about to retort, but the shopkeeper shoved a bracelet into his hand.


“Here, take this!” The boisterous man said, “Free of charge. Go and make peace with your wife! I know it will be worth it! If your wife is happy, then you will be too!” 


“I can’t just take this!” Jinyoung spluttered, but the shopkeeper laughed and waved a hand dismissively.


“Don’t worry about it!” He assured him, “I’m sure your wife will love it! All women in Allegria favor this type of stone. It can’t be found in any other country after all.” Jinyoung frowned and looked at the bracelet in his palm. The bracelet was decorated with alternating red and creamy white stones, and when the sun hit the red parts, the red glimmered faintly with gold. It was a simple but elegant bracelet, and Jinyoung couldn’t help but think that it would go well with the queen. Jinyoung thanked the shopkeeper and turned to go before he skidded to a stop as he almost ran into a woman walking by on the street. His servant stepped forward and was about to scold the woman for almost running into Jinyoung, but he stopped the younger man as he saw the look on the woman’s face. The woman was dressed in plain gray and brown clothes, her hair bound up with a simple bonnet. A dazed look clouded over her eyes, and she barely reacted to Jinyoung even though they almost ran into each other. She plodded along the street aimlessly, her eyes staring forward blankly at nothing in particular. 


“What’s wrong with her?” Jinyoung asked the friendly shopkeeper curiously. The older man sighed and shook his head. 


“Don’t mind her, young man.” He said, “She has been like that ever since her daughter disappeared a few weeks ago. The rumors say her daughter ran off with a lover, but she won’t believe it. She’s not the only one who has lost a daughter lately either.” Jinyoung frowned. 


“She’s not the only one?” He repeated, “You mean there’s been multiple young women going missing lately?” The shopkeeper nodded.


“In the past month, seven girls have already gone missing.” He commented, “There’s rumors that they’ve been kidnapped and sold elsewhere.”


“You don’t seem very concerned though.” Jinyoung commented, “Don’t you have daughters?” The man chuckled.


“Of course I do.” He said, “And we haven’t been letting them go out very often, especially alone. But I’m not very worried, because our queen will take care of it!”  Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“How are you so sure?” He asked. The shopkeeper looked up and down Jinyoung.


“You’re new here, aren’t you, young man?” He commented. 


“In a way.” Jinyoung admitted, smiling awkwardly. The shopkeeper chuckled knowingly.


“You see, many people spread all sorts of rumors that our queen is a terrifying ruler or a military tyrant.” He said, “But everyone here knows that it’s quite the opposite! Her Majesty is strict, but it’s all thanks to her that our country is as prosperous as it is today. If there are any issues with any part of the country, she always takes care of it herself! We all know we can depend on her to find those girls this time too.” Jinyoung thanked the shopkeeper again for the information and headed away from the marketplace, his mind spinning slightly with what he had heard. 


If there are any issues with any part of the country, she always takes care of it herself!


Judging from the nods he was seeing from the other venders near him, Jinyoung doubted that the man had been lying. And besides, if the man didn’t know who he was, there was no reason for him to lie to Jinyoung. The young prince couldn’t help but think back to the incident in Assai. He had found it ridiculous that the highest ranked person in the entire country would bother to lead an army herself to prevent a rebellion, or even go to the extent to disguise herself as a maid to stay inside the palace. That belief had been enough to shape Jinyoung’s continuous thought that the queen had orchestrated the attack on the Assai palace. But if the shopkeeper’s words were anything to go by…


Could it be…did I misunderstand her intentions this entire time?


“Your Highness!” Jinyoung was jolted out of his thoughts as a voice called out to him, and with a start he realized that he had made his way back to the palace gates. As his gaze focused on the men in front of him, he realized that soldiers were lined up in perfect formation, awaiting orders from the woman standing at the front. Jinyoung gulped as Soyoung turned and saw him. Their gazes locked for a few moments before she turned away and returned to the conversation she was having with the higher ranked soldiers, as expressionless as if she hadn’t seen him. Seeing that their leader was silent, a few soldiers trotted over to Jinyoung cheerfully.


“Your Highness, will you be coming with us?” One of them asked eagerly. The other soldiers with him nodded, the same expectant look in their eyes.


“Go where?” Jinyoung asked, frowning in confusion. 


“To capture pirates!” The same soldier announced excitedly, “Her Majesty is taking us to exterminate the pirates that have been terrorizing the merchants!” Jinyoung’s frown deepened at the suggestion.


“I don’t think I have any business attending something like that.” He replied, “I’m not a trained soldier, unlike the rest of you.” To his surprise, the soldiers laughed at his answer. 


“Don’t worry, Her Majesty will protect you!” They declared, “And we will too!” Jinyoung stared at the young men in confusion.


“But why are you so insistent on my coming along?” He asked, “I might drag you down instead.” A mischievous look came over the young men’s gaze, and the first that had spoken to Jinyoung came closer with a little smile.


“Your Highness, you had an argument with Her Majesty, didn’t you?” He asked, his words making Jinyoung’s eyes go wide.


“How…?” His voice trailed off in confusion, drawing a laugh from the men surrounding him.


“His Highness is so innocent.” One of the other soldiers teased, “The entire palace knows that there’s a lover’s spat going on right now.”


“I wouldn’t call it a lover’s spat…” Jinyoung muttered, his cheeks flushing hot. Still, now that he thought about it, it wasn’t all that surprising that word had traveled fast. Even when he was in Assai, rumors spread quickly as soon as one person talked. When his parents fought, the entire palace was on edge within a few hours as maids and eunuchs spread the news of the royal couple’s argument. Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t even remember how loud their voices had gotten that night in the heat of the moment. The soldiers chuckled at Jinyoung’s response.


“Whatever Your Highness would like to call it, I’d advise you to come along this time.” The first soldier continued, “I can guarantee as soon as you see Her Majesty in action, you’ll be so impressed you won’t be able to stay angry!” 


“Hans!” Soyoung’s sharp voice cut through the air like a knife, making the young men stand to attention within seconds. Jinyoung looked over to Soyoung to see the queen looking over at them, an unamused expression on her face.


“If you have time to waste, then go help pack.” She ordered, motioning with her head towards where a few soldiers were loading things onto a carriage, “And run an extra hour of laps when we get back.” Hans groaned, but ran off with another bow to Jinyoung, and the two that had come with him quickly scurried back into their place. Soyoung spoke as Jinyoung hesitated on whether to leave while she was looking away from him.


“So, Prince.” She said, “Will you be joining us?” Jinyoung stared at her back in surprise. 


“You were listening this entire time?” He asked, startled. He was certain that the queen had been occupied with her conversation the entire time he had been speaking with the soldiers.


“Naturally.” Soyoung answered simply. She folded the map she held in her hands and handed it to the soldier next to her before walking over to Jinyoung. Her expression told him that she was in no mood for any nonsense, her posture calm but firm as she placed her hands on her hips. Her long dark hair had been pulled into a ponytail for convenience, exposing the collarbones that peeked out from the open neck shirt she was wearing. Jinyoung swallowed hard, his throat going dry. 


Doesn’t she know to watch herself a little? She’s surrounded by men here!


“Prince.” The queen’s sharp voice drew him back to attention, and he found himself gazing into a pair of smoldering dark eyes, “I’m waiting for an answer.” Jinyoung gulped. Despite the soldiers’ good mood and excitement, facing pirates was not something he had ever intended to do in his lifetime. But at the same time, the conversation he had had with the shopkeeper and the reactions of the people around him made him curious to find out more, to see if this queen was truly as good of a ruler and a leader as the people thought her to be. The best way to do that, would be to go with her on missions. Steeling herself, Jinyoung took a deep breath and nodded.


“I shall.”

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2026 streak #1
Hey there, remember me? I just saw your sequel (sorts) post in Phoenix Aurora and here I am! And looking at the forword, I see many familiar characters. But I assume this is from an alternate universe and hence, the storyline is different? Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading the story. But will be back later to do so ^^
Jamess #2
nice 😄