07 - Just The Beginning

💗Heart Collision💗
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It was easy...

But she tried...


The courtroom was not the place for anyone let alone one family. What does family mean? A family should be a strong unbreakable institution of its members who values one another instead of pointing fingers at each other. Diana tried to remember if her family ever had a similar experience. She can’t. Her father Jean, a traditional French man never laid a finger on her or her mother. He never accused her of anything. 

Let alone murder. But he himself experienced it. He was blamed that he wasn’t careful enough when his twin died. His mother was the one who blamed him but had the woman held the grudge? No. She was hurt, sad. In sadness, people say things they don’t mean and she feels bad. 

The Marino family is different; they took things out of proportion and in Diana’s opinion, it was too much. The family went against them because they don’t agree with what they are doing. Especially Marcella Marino, head of the family. Diana couldn’t blame her, she tried to keep the family in one piece only for Alex’s parents to ruin it. This is making her wonder if she truly wants a child of her own. 

I’d be a nagging mother. No. I can’t do that. 

She watched her friend bravely take a stand. She is worried about what things would be brought knowing Alex’s often pulling out when she is sensitive. She is deeply worried. At that moment in the courtroom, Haneul and his wife walked in. It was just in time, another friend to the rescue, or better said, a person who was like a father to her. She thought as she watched the latter sitting down greeting Diana and Jongin. 


“It’s okay. You arrived.” 

“Had it started?” He whispered. 

“Yes, it just began,” Diana responded. 

With that, every conversation died out, and the trial began.

Alex sat at her seat, next to Chanyeol. Baekhyun was going through the files, making sure that he had everything prepared. On the other side of the courtroom, sat her parents, glaring at her as if she was the worst of the worst. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. The fact that they had been calling her and trying to contact her was enough, so seeing them, sitting there, didn’t make things any better.

She could feel her heart racing faster as the anxiety kicked in. She knew what was to follow as Baekhyun had already told her that she will be the first to testify. Talking about her twin was not going to be easy. It never was and it never will be. Only she knew how she felt and only she knew things that Christina never told anyone. Things that were going to be revealed today… much to her dislike… but what choice was she given? None.

Chanyeol looked at her and squeezed her hand. “Are you alright?” He whispered.

She nodded her head and took a sip of water from the water bottle in front of her.

“Just ignore them,” He continued. “Focus on the others.”

That was exactly what she planned on doing, but she hated being in such a situation. “Thank you.”

Chanyeol winked. “You got this, baby girl.”

She smiled lightly, taking a deep breath. At that moment Baekhyun got up and looked at the judge.

“You’re honor, the defense would like to call Alex Marino to the stand.”

“Alright,” The female replied.

Alex got up from her seat and walked over to the stand. The officer approached her and placed a bible in front of her. She placed her hand on it and the oath could begin.

“Do you swear to tell that truth and nothing but the truth, so help you, God?” The officer asked.

"I do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

“You are now under oath,” With that, the officer took a step back and walked back over to where he stood previously.

Baekhyun walked up to the stand and looked at Alex. “State your name and age for the court, please.”

“Alexandra Marino, 21.”

“Where were you born, miss Marino?” He asked.

“I was born in Milano, Italy, but we later moved to France.”

“How long have you lived there and when did you move to France?”

“In Italy, we lived for about six years, and then we moved to France,” Alex explained. “There we stay for about nine years.”

“What did you study?” Baekhyun continued questioning.

“English language and literature.”

“You are an Online English teacher, right?” Baekhyun looked at her.

“Yes, for about 3 years.”

He nodded. “I see-”

“Objection! This is not relevant to the case, your honor!” The other latter said, standing up.

Baekhyun looked at him before giving an answer. “It is relevant, your honor. We need to know about the person.”

“Proceed,” The judge replied.

“Thank you,” The latter replied and turned back to Alex. “How would you describe your childhood? And your relationship with your twin, at that time.”

Her parents continued glaring at her as her so-called father seemed as if he was trying to scare her off by giving her a threatening look. Did it work? No. Alex focused on the questions and her family that was there, ignoring the rest. The question Baekhyun asked made her heart tremble, but she knew she had to do it.

“Christina was the opposite of me,” Alex started to explain. “I was more of a silent type, while she was loud and more allowing in doing things.”

Baekhyun nodded his head slowly, listening. "Had your parents separated you?" 

"Objection! Not relevant!" 

"Objection sustained. You may answer the question, Miss Marino."

Alex nodded her head. “I was the bad twin, that brought nothing but bad luck to her, or so they said. I just didn’t like the way my parents behaved with her. They wanted to control us, especially Christina because she was the perfect child.”

Baekhyun pursed his lips. "From her diary, she had a boyfriend. Correct?"

Alex nodded. “That’s true, and for a while, she was able to hide it because they didn’t allow her to date. According to them, he wasn’t worth her, so when father found out, it was hell.”


“I told you to ing stay away from that filthy boy!” Their father yelled.

“But I love him!” Christina teared up.

“Love him?” Their mother laughed. “You don’t even know what love is!”

“He needs to come from a rich family! Love doesn’t matter!” Father hissed.

Alex raised her eyebrow and took a step closer. “You mean, you want her to be a gold digger, like you?”

“Watch it, young lady!” He roared.

“Or what?” Alex rolled her eyes.

“Alex…” Christina whispered. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?” Alex said.

"It's not worth it... Please." 

“So you’ll listen to them? I am tired of their !”

She sighed. "I won't. You think I'm not?!"

“Then stop calming the situation down and speak your mind!” Alex roaored. 

"We only want what's best for you, my sweetheart." Her mother said. 

"Best for me? You mean also best for us two. I'm not the only child I HAVE A ING TWIN!" Christina yelled. "I HAVE A TWIN THAT'S ALIVE AND BREATHING!" 

“Who gave you the ing right to talk to us like that?! Alexandra sure knows how to give you advice doesn't she?!” Her father hissed.

"What are you going to do? Kill me? Take away my life from me? Do it.”

“What the ! Enough of this nonsense! You will not go ing around with that boy, have I made myself clear?!” 

"I'd rather die than marry someone else than him. I will go straight to him, this moment. I had enough." Christina hissed and headed out.

Alex smirked and nodded her head. “About time she spoke her mind.”

"You ing won't!" 


He slapped her. Her mother gasped. "STOP IT!" 

Christina held her cheek and looked at him. "I HATE BOTH OF YOU!"

Alex rushed to her twin's side and took her hand and the two ran outside. “Let’s get out of here, Chris.” 

She hugged her twin tightly and the two ran down the road.


“I was the rebel and Chris was more of a peacekeeper,” Alex explained. “She always tried to calm things down, but I couldn’t. I had to say what was on my mind and only then would Chris follow.”

"Do you believe they would kill to prevent your twin from running away with that boy?" Baekhyun was blunt.

“Yes,” She said. “Not with directly but indirectly. They were driving her to her wit's end…” Her voice cracked. “There were constant arguments between father and us… yet he had no right. He presents himself as a father, yet his name isn’t even on our birth certificate.” 

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. "So non-existent father. Correct?" 


The judge glared. "Objection sustained."

“We took our mother’s last name,” Alex continued to explain. “For whatever reasons he had, he decided not to accept us. Our mother never explained why, but then again, it doesn’t matter. She isn’t any better. Whatever her husband said, she followed, like a dog. She drove Chris crazy as well.”


“Chris… listen to me,” The woman spoke. “You need to listen to your father. He wants only the best for you.”

Alex was on her bed, rolling her eyes.

"Have you ever asked what I want? Or need? Have I even mattered to you as you say?"

“Of course!” Their mother said. “That’s why we are doing this.”

“So controlling someone is called love?” Alex said sarcastically.

"You're about to send me abroad to school to be away from him? What did he ever do wrong to you? 

“He’s not for you. Shut it, Alex!” 

"Get out of my room," Christina said coldly.


"Mother... Get out of my room." Her tone was still cold.


“Controlling or trying to control us was their way or loving us, or so they called it love,” Alex said.

She was giving off a strange vibe. They could sense the coldness when she talked about her parents, and the pain when Chris was mentioned. 

Baekhyun nodded. "I have no more questions, your honor." 

"The court is taking the morning break. Please do not discuss the case outside the courtroom."


The break was much needed especially since Alexandra, who had testified for an hour. Emotions were heightened, and old wounds that were supposed to heal were now resurfacing causing soul pain. Worst pain. For Diana, it was hard not to cry. Her parents seemed so cold-hearted at their daughter’s pain. Each one of them supported her and that is what angered them. Diana knew they weren't ideal, but to go this far was cruel. That's why she will bring truth. 

Once again they were inside. The judge and jury walked in, and so did pale-looking Alexandra with Chanyeol who wrapped her arm around her. Diana managed to squeeze her hand. It wasn't easy for her. She's the surviving twin, and everything falls on her shoulders. The harsh criticism she got from her parents was still vivid in her mind. Words they said, actions they did won't die down. She watched her friend sit down. 

"Who's your next witness?" Judge asked. 

"Defense calls upon Diana LeBon," Baekhyun said. 

"Good luck, baby," Jongin smiled, squeezing her hand.

She walked towards the chair next to the judge and After taking an oath, she finally sat down. Her testimony finally began. Baekhyun gave her an encouraging smile. 

"Please introduce yourself to the jury," he said. 

"I'm Diana LeBon, I'm 23 and I live in France, Dijon." 

"What town you were born in?" 


"Tell us where you finish your education."

"I finished primary and secondary education and then I went to the university of Sorbonne where I studied English literature and language. And then I got my masters based on linguistics science." 

He nodded. "You work as an online teacher. Correct?" 


"How long?"

"Five years." 

"Tell us something about your daily job routine?" 

"I check in every morning on the app, I check students' resumes and what they checked for me to focus on, and according to that I prepare material for that day," she explained. 

Baekhyun nodded. The easy part was gone, and the atmosphere got tense. She knew she would break at any moment. She glanced quickly at Francesco who gave her a soft smile. Giacomo was sitting next to him, and next to the male sat Jongin. He mouthed you can do this. 

"Tell us how you met Alex and Christina Marino?"

Her heart painfully clenched at her name. 

"I met them when I was 17, they had at the time 15," said Diana, "they just moved into the house across from mine. We were neighbors."

"Describe your relationship with them, and describe each," Baekhyun said.

Diana's eyes were already filled with tears. She gulped down water. 

"Take your time." The judge said. 

She nodded. 

"It's an infinite bond. It's how Christina would describe," she said, "we had necklaces with the sign, I made them. They were my family. My everything. My family adopted her, and her family adopted me," she smiled. 

Baekhyun nodded.

"Alex was sensitive one, easily hurt by injustice, she hides her sadness, her demons, and places fake smile not because she's twisted but because she doesn't want to upset others or bother them," she said gently, "Christina is her opponent, she was outspoken, loud, party animal mood maker. Acting like a tomboy but we all love her for it. Of course, all of it was a mask.

"Do you believe that Alex killed her sister in cold blood?"

"No," said Diana without hesitation, "I know she didn't even think of such a thing, I wasn't there or know the details but--"

"Objection! Hearsay." 

"Objection sustained. You may resume, Miss LeBon." 

"Alex adored Christina more than life itself. The connection they have prevented her from doing so. A lot of people don't understand how the twin's connection work," she said. 

"Describe their parents from your eyes," Baekhyun said. 

"They were not good parents, they were controlling. They manipulated Christina because she was in all sense the perfect child," she said, "in their eyes, Christina was visible while Alex was invisible. Only when Alex raises her voice is when Christina could speak up. "

Baekhyun nodded. 

"I have no more questions," he said. 

The plaintiff approached her. Diana was ready on all sources of questions. She took a deep breath and gulped her water. 

"You said a couple of seconds ago you weren't there when the so-called accident happened, yet you claim Alexandra wasn't a murderer. If you could explain to the jury." 

"Twins connection prevents her to do so. It's something nobody not even us can understand no matter if that twin is bad, the other can't commit murder," Diana said, "Alex wasn't in the car that hit her twin. Alex was with her." 

"And you know this how? Have you magically appeared there?" 

"What about her parents?" Diana retorted, "If they were such ideal parents as they claimed to love Chris, they wouldn't let this happen." 




Diana curled her fists as she glared at the lawyer and them. 

"Big words, Miss LeBon, don't you think?" 

"Objection! Is he gonna ask to question my client or is he gonna parade like a rooster?" Baekhyun was impatientent. 

The lawyer rolled his eyes. "You spoke of them as if you were with them. How?"

"I already said I was their friend. Not gonna repeat what I said. Not my problem if you're ignorant." Diana said coldly.

The judge motioned him close. On her face it was obvious she was annoyed. Her eyes flared from anger, and her jaw clenched.

"I'll give you a warning for last time and I'm not gonna repeat myself. Do not torture someone's client, just because family paid you. If I hear this another time, I'll take your license. I'll roast you like a chicken on the BBQ!" She hissed.

"Your honor, you're m--"

"Have I given you permission to talk? I didn't. ACT LIKE A LAWYER!" She hissed in a hushed tone.

The lawyer gulped. "I have no more questions."

Chanyeol got up.

"Tell the jury about the incident with her parents that took place three years ago." He said.

"Both of us worked respectfully, it was around 6 when we had a meeting with our boss," she said, "we were having a conversation until there was a commotion from Alex's side. We heard the argument, it was becoming violent."

"That was the time when she moved out?"

"Yes," Diana confirmed.

"Miss LeBon, have her parents been violent to either her or her twin?"


"In what manner?"

"Mostly slaps."

He nodded. "Verbal abuse?"

"Yes and mental as well," Diana answered.

Chanyeol nodded. "I'll read one part from Christina's diary."

Diana trembled. She glanced at Alex who looked away and sniffed. She was holding it in and fighting the urge from losing it.

"How long is it?" The judge asked while searching for it.

"Just the first paragraph.

"Okay, I found it. You may proceed."

He cleared his throat and began to read. "Monsters are scary yet I'd rather deal with night terrors than with my own flesh and blood at this moment. It's still night, there's no dawn or sunlight to shine upon me. There's no hope. I'm separated from him and I can't reach out to him."

The courtroom fell into silence. Diana hadn't broken just yet. She was holding out strong. Alex on the other hand had her eyes closed, as she held her hands together. Her body was trembling as remembered her twin’s words.

"This was right after Christina's parents broke apart two lovers," Chanyeol said, "Can you tell us what happened?"

Diana closed her eyes as teared up.

"Take your time."

"M-may I get water please?"

"Of course," The judge said.

The officer brought her water and she gulped it. Alex looked at her friend, her heart dropping into her stomach as she put Diana through it all. She was aware of the bond Chris and Diana had, all three of them had it. There wasn’t a day that they wouldn’t spend time together,

"It happened during their summer dance, Giacomo was taking her as he was her partner. Everything was good until she came home," she pursed her lips, "they were about to send her to a boarding school in Scotland. They threatened Giacomo, and he had no choice."

Chanyeol nodded. "She complied. Correct?"

"Yes, she had no choice because she lived with them." She replied

"How did other members of the family take the news?"

"They were angry of course. They couldn't understand such behavior. And they strongly prohibited her from being sent. Pa Francesco had an argument with Alex's father who obviously was the one whose idea it was from."

Chanyeol nodded. "I have no questions."

"We are taking a break of twenty minutes." The judge said.

Chanyeol and Alex were sitting outside the courtroom. He was trying to get her to laugh a little bit since he noticed the change in her. It was understandable since her parents were doing this to her. He also couldn’t stand them sitting there as if they had every time to blame their daughter for the mess they caused. There were pathetic excuses for parents.

“You did great,” He smiled, kissing her temples as he placed a strand of hair behind her ear. “My strong superwoman!”

She chuckled lightly. “Oh hush…”

“It’s true,” He winked.


She was about to say something but a shadow of two people who stood in front of them interrupted her. She looked up and frowned at the sight of her parents. Without even thinking twice, she stood up and decided to walk away with Chanyeol. Chanyeol pulled her with him.

“You’re laughing as if you did no wrong?” Her mother said. 

Alex shook her head and sighed. She wasn’t in the mood yet here they were trying to cause drama, again. Chanyeol stopped he turned back and walked to the latter. 

"She did no wrong, you did."

Her father scanned him. “We weren’t talking to you. Alex, are you this pathic to date an Asian? Really? And much older than you.”

“None of your business!” Alex hissed.

"You're gonna talk to me, not her. Leave Alex out of your pathetic tongue," he spoke in fluent Italian, "when Christina was alive you hadn't even paid attention to her. She was invisible and now all of a sudden she's existent. Some people should be taken a will to procreate and those are you. She's not your property, nor do you have the right to tell her." 

"Young man show s--" 

"You have accused her now you are commanding what she should do with her life as you did with Christina," Diana's cold voice said, "I really wish to see you behind bars where you belong. You don't get to control or manipulate. You have no right to do so. You lost that right WHEN YOU ENTIRELY DISOWNED YOUR DAUGHTER AND MAKING HER HAVE PTSD!" 

"You insolent brat!" Her mother hissed. 

"The great of Milan," Diana hissed. 

The woman gasped and ran forward. Alex’s eyes widened and she was about to react, but Chanyeol shielded the two from the angry serpent. 

"I'M NOT A , YOU !" 

"Yes, keep telling yourself t

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39 streak #1
Chapter 11: Haha... loved the boys special night out....chanyeol and Alex's date Nighy was so amazing, lovely, sweet, romantic and full of surprises..so considerate of him.. that's why I love them... their relationship development and understanding level was so strong and warm.. so happy for them..it's so comforting..really enjoyed reading this whole chapter..loved the way things are going on and how their relationship is developing each day..
39 streak #2
Chapter 10: Maybe the evidence of Alex's mother dirty truth... also glad that almost everything is going smoothly and getting into a more right direction... so happy for the couples..glad that they got such loving, supportive and understanding life partners... that dream..I think Chris really wanted both of the girls to let go things now and moved on their own lives.. felt so bad for her Chris that she had to go through such pain, trauma, stress and abuse... just hope both Chris and Alex get their deserved justice...
Chapter 9: This is a punch in the face courtroom drama going on!! I don't see how the parents will win. They will be going to jail more likely.
The phone calls home to Yeol's mom and Jongin's mom are precious! I loved them!
I can't wait for the next chapter! Great job!!
Chapter 8: This was such a sweet chapter, it showed how supportive the guys are for the loves of their lives (super jealous.) It had it's sad moments which it needed for remembering the past but overall so much love was going on. ❤
Chapter 7: Doing my best to catch up!
Wow, wow, wow! So much is going on! I have always said that the scariest monster is not the made up one in your imagination but the real human. The most atrocious things that have ever happened to humankind have been done by other humans 😭
You cannot call those people parents, they do not resemble the definition in the least.
Thank goodness for the loving support for the girls and how strong they are. Just Wow!! What an update!!
Chapter 6: I really liked this chapter, well with the exception of Alex's scumbucket parents that is. It was such a fun chapter with the Marino family wedding and then that engagement 😍 oh la la!! I also thought the horseback riding moment was very romantic. It would not happen that way for me irl, I'd probably fall off and be dragged when my foot gets caught in the stirrup. 😭 their all gonna laugh at me!!
Oh well, romance is thick in this chapter ❤😘😍
Chapter 5: So for some reason I thought that Yeol would be the one to make a move (😉) before Jongin, like it isn't Kai on stage seducing us. However, it would not make for a good story since Alex is in a more delicate situation.
I put on my thinking cap right 🤔
So I loved how Alex's family teased the couple. I'm ready for a big happy Italian wedding too!! Don't forget my name on the invite list!! ❤
Chapter 4: I had to chuckle about Jongin cooking. Yes, I know he has been taking lessons and he is doing lots better but come on!! The waffle maker? Anyone? Haha 😅😅😅
How about their meet and greet. Ba-BAM!! 😘😘😘
Who am I to talk, I met my last pysch, I mean bf online and I jumped him fairly early. 😱
I gotta catch up with these international shenanigans!!
39 streak #9
Chapter 9: Loving the way things are going on among the couples.. so happy for both of the couples.. so excited for their korean family time.. felt bad for Alex and Chris's boyfriend.. also what Diana did to Alex's mom was so right..really love baekhyun's character here.. between Alex's parents, I think it's her mom who's in much more than worse... the whole trail part was so emotional and heartbreaking... but glad that all of the evidence were against those pathetic peoples who were selfish, ignorant and destroyed their children's life in such a cruel way.
39 streak #10
Chapter 8: Glad that both of the girls opened up to the boys... they were so lucky to have the boys... so lovely, caring, supportive and understanding... Chris's whole story made me so emotional and heart broken.. felt bad for her boyfriend ... yeah, agree... Alex's parents destroyed everyone's lives.. aww.. finally jongin and Diane's wedding planning...and chanyeol proposed to Alex.. so happy for the couples.. they deserve the best and happiness.. that's a huge step to testify that the girls ex-boyfriends are going to do...loved this chapter authornim.