01 - Beginning

💗Heart Collision💗
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Yet another day...

Same routine...

But, maybe something was different after all?


Three months earlier...


4.45 AM

Alexandra groaned from under the covers as she reached out for her alarm to shut it off. Nothing new. For the past three and a half years, she has been getting up early and doing the same routine every day. She wasn’t much of a morning person so hearing the alarm was the most annoying part of waking up. One would think that one get’s used to it, but that’s never the case. How can one get used to something one hates? Impossible.

She shut her alarm off and sat up in bed, slowly blinking before rubbing her eyes and yawning. T, her German Shepard dog looked at her and titled his head to the side, letting out a sort of dog sound that only he understood. She smiled and ruffled his fur in between his ears, making him groan cutely and roll on his back so that Alex could rub his belly. On the outside, T looked like a scary and mean dog, but on the inside, he was a real teddy bear. Well, at least, for her.

“Time to get up, boy,” She mumbled and got out of bed.

Of course, T followed her immediatly, happily wagging his tail. She couldn’t help but chuckle and she knew exactly what he wanted, so instead of going straight into the bathroom, she walked into the kitchen to get the dog food and pour him some fresh water. T sat down and watched her every move as she placed the two bowls down.

“While I take a shower, you eat, and then I’ll take you out for a walk,” She smiled, petting the dog once again.

The dog barked at her words and wagged his tail before digging into the bowl as if he had never eaten anything in his life. She couldn’t help but chuckle as she turned around and toward the bathroom. It was time to get ready for the day. Her first class was at six, but she had just enough time to finish her other tasks. She always made sure to keep up with her schedule and in 90% of the cases, she was successful at it.

Once she was done with her shower, she got dressed and did her hair in her usual style, two small piggy tales on the side as the rest of the hair fell freely. It was simple and quick to make. Before leaving the bathroom, she checked herself in the mirror once again and left. She grabbed the T’s leash and whistled for him to come as she walked toward the hallway. T came running in, jumping and producing a type of noise he always does when he is happy.

“Ready, boy?” She asked, putting on her sneakers. “Let’s go!” She placed a leash on him and the two left the apartment. It was time for their morning walk around the neighborhood.

There was nothing better than a walk in the morning, as the crisp morning air entered her nostrils. I allowed her to breathe to the fullest and feel refreshed. Aside from coffee, this was another way of getting herself to wake up. The two of them continued down the road and soon arrived at the nearby dog park. Alexandra walked over to one of the benches and sat down. Since T was an active dog and loved running, she unleashed him and threw him a ball. The dog happily barked and ran after it.

She leaned back on the bench and took a sip out of the mug that she had brought with her from home. This was usually how her mornings started. Not a single change. One would say it was an ordinary day in a life of an ordinary girl. But was that the case? For her, it was a way to keep busy. It was a way to keep her mind in order. It was her escape.


Once the two returned home, Alex washed her dog’s paws and check the time. It was about a quarter to six, so she had enough time to prepare for her work. She walked into her office and her laptop, allowing it to boot while she went and got herself another cup of coffee and a chocolate bar. That was her usual breakfast. If not coffee, then it was an energy drink, but either way, those three things she had to have in the house.

By the time she returned, the laptop was on and she opened the program automatically using the shortcut on her screen. It didn’t take long for the program to load and in a matter of seconds, she was ready. She clicked on the first class and opened the classroom, checking the materials that the student had chosen. The job had its pros and cons. The pros were that she worked from home, fixed her own schedule, took days off when she needed them, and took vacations when she needed them.

Cons? It was stressful at times, especially when working with kids and beginners. Kids, in most cases, weren’t interested in learning English, and it was hard to get their attention, so Alex had to use toys, play games, draw, sing and just act like a monkey to gain their attention. Was it successful? Not always, but she dealt with it in the best possible way.  Some kids did listen and they were sweethearts that were for sure.

On the other hand, some older students needed English for work, and they can be difficult as well. They smile and act polite, but behind your back, they slam a grade and lower the rating. Why? Who knows? They just do it, so all. Regardless of the teacher's behavior. But everyone is different, right? There is nothing one can do about it but deal with it.

Thankfully not all of them were bad, there were lovely students as well, willing to learn, open for advice, and suggestions, carefree and cheerful. Working with those students was a charm and they always brightened up Alexa’s day. They always had something to share, always had something to ask, and always prepared well.

Like any job, it had its ups and downs. 

The ding sound went off and Alex flashed a smile on her face, ready to greet her first student for the day.



5.00 AM


Diana's sleeping form was still unmoving. She barely moved and acknowledged her mother who tried to wake her up. It wasn't because she didn't talk to her but because of a different reason. She's not a morning person. 

At all. 

Waking up at 5 am to get ready was certainly not something she'd recommend to someone. The payment is good so waking up early with the roosters is worth it. 

"It's early I know, but you have work, sweetheart. Come on, I made your favorite." 

"Croissant with ham and cheese?" 

She smiled. "Of course, and I made you a coffee just like you want it." 

Diana yawned and smiled at her mother. 

"I'm up, mom. I'll be down in a few." She said softly. 

The woman walked out leaving Diana alone. She stayed a couple of minutes more in bed before she finally got up. She stretched up and finally got up to take a shower. When she took a quick relaxing shower, she dried up and got dressed. She ate her breakfast at record time and drank her coffee upstairs. She her laptop and waited for the system to load. 

When she loaded the page, the first thing she did was to check in every morning and prepare material for classes that day. The first class started at 6, she had enough time to relax before it started. 

Was it hard? Not really. 

Her students are mostly intermediate. While Alex's students, her colleague, she had all levels. It can be said Diana has it easier. She and Alex talked daily. Alex was her best friend, they were like sisters, despite living in different countries now, but that wasn’t the case before. When Alex was a 5-year-old girl, her parents moved to France because of her father’s business and during their stay, Alexa and her twin sister met Diana in a local playground. The three grew inseparable… until tragedy struck. 

Alex's twin sister died and ever since that day nothing ever will be the same. Her family changed drastically towards her. Diana saw it at the funeral. Her parents were taken aback. 

So was Diana. 


"I can't believe this..." Diana's father, Jean said. 

Her mother Louise nodded. "Me neither. Some parents don't deserve children like Alex." 

Her father looked at Diana. "Take her with you to our weekend house in Dijon. It will do her good." 

"I plan to invite her for Christmas." She smiled. 

"What are your plans?" 

"I'll take her to one of the old Roman hot springs and spend time with her," she said. 

“That’s a good idea, we are going back to the hotel, and then we need to head back. Let us know when you think of returning, so papa can give you a ride back home,” Jean said. 

She smiled. “It’s not necessary, papa.” 

“Sweetie, bring these to Alex,” Louise said, giving her a plastic bowl. 

Diana smiled and hugged her mother. “Will do, mama.” 


Was it hard for Alex? Yes. 

Has the tragedy made things worse? Yes. 

Her parents may greet Diana but they certainly stopped calling when they moved to Italy. No usual calls for birthdays, Easter, Christmas, or New Year. Nothing. But she and Alex never stopped their communication. They sent each other’s letters, using coded messages, that her father taught them. 

Having a father scientist in the household has its perks. A fanatical archeologist at that. He taught her a language of ancient Egyptians that they used to send coded messages, and the two girls used it. 

“Diana, the kitchen is ready for you to use later, I won’t be around anyways,” her mother said softly. 

Her parents recently went through a divorce, but they still stayed in good relations, they decided not to be toxic to each other. There wasn’t another woman involved, love simply disappeared. They weren’t affected by any tragedy, life simply happened. Both had their careers however, they still work together on mutual projects. Both were archeologists and professors so their cooperation hasn't stopped just because they are divorced.  

They still were her loving parents that gave her love and affection, something Alexandra haven’t gotten and she wished she had. When she finished eating she went outside to feed her puppy, husky, age 3. The moment she approached he ran towards her and barked happily at her. 

“Where is my little baby? Have you slept well?” She cooed. 

She got down to his level and began patting him to which he let out a whine. She smiled and poked his muzzle, in return, he her cheek. “I love you too...”

She untied him from the leash and let him run. While letting him run, she decided to text her friend.

Morning, sunshine. Rise and shine. How are you this fine morning? 

-Sis Di


Rise and shine? Oh, please. It’s more like sunset and gloom. I hate mornings, yet I am alive. You? <3

- Sis Alex


You talk like my mother... (eye roll emoji) I am doing splendidly, I am playing with my baby. (video attachment - Diana playing with the puppy who jumped around her) 

- Sis Di


(heart eyes emoji 5x) You two are adorable!

- Sis Alex


He is my cute baby. (heart eyes emoji) (photo attachment - Diana hugging her puppy) 

- Sis Di


(photo attachment - Alex with T in her lap) He’s ready to have class in 5 minutes. (wink emoji)

- Sis Alex


This one prefers outside, I swear, this puppy adores nature. Anyways, talk to you later!

- Sis Di


Good luck and talk to you later. Love you, sis. <3

- Sis Alex

Diana smiled at the text and finally walked back inside to finally prepare herself. She clicked on the first class and checked what students had chosen and waited. Her students were serious, more dedicated - somewhere teenagers, some were university students but some were grown-ups needing to learn English to keep their job. 

What do they have in common? They are very dedicated when it comes to homework, asking questions, and simply - learning. 


Class after class. Her regular students... 

Until... she reached the tenth class for that day.

It was a new student and according to his lesson record, it was also his first class. In the remarks area, he mentioned that he would like to have a free conversation and get some advice on how to learn English. Diana nodded her head as she went through his request, while she waited for him to appear in class. The ding-song noise suddenly went off and the cameras loaded.

Diana flashed a smile on her face and waved at the student that appeared on the other side. He was in his early 30’s that was for sure. He was sitting up straight, his longish brown hair neatly done as his hazel brown eyes stared at the camera. He was nervous and that was obvious, so Diana knew exactly what she had to do.

“Hello,” She spoke softly. “I am Diana. It’s nice to meet you. What is your name?”

“Kim Jongin,” He said. “N-nice to m-meet you too.”

She sensed it immediately, insecurity about language. She smiled. 

"First off, just relax. We don't bite people's heads off. Unless someone is being a jerk... Or won't follow what I said." She said. 

"Sorry," He said. "It's my first time having an online class.

"It's alright," She smiled. "Let's start from introductions, shall we?"

"My name is Jongin, but you can call me Jong." 

She put her glasses up to keep her red hair and listened carefully. "What do you do for a living and where are you from, Jongin?" "

"I am 30, and an architect. I live in Seoul, Korea."

She smiled. "Do you have hobbies?" 

"I love to write songs and play the guitar." 

Musician. She hid the smile. "Wh

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39 streak #1
Chapter 11: Haha... loved the boys special night out....chanyeol and Alex's date Nighy was so amazing, lovely, sweet, romantic and full of surprises..so considerate of him.. that's why I love them... their relationship development and understanding level was so strong and warm.. so happy for them..it's so comforting..really enjoyed reading this whole chapter..loved the way things are going on and how their relationship is developing each day..
39 streak #2
Chapter 10: Maybe the evidence of Alex's mother dirty truth... also glad that almost everything is going smoothly and getting into a more right direction... so happy for the couples..glad that they got such loving, supportive and understanding life partners... that dream..I think Chris really wanted both of the girls to let go things now and moved on their own lives.. felt so bad for her Chris that she had to go through such pain, trauma, stress and abuse... just hope both Chris and Alex get their deserved justice...
Chapter 9: This is a punch in the face courtroom drama going on!! I don't see how the parents will win. They will be going to jail more likely.
The phone calls home to Yeol's mom and Jongin's mom are precious! I loved them!
I can't wait for the next chapter! Great job!!
Chapter 8: This was such a sweet chapter, it showed how supportive the guys are for the loves of their lives (super jealous.) It had it's sad moments which it needed for remembering the past but overall so much love was going on. ❤
Chapter 7: Doing my best to catch up!
Wow, wow, wow! So much is going on! I have always said that the scariest monster is not the made up one in your imagination but the real human. The most atrocious things that have ever happened to humankind have been done by other humans 😭
You cannot call those people parents, they do not resemble the definition in the least.
Thank goodness for the loving support for the girls and how strong they are. Just Wow!! What an update!!
Chapter 6: I really liked this chapter, well with the exception of Alex's scumbucket parents that is. It was such a fun chapter with the Marino family wedding and then that engagement 😍 oh la la!! I also thought the horseback riding moment was very romantic. It would not happen that way for me irl, I'd probably fall off and be dragged when my foot gets caught in the stirrup. 😭 their all gonna laugh at me!!
Oh well, romance is thick in this chapter ❤😘😍
Chapter 5: So for some reason I thought that Yeol would be the one to make a move (😉) before Jongin, like it isn't Kai on stage seducing us. However, it would not make for a good story since Alex is in a more delicate situation.
I put on my thinking cap right 🤔
So I loved how Alex's family teased the couple. I'm ready for a big happy Italian wedding too!! Don't forget my name on the invite list!! ❤
Chapter 4: I had to chuckle about Jongin cooking. Yes, I know he has been taking lessons and he is doing lots better but come on!! The waffle maker? Anyone? Haha 😅😅😅
How about their meet and greet. Ba-BAM!! 😘😘😘
Who am I to talk, I met my last pysch, I mean bf online and I jumped him fairly early. 😱
I gotta catch up with these international shenanigans!!
39 streak #9
Chapter 9: Loving the way things are going on among the couples.. so happy for both of the couples.. so excited for their korean family time.. felt bad for Alex and Chris's boyfriend.. also what Diana did to Alex's mom was so right..really love baekhyun's character here.. between Alex's parents, I think it's her mom who's in much more than worse... the whole trail part was so emotional and heartbreaking... but glad that all of the evidence were against those pathetic peoples who were selfish, ignorant and destroyed their children's life in such a cruel way.
39 streak #10
Chapter 8: Glad that both of the girls opened up to the boys... they were so lucky to have the boys... so lovely, caring, supportive and understanding... Chris's whole story made me so emotional and heart broken.. felt bad for her boyfriend ... yeah, agree... Alex's parents destroyed everyone's lives.. aww.. finally jongin and Diane's wedding planning...and chanyeol proposed to Alex.. so happy for the couples.. they deserve the best and happiness.. that's a huge step to testify that the girls ex-boyfriends are going to do...loved this chapter authornim.