Sakura Season 143
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The day's energy brought a happy glow to everyone around them, Sarang walked into the school a skip in her step as she took in the warm sun.

Coming to school early wasn't one of her favourite things but it was definitely fun for her. Yet she wouldn't admit it because if her cousin found out about it, he would call her a nerd and never let it go.

Walking past one of the classrooms on her way to her locker she noticed a slight noise coming from one of the rooms, she poked her head out to see someone sitting by the window with a book in his hand


She smiled, taking notice of his strong features and silent demeanour. She took in all of him wondering what he could be so deep in thought in.

His hair was a little messy but somehow still neat, his uniform ironed perfectly and was so crisp, he seemed to take good care of himself.

Looking closer at his face, she noticed he was wearing headphones which cut off some of the view of his face

He’s somewhat cute

As she was about to call out to him she noticed he looked down at his book and aggressively started to write something down.

She didn't want to disturb him so she proceeded on, but took one last look at the boy and smiled.

“Hi there” said Sarang as she approached her locker seeing the boy from before putting his books away, the boy moved his head away from the door and gave her a bright smile “ah pebble girl” he moved the door out of the way and placed his hand out

“I’m Changbin” he smiled, Sarang looked at his hand before quickly putting in hers and smiling back “so Changbin is the name of my locker buddy” she smiled, Felix smiled back sadly “unfortunately no, i'm just putting some books away for my friend-”

“CHANGBIN” yelled two people from down the hallway, Sarang pushed her head out and looked for where the voice was coming from, “ah Han, Felix, come” said Changbin

Sarang looked at the boys coming towards her skipping more than walking, very energetic “Hi i’m Han” said the boy with brown hair giving Sarang a big smile, “and im Felix” said the boy with blonde hair.

She gave a soft smile back “ah, hello” turning to her locker “that was a sad attempt at flirting with whats his name, chinban?” said Jin holding on to his chest “i'm embarrassed for you”

He was making fun of her like he always did, he made it so painfully obviously she wasn't the best at flirting, instead of helping her he would just rub salt in the wound. Best cousin in the world right.

“Oh shut up” said Sarang rolling her eyes, Jin looked around dramatically “my god you should hide for a while until the embarrassment dies down” he said being dramatic pulling his blazer to try hide his cousin from behind drawing more attention to them than before

She laughed and shooed him away but he continued to try to hide her “i wasn't trying to flirt” she hissed swatting her cousins hands away. Jin continued to be dramatic, looking around for people around who may have seen, pretending to faint and cry of embarrassment

“Sorry, I didn't get your name” said Changbin, Sarang swished her head back to him smiling giddily “ah Sarang” she replied, Felix and Han looked at her, then each other “Sarang?” they sang together before turning back to Sarang

“Sarang?” they said in unison one more time before Sarang looked at them weirdly, by this point even Jin had joined in, he peered over her shoulder “Sarang?” he said

She swatted his face away before nodding at Han and Felix “yes? Sarang…?” she said in a questioning tone, confused by their response

”Sarang like love?” they said turning their heads to the right, she slowly nodded confused by their confusion but also creeped out by how in sync they were

“Yeah Sarang like love” she replied, the two looked at each other one more time before leaning forward and giving her a big smile “Hi Sarang” they sang creeping her out a little.


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2026 streak #1
Hi there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I'm pretty new to SKZ but been listening to some of their songs and I seemed to like Bang Chan. So decided to take a look and the foreword seems pretty intriguing. But before I started reading this, I just wanted to confirm that it's okay with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon!