Sakura Season 143
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January 12th 2032


“You have to pick one”

“But I don't know, strawberry looks yummy, but so does chocolate”

“Only one.”

The cold air and soft pink coloured sky brought forth a feeling of achievement for some as the day came to a close.

A man walked with a young girl, holding her small hand in one and the other holding her ice cream she begged for but couldn't finish.

The two walked with smiles on their faces, the man's eyes only being shaped like crescent moons whenever he was in the presence of the young girl, looking at her, you would think they were twins of some sort because the same expression of crescent moon shaped eyes were the exact same on hers. It is quite understandable why, that is his precious daughter after all.

The day was old but the energy radiating off the two was anything but, it was fresh, inviting and warm. The perfect father daughter relationship.

As they walked the young girl told her father of the many mini adventures she had at school today, the stories to him were not as interesting but to his daughter they were the craziest things. To fulfill her innocent mind, these being the biggest problems in the world, he played along with exaggerated expressions and distinguished gasps.

Her stories were filled with how the teacher forgot how to read, they got to play outside for another 5 minutes because the bell didn't ring, nap time being cut in half because someone’s mum came to pick them up and his personal favorite, her secret admirer.

“Don’t you think he is cute too though?” asked the man as he nodded at the other mother walking past them on the pathway. The younger girl gasped “no appa, he’s annoying” puffing out her cheeks and making faces, her father laughed at her response and shook his head

Her innocence in this world full of sadness is what made life worth living, to help his one and only daughter to live life with ease and to only believe what she wanted.

That's all he ever wished for.

Seeing her smiling face and bright aura is his biggest accomplishment, that in a world full of unfairness he could protect her innocence from the world for another day.

Looking down at her small hand in his he breathed out the air from his lungs and closed his eyes for a brief moment. He loved these moments.

The young girl skipped alongside her father, unaware of how unfair the world was, her biggest problem being she couldn't get both strawberry and chocolate ice cream as her once a week treat with her father.

Many watched the two walk and awed at the scene of a father and daughter enjoying an evening together, warming their hearts on a mildly cold evening.

Coming to a close to their evening stroll, the man walked his daughter to the river bank, he placed his jacket on the grass for his daughter to sit on so her favorite dress wouldn't become dirty

The young girl smiled, taking the ice cream from her father once again, indulging in the sweetness of it.

The man ruffled his daughter's hair before pulling out a small bag of chips and eating it. He ate a small amount remembering to keep some for his daughter, because everything he had was hers.

And he knew these were her favorite.

“Have you been working on any music appa?”

The man smiled brightly, he loved when his daughter was interested in his work, it made his heart flutter. His biggest inspiration was her and to see her interested made him want to work harder.

“I wanna hear it appa” she beamed brightly, she placed her hands out w

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2034 streak #1
Hi there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I'm pretty new to SKZ but been listening to some of their songs and I seemed to like Bang Chan. So decided to take a look and the foreword seems pretty intriguing. But before I started reading this, I just wanted to confirm that it's okay with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon!