Sakura Season 143
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February 4th 2016


Sarang woke up with glee, it was the first day of high school too and she couldn't contain her happiness

She was hyped about being able to finally be in high school, she felt like it would be so cute and cool, to wear the senior blazer, to have the name pin that said Senior right next to her name, to be able to be one step closer to chasing her dreams.

Excited wasn't even a big enough word to describe her feelings at this moment.

Putting on her new senior uniform she smiled at herself in the mirror, her long brown hair falling down her shoulders, her skin glowing with joy, she was ready.

She grabbed her things and headed out the door rushing to make it to school before anyone else.



“Where’s your locker?” asked Jin, pulling his bag off his shoulder and placing it on the floor, Sarang leaned against the locker next to his with a long face “I don't know, I haven't had time to check it” she shrugged, her cousin took his books out of his bag and place them in his locker

“That's unlike you” he said, pulling a apple core from his locker with disgust, Sarang had the expression on her face moved away. “Yeah well, I haven't exactly had time” she huffed, getting off the lockers and kicking a pebble around on the floor.

Jin wasn’t wrong about his cousin, she was always prepared and ready so to hear she hadn’t looked for where her locker was located was a shocker.

“What do you mean ‘I haven't had time?’” questioned her cousin inspecting his locker for any more unwelcome things “you'd think they would clean this school better knowing how much our parents pay huh” said Jin under his breath

Sarang, still kicking the pebble, ignored her cousin's words as she walked further away from him and then her heels still kicking the pebble.

She ended up kicking the pebble a little too hard and it ended up hitting the back of someone’s shoe, without thinking she ran towards the shoes and bowed “im sorry, i didn't see you there” she said still in a bowed position

“That's fine, dont stress” said a deep voice, Sarang was taken back by his deep voice, she quickly stood up and smiled “ah-ah” she stuttered, he smiled at her before turning back to his two friends and packing his locker

Sarang her heels and walked back to Jin's locker, “find your locker?” he asked, she shook her head “i kicked a pebble at a guy instead” she joked, Jin moved his locker door to look at her better “so you don't have time to find your locker but you have time to kick pebbles at boys? Interesting” he teased leaning down to eye level with her

Sarang pushed her cousin's face away with her pointer finger on his forehead “i could have found my locker by now if it wasn't for you taking like forever” she said tapping her non existent clock on her wrist.

“You don't need me to hold your hand” said Jin before closing his locker door, carrying his books for his next class in his hands, the two then proceeded to walk to the main room where the locker listing was.

Sarang scanned the paper to see her name “143” she said tapping the paper. “143?” asked Jin “that's like practically next to mine” he beamed before linking arms with her “so we gotta walk all that way? You're kidding” sulked Sarang as her cousin dragged her back to the locker bay.

Pulling up to the locker bay once again, Sarang noticed the boy from before had now left, but where he was standing was where her locker was. “Here it is,” said Jin, knocking on the locker door. Sarang looked down the hall hoping to see the boy once again but alas he was gone.



Sarang skipped through the school looking for her third class of the day. Her energy radiating off her and bringing smiles to the other students in the school.

As she approached one of the classrooms she noticed a few students outside, she wished them all hello and they wished her back. Her energy brought everyone around her joy.

It was surprising to see someone sad when she was arou

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2034 streak #1
Hi there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I'm pretty new to SKZ but been listening to some of their songs and I seemed to like Bang Chan. So decided to take a look and the foreword seems pretty intriguing. But before I started reading this, I just wanted to confirm that it's okay with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon!