Talk to you again

Why did she break up with me?

The silence starts to make everyone in the meeting room to sweat. All of the employees present was feeling nervous when their CEO, Jimin did not say anything after they all finished presenting about their ideas for the company's future. Jimin was sitting on her seat crossing her legs, one hand on her knee while the other resting on the table. Her eyes staring at just the screen of her phone. She taps her point finger on the table once every second.

"I want everyone to review back what you guys have prepared and redo everything." Jimin said.

"I'll see you all again by the end of this month in this room with new ideas." Jimin added as she stands up. She grabs her phone and left the meeting room.

"Clara, cancel all of my appointment this month." Jimin informed her secretary.

"Yes, Ms Yoo. However, we cannot skip the party held by RJ Group to welcome the heiresses." Clara told her.

"Okay, keep the date on my schedule. Other than that, I want to clear all of my schedule."

"Noted ma'am." Clara nods and bows before walking to her own desk while Jimin went inside her office.

Jimin flopped herself down on her couch and checks her phone again.

"Minjeong baby, I'm gonna get you back. I'll let you free for now but I'm going to make you mine again."






Minjeong has just finished her shower when she heard the bell rang. She went to check who's coming to bother her this late. 

"Tada! Thanks for welcoming me in!"

Minjeong looks at Ning in disbelief but she only sticks out her tongue before pushing Minjeong aside to enter her apartment.

"Ning? What are you doing here?"

"Me? Oh. I'm going to spy on you. Aeri told me if I can get any information about you, she will finally agree to go on a date with me. Isn't that a good deal?" Ning claps her hands happily.

"Ning Yizhuo. Are you for real now?" Minjeong frowned.

"I am always real." Ning nods then make herself comfortable on Minjeong's sofa.

Minjeong rolled her eyes but closed her door, telling Ning to just suit herself.

"So, tell me. Are you going to ignore Jimin now?" Ning asked.

"I'm not ignoring her. We weren't together anymore."

"Hm. Aeri said you agreed to talk to her."

"What are you now? Their messenger?"

"No. I'm Jiminjeong's shipper. So my dear friend, please talk to Jimin. The whole corporation will explode soon if you don't."

"What's that got to do with me?" Minjeong frowned.

"Well. Apparently, Jimin is losing her mind and everyone's affected by it." 

Minjeong put her hands on her waist as she stares at Ning seriously.

"I am really not kidding."

Minjeong sighed before she went to her room to get her mobile phone. She texted Jimin and showed Ning.

"Happy? Now can you leave me alone?"

"Meanie but okay."

Ning stands up but she hugs Minjeong first.

"Hey. Remember, I'm here if you need me."

"I know. I'm sorry I have to kick you out."

Ning scoffed but smiled when Minjeong laughed.

"Goodnight, rest well."

"Mm, you too."

Minjeong shakes her head before locking her door. Then she checked her phone as she received an immediate reply from Jimin.

"That was fast." She murmured.






"I don't know why I'm agreeing to go with you."

Minjeong was inside a fancy boutique, accompanying Ryujin to choose what she should wear for the party. She was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed as she waited for Ryujin who wouldn't stop changing.

"Because you like my company. Duh."

"Wrong. I had to make sure you're not going to wear your pajama to the party. It's my responsibility to take care of you. You're lucky that I am this kind because your father have been a good boss to me."

Ryujin laughed because it's true that she threatened to wear just a pajama if Minjeong does not want to go with her.

"I will still slay the pajama though."

"Whatever. Can you please just choose one already?" Minjeong whined.

"Okay okay. Why so grumpy." Ryujin laughed again before disappearing into the changing room.

Minjeong leaned her back and was about to close her eyes when she suddenly smell a familiar scent of someone who have been occupying her mind a lot more than usual lately.

"Kim Minjeong?"

Minjeong turned her head to see Jimin walking towards her with the staffs there following her from behind and bowing once Jimin stopped.

"Uh..." Minjeong paused when Jimin smiled as she took a seat beside her.

"Are you here alone?" Jimin asked in a soft whisper as she circle an arm around Minjeong's waist, pulling her gently into her.

"N-No I-" Minjeong gulped when her eyes found Jimin's. She didn't know that she missed the woman this bad until now.


"I'm with Ryujin..." Minjeong whispered. She noticed Jimin's slight frown but Jimin tried to smile to hide it right away.

"Minjeong ah, what about this one?"

Both Minjeong and Jimin looked away to look at Ryujin who looked confused seeing Jimin was there.

"Oh. Karina Yoo. Hello." Ryujin greeted her politely and her eyes glanced at Jimin's hand on Minjeong's waist which Jimin noticed.

"Hello. Seems like you're enjoying my girlfriend's company a lot." Jimin said out loud for everyone to hear.

The staffs widened their eyes as they thought they have broken up, which in fact they did. However it was known to everyone too that Jimin and Minjeong never make a clear statement to confirm their break up.

"Jimin." Minjeong tried to stop her but Jimin tightened her hold on Minjeong and stared at her sharply.

"We still need to talk, baby." Jimin whispered.

"Minjeong is really fun to be with and yes, I enjoy her company very much." Ryujin said interrupting them as she chuckled too.

"Are you really that possessive of her that you're here to check on us?" Ryujin asked, smirking when Jimin glared at her.

"I'm here for another reason but if that's what you want to think then suit yourself." Jimin replied.

"Well. Can't blame you when Minjeong is a perfect girlfriend material. I wouldn't stay still too, knowing she's out with someone who might be falling for her charm since she's not hard to love." Ryujin said, triggering Jimin even more.

"Ah. Hahaha. Ryujin is so funny. She's always talking nonsense." Minjeong laughed awkwardly and mouthed "What are you trying to do?" to Ryujin secretly. Ryujin only shrugged.

"I know that. But I also know that she's only mine and will always be." Jimin said coldly, already standing up with her hand holding Minjeong's hand.

"It seems like you're done here though. So I'll take Minjeong with me now." Jimin said.


"Let's go, baby." Jimin squeezed Minjeong's hand.

Minjeong sighs when she knows she does not have any other choice as the staffs there were listening and watching. She doesn't want to make a scene.

"I'll pick you up later tonight, Minjeong. Be there at 7pm sharp." Ryujin said, winking at her before leaving the two there with her chosen outfit. Jimin frowned but tried to shrug it off. 

"We'll talk about that later. Now follow me." Jimin said to Minjeong and pulled her along as she walked out of the place.

Jimim dismissed her driver and secretary as she told them that she will drive instead. Minjeong sighed again before stepping inside when Jimin has already opened the door for her.

"I'm sorry for this. We'll meet here again in 2 hours." Jimin told them before getting in and drove off.

"Boss really can't let her go huh." Johnny said.

"Yeah. Never." Clara agreed.






Jimin stopped her car at the basement of Minjeong's apartment. None of them have spoken yet since they left the boutique.

Jimin hold Minjeong's hand to stop her from taking off the seat belt before turning her body to face her properly.

"Minjeong, baby, can you look at me please?"

"What do you want, Jimin?"

"I want you."

"Jimin, we-"

"We are not breaking up, Kim Minjeong." Jimin said firmly.

"I don't care. I already told you that I want us to." Minjeong pushed Jimin's hand and looked away.

Jimin looked sad, but she understands. She understands now. It's too late but she does now. After all, Ning went to her with a strong punch on her arm last night and told her everything. The reason why Minjeong wanted to break up with her.

"Then tell me what should I do to make you want me again?" Jimin asked.

"Can I just please go home and rest now? I'm tired, Jimin."

Jimin sighed. This is not working.

She got out of the car and opened the passenger door. She bend down to take off the seat belt before holding Minjeong's hand again, helping her to step out of her car. Once done, she closed the door but hold Minjeong's shoulders now and pushed her gently against the car. 

"First, we're not breaking up. I won't let you go, remember?"


"No, Minjeong. No matter what you say, I still won't let you go. Call me selfish. Call me unfair. I don't care. I'm not going anywhere." Jimin said.


"About Hwang Yeji. The project will be done soon. I'll make sure to wrap it up as soon as possible and I won't be working with her directly anymore."

"Where does this come from?" Minjeong frowned and pushed Jimin's hands off of her shoulders.

"Ning told me everything."

Minjeong scoffed and made a note in her head to kill Ning for betraying her.

"Please don't be mad at her. She's just trying to do something for her best friend. I received a lot of scolding from her and hell, her punch is super strong." Jimin said.

"Still doesn't change my mind. I have made up my mind already about us."

"No. You're just hurt."

"Yeah, good that you know so now please stop bothering me."

"Kim Minjeong. Please."

"No. I told you. I'm tired, Jimin."

"But I love you. I don't want to be without you." Jimin said and grabbed her hand.

"Hm? Please give me one more chance. Just one last chance. I'm really sorry for my behaviour all this time. I didn't know that I hurt you this much that I make you want to leave me." Jimin whispered.

"Let me make it up to you? Let me make you happy again. Let me try and heal you. And if you still don't want to take me back after this, then I will try to let you go." Jimin added.

"I don't know..." Minjeong looked down. Jimin smiled, Minjeong's hesitating. That means that she's not completely want them to break up.

"Just, let me try and win your heart again? I love you so much. I don't want to give up on us just like this. Please, baby. One more chance for me." Jimin cupped her face and rest her forehead on hers.

"I'll make sure I won't repeat the same mistake." Jimin said, caressing her thumb on Minjeong's cheek.

"Kay..." Minjeong mumbled.


"I said okay." Minjeong said it more clearly.

Jimin pulled away to look at Minjeong carefully. God she really want to kiss her girl right now but she respect her and will wait patiently first.

"Okay?" Jimin smiled more when Minjeong nodded.

"Thank you, baby. Thank you so much." Jimin hugged her tightly.

"But why is that girl earlier is the one who will pick you up tonight?" 

Minjeong rolled her eyes and pushed Jimin. 

"Because she will."

"No, can't. I will pick you up instead." 


 "Baby, you are mine. The world knows that." 

"Yeah, well, apparently Yeji seems to ignore that." 

"Then I'll make sure she knows there's no one else for me but you." Jimin said and pulled Minjeong closer again. 

"Go on, call her and tell her not to come tonight." Jimin added. 


"Baby." Jimin warned and raised her eyebrows. 

"You're so- ugh." Minjeong grumbled but still took out her phone to text Ryujin that Jimin will be the one to fetch her. 

"There?" Minjeong showed the text. 

Jimin nodded and hugged her again. 

"Good girl. Now I'll let you rest and get ready for tonight. I'll see you again later okay." Jimin said. 




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Psykotato 29 streak #1
Reading your other stories since you still didn't update your current one
addicted03 #2
Chapter 6: This was a nice story, with a hint of angst but a lot of respectable fluff. It felt quite realistic too, thank you for this and for giving them a happy ending
RyuMinjeongie #3
Chapter 6: 🥺♥️
Chapter 6: damn this is to cute glad that they didn't give up on each other 🥺
Jamess #5
i’ve read all the chapters so it was beyond fantastic 😁👍👍
Chapter 6: So cute
blanketlove 93 streak #7
Chapter 6: oh my gosh the way jimin is trying so hard to court minjeong back is so romantic 😍💗 im in love with this jimin although she was a fool in the beginning for hurting minjeong, but damn her possessive side is so attractive
thanks author you are such a great writer ♡
aglaonema #8
Chapter 6: I really thought at first that this will be angst but im thankful that its not hskshshs this is so good author
Genniee #10
Chapter 6: that was sooo cute ><