
Why did she break up with me?

"Ms Yoo, Is it true that you have broken up with Kim Minjeong?"

"So, you are now a single woman?"

"Is it because you have been busy working and going abroad for the business?"

"What happened, Karina sshi? Do you mind to provide us some details?"


Flashes. Crowds. Reporters. Fans. 

Karina Yoo was seen coming out of the arrival hall wearing her black sunglasses with her guards covering people from getting too close to her. Her secretary, Clara was just behind her. She managed to avoid all of the reporters and does not bother to answer them as she finally got inside the car. She took off her sunglasses and glared outside even though they cannot see her anymore since the car was tinted.

"Drive me to the office." She commanded her driver, Johnny.

"Yes, ma'am."

"You don't have anything else except for a brief meeting with the finance department." Clara informed her as she scrolled through the Ipad.

Karina only hums and takes out her phone. She frowned when she saw there was no notification at all.

"Aeri will be coming to see me, just let her in when she comes." Karina said which gained a nod from Clara.

Aeri is her best friend, who are also friends with Minjeong and Ning. She's also Uchinaga Enterprise's heiress. Her family and Karina's family are friends.

Once arrived at Yoo Corporation headquarter, Karina asked her secretary to prevent anyone from coming in to see her except for Aeri. She took off her blazer and loosen up her neck tie. She unbottoned her sleeves before folding them. She checked her phone again and groaned when there was still no notification at all.

Knock knock

"Hey, it's me."

She looks up and asked her to come in. Karina sighs upon seeing her best friend, gesturing her to take a seat.

"I don't understand her, Aeri. We were just fine. I cannot ask her further as I had to leave for Japan when she broke up with me. Then now..." Jimin checked her phone for the hundred times and rolled her eyes.

"She is not even replying to any of my texts!"

Karina slumped down beside Aeri on the couch.

"Tell me Aeri, why did she break up with me?"

Aeri taps her chin and looks at the ceiling.

"Well, I actually kind of suspecting one thing to be the reason but I think it's best that you hear it from her instead." Aeri said.

"But she refused to talk to me, Aeri!" Karina groaned.

"Then you keep trying, Jimin."

"I am."

"Nope. Not enough."


Karina then tried to call Minjeong, she cursed and called her again when she rejected her call. Aeri raised her eyebrows in amusement seeing Yoo Jimin was losing her calmness in front of her eyes.

"She's not picking up!" Karina dropped her phone carelessly on the couch and massage her temple, feeling tired.

"Maybe, you should give her some space first." Aeri said.

"Yeah I'd do that so she can move on from me? That's a no for me."

"Okay, then now what?" Aeri asked.

Karina crossed her arms and frowned. She still remembered Minjeong's face when she said the break up words.



"I want to break up."

Karina stopped working and looked up at Minjeong who's standing acrossed her desk.

"Minjeong, it's too early to make such a stupid joke."

"I am serious, Jimin. I want to break up." Minjeong said, looking straight into her eyes.

Karina frowned and scanned her face, trying to confirm if she's really serious about it. She stood up slowly and sighed.

"Minjeong, did I do something?" She asked carefully.



"I thought I have made myself clear all this time, Jimin."

"About what?"

"See, you were never paying attention to me and my concern."

"Okay, but I am asking now so can you please tell me?"

"How many times do I have to say it for you to understand? This is not working at all, Jimin. So I've been thinking and I want to break up."

"Wait, no. You cannot just break up with me and-"

"Oh, I can. I have my right."


"I came to tell you this only. Do not stress yourself into thinking of the reasons. We're done, anyways. I wish you well, Jimin."


Karina paused when Clara came in to inform her that she needs to leave for Japan already. She saw Clara bowed respectfully to Minjeong and Minjeong just smiled politely at her.

"Have a safe flight." Minjeong said before she left.



Aeri shakes her head after Jimin told her everything.

"You did not even go after her."

"I cannot. I have to leave, Aeri."

"So you chose Japan over Minjeong?"

"Aeri! What are you saying?"

"It is what it is."

"So you mean, she broke up with me because I prioritise my work?"

Aeri face palming herself.

"No. You know her, Jimin. She's the most understanding person."

"Yeah, then what else could be the reason?"

Aeri's alarm then rang and she dismissed it.

"I have to go now. Let me know once you figure it out."

Karina just sighs again and stands up.

"Kim Minjeong, just tell me why did you break up with me?" 






Minjeong was just watching people comes and leaves inside a cafe. She promised to spend the lunchtime with Ning so now she's waiting for her to meet her there. She had ordered an juice while waiting. 

After 10 minutes of waiting, Ning finally showed up and smiled apologetically at her.

"I'm sorry. I got held up for a bit."

"It's okay."

"So, Aeri contacted me saying Jimin's back."

Minjeong was sipping her drinks and she only blinked her eyes.

"She looks... Frustrated, she said."

"I can imagine." Minjeong smiled.

"Are you really being serious about breaking up with her?" Ning asked.


"I thought you love her."

"I do."


"She never understands, Ning. I'm tired."

"Okay, so, what is it about?" Ning intertwined her fingers on the table and leaned closer to listen to her properly.

"You do know that sometimes I get jealous right?"

"Yes, wait, is that it? The reason for you to break up?"

"No, Ningie, listen to me first." Winter pouted.

"Okay okay, continue please."

"Do you remember Hwang Yeji?"

Ning blinked, she leaned her back against the chair. Of course she remembered. Who wouldn't. She's the first person to ever hurt Minjeong in her whole life. The one who bullied Minjeong before Ning came into the picture and protected her.

She stopped bothering Minjeong whenever Ning was around and did not get the chance to disturb her more when Minjeong became friends with new students at that time, Jimin and Aeri as people feared them.

"She... She's back, Ning."

Yeji had to leave to study abroad after 2 months Jimin and Aeri was transferred to their school which was a relief for Minjeong.

"Wait, how did you know? Did she come and bother you again?" Ning asked, feeling worried about her best friend.

"One time, I came to see Jimin at her office. I saw her there, with my Jimin. She was standing too close with her. They looked- too close for my liking." Minjeong said.

"What? Are they friends?"

"Jimin said she's the daughter of her father's business partner. She's in charge on this new project they are doing. So... Jimin meet up with her a lot to discuss about you know, stuffs."

"But it's all about work right?"

"It is. It was."

"What do you mean?"

"They grew closer, Ning. Jimin got comfortable with her."

"Did you tell Jimin about how you feel?"

"I did. Everytime, actually. I told her I don't like Yeji being close to her. She kept telling me there's nothing going on between them which I know of. But that's not the problem here. I just want her to be aware of Yeji's two face image. I wouldn't mind if she's just my enemy, Ning. But Yeji, I see it with my own eyes. She likes Jimin."

"She does?!"

"Yeah. She even told me when we bumped into each other in the restroom. She said she's going to steal Jimin away from me."

"Don't tell me you broke up because of that."

"Of course no. I ignored her."

"Then what triggered you to break up?"

"Because everytime I told Jimin to stop meeting Yeji, we argued. She said they only met for works but I know Yeji will take the chance to get her. Jimin was too careless around her, Ning. I tried to avoid getting upset everytime they had to meet for work as I don't want to suffocate Jimin with my jealousy. But can you blame me for feeling that way?"

"No, I understand where you're coming from."

"I tried, you know. To keep holding on and to wash away my jealousy. I trust Jimin with all of my heart but I don't trust Yeji, Ning. It hurts me when Jimin ended up arguing with me everytime I talked it out with her. So I... Decided to just break up. That way, I wouldn't have to worry about them being close anymore as I'm out of the picture already and I'm on my own now. So tell me, Ning, is it wrong to choose to protect my own heart this time?"

"Hmm. It's not wrong. You should love yourself first. But Minjeong, are you sure you are protecting your heart now?"

"Of course, that's why I broke up with her."

"But it breaks your heart too."

Minjeong looks away and her eyes got teary.

"You broke up to love yourself, to protect your heart. But somehow, by breaking up, you're breaking your heart as well. You are your own person, obviously. You always are. But deep down, we know Minjeong, Jimin have been a part of you already. She's your other half. Now you tell me, does it hurt any less seeing her with Yeji now that you guys have broken up?"

"... "


"... No."

"That's what I meant. You are not happy. You are still upset."

"It will take time for me to move on, Ning."

"So you really want to move on already? That's it?"

"Yeah. I'm just a nobody to her now."

Ning sighs and shakes her head.

"That's your insecurity speaking." Ning said.

"Ah. I don't know. We've broken up now so that's the end. I gotta go on my own way now." Minjeong said.

"Okay, just know that I'm always here for you. You're not alone." Ning said and held her hand.

"Thank you." Minjeong smiled. 

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Psykotato 24 streak #1
Reading your other stories since you still didn't update your current one
addicted03 #2
Chapter 6: This was a nice story, with a hint of angst but a lot of respectable fluff. It felt quite realistic too, thank you for this and for giving them a happy ending
RyuMinjeongie #3
Chapter 6: 🥺♥️
Chapter 6: damn this is to cute glad that they didn't give up on each other 🥺
Jamess #5
i’ve read all the chapters so it was beyond fantastic 😁👍👍
Chapter 6: So cute
blanketlove 93 streak #7
Chapter 6: oh my gosh the way jimin is trying so hard to court minjeong back is so romantic 😍💗 im in love with this jimin although she was a fool in the beginning for hurting minjeong, but damn her possessive side is so attractive
thanks author you are such a great writer ♡
aglaonema #8
Chapter 6: I really thought at first that this will be angst but im thankful that its not hskshshs this is so good author
Genniee #10
Chapter 6: that was sooo cute ><