Chapter 8: Meet the parents I

Baby Steps

Friday, 9.20pm, Blinko Cafe

“Dahyun, you know Dr Kim?” Jennie’s eyebrow raised in question. Dahyun could only rub her nape sheepishly while Dr Kim looked between the 3 students. 

The 4 of them sat quietly in a cafe near the clinic as Dahyun began to explain. 

“Wait, so you mean you guys are married?” Jennie raised her voice, causing Chaeyoung to hit her softly, telling her to keep her voice down.

“Yeah, I mean it was an arranged marriage sort of thing, but after getting to know Sana Unnie better, I fell in love with her.” Dahyun smiled softly, her hand moving to hold Sana’s hand. “And she too, returned my feelings. That’s also why she’s using Kim as her surname now, instead of Minatozaki.” 

“Dr Kim, you are from Japan?” Chaeyoung asked as she sipped her green tea latte. Sana (Dr Kim) nodded, “I was borned and raised in Japan. But I moved here when I was 14, because of my father’s work. He works with Dahyun’s mother, and created this arranged marriage so that their companies can merge without any issues.”

“Okay, okay, cool cool.” Jennie runs her hand over her hair, still trying to process all the information that was given to her in the past 10 minutes. 

Dahyun nodded, and asked the burning question in her head, “What about you cap? What are you doing there with Chaeyoung?”

Jennie and Chaeyoung made eye-contact and responded in a panic. 

“Just a check-up!” 

“To pick up some medicine!”

Dahyun just narrowed her eyes at the two, while the two looked at each other again in surprise.  “Come on now, spill it. You guys even know that I am married now, isn’t it fair that we exchange one secret each?”

Jennie sighed, and looked at Chaeyoung for approval. Upon Chaeyoung’s nod, she relented, “Chaeyoung and I are…well, sort of pregnant?” 

Hearing Dahyun’s gasp wasn’t a surprise, but the other gasp that came from behind them had them turning their head towards that source. And seeing Wenrene walk up from behind the pillar had them sweating. 

“Uh hey guys, how long have you guys been there?” Jennie asked, gritting her teeth. She had not wanted so many people in their secret. Not when they haven’t come up with a solid plan yet. 

“I told Wan that we shouldn’t sneak up on you guys like this, but she insisted to scare you guys.” Joohyun shook her head. “But, we only came up when Jennie was spilling the beans.”

“Wait, you mean you knew about it?” Seungwan looked at Joohyun, feeling betrayed. Joohyun nodded guiltily. 

The 6 of them sat quietly at the table now, waiting for Seungwan and Dahyun to process the news. 

“Is Chaeyoung gonna stop school?” Dahyun came up with the first question. 

“Nope, she will just be taking a break from school. Maybe a semester, when the baby is due.”

“When did all of these happen?” Seungwan asked next.

“Remember the night of Lisa’s birthday party? You guys asked me a few days after, why was my car still parked there? I spent the night with Chaeyoung, in another room of the resort.” 

“How?” The two asked simultaneously. 

“We don’t know, maybe it was the alcohol doing its thing, we had no idea how we ended up there.” Chaeyoung answered this time round. 

“Now, I know you guys are in shock. But promise me that it will stay between us. We don’t want the whole school knowing about this. As for the rest of the team, we will let them know in time to come. So please stay silent about this, especially you, Seungwan.” Jennie followed. 

The shock on the two’s faces gradually came down, and a smile was slowly creeping up their faces. “Of course, you can trust us cap. Our mouths are sealed.” Seungwan clapped her hands in excitement. “But congratulations! You are gonna be a daddy! I mean, you might have been one in the bedroom, but now, an actual daddy!” 

“Seungwan!” Both Chaeyoung and Joohyun exclaimed while Seungwan fistpumped Dahyun who was snickering. Jennie rolled her eyes and smiled, happy to see that her teammates were supporting her.

“Now, if you excuse me, I need to bring Chaeyoung home before her mothers calls the police. Let’s go Chaeyoung.” Jennie stood up and held Chaeyoung’s bag. Chaeyoung nodded and bid her goodbyes to her friends and doctor, “See you guys next time!”

“Ooo, is the captain afraid that her baby’s grandparents won’t allow her to see her baby in the future?” Dahyun hollered.

Jennie pointed a middle finger at them while holding onto the door, causing them to cackle with laughter. 

As Jennie started the car, Chaeyoung looked at Jennie. “Are you okay? I went along because I thought you were starting to feel uncomfortable. You know my parents don’t have any curfew for me.” 

Jennie grinned, “Yeap, I’m good. I said that to get us out of that situation. Do you seriously want more of that dirty teasing?” 

Chaeyoung shuddered, “God no. Guess I should thank you then.”

“No worries. Now that the friends’ part is sort of settled, I think we should start to think about how we should tell our parents.” Jennie glanced at Chaeyoung.

“I think perhaps we should let my parents know first? Since you did say that your parents are quite strict.”

“Sounds like a good idea, what do you think about dinner on this Sunday? That’s if your parents are free?”

“Yeah, Sunday should be fine. I will let my mum know so she can make it.” 

Chaeyoung looked at Jennie who hummed in response. “You don’t have to worry too much about it alright? I will make sure they won’t kill you.” Jennie threw a playful glare at Chaeyoung, “You better!”


Sunday, 5.45pm, Chaeyoung’s House

Sunday came in a blink. Chaeyoung was busy in the kitchen trying to help Seohyun prepare the vegetables for wraps. 

“Chaeyoung ah, it’s almost 6pm, do you want to go and change first? I will help mum instead.” Alice asked as she entered the kitchen. 

“What?! It’s already so late?!” Chaeyoung washed her hands in a rush and thanked Alice before running to her room. Alice smiled, shaking her head at Chaeyoung’s antics. 

“Your sister must really like this girl. I haven’t seen her so nervous before.” Seohyun commented while plating the stir-fried beef on a plate. 

“Oh you have no idea, Mum. I used to think that Jennie was a bully to her back when they were in high school since Chaeyoung complained so much about her. But now, I think it might have been that Jennie had a crush on her, just expressing it like a typical high school kid.” 

Alice put the different vegetables into a big basket and carried them to the dining table. “Well, I am glad that she has finally won Chaeyoung’s heart. Chaeyoung looks so happy nowadays.” Seohyun said as she placed the other dishes on the table. 

“Hmm, smells good!” YoonA walked out of her office, cracking her neck. “Hey, how was your meeting?” Seohyun asked, giving a peck on YoonA’s lips. 

“Good, Dr Lee said that the treatment plan might work, so he will be presenting it to the patient later. Where’s Chaeyoung?” YoonA asked as she washed her hands. 

“Oh, she’s changing. But, I do see a car stopping outside, I think Jennie is here.” Alice grinned mischievously at YoonA. YoonA’s eyes brightened up in mischief, drying her hands quickly and sped-walked to the front door. 


“I got it!” Chaeyoung shouted as she came down in a hurry. But she was too late. YoonA straightened her face before opening the door, looking blankly at Jennie. 

Jennie gulped and offered the bottle of wine she had bought from the liquor store in shaking hands. “Hello Mrs Park, my name is Kim Jennie. I am Chaeyoung’s friend from school and she has invited me for dinner today.” 

YoonA accepted the wine, still keeping a straight face, “You are dating my daughter?” 

Jennie could feel cold sweats dripping at the back of her neck as she nodded, many thoughts running through her mind as she looked down on the ground. ‘Did I offend her somewhere? I thought Chaeyoung said her parents are chill, so why is she staring me down? Oh gosh, maybe she doesn’t drink red wine, I should have gotten a fruit basket instead, dumb jen. She hates me already. Whyyyyy?’

And before Jennie could continue spiralling into her thoughts, she heard a smack. She looked up and saw YoonA rubbing her arm. “Why are you scaring her, Umma?!” Chaeyoung asked, hands on her hips. Chaeyoung looked like a mother scolding her child. 

“I was just joking with her! She is not scared!” YoonA replied, pouting a little. “You are not scared, are you?” She turned to Jennie, eyes telling Jennie to agree with her. 

“Of-Of course not. Hehe.” Jennie quickly agreed, entering as YoonA opened the door wider for her to enter. 

“I was scared less.” Jennie whispered to Chaeyoung as they walked behind YoonA who was leading the way to the kitchen. Chaeyoung giggled, “Knew it. Sorry for my umma, she can be very childish at times.” 

“Hello dear, you must be Jennie. Chaeyoung has spoken so much about you.” Seohyun greeted as the trio walked into the dining room. Jennie bowed and shook Seohyun’s hand, “Yes Mrs Park, I have heard alot about you both as well.”

“Alice here, Chaeyoung’s older sister.” Alice waved at Jennie who smiled back. 

“Well, let’s have our dinner, shall we?” YoonA sat at the head of the table, with Chaennie on her left, Seohyun and Alice on her right. 

“So, you are majoring in business, Jennie?” YoonA started the small dinner talk, hoping to get to know Jennie. Jennie swallowed before replying. “Yes Ma’am, I am currently in my second year, doing business as my major and music as my minor.”

“Jennie plays for our University’s Baseball team as well. She was even selected for the national team tryouts.” Chaeyoung smiled proudly, knowing that her mum would be impressed. And she was not wrong. 

YoonA’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Oh? What do you play as?” Jennie smiled bashfully before replying, “I play as the pitcher for the team.” 

YoonA nodded, giving an approved look to Chaeyoung. “Damn Chaeyoung, you have found yourself an all-rounder.” 

“Do you play baseball as well, Mrs Park?” Jennie asked. “Yeap, how else do you think I would be able to impress the Mrs over here?” YoonA joked as Seohyun smiled and rolled her eyes. Jennie felt much more comfortable now, laughing alongside the parks. 

The dinner continued smoothly, with either Seohyun or YoonA throwing a question or Jennie sharing fun stories from school. It was when plates were kept and the family was eating fruits as dessert when Jennie glanced at Chaeyoung. 

Getting the hint, Chaeyoung took a deep breath to calm herself before starting, “Erm, Umma, Mum, I have something to tell you guys.” 

YoonA and Seohyun looked at the pair curiously, and put down their forks to show that they are giving their full attention. Alice sat at the side and continued eating, waiting to watch the show. 

“Jennie and I, we…” Chaeyoung closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Jennie held her hand, giving comforting rubs. “We are going to be having a baby.” 

Hearing no response from her parents, Chaeyoung opened her eyes. The shocked expressions and frowns her parents wore made her panic a little. She could feel the tears coming up and her vision getting blurry, thinking about how much she has disappointed them. Jennie wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung, trying to comfort her. 

Seeing Chaeyoung in tears, YoonA and Seohyun looked at each other and sighed. “Have you considered this carefully? A baby is not a small responsibility.” Seohyun questioned them.

“Yes Mrs Park. We have discussed this in length before coming up with this decision. Please be rest assured, I will definitely take care of both Chaeyoung and the baby.” Jennie said in determination. 

YoonA sighed again. “How many weeks are you at, Chaeyoung?” Chaeyoung sniffled and looked at YoonA, “Around 8 to 9 weeks now.” 

“Are you planning to marry her, Jennie?” YoonA’s straight face was looking right at Jennie again. Jennie gulped, before squeaking a small “yes?”. 

“And do your parents know about this matter?” Seohyun followed. Jennie shook her head. Both YoonA and Seohyun let out another sigh, both standing up and walking to the kitchen. 

Jennie took another look at Chaeyoung who was still sniffling and hugged her tighter. Jennie then turned her head to look at Chaeyoung’s parents who were in the midst of their discussion and felt helpless. 

She wishes that she could take all the scoldings or disappointments or anger that might be projected onto Chaeyoung soon, all to herself. Chaeyoung deserves none of those. She was just an innocent mother-to-be who wanted to protect her child. 

Jennie then sat up a little straighter as YoonHyun walked out of the kitchen and stood in front of the dining table. Chaeyoung, too, looked up at her parents, eyes still watery. 

“I would be lying if I said that I am not disappointed, Chaeyoung.” YoonA ran her hand through her hair. “We have thought that maybe Alice would have done something like this but not you.” Alice projected a small, indignant “Hey!” which was ignored by her parents. 
YoonA continued, “You were always the responsible one but….I guess you are also still young. And seeing how you and Jennie are strong in your opinions on keeping the baby, I suppose you are both mature enough and old enough to make the decisions you think are right.”

Both Chaennie looked shocked at YoonA’s statement. Jennie was the first one to react, spluttering out a few things all at once, “Wow. It’s really – Thank you so much Ma’am. I…I would never have expected this – Wow, really, thank you. I promise I will be there with and for Chaeyoung at every step of this journey.” Jennie stood up and shook Seohyun and YoonA’s hands.

Seohyun shook her hand and gave her a quick hug, “I trust you will take care of my daughter, Jennie.” Jennie pulled back from the hug and gave a soft smile, “You can count on me, Ma’am.”

Jennie moved on to YoonA, who accepted the handshake, but gripped it tighter, “You better, if not I will not only hunt you down, I will also hire all the best hitmen to go after you.” 

To which Jennie immediately let go of her hand, smiling awkwardly as she muttered, “Of course, you will not need to do all that, I assure you…”

Seohyun and YoonA looked at their still silent daughter. Chaeyoung’s tears were running freely down her cheeks, feeling comforted at her parents’ trust in her, as well as their love for her. 

“Chaeyoung, dear, stop crying now. A child is always a happy occasion in a family. We are just receiving that happiness earlier than expected. As long as you are aware and happy of the choices you make for yourself, we will never disapprove of it.” Seohyun said softly as she took Jennie’s seat, patting her daughter’s head. 

Chaeyoung gave her a tight hug, wanting to show her mum how thankful she is for their support. “Hey, I was the one who gave that speech, you know.” YoonA poked Chaeyoung’s arm from the other side.

Chaeyoung laughed out, wiping her tears as she tears herself off her mum and gave one tight hug to her umma, whispering a ‘thank you’ to her ear.

Jennie smiled at the family’s warm actions. She is glad her child would get to have such caring and supporting grandparents, and she swears she will give her best for her child too. 

The happy family moment was broken when Alice put the last apple into and stood up. “Gosh, you guys are so sweet I am about to get diabetes.” She pretended to shiver and walked off quickly.

“Alice Park, get your back here and clean up your plates. Don’t think I don’t know what you are doing!” Seohyun yelled after Alice who began to run up the stairs. “Too late! Ha!” 

YoonA shook her head at Alice’s silliness. Looking at how she was not at all surprised by Chaeyoung’s news, she could bet Alice had already known about it and advised accordingly. And she was, too, proud that Alice had been, and will always be a pillar of support to her younger sister.

Hey guysss, late update as always I apologise HAHAHA

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and till next time!! 

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fluffy77 #1
Chapter 8: author, maybe an update soon? I'm really looking forward to seeing Jennie's parents reaction
Mimowhipped #2
i see mimo i click hahaha
Chapter 8: I'm nervous of what Jennie's parents reaction. I hope they will also support them.🙏
Chapter 8: One pair of parents done, now I feel the second pair it's not gonna be as easy 😅
Chapter 7: Still waiting for your update 🤟
Chapter 7: When will u update, fighting:)
Chapter 7: Authornim, is this available on Wattpad? I'm always late reading your update since I don't get notifications here 😩
113 streak #8
Chapter 7: chaennie's relationship development here 🥹
Chapter 7: i love chaennie moms
it was an amazing chapter
thanks author love u
Chapter 7: Omg I'm so happy for you update!!!
Thanks author u are the best