Chapter 7: The Development

Baby Steps

I was thinking of who should be the parents, but just think of these characters as the parents but just with the surname change hehe


Jennie’s parents

  • Mrs Kim AKA Umma (Kwon Yuri) – CEO of Kim Enterprise

  • Mrs Kim-Jung AKA Mum (Jessica) – Freelance Author

Chaeyoung’s parents

  • Mrs Park AKA Umma (Im YoonA) – Doctor

  • Mrs Park-Seo AKA Mum (Seohyun) – Teacher



“Who’s that?” 

Chaeyoung jumped as she heard her Mum’s voice. She didn’t expect her mum to be home this early. “Ah! Mum, you scared me! Why are you home so early?” 

“The school has some anniversary thing today and we were allowed to leave earlier. Now, don’t change the topic, who was that?” Seohyun looked curiously at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung avoided her mum’s eyes, “Nobody, just a classmate.”

“Your classmate drove you home in a Porsche? And where do they stay? Do they stay nearby?” Seohyun continued probing.

“God muuuuuum, yes, she’s rich and I’m not sure where she lives. Now, will you please stop asking me?” Chaeyoung jut her lips out in a pout, combined with her puppy eyes, and it was more than effective as her mum smiled defeatedly and nodded, “But I am definitely telling your umma about this~” Seohyun said as she winked at her daughter who could only sigh and pray that her umma won’t make a big deal out of this. It wasn’t even the main event yet.


Chaeyoung went on ahead with her routine; showering and changing into more comfortable clothes, as she waited for her umma to come home for dinner since Alice was staying over at a friend’s house.

She stared into the mirror, just clad in her bra, and looked at her belly. It was certainly not as flat as it used to be a few months back, and Chaeyoung exchanged the tight long sleeve shirt she originally chose as pyjamas, for a loose hoodie. Just in case. To prevent any unexpected questions.  

“Chaeyoung ah! Come down and eat!” Chaeyoung heard her mum shout. She shouted back an ‘Okay!’ before pulling the hoodie over her head and making her way downstairs. 


“So, what is it I hear of this crush-slash-admirer-slash-lover I hear from mum?” Her umma wriggled her eyebrows playfully at her. Chaeyoung groaned and looked at her parents, wondering what she did to deserve this. 

Her parents were the definition of adults trapped in teenagers’ bodies. Her umma, YoonA, is a Cardiologist at one of the renown hospitals in the country, while her mum, Seohyun, is a teacher teaching music in one of the private high schools in the area. Seohyun was usually stricter than YoonA, but there are occasions (like this one), where she would turn on her childish side and children together with her partner. 

“Nobody! It was just a schoolmate..” Chaeyoung tried to use the same method on her umma, but her umma was harder to stop. 

“What’s their name?”


“What is she studying in Uni? Music too?”

“No, she’s doing business.”

“When are you planning to bring her home and introduce to us?”


YoonA crackled in laughter once she saw her usually-calm daughter whine loudly, chubby cheeks flushed red. Although she is usually very busy with work, she has never once missed anything that’s happening in her daughters’ lives. She wants to be involved and supportive, so when she hears that Chaeyoung might have a girlfriend/boyfriend, she wants her daughter to know that she will definitely have her back, and Chaeyoung could be open with her relationship. 

The conversation ended with YoonA surrendering, “Alright, alright. Just know that you can bring her back to meet us whenever. But of course, let me know earlier so that I can make sure that I’m free that day.” And she smiled when Chaeyoung nodded her head lightly, no longer denying being ‘in a relationship’.


Tuesday, 2.30pm, YME University Student Council Room

“Okay, I’ve got a plan.” 

Chaeyoung sat up curiously as Jennie leaned forward. The two were in the student council clubroom since it was the only place where selected people could enter. 

“We could say that we have been in a relationship for the past 3 or 4 months, and this happened in the heat of the moment. And that we both love each other so much that we don’t mind starting a family this early. What do you think about that?” Jennie grinned at Chaeyoung, proud of her genius plan.

Chaeyoung just looked at her blankly, “I thought all of that was a given?”

Jennie pouted at Chaeyoung’s words, hopping onto Chaeyoung’s desk. “Hey! I was thinking of all that the whole night, give me some credit here.” 

“Fine, but what I meant about the telling our parents part was more of the ‘how-do-we-react-to-their-reactions’ part. Ahh thinking ahead here aren’t I?” Chaeyoung tapped her temple as Jennie ‘Ohh’ in reaction. 

“Well, we would definitely have to expect a huge reaction from my parents. The other day, I was just trying to test out how my mum would respond, and her only reaction was that ‘I better not be doing these kinds of things’. And if that’s how my mum reacted, I can already tell you, my umma will be pissed. I might even die.” Jennie then gasped, making Chaeyoung jump, “What if I don’t even get to live till the day our baby is born?” 

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes playfully, “I’m pretty sure your umma won’t kill you literally.”

To which Jennie replied, in a mumble, “You can never be too sure about that.”

Jennie then looked at Chaeyoung again, “What about your parents? How would your parents react?” 

“I think my parents will be disappointed with the choices that I’ve made that led me to this path. But I’m hoping they are going to be supportive as well. They are huge fans of kids after all. But I think one thing we have to worry about would be their reaction to you.” 

Jennie widened her eyes and pointed to herself, “Me?”  “Yes you. Although umma keeps asking us to bring our partners back when we have them, I don’t think she will be very happy with someone getting her precious daughter pregnant~” Chaeyoung said in a sing-song voice. “And why are you so okay with that?” Jennie narrowed her eyes at Chaeyoung. 

“Cause I’m not the one she’ll be killing.” Chaeyoung shrugged and took a bite out of her salad, making Jennie groan, “Why do they all want to kill me?!” 

“Guess karma’s a , Kim.” Chaeyoung stuck out her tongue at Jennie, barely avoiding the paper ball that Jennie threw weakly at her. Jennie then pulled a chair and squeezed next to Chaeyoung, putting her lunch beside Chaeyoung’s.

“Why are you sitting so close to me?” Jennie ignored Chaeyoung’s question, instead opting to bite her sandwich. “We are keeping the baby a secret right? I mean, other than our parents, and Coach.”

Chaeyoung nodded her head, before adding another name to the list. “Wait, and Joohyun unnie, I’ve talked to her before regarding this.” Seeing Jennie’s face paled at another possible addition to Team let’s-kill-Jennie, Chaeyoung laughed and patted Jennie’s arm, “Don’t worry, she’s okay with it, just a little worried. We can just update her on what’s going on. Hopefully Seungwan doesn’t know about it yet though.”

Jennie nodded nervously and they continued eating their lunch silently. The door opened suddenly, and Seungwan walked in first with a few files in her arm, followed by Joohyun. “Oh, cap?”

Wenrene looked at Chaennie sitting closely, and Joohyun shot a look at Chaeyoung, as if mentally asking her if Jennie was taking up the responsibility. Chaeyoung just nodded her head with a shy smile. While Seungwan could only generate questions in her mind. ‘What is cap doing here? Why are they not trying to kill each other? Oh my, why are they eating lunch here alone? Did the get too high that they decided to finally date? Oh my god, are they dating?’ 

Poor Seungwan could be left to her own imagination when she saw Chaeyoung nod and smile, as if answering her questions. (but she didn’t know that the nod was directed towards Joohyun instead).  Before Seungwan could raise any questions, Jennie shoved the last of her sandwich into and stood up. “I’ll be going off now, I have training. Hitch a ride with Seungwan okay?”

Chaeyoung was about to refuse but Jennie then tapped Seungwan’s shoulder, uttering something along the lines of “Make sure to send Chaeyoung home as well, alrights? I’ll treat you to lunch when I join the next training with you guys.” Jennie then bowed slightly at Joohyun and carried both hers and Chaeyoung’s trash out to throw, leaving all of them to look at the door in confusion, not processing what had just happened.

“Alright, guess I’ll be taking you home later.” Seungwan grinned and broke the silence. Charyoung immediately declined, “Oh no, it’s okay, I can go back myself.”

“No no, it's okay, I have promised cap already, but it might be a little later than you expected though, I sort of need to finish up some admin stuff for the club so that Joohyun Unnie can submit to the advisors.” Chaeyoung just nodded, “No problem, take your time. I have some work to do anyway.”

Chaeyoung stared at Wenrene being lovey dovey while settling the paperworks. She has always been jealous of the relationships her fellow council members had with their partners. 

Seungwan never fails to treat Joohyun Unnie like a queen. 

Tzuyu always leaves small gifts for Jihyo Unnie and makes sure she doesn’t overwork herself. 

Even Mina had Momo Unnie to always remind her to eat and surprises her with bento boxes or snacks from their country. 

Now Chaeyoung has to live with the fact that Jennie is her future partner. Well, at least for the next 5 to 10 years? Oh alright, Jennie is not that bad. She is attentive sometimes and always driving her around. Although she doesn’t really show it now, Chaeyoung knows Jennie doesn’t want the baby, but she still thought it through and made the decision to be there with her for their baby. 

Chaeyoung’s phone ‘pinged’, signalling a new message. 


Okay, maybe Jennie really isn’t that bad at all. Chaeyoung thought as she blushed and took the plastic bag and opened it. It was the exact cake that she mentioned as a passing remark, she didn’t know Jennie would take note of that. And somehow when Chaeyoung took a bite, the cake tasted so much sweeter. 


Thursday, 8.30pm, Chaeyoung's Bedroom

A few days had passed since Chaeyoung last saw Jennie. But her text messages with Jennie had been a constant. Jennie’s always checking up on her, whether she feels any discomfort or has morning sickness, or whether she has any cravings. 

Chaeyoung won’t lie, but the initial ‘interested’ feelings she had felt for Jennie might have turned into a full-blown crush at this point. She can’t help it! Chaeyoung is a er for people who seemed cold on the outside but is a total caring softie on the inside. And Jennie Kim was definitely one of those people. 

Now she just hopes that Jennie won’t find out about how she’s feeling, she doesn’t want their current still-progressing-but-in-a very-good-direction new friendship/relationship to be awkward. 

Hearing her phone vibrate, Chaeyoung rolled over in her bed and grabbed the phone that was charging. A smile went up to her face immediately. 





Chaeyoung giggled at Jennie’s reply. She can’t wait to see Jennie tomorrow. Firstly, to pinch those cheeks. And secondly, to see Jennie’s reaction when finally hears the baby’s heartbeats. 

She subconsciously rubbed her belly, feeling the little bump. “I’m glad you will be having 2 parents instead of just one.”


Friday, 7.15pm, Opposite YME University

Chaeyoung waited at the bus stop opposite their university as agreed. Jennie had texted her around 15 minutes ago saying that she had just left the stadium.

She looked up from her phone when she felt a car stopping in front of her. Jennie, once again, opened the door from the inside and gave her that annoying gummy grin that made Chaeyoung’s stomach feel like thousands of butterflies are inside.

The first thing Chaeyoung did when she entered the car was to pinch Jennie’s cheeks.

“Owww, that hurts!” Jennie pouted as she rubbed her cheeks after Chaeyoung let go. 

“Serves you right,” Chaeyoung buckled her seatbelt, “Now, let’s go, we are almost late.” Jennie continued pouting all the way to the clinic.


Friday, 7.45pm, BB Gynae Clinic

“Good Evening, Miss Park. Good to see you again. And this is?” Dr Kim raised an eyebrow to the awkward Jennie who was shuffling behind Chaeyoung. 

“Oh, this is Jennie. She is the other parent of the baby. We have thought it through and decided to keep the baby.” Chaeyoung smiled softly at Dr Kim, who returned the smile. 

“Good to hear that. I trust that you are ready for all the upcoming responsibilities?” Dr Kim looked directly into Jennie’s eyes and smiled when she saw Jennie taking a deep breath before giving a definite nod. 

“Very well then, let’s do another scan to check on the baby’s progress.” Dr Kim beckoned Chaeyoung to follow her to the reclined coach. 

Chaeyoung looked at Jennie as the monitor showed the foetus once again. The sound of the heartbeat came on and Chaeyoung could only focus on the way Jennie’s lips quivered, the way her eyes became misty, and the shaking of her hand as she pointed to the monitor. “That’s the actual heartbeat of the baby?”

Dr Kim nodded, content with Jennie’s reaction. Although she hasn’t been a doctor for a very long time, she has seen a fair amount of couples going through this process. The wonders of seeing their unborn baby. 

And for someone who hadn’t wanted the baby at first, Jennie had surely surprised her with her reaction. The genuinity of the smile that was now plastered on her face was too precious. The baby would definitely be in good hands. 

Dr Kim then went on to explain which part of the image is the arms, legs etc, followed by answering all the questions the young couple had. Be it from the kind of food Chaeyoung should have, to the kind of changes that Chaeyoung will experience. 

Jennie’s brows furrowed as she tries to remember as much information given by Dr Kim as possible. 

And by the time Chaennie was done with their doctor’s appointment, it was almost time for the clinic’s closing. They bowed to Dr Kim, said their appreciations and thanks, before going back to the reception to make their next appointment. 

“Cap? Chaeyoung?”

Chaennie’s heads snapped to the voice. Their blood ran cold when they saw Dahyun looking straight at them, albeit a little puzzled.

“Oh Da-Dahyun. W-What are you do-doing here?” Jennie asked, trying not to stutter. 

Dahyun opened to answer, but before she could, a figure in white wrapped their arms around her, dropping both Chaeyoung and Jennie’s jaws.


Eyyy I bet yall can guess what's gonna happen next 🌝

Hope yall enjoyed this one, till next timeee!

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fluffy77 #1
Chapter 8: author, maybe an update soon? I'm really looking forward to seeing Jennie's parents reaction
Mimowhipped #2
i see mimo i click hahaha
Chapter 8: I'm nervous of what Jennie's parents reaction. I hope they will also support them.🙏
Chapter 8: One pair of parents done, now I feel the second pair it's not gonna be as easy 😅
Chapter 7: Still waiting for your update 🤟
Chapter 7: When will u update, fighting:)
Chapter 7: Authornim, is this available on Wattpad? I'm always late reading your update since I don't get notifications here 😩
113 streak #8
Chapter 7: chaennie's relationship development here 🥹
Chapter 7: i love chaennie moms
it was an amazing chapter
thanks author love u
Chapter 7: Omg I'm so happy for you update!!!
Thanks author u are the best