Chapter 5: The Revelation

Baby Steps

Hehehe a longer update!

**take note that there will be mentions of abortion in this chapter**


Over the next few days, Chaeyoung had experienced the nauseous feeling twice but she played it off as a food poisoning episode. 

And today, she found herself running up to her room after school with the package in her hands. She tore open the package and grabbed one of the kits before going to her bathroom. 

Her hands shook as she placed the kit on top of her sink. She paced around the bathroom anxiously while waiting for the 5 minutes to pass (as per what’s written on the instructions, because it’s Chaeyoung, what can we expect?) 

She closed her eyes as she stood in front of the kit. Eyes slowly opening as she prayed to see only one line on the kit. Her heart sank as she spotted a second line.

She took a step back and sat on the ground. Her heart was now racing while she took short and fast breaths, wondering what she should do now.

‘Contact Jennie? Wait, do I even have her number? Gosh,’ Chaeyoung whipped out her phone and searched through her contacts. ‘Darn it, now I have to search the school files.’ She then widened her eyes, ‘School! How do I continue schooling without anybody knowing about this? Wait, Park Chaeyoung, calm down! This might be a fluke. We shall take another one later.’ 

Nodding her head, Chaeyoung carefully placed the current kit into the ziplock bag provided and kept it in her toilet cabinet. She then went back to her desk, ready to distract herself with some work that needed to be done.

But 2 hours later, Chaeyoung finds herself devastated when she sees the second line again on the other kit. A lone tear fell from the corner of her eye, and soon, Chaeyoung was sobbing silently by herself.


“Chaeng! Time for dinner!” 

Chaeyoung could hear her sister knocking on her door, before the twisting of the doorknob.

She hurriedly tries to shove everything into her drawer just as Alice stepped in.

“Ohh what did you just keep? Lemme see it too! Wait, are you okay?” Alice stopped her playful actions of wanting to open the drawer when she saw her younger sister’s red nose and teary eyes.

“Yeah. I’m fine, no need to worry!” Chaeyoung tried her best to give her brightest smile but it only came out as a weak smile.

“Come on Chaeng, you know you can tell me anything, I’ll always be on your side…” Alice said as she side-hugged Chaeyoung, “But of course when you are ready, alrights? Just know that I’ll be here waiting to be your listening ear.”

Chaeyoung nodded with her head low. 

“Good. Now wash up abit and come down to have dinner okay? Mum is almost home.”

Alice patted her baby sister’s head before turning around, wanting to give her sister a little space.

But she turns around again when she hears Chaeyoung calling out to her softly, “Unnie..”

Alice saw Chaeyoung hesitantly opening her drawer and taking out 2 ziplock bags. She went in for a closer look.

“Are-are those preg-pregnancy kits?” Alice asked in disbelief as she looked back and forth between Chaeyoung and the kits.

Seeing Chaeyoung starting to sniffle again, Alice immediately hugged Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung circled her arms around Alice’s waist as she cried silently into Alice’s shirt.

Alice pulled out of the hug and cupped Chaeyoung’s face, “Do you at least know who the other parent is?” Chaeyoung nodded.

“Was it consensual?” Chaeyoung kept silent. 

“Who is that jerk?! I’ll kill her!” Alice glared at Chaeyoung, fist clenched.

“Wait! No, unnie, it was consensual. At least that’s what I think. We were both drunk that night, so she couldn’t remember what happened either…”

Alice sighed. “Who is that girl?”


“That annoying Jennie that kept disturbing you during high school?” 


“When did you guys even get together? Why didn’t you tell- wait, you guys aren’t together are you?” Alice suspected after seeing Chaeyoung’s guilty face. 

“No… it was just the alcohol doing its job that day.”

“Does she know yet?” 

Chaeyoung shook her head. “I’ve only found out today, what should I do unnie?” 

“Well, first things first, you need to let Jennie know and take responsibility! You ain’t gonna be raising the child alone! Although, abortion could be an option too.” 

“Do you think… it’s bad if I make the decision without letting Jennie know?” 

“Chaeng, I understand that the best option you see now is abortion. But this is a life we are talking about, and I think Jennie does have the right to know about it too.”

“Ahh, fine. I’ll talk to her soon about it.” Chaeyoung sighed and plopped down on her bed. 

“Good, you better do it soon, before it starts being obvious. Now go wash up a little and come down, I can hear mum’s car pulling into the driveway.” Alice smacked Chaeyoung’s gently before walking out. 

Chaeyoung laid there for another 5 minutes before she heard her umma calling her down for dinner. She sighed and went to wash up. She really had got to talk to Jennie soon. 



2 days later (Student council clubroom)

“Aish, why can’t I access the contacts page for captains!” Chaeyoung muttered angrily. She was alone in the clubroom, using the excuse of wanting to finish up the budgeting for the next month, where in reality, she just wanted to search for Jennie’s number without anybody knowing about it. “Is it a file that only Joohyun unnie can access?” She wondered.

And speaking of the devil, Joohyun walks through the door with a huge file. Chaeyoung jumped up and immediately closed the file. 

“Oh unnie! What are you doing here?” Chaeyoung asked nervously. 

“Huh? Oh, I’ve some admin stuff to settle for the sports competitions. They are always giving me the information at the last minute!” Joohyun huffed and sat at her seat. 

She angrily flipped through the papers, failing to notice the fidgeting Chaeyoung slowly making her way to her. 


Joohyun jumped at the sudden voice, “You scared me! When did you even walk here?”

Chaeyoung ignored the question and continued, “Can… Can I have Jennie’s number?” 

“You don’t have her number?” Joohyun’s jaw dropped in disbelief. 

“I mean, she did message me before, but I didn’t save it, so I can’t find it now…” 

“Geez you, why do you need her number?” Joohyun asked as she flipped through her contact list, trying to find Jennie’s name. 

“Erm, I just..” Chaeyoung grew speechless. She is contemplating whether she should tell the truth. She is very bad at lying and honestly, she trusts Joohyun a lot. Joohyun is just like a real older sister to her, much like Alice. The advice she gives is also like god’s words, so it’ll not hurt to tell Joohyun the truth, right?

Chaeyoung made up her mind and took a deep breath. “I have something to tell you, unnie.” 

“Yeah?” Joohyun answered absently as she forwarded Jennie’s number to Chaeyoung.

“Remember how during Lisa’s party, Jennie and I left earlier?”

“Yeah, she wanted to send you home right? But you rejected and went back by yourself. Till now, I still wonder why she didn’t just come back to our room and instead rented another room by herself, were we that noisy?” Joohyun pondered. 

Chaeyoung flashed a weak smile, before exposing the truth, “Honestly, she wasn’t alone in that room, I was with her.”

“Wait what?” Joohyun stopped everything she was doing and looked up at Chaeyoung. 

“Yeah, I was with her inside that room, and we left the next morning, which is why you guys saw her car in the morning.”

“What were you doing with her in the room? Wait that’s a stupid question. But, frankly, did you guys have ?” 

“Unnie, that’s too forward!” Chaeyoung blushed at Joohyun’s question. 

“I mean, there must be a reason why you are telling me this. You are not going to tell me you’re pregnant are you?” Joohyun jokes. But Chaeyoung kept silent.

“No.” Joohyun finally came to a realisation, her smile dropping. “No, Chaeyoung, you are -” Joohyun glanced at Chaeyoung’s belly. “You’re pregnant?!” 

Chaeyoung nodded timidly, “Yeah.. and now I really don’t know what to do. I am really tempted to just make the decision myself, and do an abortion. But then again, Jennie has the right to know. Ugh, I’m really at a loss here.” 

Joohyun thought for a while, “I think you should let Jennie know about it too. She should share this stress with you and carry half the responsibility to make the decision. It is not fair for you to go through all the mental stress alone while she goes on with her life like nothing happened.” 

“You think so too huh, I guess I shall message her now, thank you so much unnie.” 

“No problem, you know you can come to me, anytime you have a problem alright?”

“Yeap! Thank you again Joohyun unnie.” 

Chaeyoung gave Joohyun a tight hug before moving back to her seat. She tapped on the phone number Joohyun had sent her and saved it before tapping on ‘new message’.

Hi Jennie, Chaeyoung here, are you free tonight? I need to talk to you.’

Chaeyoung got a reply about 2 minutes later. 

‘Hey, I am free tonight, but after my training though. Why? Did Seungwan forget to submit any forms?’

‘Nope, it’s not related to the clubs, no worries. What time do you end your training?’

‘I think I will be ending around 9pm? Is it urgent? Or do you want to talk about it in school next week instead?’

‘It is quite urgent though. I’ll wait for you around 9.30pm outside my house? Do you still remember the address?’

‘Oh alrighty then, i’ll see you later. And yes I remember the route to your house.’

‘See ya later.’

Chaeyoung put down her phone with a sigh. 

“Did you tell her yet?” Joohyun asked, looking at Chaeyoung. 

“Not yet, I’m planning to tell her tonight face to face, together with the kits.” 

Joohyun nodded understandably. “Good luck with it. I’m sure Jennie would take it well.” Joohyun smiled encouragingly. 

“I hope so. I’ll leave first then unnie, finish up your work and go home soon!”  Chaeyoung said as she packed her things into her bag. “I have to wait for Seungwan anyways, go off first!” Joohyun waved goodbye to Chaeyoung as she left. 



Chaeyoung stood outside her house, holding onto the small pouch that contained the pregnancy kits. She put her hands and pouch into the pockets of her hoodie, moving slightly to keep herself warm. She checked her phone for the time again. ‘9.31pm’.

“Jennie should be here soon.” Chaeyoung thought as she sat on the swing that her parents had installed for Alice and her when they were kids. She swung herself lightly as she waited.

She was honestly glad that her mum had to work the night shift tonight and her umma had a social gathering with her friends; so that none of them would question this very situation. Alice was inside the house, preparing her case studies, occasionally looking out the window to see if Jennie had arrived. 

Chaeyoung had told Alice about the meeting and Alice was extremely curious to see what Jennie looked like. She has only heard the stories about what Jennie had done but never had the face to match the actions with. She stood up when she saw a black car pulling up to the sidewalk.

Chaeyoung looked up from her phone when she heard the car stop near her. She glanced back into her house and saw Alice peering through the kitchen window and glared at her. ‘Go back into the house.’ Chaeyoung mouthed to her.

She could see Alice pout and walk away from the window. That is when Jennie walked up to her.

“Hey!” Jennie greeted Chaeyoung with the infamous gummy grin she had. 

“Hi. Do you mind if we talk in your car instead?” Chaeyoung looked around, albeit a little nervous that her umma might come back suddenly.

Jennie looked a little weirded out by Chaeyoung’s request but still agreed to it, “Okay.. Sure..”

The 2 of them climbed into Jennie’s car and shut the door. “Do you want to go for a ride then? You look extremely tense.”

“I am.” 

Seeing Chaeyoung still looking a little distraught, Jennie started the engine and began to drive slowly, trying to think of reasons why Chaeyoung would want to tell her something suddenly. 

“Did something happen? Is it about my attendance rate? I swear I really do want to attend classes but the 8.30am classes are killers. I can’t even wake up with 10 alarms. But no worries, I’ll catch up I -”

“It’s not about that, Jennie, it’s nothing related to school.” 

“Oh, Then what did you want to tell me?”

Jennie could hear Chaeyoung sigh and turned slightly to see what Chaeyoung was up to. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Chaeyoung taking something out of her pocket. 



“I am pregnant.”

A loud screech echoed through the empty roads by the park as Jennie slammed on the brakes. 

“What the heck Jennie?! Luckily there weren't any cars around! Do you know how dangerous that was!?” Chaeyoung raised her voice as she stared at Jennie in disbelief. Although yes, it was probably her fault for dropping a bomb like this on Jennie while she was driving but Jennie could have pulled to the side instead of stepping on the brakes so suddenly. 

“Wha-What did you just say??” Jennie stuttered.

“I’m pregnant.” 

“Are you sure it’s mine?” 

“Do I ing look like someone who sleeps around Jennie Kim?” Chaeyoung glared at Jennie who was still looking at her dashboard. 

Jennie’s head whipped to look at Chaeyoung, “No! I did not mean that! I’m sorry, I don't know why I said that, it’s just, my head is in a mess right now…” She kept silent for another minute.

“How do you know you are pregnant?” Jennie finally mustered the courage to look at Chaeyoung straight in the eyes without avoiding. And that is when Chaeyoung passed the pouch to Jennie.

Jennie opened the pouch with shaky hands, she took out the kits and looked at them. After seeing that both were positive, Jennie felt her energy getting away by an unknown entity. Her hands dropped to her lap with the kits as she laid back on her seat, contemplating on what she should do next.

She could roughly hear Chaeyoung saying something about morning sickness and missed period but the words were just flying over her head at this point. 

“Do you have a plan yet?” Jennie cut Chaeyoung’s words halfway, staring at her dashboard again.

Chaeyoung mumbled a soft ‘yes’. Chaeyoung noticed Jennie clenching her jaw, seemingly making her own decision on what to do. 

“I hope we are thinking of the same thing here. I would prefer aborting the baby.” 

Looking into the pair of brown eyes that were filled with certainty, Chaeyoung heaved a sigh of relief, “I’m glad we were thinking of the same thing then.” A small smile appeared on her face.


A week later, Chaeyoung found herself stepping into the Women’s clinic alone after her afternoon classes. She glanced around nervously at the few other women sitting in the clinic, accompanied by somebody. 

Walking over to the counter, she let out a shaky breath while placing her ID card on the counter, “Hi, my name is Park Chaeyoung, I have an appointment at 7.30pm?” 


Although both Chaeyoung and Jennie had come to consensus that abortion would be the best decision for the both of them, Chaeyoung was starting to feel hesitation the longer she watched the video that was playing on the TV. After registration, she had been looking through the different brochures the clinic had about abortion until the video caught her attention. The video was showing how the embryo grows throughout the 9 months till the baby that was crying in the surgery room. 


“Miss Park Chaeyoung. Room 3 please.” Peeling her eyes from the TV, Chaeyoung slowly got up and put the brochures into her bag. She knocked on the doctor’s door and peeked her head in. 

“Hi Miss Park, my name is Dr Kim and I’ll be your doctor for today. Please take a seat.” The woman in white coat gestured for Chaeyoung to sit in the chair by her table. After Chaeyoung took a seat, the doctor continued, “Okay, how can I help you today?”

Tucking her hair behind her ears, Chaeyoung explained, “I would like to have an abortion.”

Dr Kim’s eyebrows shot up, “Alright…May I know how far along you are?” 

“I think it’s around 5 to 6 weeks, I am not sure, my period hasn’t come since the end of March. I used 2 pregnancy tests last week to check and it was positive.”

“Do you mind if we do another pregnancy test here so that we can verify the results too?” Dr Kim guided her to the nurse outside the room and requested for the test after Chaeyoung agreed.

Chaeyoung gave her sample and was ushered back to Dr Kim’s room again. She waited patiently as Dr Kim went out to get the report.

“Alright, the test results have confirmed your pregnancy.” Dr Kim said as she walked in with the kit. She took a seat and cleared . 

“Miss Park, what made you think of abortion?” 

Chaeyoung bit her lips, “Honestly, this pregnancy is sort of unwanted? The baby’s other parent had also agreed that abortion would be the best option too. We are still in University and having a baby now would change everything ahead of us.”

Dr Kim sighed softly. “I understand that you and your girlfriend are still not ready for a baby. However, this is a human life we are talking about. Our clinic don’t generally encourage patients to go through with abortion, unless there are risk factors for the mother or baby; or if patient is pregnant due to ual assaults. I believe that the that occured was a decision that both you and your girlfriend made?”

“Erm, does both parties being drunk and not remembering what happened count as non-consensus?” Chaeyoung fiddled with her fingers as she tried to meet her doctor’s eyes but failed, ignoring what Dr Kim said about their relationship.

“I’m afraid not. Firstly, I would recommend getting an ultrasound to see the foetus health first, to see if it’s an ectopic pregnancy. If you want to still go ahead with the abortion then, our clinic has a policy which requires you to speak to a psychologist first, before proceeding, as abortion do have impact on one’s mental health.” 

Seeing Dr Kim’s pointed look, Chaeyoung nodded her head, “Sure.”

Chaeyoung laid back on the reclined couch at the other side of the room, pulling her shirt up to expose her belly. She shuddered as Dr Kim squeezed a cool gel on her abdomen. “As your pregnancy is still quite early, we would be doing the transabdominal ultrasound instead of the normal abdomen ultrasound. Please lower your pants and underwear slightly, thank you.”

As Chaeyoung followed Dr Kim’s instruction, a probe was soon pressed against Chaeyoung’s belly. Dr Kim moved the probe around with the help of the gel, to figure out where the baby is. 

Chaeyoung stared at the monitor that was changing with each movement Dr Kim made. She could see a bean-looking shadow on the screen just as Dr Kim pointed towards it, “There is your baby over here.” 

Call her crazy, but Chaeyoung felt a little overwhelmed when she could see the bean, even more so when she heard the soft heartbeats coming from the monitor. Although she had been adamant in not wanting the baby, hearing the heartbeats made Chaeyoung realise the reality.

Before coming to the clinic, it had just felt like an unwanted pregnancy, although Chaeyoung was aware that it’s a living being, it didn’t hit her hard until this very moment. Hearing the heartbeats felt surreal and conscious of the fact that it is an actual living being’s life that she would be ending if she went ahead with the abortion. Chaeyoung doesn't really understand what that feeling is.

“From the size of the foetus and the heartbeats we can hear, I think it would be safe to assume that the foetus is currently around 6-7 weeks old. Which shows that you might be able to opt for the medicine abortion option, which does not require any procedures. However, the meeting with the psychologist would still have to happen. Would you like to proceed with that?” Dr Kim asked while passing Chaeyoung some tissues to wipe the gel up. 

Hearing no response from Chaeyoung, Dr Kim glanced at her patient who was wiping away the gel absentmindedly. 

“Miss Park?”

Chaeyoung jolted at the call. “Oh- I apologise, I was just thinking. I think I would like to- would it be okay if I have more time to consider my options instead?”

Dr Kim, having seen this kind of reaction from a number of patients, understood that Chaeyoung was having some doubts about proceeding with abortion now. “Of course. Would 1 week be enough?”

“Yeah.. I think so..”

“Alrights, I’ll get the nurse to book a next week appointment for you. You can head over to the counter to confirm the appointment timing again.” 

Chaeyoung nodded and picked up her bag. Just as she was about to open the door, she heard Dr Kim’s voice again.

“Miss Park, I know that being pregnant at such a young age might scare you, but we have many resources and societies that can offer support to you. And if you decide to still go ahead with the abortion, it would be understandable too. You are still young and have a bright future in front of you. You shouldn’t blame yourself for whichever option you choose, alright?” 

Chaeyoung met Dr Kim’s soft gaze. She must’ve looked very conflicted during the last few minutes of the ultrasound. She nodded and flashed a small smile before bowing her head, “I understand. Thank you so much Doctor.”


Chaeyoung sighed for the umpteenth time as she exited the clinic, holding onto a small envelope. She looked into the now-dark sky filled with stars, mind in a mess from the various emotions she had felt in the last hour and a half. 

She heard a honk in front of her and spotted the familiar black porsche in one of the parking lots. Chaeyoung made her way to the car as Jennie opened the passenger car door from inside.

“Hey, how did it go?” Was the first question Jennie asked as Chaeyoung shutted the door.

Chaeyoung fastened her seatbelt. Jennie had volunteered to drive her home after her doctor’s appointment and Jennie’s training, because from all the types of abortion videos she had watched, Jennie thought that it would definitely be painful or uncomfortable for Chaeyoung after the procedure. And Jennie would be a jerk to not even offer her a ride if she can’t be there physically to support. 

“The doctor said that I would have to have a chat with the psychologist before the actual abortion process. And that since the baby is still 6 to 7 weeks old, I might be able to just take some medicine to abort the baby, instead of a whole procedure.”

Jennie’s grin came back. “That’s even better isn’t it?! Did you manage to get a date for the psychologist chat?” She glanced at Chaeyoung.


Jennie’s eyebrows creased. “What? Why? Did they have that many patients? We could go to another psychologist if they allow, I don’t mind paying.” 

Chaeyoung kept silent for a few seconds. 


“I think… I think I am going to go ahead with the pregnancy.”


Hope you guys have enjoyed the story so far ^^

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fluffy77 #1
Chapter 8: author, maybe an update soon? I'm really looking forward to seeing Jennie's parents reaction
Mimowhipped #2
i see mimo i click hahaha
Chapter 8: I'm nervous of what Jennie's parents reaction. I hope they will also support them.🙏
Chapter 8: One pair of parents done, now I feel the second pair it's not gonna be as easy 😅
Chapter 7: Still waiting for your update 🤟
Chapter 7: When will u update, fighting:)
Chapter 7: Authornim, is this available on Wattpad? I'm always late reading your update since I don't get notifications here 😩
113 streak #8
Chapter 7: chaennie's relationship development here 🥹
Chapter 7: i love chaennie moms
it was an amazing chapter
thanks author love u
Chapter 7: Omg I'm so happy for you update!!!
Thanks author u are the best