Chapter 1: Introduction

Baby Steps

Chapter 1 


Saturday, 9am.

Birds chirping could be heard as the phone alarm started beeping.

Chaeyoung raised her arm and began tapping around the bed with her eyes closed.

‘Hmm, it’s so chilly today. And where’s that goddamn phone?!’ Chaeyoung thought as she started swatting more aggressively. It only struck her that she was not in bed alone when her palm made contact with a soft-yet-strangely-human-like surface. 


Yeap, that confirms that it is indeed an actual human beside her. Chaeyoung’s eyes shot open immediately at that realization. 

She sat up at once when she saw that she was not in her own room. The blanket that was barely covering her chest previously slid down and Chaeyoung immediately gripped it back to protect her modesty.

She turned to her side and saw her nemesis Jennie-Freaking-Kim still sleeping peacefully with a slight frown on her face. 

Chaeyoung’s face turned red instantly when she saw that Jennie Kim was only wearing her sports bra, her chiseled abs for show to the whole world. 

‘Luckily the blanket was still covering her lower half’, Chaeyoung thought, ‘if not I would have to go and cleanse my eyes with holy water.’

Chaeyoung looked around the room and saw a few articles of clothing laying all around the room. She tried to quietly slip off the bed, taking the opportunity to dress up while Jennie was still asleep. 

She winced as she stood up shakingly, her lower part feeling a little sore. 

‘Yeap we definitely did it.’ Chaeyoung facepalmed herself mentally. 

She was in the midst of putting on her shoes when the figure on the bed started to move. Jennie sat up and started stretching like a cat. Her eyes finally opened after she finished her routine stretch.

Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw Chaeyoung frozen by the couch, looking at her.

“Chaeyoung? What are you doing here?” Jennie asked as she narrowed her eyes at Chaeyoung. “And why am I only in my bra?” 

Jennie then gasped before pulling the blanket up and down immediately. “Wait a minute, why don’t I have my underwear on?! What did you do to me?” Jennie then pulled the blanket up till her chin defensively.

Hearing these accusations towards her, the normally-calm-Chaeyoung felt her blood pressure rise. 

“First of all, I don’t remember bringing you here, so maybe you brought me here instead! Secondly, I was much more than you before, so be glad you are at least wearing a bra. And lastly, you took my first time without my consent! You should be happy that I didn’t call the police on you. You ert!” Chaeyoung said all in one breath while pointing her finger at Jennie.

Jennie sat there in the bed, jaw dropping slightly as she stared speechlessly at Chaeyoung. This was her first time seeing Chaeyoung angry.

Chaeyoung puffed a breath at the lack of response from Jennie. She grabbed her purse and headed towards the door. She turned back sharply and glared at Jennie. “You better not tell anyone about this.” 

She then left with a flip in her hair. Leaving Jennie alone in the empty hotel room. Memories started flowing back into Jennie’s brain as she snapped back into reality after the ‘speech’ Chaeyoung gave.

They were at their friend’s birthday party when the birthday girl brought out the sojus after her parents left. Naturally, after waiting so long to become legal, they were all excited to celebrate with some alcohol. But if she remembered correctly, the sojus were all mixed with sodas or yakults so they should not have gotten too drunk. 

She then remembered that she downed a cup of disgusting liquid that Lisa made, that had a faint taste of soda when she chose dare while they were playing ‘Truth or Dare’. Lisa must’ve mixed the soda with some hard liquor, and knowing Lisa, the ratio was probably 9 for the liquor and 1 for the soda. 

“I’m so gonna kill Lalisa!” Jennie muttered under her breath. She then realized what Chaeyoung said before she left. 

She pulled the blanket off of her and threw it to the ground. And there was no mistake, a small red stain in the middle of the bed. Jennie laid back on the bed, arm covering her eyes, “, it was really her first time..”



Monday, 8.30am, YME University

Jennie’s Black Porsche Panamera Turbo pulled into the campus’s parking lot smoothly, Out came Jennie with her duffle bag that contained her cleats and glove and locked her car. 

An Orange Range Rover Sport SVR pulled up in the lot beside her. A hyper Lisa jumped out of the driver seat with her duffle bag. “Yo Jennie unnie! How are you?! I haven’t seen you since last friday night!” 

Jennie ignored Lisa’s hand that was waiting for a hi-five and walked ahead. Lisa, used to the grumpy Jennie that always appears in the morning, put her arm around Jennie’s shoulder as they continued walking into campus, talking non-stop about her amazing party last weekend. 

Jennie Kim was a 2nd year Business student minoring in Music. She had wanted to take an Art degree since middle school but her mother was against it because apparently, she was the ‘heir’ to her company, so she wanted her to focus more on business. Lisa was a 1st year business student minoring in Dance. The 2 met in the Baseball club where they instantly hit it off due to similar interests.

A pink hair then caught Jennie’s attention as she zoned out from Lisa’s rambling. 

“Park Chaeyoung…” Jennie whispered softly under her breath as she began an internal turmoil as to whether she should say hi.

Lisa whipped her head to look at Jennie, “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch you, what did you say?”

Hearing no response from Jennie, Lisa followed Jennie’s line of sight and spotted her friend by the bulletin board, pinning up posters for the new semester. “Chaeyoung ah!” Lisa called out, albeit a bit too loudly as the whole corridor turned to look at her. 

Lisa ignored all the stares and ran towards Chaeyoung, engulfing her in a hug. And that prompted a grumpy Jennie to follow behind silently. 

She stood awkwardly beside Chaeyoung who was giggling from the bear hug. 

“Hello Lisa! Welcome back to school, can’t wait to see our school’s Star Baseball team start their season again!” Chaeyoung glanced once at the quiet girl beside her. 

“Well, we have been training over asses off during the break, thanks to our captain here.” Lisa wrapped her arm around Jennie's shoulder and shook her slightly. “You have no idea what kind of hell we went through.”

Chaeyoung gathered the leftover posters neatly into her arms, “I think I managed to catch a glimpse of the hell training you guys did, let’s just say I might die within the first 10 minutes if I were part of your team.”

Lisa’s lips curled up, imagining her friend running around the field with them. Jennie stared at Lisa weirdly before glancing at her phone and realizing the time. 

“Shoot, we gotta run, Lunfurd’s class is starting in 3 minutes!” Jennie pulled Lisa by her bomber and started speed walking in the direction of her class. Lisa just waved as her right shoulder got dragged by the impatient Jennie. 

Chaeyoung waved back slightly before making her way back to the council room. 

Monday, 12.15pm, YME University Cafeteria

“Ughh I’m so hungryyy.” Lisa whined as they made their way into the cafeteria after the 3 gruesome hours of Business Law. “Stop being so overdramatic, I thought you always ate your breakfast at home before coming to school.” Jennie rebutted as they looked around the cafeteria for their team.

They finally spotted a few of the members sitting at the back of the cafeteria and started making their way there. “Yeah, but I stayed overnight at Chu’s apartment last night, and we both overslept, hehehe cause last nigh-.”

“Okay, stop right there, I don’t wanna hear what you guys did, but I assume it’s something I don’t want to know.” Jennie childishly put her fingers into her ear and muttered ‘la la la’ repeatedly.

“Tsk! I’ll have you know it’s nothing that you are thinking of okay! We were just playing the new playstation that Jisoo got.” Lisa pouted, “You have a dirty mind.” 

“Who has a dirty mind?” Seungwan asked as the both of them sat down at the table.

“Jennie Kim here of course! I was just telling her what Jisoo and I were doing last night and she assumed we were doing it.” Lisa blew a puff of air up.

Seungwan and Momo made eye contact and burst out laughing, “Well, you can’t blame her, we would have assumed that too, seeing how you always can’t keep it inside your pants!”, Momo stated and high-fived Seungwan and Jennie who was snickering. 

“Meanies! It just means that I’m a healthy young adult and we are very much in love!” 

“Yeah yeah, whatever, just make sure yall use protection, if not I can bet that Taeyeon unnie will kill you for messing with her younger sister,” Seungwan added, causing the table to burst out in laughter again. 

“I’m so gonna tell on you to Joohyun unnie and Mina unnie..” Lisa muttered under her breath as she looked at Seungwan and Momo who were still laughing, thinking of all the things she can report to the two unnies from the council club. 

“What are you unnies talking about?” Tzuyu came over with her duffle bag hanging off her left shoulder, holding her sandwich in her right. 

“About how Lisa is always ,” Jennie grinned as Lisa whined and punched her shoulder.

Tzuyu joined in, laughing heartily. “Seriously unnie, sometimes I wonder how -”

The rest of Tzuyu’s words fell on deaf ears when the pink-haired girl caught Jennie’s attention again. 

Roseanne Park, also known as Park Chaeyoung, transferred from Melbourne Australia to Jennie’s high school around 3 years ago. Back then, Jennie was already the star pitcher of their high school team, and she admits she might have been a little too proud back then. Since Chaeyoung and Jennie met during their annual club meetings, Jennie started to find teasing Chaeyoung fun, hence she always made things difficult for the new student council member, demanding ridiculous requests for the team. 


“Park Chaeyoung, I need the field at 5pm, cancel the archery team’s training.” Jennie stood in front of Chaeyoung’s desk, Chaeyoung’s timid eyes cautiously looking up to Jennie. 

“Bu--But I can’t control that, only Nayeon unnie can change the schedule…”

“Well, she isn’t here, is she?” Jennie smiled evilly, walking towards the big whiteboard that consisted of schedules and agendas. 

“Wait! You can’t do that!” Chaeyoung immediately ran over, not wanting to hear the lecture from Nayeon, the council’s president, about changing anything without the seniors’ permission. 

Jennie ignored Chaeyoung’s words and erased the word ‘Archery’ from the 5pm slot and replaced it with ‘Baseball’. She then threw the marker to Chaeyoung as the younger girl reached the board. 

“Here, all done! You better not change it back after I’m gone. Just tell Nayeon that I did it! Now byeeee” Jennie ran away after that. 

Of course Chaeyoung didn’t get into much trouble after bringing up Jennie’s name, but the amount of lectures she had heard before spilling Jennie’s name, was something Jennie cannot imagine. 


“Earth to Jennie!” Momo snapped her fingers in front of Jennie.

 “Huh?” Jennie looked confusingly at everyone, “What?” 

“We were just asking what’s up with you and Chaeyoung?” Seeing Jennie furrowed her eyebrows and looking more confused than ever, Tzuyu added, “Jihyo unnie said she saw the two of you leaving the party before everyone else, but when we all left, we saw that your car was still parked at the carpark of the chalet.”

To which Jennie replied, “Well, Chaeyoung said she wasn’t feeling well, so being a gentlewoman of course I told her I would drive her home since yall were still playing. But you know her, no drink-driving for us, so she took a taxi home.” Jennie mentally patted herself on the back for not stuttering and coming up with such a convincing story. 

“But why didn’t you come back? Or just drove home?” Lisa looked even confused as ever. 

“I rented another room and stayed there, I was too drunk to drive anyways, all thanks to your shots!” Jennie glared playfully at Lisa who smiled sheepishly. 

The other girls all nodded, seemingly believing the story Jennie came up with. The gang then became rowdy again when Mina joined the table, pecking Momo’s cheek. The teasing started again as they continued their lunch before splitting to their classes again.


Welp that's it for chapter 1, hope you guys liked it

Do comment or pm me any feedbacks or scenes u guys would wanna see in the upcoming chapterrss

Peace out!

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fluffy77 #1
Chapter 8: author, maybe an update soon? I'm really looking forward to seeing Jennie's parents reaction
Mimowhipped #2
i see mimo i click hahaha
Chapter 8: I'm nervous of what Jennie's parents reaction. I hope they will also support them.🙏
Chapter 8: One pair of parents done, now I feel the second pair it's not gonna be as easy 😅
Chapter 7: Still waiting for your update 🤟
Chapter 7: When will u update, fighting:)
Chapter 7: Authornim, is this available on Wattpad? I'm always late reading your update since I don't get notifications here 😩
113 streak #8
Chapter 7: chaennie's relationship development here 🥹
Chapter 7: i love chaennie moms
it was an amazing chapter
thanks author love u
Chapter 7: Omg I'm so happy for you update!!!
Thanks author u are the best