
Pleasant Imagines, Jinjoo
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The door to the lecture hall creaks open and in sneaks a girl who was just a few minutes late. She slithers herself into her usual seat, right next to the white walls. Fortunately, the professor was too busy with attendance taking to notice.

"Ahn Yujin?" He looks up, seeing an arm shoot into the air.

"Here!" Yujin smiles, acting normal as if she were in her seat way before he walked in. "He should really get his hearing checked." She speaks through her teeth and pulls out her laptop.

Glancing next to her, she notices the same stare her dear friend always gives her. "Don't you think?" She asks for an opinion.

"You're going to get caught one day." Wonyoung nags softly, shaking her head in disappointment.

Yujin relaxes into the world's most uncomfortable plastic chair. "We're three-quarters into the year and he hasn't caught on. I wonder how he's still teaching. Just look at them dozing off."

Morning classes meant seeing more heads on the tiny revolving tables stuck to the individual chairs. Only psychopaths enjoy them.

"Why are you late anyway?"

"Uhh...traffic." Yujin smiles, pulling up her tutorials on her screen.

"You live in the dorm." Wonyoung didn't buy it. "That's five minutes away."

"I fell." The girl shows the tiny bruise on her knee under those ripped jeans.

"Just say you woke up late."

"I woke up late." Yujin gave up. "The roosters forgot to wake me up." She leans back, waiting for the man to start his lecture.

Wonyoung accepts that reason. "She'll kill you if she knows you're late again."


"Who else?" She saw Yujin turn to her, visibly not knowing who she was referring to. "Your girlfriend."

"My girlfriend—oh." She definitely didn't forget the days her girlfriend miraculously knew she was late for class. "Were you the one always telling her?"

"Yes. She has to know."

"And why?"


"Because what?"

"Because she cares for you. And since she's not in this school, I become the one who cares for you in her place. You make my life so much more difficult." Wonyoung sighs, expecting a retort but nothing came. All she saw was Yujin keeping herself to the laptop.

She crosses her arms and slants her body towards Yujin. "What's this?" She gestures at the latter's posture. Slouched shoulders and focused gaze. Yujin being focused in class was like watching the snow fall on a beach.


"What happened?" Wonyoung knew she was made out of glass. She could see right through her.

Yujin was about to say something but heard the high-pitched screech of the microphone. The man was starting the class. "I'll tell you later. It's a long story."

"You better not shove it under the rug."


When the lecture ends, Yujin shuts her laptop and puts her fingers over her eyes, rubbing them lightly. She particularly hates this professor's lectures since he always side-tracks and talks about his obsession with ducks. He teaches economics which is totally off-topic. 

"So, what is it?" Wonyoung would never let her off.

Yujin opens her eyes, hating the bright lights. "Give me a break."

"Not until you tell me what's going on."

"She's ignoring me."

Wonyoung hears the subtle distress in her voice. And the way Yujin holds onto her forehead says she wasn't messing around this time.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know," Yujin shrugs, dropping her hands onto the table. "I tried calling her and texting her and doing whatever I can but she left me on read." She frowns in a sad way. "I even went to her school the other day and you know what she did? She opened the door and closed it right in my face."

"Minju?" Wonyoung snickers. "Ignoring you?"

"Are you not listening to me—"

"How long has this been going on?"

Yujin tries to recall. "Almost a week."

"A week?" Wonyoung wants to think this was a full-on fantasy. "You let this happen for a week."

"What else do you want me to do? I tried everything but she doesn't want to talk to me." Yujin slams her forehead on the table and stays there. "I miss her."

Wonyoung picks up an imaginary phone. "Hello? Is this the morgue? I need someone to pick up this dead body."

"What dead body—"

"You're done for, Yujin," Wonyoung says in all seriousness. "The moment Minju ignores you, you're officially welcomed to the underworld. And I'm not going with you."

"It's not that bad..."

"It is that bad." Wonyoung shifts an inch closer to her for suspense. "You better find out what you did wrong, go on your knees and beg for forgiveness before anything else happens."

"And how am I supposed to do that when I did absolutely nothing wrong?"

"You think, Ahn Yujin."

Yujin's shoulders tensed up. "Don't call me that. It's scary."

"You should be scared." Wonyoung keeps her laptop in its case. "Get up. I'm hungry."

"You're not going to help me think?"

"You're hopeless."

Yujin watched her walk out of the lecture hall. "Wait for me!" She quickly scampers out, almost forgetting her phone on the table.


"So, she's been ignoring you for a whole week?" Yena takes a bite out of her omelette, processing everything Yujin has been mumbling about for the past fifteen minutes. "That's unlike her."

Yujin sighs deeply, running low on appetite. She leans back into her chair, shifting the plate to Hyewon, the girl next to her. "You can finish it."

Yena swallows her food. "Did you forget something? Anniversary?"

"No, that's in two months. I'll never forget." Yujin was beyond confident when it comes to her memory. But not too much at the moment for forgetting the details and things happening around that could possibly be the reasons why Minju was giving her the cold shoulder.

"Then what could it be? Is she hungry?" Hyewon slips a piece of seaweed into .

"Not everyone's like you." Wonyoung pushes a small bottle of banana milk to Yujin.

"I'll totally be angry without food." Hyewon quietly ate her food.

"Did you ignore her too? That's why she's ignoring you. You've been busy the past week. Taking more than a day to answer my texts." Yena started to get a little salty.

"That's just us. She only takes days to reply to us but not Minju," Wonyoung said.

"Then why would she ignore you?"

Yujin was busy looking at her phone, going in and out of her messages to check if there are any new ones from her girlfriend.

Sadly, there are none.

"Ya, we're talking to you."

"I don't know. If I knew, why would I be here?" Yujin lightly throws her phone onto the table. "I wouldn't be asking if I knew."

"You're on your own. We can't help you if you don't know what's going on." Wonyoung had no straws left to pull.

"Do you want me to ask Yuri?" Yena got her phone ready to call her dear girlfriend.

Yujin looks at her with a glimpse of hope in her eyes when she remembers the latter was Minju's roommate. "Would you be so kind to get me out of this hell hole?"

"I have no guarantee that something will come out of this." Yena rummages through her phone.

Brushing her hair in front of her closet mirror, and getting ready for class, Yuri starts to hear her phone vibrating on the vanity table.

She saw who it was and answered almost immediately. "Why? Is something wrong?"

"How do you know?"

"You never call me in the middle of the day. Don't you have class now?" Yuri shuts the closet door and goes over to her desk to arrange the notes she needed for class.

"We're having lunch."


"I'm with Yujin, Wonyoung and Hyewon."

Yuri hums, putting her Apple Pencil into the casing. "So, what's wrong? Did Hyewon steal your food again?" She clasps the phone between her shoulder and her ear.

"Is Minju with you?"

She found it strange that Yena was looking for her. "Minju?" She goes out of her room and sees the said girl in the living room. "She doesn't have class today. She's watching her show." Like every other day.

"I see."


"Ah..." She hears a second of hesitation and whispers on the other end. "So she's fine?"

Yuri hears a small chuckle coming from Minju. The latter was watching a variety show. "Why wouldn't she be fine? What is it?"

The mutters soften before Yena says, "It's nothing. All's good." Yuri hears a smack. "I'll see you later. Bye!"

The call ended quickly. Usually, Yena finds it hard to hang up.

Yuri knew something was up as she walks into the living room. Being cautious because of Yena's ambiguity from the call, she sits next to the brunette.

"You're not leaving yet?"

"I will," Yuri said. "In a minute." She observes the girl who didn't really care about her surroundings. It was just Minju being Minju on a day she doesn't have class.

"Are you going to be here the whole day?"

"Yes, why?" Minju's eyes were fixated on the tv screen.

Yuri caught on with the situation, analysing her train of thoughts that went through the past week. Everything related to Minju and things that may make Yena think she wasn't fine.

"It's nothing. I just thought you'd be going over."

"Over where?"

That's when Yuri confirms there was definitely something wrong. Knowing Minju since their high school days, the girl would always be excited whenever she doesn't have plans. When she has no plans, that means she's free. And most of her free time goes to her girlfriend who's merely an hour away.

"If you don't leave now, you're going to be late," Minju said. "Why are you asking me things anyway? Did you eat the wrong vitamins this morning?"

"I ate the right ones this time—I realised I haven't seen Yujin all week. You're also always here. She comes here or you go there. I just find it weird since you two have always been stuck to the hi—"

"Are you done? You're talking a lot for someone who doesn't say a word before classes because you want to focus."

Yuri sighs. Seemed like Minju was avoiding the topic. But it could mean many things. She cares for Yuri's concentration or she just wants to watch her show in peace.

Or worse, something was wrong.

Yuri decides not to question it and gets ready to leave for school.

Yujin takes in a deep breath, standing in the lobby of an apartment. It's where Minju stays with Yuri. A few minutes away from their school.

She was holding onto a transparent bag that had a box of macarons in it. Specifically, that one shop they always go to and Yujin knows, Minju can never say no to it. 

She presses the lift button and heads up to the unit. Her heartbeat accelerates faster than the elevator number does. With a mind thinking of the worst scenarios of getting ignored again, she had no other worry but to make up with the girl. She had no classes tomorrow either.

Yujin prepared herself, hiding from the peephole before pressing the doorbell. She knew the girl wouldn't open the door if she saw her. Things would've been easier if the door had a number lock. But no, this building's traditional and this is a rented unit. Still, Yujin wasn't someone to barge in unannounced.

It took a few seconds for the door to swing open. Yujin immediately put her hand on the door to prevent it from closing. She stood in front of Minju who was a little surprised to see her here. At least that's how Yujin wants her to react. 

"I'm sorry," Yujin says before anything else. She quickly makes the girl hold onto the bag of macarons as if it'll make her accept everything.

But Minju wasn't swayed by it. "For what?"

"For wh—I don't know. I just know I have to be sorry. I must've done something that made you angry that's why you're ignoring me."

"You don't know?"

Yujin sighs softly, wanting to end whatever's doing this to them. "I don't know. What did I do?"

"You seriously don't know?"

"I seriously am clueless. Just tell me what I did wrong. I'm tired of all this, not knowing what made you angry or what happened. You're not talking to me when I have been trying to talk to you. I would like you to tell me what went wrong instead of making me think you don't care about me anymore after whatever I've done to fix everything. I don't even know what's there to fix."

"Ahn Yujin."

The taller girl shuts up instantly. She does miss her calling her name but not like this, all stern and sending chills down her spine instead of warmth.

"I must've been too nice."

Yujin didn't want this temporary happening to make her disagree. "You are always nice. So what's the reason?"

"What did you do last week?"

"What did I do last week?" Yujin starts to think as if she hasn't been doing so the past week. "I go to school."


"And..." Yujin tries to clear her mind so she doesn't lose her temper. She has a short temper. But ever since Minju came into her life, she didn't find a need to lose it.

Minju lets out a small sigh. "Do you want me to help you?"

"Yes, please." She patiently waits for her to give her a clue. Anything was better than having the door slam in her face.

However, she starts hearing footsteps approaching, turning to see a girl stopping a few feet away from her. She had short, black hair, perhaps inspired by Egna from the Incredibles. But this girl pulled it off perfectly with those Bambi, bright eyes.

Yet, Yujin doesn't know why she's here. Before she could ask anything, Minju invites the girl into the unit. Yujin has never been more confused than the bane of human existence.

She looks at Minju, not being able to find the voice to ask what was going on. This, she didn't want to think of the worst. Minju takes her arm off the door. It was only possible since Yujin was speechless by everything that played in front of her eyes.

"Last Wednesday. Where were you?"

"L-Last..." Yujin's small crisis in her head made her realise. "I went to

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i cried writing "How did 3 become 10?" help


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Chapter 33: No because if I can hug an au, I would hug this one tightly. I love it so much. I cried when Yujin tell her story to Minju and the fluffy moments they had at the beach was so cute. This is too realistic for me, everything here felt so real in my head. So perfect 😊 Thank you for writing this author. 🤍 Will read the next part of it.
Chapter 34: is this how a healthy relationship looks like? hope all XD
Chapter 33: this just stresses me sad and frustrated at the same time, thank god for mj and cutie yj 😮‍💨 and i’m sorry for not knowing a lot but deaf ppl really use hearing aids and they could hear? or is this like a different case?
Chapter 32: these are exactly my thoughts, loving someone for a reason is not bad per se but what if she turns out not what you’ve expected as time passes by? not like love could be constant but loving and accepting the person as a whole including things you do and do not know seems like the most plausible cause for a long relationship— unconditionally really does summarizes it XD
Chapter 30: you’ll also need a moon beb hhhh char XD
so adorable these two are :’)
Chapter 29: this one is just so so so sooooo cute. these two just perfectly fit well with each other. i also really like the fact that yj was willing to wait and be understanding and mj just trying to understand her feelings and slowly opening up 🥹 their progress was so fun and nice to read— it just makes my heart swell if that makes sense.

(i actually had hard time reading this due to my playlist while reading this, listening to unloving you while reading this gave me too much different feelings in one seating 🥲 well the giddy feeling prevailed either way! tysm for this, this would be enough to fuel me for the week to come— hopefully! XD)
Chapter 27: yuj is just really so soft and just too good for this world even in aus. (out of topic but yuj really looks soft and good irl. like ik that she’s very pretty already but her eye smile and smile would induce a lot of instincts in you— must protecc this kid and make her happy always sumn like that… what am i even saying bye ;-;)
Chapter 26: ah finally i was able to read this (it kept getting pushed due to my work deliverables but yes i got to finish this 🥹)

and wow— literally wow. the plot was simple yet with intricate details. the emotions of the characters felt so realistic and true. i was just amazed and had bunch of comments in my head while reading (can’t recall everything i thought of while reading ofc, my comment will still prolly be long tho XD)

so first, regarding mj and cw’s relationship. i won’t deny that they seem to have really loved each other but i feel like they’re more in-love with the notion of being with each other. do i make sense here? i mean sure they do love each other but it is almost like they expect from their partner and they need to be always wary of sumn (in this situation the soulmate thing with the eye color) that if not attained, their relationship might start crumbling (which happened, not surprised tbvh)

and cw hhhhhhhhhhhh i’m trying to be rlly understanding here but wth gerl you’re a gaslighter and a cheater. she never blamed anyone and always to point fingers at everyone like she was never at fault??? i want to tell her to stop that or i’ll break her finger, that rlly pissed me off. (especially when she told yujin off and that she won’t get minju even if they’re done.) well fyi stoopid she could’ve made a move but she even bridged the two of you and she had a lot of chances to try and express her feelings for mj but did she? she did not. you chose to meet hii behind mj’s back, you blamed yena for telling mj something you should’ve told, you blamed mj for not being able to see your eye color like srsly why don’t you also blame the author for the economic crisis? :D
and rlly rlly when she felt guilt all i could think was— DASURB. both her and mj had some sacrifice, okay. but does that warrant you to blame or reproach wtv sacrifice you did? i don’t think so beb

and as for mj— girl idk hhhhh. it always felt like she gave way too much in her previous relationship compared to cw. i’m not saying it’s all bad but rlly… it just feels off to me and i cannot fathom how she lasted long on that. it gives me the feeling that her prev relationship is a disaster waiting to happen idk XD (or maybe its a matter of perspective in this relationship? idk fr…)

lastly, yj. aaaahhhh hhhhh she really is the ‘why are we soulmates?’ embodiment for me. (mj and cw is more if ‘why are we not’ imo) doubts and thoughts such as not being the suitable one for the one you like. we get that thought a lot and more often than not ppl just say be the one suitable for your loved one but that is easier said than done. deym love sure is difficult ._.

not a full-blown lovestory just love and a story. i loved it hhhhh. it makes my heart full even if it is not full-on romantic— it felt deeper. tysm for this :D
Chapter 37: This is so cute! Such a serotonin boost! Thank you author🥰
1760 streak #10
Chapter 37: i agree with comments below!! love this!!