I think I love you

Pleasant Imagines, Jinjoo
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"You were the reason why the police came to my house." Minju smacked the back of Yujin's head while the girl faintly chuckled. "Because I love you." the taller teased and ruffled Minju's hair.

"Wait—unnie, didn't you say you guys hated each other since high school?" Ryujin, their junior, curiously asked while Yujin looked at Minju. "Then how did this even happen?" Chaeryeong added, gesturing at the two being together.


One year ago...


A girl sluggishly made her way to the door. "How many times am I supposed to get out there..." she murmured, putting on her slippers as she heads out to the house gate, seeing a mailman standing out in the dark with a package.

"Kim Minju?" he queries the tall girl and heard a sharp sigh. "There." she points elsewhere while he looks at her.

"It says it's posted here." the girl took in a deep breath and took the package, not wanting her time to be wasted anymore since she's currently studying for her upcoming mock test.

"Next time, if you see this name, please just head to that house over there," she spoke, going back into the house, leaving the man dumbfounded.

The girl glances at the white box, shaking her head as she sloppily walks up to her room.

"Why do I always receive her stuff for her? I don't see how people enter the wrong address when sending others stuff," she mumbles, eyebrows glowering as she flings the box aside, continuing her self-study.


Minju hastily put on her socks with a piece of bread in , about to be late for school as she went towards the shoe rack, seeing a few envelopes sitting there.

While slipping on her shoes, she grabs them, inspecting each one, frowning when the name Ahn Yujin came into her sight, the person she resents the most.

Realising the time, she quickly finished her bread and flies out of the house.


She walks through the hallways, sighing heftily while staring at the envelope, looking up to see the said person across her with a package in her hand.

Frowns could be seen on both their forehead as they walked toward each other, shoving whatever they had into each other's hands.

"Please tell your admirers not to send your stuff to me." Yujin derisively spoke, tapping the envelope on her hand and heard Minju scoffing.

"You tell yours that." she countered, seeing Yujin roll her eyes before walking to her own class.



The school bell rang, signalling it was time for lunch. Somehow, it's the time Yujin detests the most despite having a break from classes.

She closes her books and walks out of the class, heading towards Minju's class to call her to have lunch together with their group of friends.

The moment she nears the class, she saw a guy marginally shorter than her standing at the door, hesitant upon entering the class.

She peeks over to see what he had in her hand, cookies. Probably handmade. She snickers and steps into the class but got halted by him.

"Yujin, right?" he asks as she flung his hand off. "What?" she bluntly asked, seeing him extend the box towards her. A small part of her thought it was for her, but that possibility was scraped off since he was standing right outside Minju's class.

"Can you help me pass this to her?" she's right, it's for Minju. "You have legs for that, don't you?"

"Come on, I know you guys are friends."

"We're not friends."

"Then why do you always come here to call her?" he responded, earning a slight frown from Yujin. "I'm being forced to, do you think I want to be here?"

"You guys literally eat together, every, single, day." he firmly spoke while Yujin flares her nostrils. Having a rather brief temper, she snatches onto the back of his collar and dragged him into the class.

"Yah, Kim Minju. Your suitor is here." she gestured to the timid guy who blinked and looked at Yujin. "Y-Yah, she doesn't have to see my face, it's a gift."

Yujin shook her head and saw Minju looking up, pausing whatever she was doing. "If you like her, then tell her. I don't want to deal with all the you guys are doing," she told the guy who gulped under her dark eyes.

Minju quickly walked towards them and takes Yujin's hand away from the poor guy with a frown on her forehead. "If I annoy you, then hate me. Don't vent it on other people," she told Yujin who looked away while she tended to the guy.

"Next time just leave it on my table." Minju kindly spoke to the guy who was visibly gawking at her figure.

"Don't act as if you're nice," Yujin mumbled and leaned against the teacher's table, seeing how the guy was literally painting his eyes at the inappropriate places.

"She is nice." the guy tried defending Minju.

"Hey, hey!" Yujin pushes him slightly. "You don't get to speak." she got held back by Minju who spoke with her eyes as Yujin backs off.

"Go, go," she told the guy who just left as Minju sighed and turned to Yujin.

"Why are you always like this?" she asked. "Like what?"

"Annoying," Minju said, going back to her table. "Annoying? If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be annoyed." Yujin spoke as the girl came back after putting down the gift.

"Me? So it's my fault now?" Minju retorted. "Yeah, you. Why do I always have to help you?" Yujin walked with the girl following.

"Help me? How are you helping me by assaulting people?" Minju furrowed her eyebrows and heard the taller girl scoffing.

"Assaulting? I'm defending you." Yujin put her hands into her pocket, remembering how the guy was there for obvious reasons.

"I don't get a single thing about you," Minju said. "Then don't," Yujin replied with a hint of frustration.

"Get yourself a boyfriend and leave me out of your love life. That way I don't have to deal with these kinds of people in the future," she added as they made their way to the cafeteria.

"Again, they're at it again," Yuri spoke while shaking her head, watching Yujin and Minju enter the cafeteria, visibly bickering with each other. "They act like a married couple."

"It's always your fault that I fail a test," Yujin claimed with Minju rolling her eyes. "I don't even do anything to you." she retorted.

"Yeah, maybe if your admirers stop looking for me, I'd actually have time to study."

"Why do you keep bringing them in? Just admit you're stupid." Minju sat down beside Yuri with Yujin going opposite her. "Says the one who steals my notes," Yujin mumbled, taking the food that Yuri got for them beforehand.

"Can you guys stop arguing for once?" Yena looked at the two of them who were scowling at each other.

"Then get rid of her," they said in unison while the other four friends blinked in confusion, seeing them eat with fire visible in front of them.

They sighed heftily and ate in silence before Hyewon broke it. "You guys up for movies next week? I have free tickets."

"I'm not going if she is," Yujin uttered, scooping her rice. "Neither am I." Minju took a sip of her chocolate milk.

"Okay...we're all going," Yuri told Hyewon who nodded, knowing there was no way they were leaving anyone out on their outings no matter how much those two detest each other.

People ever wonder why they're in the same groups of friends when all they do is go against each other the moment they have a chance to. They've been like this the moment they met, no one knows why they love going against each other. Hyewon thinks they would be great in the debating team if they ever have vacant spots.


As soon as lessons ended, the dark sky started pouring. A girl stood at the sheltered entrance, tormenting the hell out of the gods, forgetting to bring her umbrella with her since she was rushing out.

One by one, the number of students coming out lessens with her being alone, hoping for the rain to stop. But it seemed like it wasn't going to.

Yujin casually walked out with an umbrella in her hand, seeing Minju hesitating to run to the bus stop with the bag over her head. She glanced at her umbrella and back to the girl, letting out a small sigh before opening it, lifting it above her head.

She walked out of the shelter with Minju watching her, but something made the taller girl stop. Yujin decided to walk back to her and stopped before Minju who just stared at her. "What?" she uttered while Yujin just took Minju's bag, lifting it above her right shoulder, dragging her under the umbrella.

"What are you doing?" Yujin started walking, not really caring whether Minju was following but found her sticking extremely close next to her.

"So you're just going to wait until someone miraculously appears to give you an umbrella?" she responded, eyes focusing on the path leading them towards their district.

"Someone was definitely coming for me anyway," Minju mumbled as Yujin shifted the umbrella a little, ensuring the girl was fully sheltered, not minding her other arm that's getting soaked.

"Since when were you nice..." she added as Yujin glanced at the girl who was harshly stepping into tiny puddles. "Why, do you want me to leave you here then?" she asked and heard no response from the girl.

"You're going to get sick if you run in the rain and then you'll come blaming me again," Yujin told Minju who scoffed softly.  "Why do you even care? It's not like I want that to happen."

Yujin inhaled deeply and stopped walking, making Minju stop, looking back at her. "Why'd you stop?" the taller girl just gazed at her while frowning slightly. I should've just left her in school.

"Why do you keep arguing with me?" Yujin asked and earned a look of confusion from Minju. "Did you hit your head somewhere? Your first day here?" she replied, seeing an unamused look on the taller girl.

"Now I know why I hate you," Yujin mumbled softly, walking forward with Minju suddenly grasping onto her arm, hiding from the rain. This is probably the closest they've stood next to each other. She saw Yujin glancing at her. "What? Come here."

Minju dragged her nearer, not wanting the girl to get too drenched because of the rain. "Save your kindness for your boyfriend Kim Minju-ssi. If you'll even have one." Yujin took the girl's hand off her arm, quickly reaching their neighbourhood.


Yujin reached the cinema, looking around to spot her friends who were sitting down in front of the snack counter, waiting for everyone to arrive.

"Got everything already?" she stole Yena's popcorn, making the girl glare at her. "Yours is there." she pointed at Hyewon who was holding onto two.

"Who else are we waiting for?" Yujin asked and saw Yuri pointing afar. "Her."

Minju made her way towards them, frowning slightly when she saw the taller girl. Yena smacked her arm. "Why are you always late?"

"I just had things to do." she rubbed her arm. "Can we go in now? The movie's starting." Eunbi asked while they stood up.

"Here's yours." Hyewon placed a ticket in Yujin's hand. "And yours." she passed one to Minju.

"You're kidding." they both said in sync while the other two turned around. "Yuri, come here," Minju called but the girl clung onto Yena and shook her head.

"This show only has couple seats. Just deal with each other for 2 hours." Hyewon gave the ticket to the staff while Yujin glanced at Minju who had a small frown on her forehead.

"Or just date each other," Yena added and entered the place with Yuri, leaving the two behind. They looked at each other with a face of disgust and decided to just go on with it though they'd rather stay outside.


"I can't believe this is happening," Minju mumbled and plunked down on the chair with Yujin following from behind. "This is not the first time." the taller added, sitting beside her.

"You think I wanna watch a movie with you?" Yujin placed the popcorn on her lap and glanced around. Minju sulked and just waited for the movie to start.

The lights slowly dimmed as the screen started expanding. Yujin leaned down to her ear. "You didn't bring a jacket?" Minju glanced at her and frowned.

"What does that have to do with you?" Yujin just passed her the popcorn, taking off her jacket and handing it to her. "Why?"

"I'd rather give than have it stolen." she took the popcorn and leaned back comfortably, focusing with Minju just looking at her. "Done staring?" Yujin interrupted while Minju softly cleared .

"Shut up." she kicked Yujin's leg, making the taller chuckle, shoving popcorn into Minju's mouth. "Yah..." the girl muttered.

Throughout the movie, Yujin found herself staring at Minju from time to time, wondering why their relationship is this complex. Sure, they've been friends since they were toddlers, but what happened throughout the years that lead them to hate each other's presence?

Was it how they always had admirers, competing who had more? Or was it how Yujin loves to tease Minju about everything? Or was it because Minju acts like a diva on a daily basis, thinking the world revolves around her?

But somehow, she suddenly wants Minju to be the centre of her world, unknowingly looking out for her despite hating her guts and how she always inevitably gets whatever she wanted.

When Yujin was distracted by the movie, Minju glanced at the girl. Did she grow up? She thought, trailing her eyes all over the taller girl's features. Since when has Yujin been looking out for her when all they've been doing is fight, argue, and compete with each other?


The movie soon ended as they all walked out of the theatre, the couples liking the show except for the other two. "Are you guys heading home already?" Yena asked, slipping her hand past Yuri's.

"Study," Yujin spoke with Eunbi saying the same. "You?" Yuri pointed at Minju who looked dazed the moment she stepped out of the theatre.

"I'm waiting for someone." she fidgeted with the end of her sleeve, realising she was still wearing Yujin's jacket. "Who are you even waiting for?" the taller girl scoffed while Minju took off the clothing.

"It's none of your business." she handed the jacket back to Yujin. "Almost thought you weren't going to return it to me," Yujin mumbled, draping the jacket off her shoulder.

"We'll get going first." the other two couples bid goodbye while Yujin and Minju were left.

"Why aren't you leaving?" Minju asked, making the latter glance at her. "I'm also waiting for someone," she spoke, shoving her hands into her pocket.

Minju scoffed and looked afar to see the person waving at her. "Well, have fun waiting alone," she spoke, walking towards a tall guy with a slim build, roughly around a head taller than Minju.

Yujin squinted her eyes and saw the guy putting his arm around her shoulder, giving her a small peck on the head. Her face twitched into an uneasy look, wondering when Minju started dating someone.

She shook her head with a peculiar feeling lingering within her as she saw a tall girl approaching her. "Yujin unnie!" the girl called out.

"You're here." she greeted Wonyoung while the girl sensed something off. "Why? Was the movie awful?" she asked as they started walking out of the building.

Yujin shook her head. "It was fine." her head was just filled with staring at a particular person, making her widen her eyes subtly before clearing her mind.

"Walk faster." she held onto Wonyoung's hand and heard a giggle from the younger girl.

Minju who was getting into the guy's car spotted a girl clinging onto Yujin, somehow drawing a small frown on her forehead. "Babe?" the guy called out, snapping her out of her trance.

"Let's go?" he asked, earning a nod from her as she slipped into the car, driving off for their date.


They entered the cafe where they'll be having lunch, seeing a waitress coming towards them. "We'll just have two of this." the guy ordered and passed the menu to the woman, sitting comfortably as he glanced at Minju who placed her phone at the side of the table.

"Baby, why?" he spoke, hand holding onto Minju's while the girl looked at him and smiled, humming in response. "You seem a bit off," he said, thumb caressing the back of her hand.

"Must be the midterms," she replied and heard the bell of the door ringing.

"I'm already an adult you know?" a tall girl spoke to another with Minju immediately recognising her rather broad shoulders as they took a seat at a corner.

"I thought she was studying," Minju softly mumbled as the guy looked in that direction. "You know her?" he asked.

Minju looked at him. "Ah, she goes to my school." Who is that? The guy nodded and glanced out the window.

"Unnie, why?" Wonyoung looked at Yujin who noticed Minju at the other end. Why didn't she say she was dating someone?

Yujin looked at Wonyoung and shook her head.


Students could be seen cleaning the hallways on their daily routine before lessons start. While Yujin was sweeping the floor, she glanced afar and spotted Minju wiping the windows of classrooms.

Her feet automatically brought her to where she is, instantly hitting her with the broom. Yujin expected the girl to hit her back but got greeted with a slight glare instead.

"What?" Minju paused her actions while Yujin raised an eyebrow, glancing around. "Where's your boyfriend?"

"Hm?" the girl tilted her head. "Don't act. I saw you with him the other day."

"Ahh." Minju slowly nodded and went back wiping the window. "We broke up."

Yujin furrowed her eyebrows. "What? That fast?" she started counting the days since she saw her wi

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i cried writing "How did 3 become 10?" help


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Chapter 33: No because if I can hug an au, I would hug this one tightly. I love it so much. I cried when Yujin tell her story to Minju and the fluffy moments they had at the beach was so cute. This is too realistic for me, everything here felt so real in my head. So perfect 😊 Thank you for writing this author. 🤍 Will read the next part of it.
Chapter 34: is this how a healthy relationship looks like? hope all XD
Chapter 33: this just stresses me sad and frustrated at the same time, thank god for mj and cutie yj 😮‍💨 and i’m sorry for not knowing a lot but deaf ppl really use hearing aids and they could hear? or is this like a different case?
Chapter 32: these are exactly my thoughts, loving someone for a reason is not bad per se but what if she turns out not what you’ve expected as time passes by? not like love could be constant but loving and accepting the person as a whole including things you do and do not know seems like the most plausible cause for a long relationship— unconditionally really does summarizes it XD
Chapter 30: you’ll also need a moon beb hhhh char XD
so adorable these two are :’)
Chapter 29: this one is just so so so sooooo cute. these two just perfectly fit well with each other. i also really like the fact that yj was willing to wait and be understanding and mj just trying to understand her feelings and slowly opening up 🥹 their progress was so fun and nice to read— it just makes my heart swell if that makes sense.

(i actually had hard time reading this due to my playlist while reading this, listening to unloving you while reading this gave me too much different feelings in one seating 🥲 well the giddy feeling prevailed either way! tysm for this, this would be enough to fuel me for the week to come— hopefully! XD)
Chapter 27: yuj is just really so soft and just too good for this world even in aus. (out of topic but yuj really looks soft and good irl. like ik that she’s very pretty already but her eye smile and smile would induce a lot of instincts in you— must protecc this kid and make her happy always sumn like that… what am i even saying bye ;-;)
Chapter 26: ah finally i was able to read this (it kept getting pushed due to my work deliverables but yes i got to finish this 🥹)

and wow— literally wow. the plot was simple yet with intricate details. the emotions of the characters felt so realistic and true. i was just amazed and had bunch of comments in my head while reading (can’t recall everything i thought of while reading ofc, my comment will still prolly be long tho XD)

so first, regarding mj and cw’s relationship. i won’t deny that they seem to have really loved each other but i feel like they’re more in-love with the notion of being with each other. do i make sense here? i mean sure they do love each other but it is almost like they expect from their partner and they need to be always wary of sumn (in this situation the soulmate thing with the eye color) that if not attained, their relationship might start crumbling (which happened, not surprised tbvh)

and cw hhhhhhhhhhhh i’m trying to be rlly understanding here but wth gerl you’re a gaslighter and a cheater. she never blamed anyone and always to point fingers at everyone like she was never at fault??? i want to tell her to stop that or i’ll break her finger, that rlly pissed me off. (especially when she told yujin off and that she won’t get minju even if they’re done.) well fyi stoopid she could’ve made a move but she even bridged the two of you and she had a lot of chances to try and express her feelings for mj but did she? she did not. you chose to meet hii behind mj’s back, you blamed yena for telling mj something you should’ve told, you blamed mj for not being able to see your eye color like srsly why don’t you also blame the author for the economic crisis? :D
and rlly rlly when she felt guilt all i could think was— DASURB. both her and mj had some sacrifice, okay. but does that warrant you to blame or reproach wtv sacrifice you did? i don’t think so beb

and as for mj— girl idk hhhhh. it always felt like she gave way too much in her previous relationship compared to cw. i’m not saying it’s all bad but rlly… it just feels off to me and i cannot fathom how she lasted long on that. it gives me the feeling that her prev relationship is a disaster waiting to happen idk XD (or maybe its a matter of perspective in this relationship? idk fr…)

lastly, yj. aaaahhhh hhhhh she really is the ‘why are we soulmates?’ embodiment for me. (mj and cw is more if ‘why are we not’ imo) doubts and thoughts such as not being the suitable one for the one you like. we get that thought a lot and more often than not ppl just say be the one suitable for your loved one but that is easier said than done. deym love sure is difficult ._.

not a full-blown lovestory just love and a story. i loved it hhhhh. it makes my heart full even if it is not full-on romantic— it felt deeper. tysm for this :D
Chapter 37: This is so cute! Such a serotonin boost! Thank you author🥰
1760 streak #10
Chapter 37: i agree with comments below!! love this!!