I hear you (II)

Pleasant Imagines, Jinjoo
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Yujin has never been happier in her whole life after meeting Minju. The girl shows her things the world couldn't and tells her things she once thought she would never hear.

The brunette was an angel who fell from the sky. She even looked and sounded like one as expected from the first time she saw her. If Angel were a real person, it would be Minju. Yujin couldn't say it enough. 

At times, Yujin does have questions running through her head. Those she never dared to tell Minju. But she knows how much the girl cares for her. She knows that much to not doubt whatever useless thoughts she lets through her mind.

When Minju says the school is wonky, she meant it. No schools are perfect in accepting. There's just a handful who doesn't know how to keep their thoughts to themselves.

They're studying for the upcoming exams that happen in a week. The school library was by far their favourite place. Although it does feel like a library wherever Minju goes with Yujin.

There's a difference.

Yujin was reading up about biology. Math might be her weakest subject but she prefers pictures over numbers and biology gave her that. She finds cells more interesting.

She suddenly stands up after closing the book, getting Minju's attention. "Where are you going?" She whispers.

"Bathroom." Yujin signs, earning a nod from her before she leaves.

Minju went back to her essay writing, noticing the Post-its sticking out of Yujin's sketchbook. The girl brings it everywhere she goes. Wanting to take a little break from work, she reaches for it.

Flipping it open, she saw all sorts of conversations she had with Yujin during classes. Whether it was debates, lessons, or plainly flirting, Minju found herself smiling at words. Over time, she realises how big of a flirt Yujin was. Something she never expected from the beginning.

But Yujin could say the same thing about her.

Minju comes across a small sketch of a girl. It looked like her. She wasn't the surest until she sees the words, "My girlfriend's too pretty to be drawn. I give up.", written next to it.

As she was being drowned in her own smile, she overheard some whispers coming from the shelf behind her.

"That's her."

"No way."

"I told you."

"Why would she be her girlfriend? How?"

"Maybe I should have some disability too. If that'll get me a girlfriend like her."

"I'll pity that girlfriend of yours for putting up with you."

The brunette saw the two girls who absolutely had no conscience taking a seat a few tables away from them. Those were the things she had to listen to. The constant bull that comes from people who didn't know them. She tries to ignore them most of the time. But she hates the way they say things. Who gave them the audacity to judge? There was nothing she could do either. That's what pains her.

The chair beside her pulls back, getting sat on by Yujin. Minju looks at her, putting out a palm. The taller girl raises her eyebrow.

"You can take them off."

"Why? I want to listen to your voice."

Minju insists as the girl takes her hearing aids off. She places them in Minju's palm as a little pout escapes. The brunette only did it because she didn't want Yujin to overhear things. She has been doing it ever since they started dating but Yujin never knew why.

Yujin couldn't help but give her a tiny glare for making her give up her hearing aids. Her definitive expression never fails to deliver her message. Minju's hand hugs the back of her head, gently caressing it as she asks her to continue with her reading.

"You'll focus more." She comes up with an excuse that Yujin had a tough time believing.

Yujin picks up her book but puts it down. She uses her hands to sign, "This is the only time I get to hear your voice. I don't even get to call you often because my dad said I should study. Why are you taking them away? I only see you in school for a few hours and for the rest of the day, there's nothing else I can listen to—I don't want to listen to anything else but you. That's also why I only let you do this. Because I love you."

Her little frown made Minju's lips melt into a soft smile. She nods, understanding every single word, especially the last four. "I love you too. Just today. I'll give them back to you later." Yujin complaining was the most adorable thing Minju has ever seen with her hands going all over the place and those crazy huge eyes of hers. She lives for them.

But the last thing she wants to see is Yujin being affected by what other people say about them.

Yujin enters the wooden door of her house, flickering the lights like every other day. Her mom was watching the Beverly Hills series for the nth time, wishing she could be like them.

"How's school?" She looks behind to see Yujin giving a thumbs up before dragging her feet to the laundry room. "She looks tired." Getting off the couch, she goes to the kitchen to grab some orange juice.

She swiftly pours it into a mug, handing it to Yujin who was walking out of the laundry room.

"Thank you." Yujin signs.

Her mother follows her out and sits the girl down at the dining table. She takes a seat opposite. "Is something bothering you? Why are you walking as if you have weights in your bag?"

Yujin smiles at her being worried. People only get worried because they care. She shakes her head. "Everything's fine."

The pressure lifts off her mother's chest as she watches Yujin reach for something in her bag. The girl pulls out a piece of paper and slides it to her. "What's this?" She read the title to see Learning Journey to the National Museum. "They still do this in high school?"

Yujin shrugs, sipping on her orange juice.

"Do I have to sign it?" She sees her daughter nod. "Can't they just send through email? Why do I still have to consent to these things?" She mumbles, taking a pen from Yujin.

The girl shrugs, not knowing the policies of the school. While keeping her pencil case, she notices a small slip of notebook paper folded in it. Knowing what it was, a smile instantly plasters over her lips as she takes it out.

Unfolding it, she read, "I think we'd be great lab partners because of the chemistry we have together. The bond between us is definitely stronger than atoms. What do you say? Lab partner?"

They were up for practical lessons this term. Part of biology class. Minju has been doing this more often than she remembers. She could leave a text but always slips pieces of paper or envelopes into Yujin's bag. And it always makes the latter's day.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Yujin's mother caught her after signing the consent form. The girl quickly wipes the smile off her face, takes the form and shoves it into her bag.

"Ahn Yujin."

Yujin was forced to stop moving with the full-name calling. She looks at the lady who had her eyes narrowed with suspicion, wanting to know what was going on with that illuminated smile and frantic movements of hers.

Yujin has yet to tell her about Minju although the brunette has been coming over frequently.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" Mrs Ahn crosses her arms above the table.

Her tone made Yujin's heart rate go erratic. The girl has never told her anything related to dating because she knows how much this mother of hers loves to pry into her love life. Telling her she liked Minju was the limit.

The brunette knows Yujin was keeping everything from her mother because she was purely not ready. Yujin's mother has always been cautious about who the girl mixes with. But finally, Yujin has decided to just reveal everything. She has seen how brightly her mother smiles whenever Minju comes over.

Minju was definitely worth it for her parents to acknowledge and accept her. She's perfect.

"I have a girlfriend." Yujin slowly spells out with her hands. But as she finishes, the anxiety pulled her back. "I know I should—"


Yujin's hands froze in mid-air. Does her mother know something she doesn't? She's pretty sure she hid them very well.

"I was wondering how long you had to scamper into your room when she comes over," she said. "No one stays over at a friend's house more than twice a week, Yujin-ah."

The girl kept her head low with how stern she sounded. Her eyes shifted onto the table, worried her mother might be against her being in a relationship when studies mattered the most.

Mrs Ahn held back her smile from the revelation she has always anticipated. Yujin has been a great kid from the moment she came into this world and her mother knew her best. Seeing her happy was the one thing she wishes for her daughter after all that had happened.

When Yujin felt a hand ruffling her head, she looks up to see a motherly smile that bore nothing of the sympathy she has felt over the years. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I thought I'd be the first person to know. When did everything happen? Were you the one that told her first? I knew you liked her."

That wasn't the reaction she was expecting. "You're not..."

"I like her for you," the lady said as the corners of her eyes wrinkle into a smile. "So when is she coming over? I still have cookies I need to bake for the pre-schoolers. Don't get me started on the icing. She does a better job than you." Her mother's a preschool teacher.


Someone was more excited than the news-giver. "Alright, alright. But have her over this Saturday. You know what day it is." The lady stands up and heads towards the living room, so she could continue with her series

She raises her eyebrows as she tries to remember. Once she realises that it's her father's birthday, she goes in front of the couch. "But everyone is coming over. Grandma, Grandpa. I don't feel like asking her to come. You know what Youngji unnie is like." That's her cousin. The one who loves to ever since she was born but always gives in to Yujin.

"I think Youngji would love her." Her mother shooed her away. "Don't block the tv."

Yujin drops her arms beside her in defeat when her mother has no intention of thinking otherwise. Minju would be meeting her whole family if she agrees to come and they've barely dated for two months.

Yujin worries it would be too much for the brunette to handle.

"You look out of it."

Minju lifts her gaze off the soccer field to see Yena sitting next to her. The brunette's resting after their weekly run.

"What's up?" Yena cares for her friends more than Minju sees. Or anyone.

"The sky," she replies. "It's hot."

"I don't like you now. Has dating Yujin changed you into someone who ignores the concern I'm showing? Is she all you can see?"

"Why are you putting it like that..."

"You don't care about me anymore," Yena complains. "And when I ask you something, don't push it away."

"You're talking as if you'd run to me to ask me how I'm feeling when Chaewon's all you tell me about. Just confess to her already." Minju pushes her leg.

Yena sighs. "Still, what's going on? I've never seen you daydreaming in the middle of gym class before. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine." Minju stretches her legs out, looking afar to see Miyeon chasing Yujin who had twice the length of her legs. She blows out a breath, not being able to forget the comments she hears wherever she goes. "It's just..."

"It's just?" Yena gave her full attention, shifting on the bench so her legs were on either side of it.

The brunette sighs so deeply, Yena could feel her bones rattle. "I don't like how I can't do anything about it. All I can do is to ignore it. But how am I supposed to do that when nothing good comes out of their mouths? I just want to..." She balls her hand into a fist till her knuckles turned white.

Yena holds onto it, putting it down. "No need to get all violent," she said. "That's not you."

"What did she even do to deserve all that?" Minju asks the girl whose mind was clearer than the day. More like, empty. "Did she ever say anything bad about them? No. It's not possible. Literally. Did she do anything to them? No. Is she in their way? No. She's always with me. How would she be in their way? I seriously don't know what to do. But I know for a fact that I hate it to my guts whenever I hear them talking like they know us."

Yena just pats her back as if it'll comfort her in any way.

Meanwhile, Miyeon got tired of chasing after the girl. "Let's take a break. You're too fast." She pants and gestures for Yujin to come over. "Take the ball with you. Yena said she wanted to play."

Yujin picks up the basketball from the side of the track and walks to her. They decided to go where the other two were and to quench their thirst.

But as they approach the two from the side, Yujin hears Minju saying, "I can't do this anymore."

Miyeon turns to Yujin who suddenly stops walking. She took a few steps back. "What's wrong?" Her eyes went over her body to check for signs of pain but there were none. "Why'd you stop?"

"She doesn't know a single thing. I've tried to keep them from her. What if she finds out or overhears things people say? What am I going to do?"

Miyeon saw Minju which was what Yujin was looking at. She turns to see the unexplainable expression on Yujin's face. A mix of confusion and realisation.

But all the latter had in her mind was, why did Minju look so frustrated while talking about her?

Yujin notices a hand waving in front of her face. She sees Miyeon trying to get her attention. "You need water." She concludes and drags Yujin towards the water cooler for the time being since she looked disturbed.

Watching the taller girl take a few sips of water from the faucet, she asks, "Are you okay?"

Yujin stands up properly, wiping her chin with the back of her hand. She shakes her head when Miyeon thought she would nod. Getting caught in a little crisis since they didn't have their phones, she sees Yujin doing a few on her Applewatch.

She shows it to Miyeon after writing, "Did I do something wrong?"

The girl looks at Yujin whose face was painted with seriousness. She figured Miyeon would know if something was wrong since she's a close friend of Minju's. "You?" Miyeons asks. "You did something wrong?" She was amused because that would be a miracle for Yujin to do something wrong.

Yujin adds to her draft message. "She was talking about me, wasn't she?"

Miyeon didn't know why but she had the urge to smile seeing Yujin all worried after overhearing Minju's perhaps little angry rants. "You're fine. Don't worry. You didn't do anything wrong." She assures the latter.

"Why did she sound..." Yujin didn't know the best word.

Miyeon gave a pat on her shoulder. "I think you should talk to her. I don't know what goes on between the two of you if you think she tells us everything. She doesn't tell me much for all I know." She snickers and brings Yujin back towards where they were heading previously.

Minju was quick to notice when Yujin came into her sight. Her conversation with Yena ended a few minutes ago. She smiles and reaches for Yujin's hand. "Did you have fun?"

The girl sits next to her, trying her best not to show how curious she was about whatever Minju said earlier. "She didn't manage to catch me. Maybe I went too fast." She holds onto the brunette's hand, giving it a soft squeeze. Trying to read her gaze, she fails terribly.

Minju uses her thumb to wipe a drizzle of sweat off Yujin's temple. "You played so much, you're cheeks are flushed." She pats the heated redness, having the girl lean into her palm.

Miyeon nudges Yena who was pouring water into . "What were you guys talking about?"

"What were we talking about?" Yena wipes the edge of . She saw Miyeon's eyes shift towards the other two. "Ah, that? It's nothing. It's just Minju."

"Just Minju..." Miyeon scoffs and stands up. "Let's go ball. You said you wanted to play."

Minju's mother walks into the living room with a plate of fruits in her hand. She sees Yujin quietly doing her work on the coffee table while Minju was busy napping on the couch.

"Eat some fruits." She settles the plate on the table, earning a grateful smile from Yujin. She glances at Minju and signs, "What's wrong with her?"

Yujin points her curled index fingers at each temple, turning her fingers alternatively.

"Headache?" Mrs Kim sees her nod.

She has always been openly accepting of whatever Minju tells her. From the day she said her girlfriend was hard of hearing, Mrs Kim had absolutely no opinions. Instead, all she has been asking was how she met Yujin or what Minju sees in her.

She was willing to listen to everything to the point she uses her free time to learn sign language to better communicate with Yujin. Minju didn't tell her to do it. Yujin started to think it was a family thing.

Minju's family has just always been like this. The nicest, most warm-hearted family in the world.

"Just tell her to eat something. I'll be heading out to get some groceries."

Yujin nods, watching the lady get her car keys before leaving the apartment. Scooting over to where Minju was, she shakes her arm gently to wake her up.

The brunette flutters those heavy eyelids and feels a hand caressing the side of her head. Yujin helped her to sit up, resting her against the back of the couch.

She goes to the kitchen to fetch some water and comes back to hand it to Minju.

"Thank you."

Yujin sits next to her, making sure she drank enough. "Does your head still hurt?"

Minju places the cup on the table. The first thing she does is straddle Yujin. Her arms slip around the latter's neck and her forehead finds its place at the crook of her collarbone.

I guess it still hurts. Yujin concludes as her hand hugs the back of her head. She felt Minju's arms tightening around her as if she wanted to be part of her body. Giving a gentle kiss to her forehead made the brunette lean her head back to look at her.

She stares at Yujin for a while before having her lean into her ear. "Is it that time of the month?"

Minju was in a daze with the worry that bore in those eyes looking at her. Although they pretty much experience the same thing each month, Yujin knew Minju had it worse. As someone who couldn't bear any pain although the brunette says she could.

Minju gave her a nod, followed by a kiss on the lips, before going back to cling to Yujin. Blood never fails to rush to the tip of Yujin's ears, heating up the tender skin.

She carefully stands up while carrying the girl and takes the plate of fruits into Minju's room. The couch didn't seem the most comfortable to be lying on.

The plate met the nightstand as Yujin pulls away the blanket. She sits on the edge of the bed and gently pries Minju's arms from around her neck.

She made the girl sit against the bed frame and pulled the blanket so her legs were covered. Minju did get a little confused when the girl ran out of the room out of the blue. She reaches for the cube of honeydew and sticks it into .

Yujin came back in unwrapping something in her hand and started shaking it madly. A heat pack.

"What are you doing?" She observed Yujin squishing the heat pack in all directions before coming to her. The girl slips it beneath Minju's shirt, shifting the heat pack onto her lower belly.

That influenced a smile on Minju's face. "Do you know how adorable you are?" The brunette says and figures Yujin didn't catch her when the latter sprinted out of the room again. Yujin does sometimes forget to listen when she's in the middle of doing something. Even with her hearing aids on.

Minju saw her coming back in, closing the door this time. "Yujin-ah."

Yujin turns to her with a little box of Lindt Lindor Chocolate in her hand. Minju calling her name might be the only thing that could break her away from whatever she was doing.

The brunette scoots into the centre of the bed, patting the empty space. "Come here."

Yujin climbs onto the bed, sitting with her legs crossed, facing her. With how serious Minju sounded, she had to ask, "What's wrong?" Her hand opens the box and reaches into it as her eyes stay on the girl.

"Nothing's wrong." Minju smiles, receiving a ball of chocolate Yujin unwrapped for her. She puts it into and motions for her to eat it.

Yujin did the same as her lips melt into a sweet smile. Chocolate's always the right answer. She lies against the bedframe as Minju told her to. The brunette straddles her once again, making sure she gets every ounce of attention Yujin has.

"You always do this." Yujin signs, giggling softly. It was by far Minju's favourite position to be in, she realises. Perhaps to be closer.

"I need to talk to you." Yujin rests her hands on the girl's hips and gives her a nod. She looks into her eyes to show Minju she was listening. "You heard it, didn't you?"

Yujin's thumb stops the side of Minju's body. She wonders what made her actions pause as two things came into her mind.

Minju was asking about her hearing whatever she said during gym, or she was asking about her overhearing the things said by students in the library. 

Yujin has always known that people talk about them all the time. She hears everything now that she has hearing aids. That was a downside. But the upside was being able to listen to Minju. That was all she cared about.

She does worry that Minju couldn't take it because she is used to it herself.

"Hear what?"

"You did nothing wrong," Minju said. "I was trying to clear my head and ended up saying whatever's in it. You don't need to act. Miyeon told me everything." She watched Yujin's lips flatten into a line.

"What I said was, I don't like that I can't do anything about what other people say. But I know, for one, that nothing could be done anyway. I'll just learn to keep that in mind and remind myself that you're still with me no matter what they say. I can't imagine how you would feel if you heard them. If this is how I feel, I think I would murder them if I were you."

Yujin suddenly smiles, catching Minju off guard with how adorable she was. The brunette always finds herself blanking out at that smile of hers. "Why are you smiling like that? You know I can't—"

"Thank you." Yujin signs, causing an unknown wave of warmth to bloom in Minju's chest. "For listening to the things you don't want me to listen to. Even to the point you take them (hearing aids) away from me or turn them off so I won't be able to hear what they say."

"They're not worth listening to anyway."

"You're the only one worth listening to." Yujin pushes a strand of hair behind Minju's ear. "I mean it." She nods her head diagonally.

"If I could, I would tell you to—"

"Slow down." The brunette chuckles, still having slight difficulty comprehending her hands when she goes too fast.

Yujin held back a smile and does it slowly. "If I could...I would tell you to ignore everything. However...I know you'll try to but it's not the easiest." She earns a nod from Minju before she continues. "What I want you to know is that I'm okay with that...really. People talking about me or us. Do you know why?"


"They're just jealous."


Yujin gives a confident nod which made laughter erupt from the brunette's throat. "You see. They're all normal people but they don't have you. I do. I'd be jealous if I were them."

"You're normal."

"You know well I'm not." Yujin scoffs.

"Yeah, you're weird."

Yujin softly jabs her stomach at that comment. "That's not what I mean."

"Then what else do you mean?" Minju sees her pointing at her ear. "That's not normal?" Yujin nods. "But you listen better than most people do. I think that cancels out whatever you think is normal." She couldn't resist cupping her fluffy cheeks.

"You're normal to me," Minju said. "But I don't mind if we're weird together." She brushes a gentle kiss across the tip of Yujin's nose.

"You can be weird yourself."

The brunette took her hands and put them down. She leans in so close, it only took a touch of Yujin's hand at her waist for their lips to touch. The taller girl used to dislike sudden actions or surprises but Minju made her embrace them, let alone yearn for that feeling.

It was just a kiss but Minju not pulling back made Yujin want more. Her fingers were wrapped around her neck, bringing her closer till their bodies were one.

Yujin gently holds onto her jaw to stop the girl. "Hot," she whispers.

"Kissing you is always hot."

The taller girl shakes her head with an apparent smile on her lips. Her hand reaches between their bodies. With where it entered, the hem of Minju's pants, caught the girl off guard.

Yujin pulls out the heat pack. Minju realises the source of heat. "Oh, that." But she still thinks it doesn't differ from the usual fire she feels spreading through her body with a kiss from Yujin.

The taller girl plays with it between her hands. "You should sleep. Your body needs rest." She tries to lift Minju but to no avail. "Come on." She mouths and settles her on the bed but Minju refuses to lie down. Yujin tilts her head, trying to understand her. "Sleep."

"Hug me then."

The taller girl melts out a sigh. "I will, don't worry." She chuckles, lifting the blanket for Minju to scoot under. The brunette reaches her arms out impatiently, fingers wiggling for Yujin.

Yujin quickly sneaks a piece of honeydew into and slides into Minju's arms. The brunette drew her leg over Yujin's body. "Miyeon said we're going to Everland next week. You're coming, right?"

Yujin leans into her ear. "As long as it's not on the weekends."

"What's happening on the weekends?" She looks up at the girl.

"My mom wants you to come over."

"Gladly." She saw a pinch in Yujin's expression. "Why? You don't want me to come over?"

"My whole family's going to be there," she whispers. "Even Youngji unnie."

Minju realises. "You told your mom? About us?" She smiles when Yujin nods slowly. She presses her lips against her jaw, knowing it probably took a lot to tell the lady everything. Yujin has just been very worried.

"I love you." She nudges her head against her chest, sending a fluttery feeling through Yujin's body.

The latter kisses her forehead. "I love you too."

"So you're coming?" Minju asks.


"My Yujin!"

Yujin wonders what the cause of the subtle ringing in her ears was once that voice resonates through the house. There was only one person capable of making her deaf even though she possesses hearing aids.

She peeks over the railing to see Youngji entering her house, seemingly looking for her. Here we go again.

Youngji looks up and makes eye contact with her. "Ya! Aren't you going to welcome me?" Her wide smile scares Yujin who wishes she could ditch her hearing aids and use sign language as an excuse for her to be quieter.

She gave a little wave and saw more people entering the house. Yujin decided to head downstairs even though that resulted in getting many kisses on her cheeks from the older girl. She tries her best to avoid them.

"I heard from your mom you had a girlfriend. Where is she? Why didn't you tell me?" Youngji held onto her shoulders with huge eyes piercing straight through the younger girl's.

Words spread fast. Yujin places the latter's hands down. "You're loud." She signs and earns a peal of excited laughter.

"So? Where is she?" Youngji looks around while the adults were making themselves at home. "Is she pretty? She should be, right? I know your standards."

"Since when do I have standards?" Yujin walks towards the living room to set some ambience music like every other gathering.

Youngji follows. "Since forever." She plunges on the couch. "You said and I quote, I'll find the prettiest girl in the world and make her my girlfriend." She grins, seeing a slight frown on Yujin's forehead.

The girl just finds her weird. "When did I ever say that?"

"Since you were merely a meter tall." Youngji's palm faces the floor, estimating the height from it.

Yujin shakes her head in disbelief and places the remote on the console. "Do you want anything?"

"You know me." Youngji winks at her, earning an eye roll. Yujin slithers into the kitchen to get the girl her beloved cider and walks back out.

Passing the can of cider to the girl, she hears a few knocks on the door. They do have a doorbell, but because of the knocks, Yujin knew exactly who it was. The person who never fails to put a smile on her face.

She opens the door, getting greeted by the prettiest girl in the world as stated by Youngji. Minju did look a little anxious with a hand holding onto a bag of things.

"Am I late?"

Yujin smiles and shakes her head, opening the door wider. She reaches for the white bag in her hand. "What's this?"

While taking off her shoes, Minju says, "My mom told me to bring fruits."

"Your mom loves fruits." Yujin had to agree. She gets her weekly fix of vitamins over at Minju's place.

"Who's that—" Youngji turns to see an unfamiliar face that she wishes to know more of. "Oh." She had that smirk plastered all over her face. Yujin tries not to slam the door with the gaze she was giving Minju.

The brunette timidly turns to Yujin, eyes asking who was on the couch. "Don't mind her." Yujin grabs her wrist. Minju just gave a slight bow before getting pulled along.

Youngji's eyes stayed on those two as they went into the kitchen, perhaps to put stuff down. "This girl."

On the way, Minju had to be briefly interrogated by the girl's family but she was well okay with it. Yujin carefully places the fruits into the drawer of the fridge, fetching another from Minju.

"Is that her? Your cousin?"

"I am she."

Minju looks at the kitchen counter to see Youngji leaning over it. Yujin closes the fridge, sighing through her nose. "She's Youngji." She spells out with her fingers.

"I'm Youngji."

"She knows." Yujin signs.

"She can—woah." The older girl looks at Minju and exaggerates being surprised. "You can—you can understand?" She points at Yujin and earns a nod from the brunette. Youngji was beyond impressed.

"I'm Minju." Her gentle smile made Youngji gasp, acting as if she got shot through the heart.

Yujin had her forehead between her fingers, not wanting to see everything.

"Minju," Youngji says. "You have a pretty name for a pretty face."

Yujin circles around the counter and pushes Youngji out of the kitchen. Minju chuckles at the girl's reaction and follows them out. The taller girl made Youngji take her place on the couch. "Behave."

"Who are you to tell me to behave, Ahn Yujin?"

Minju sits on the couch, watching the two. They were having a staredown. She has never seen cousins like this. Not this close to be glaring straight into each other's eyes.

Yujin nudges the older girl's legs, asking her to shift to the other end of the couch so she could sit next to Minju. They ended up using the tv, specifically Youngji who wanted to catch up on her variety shows.

Minju lightly pats Yujin's thigh to get her attention. "Where's your dad?" He's supposed to be the guest of honour but is nowhere to be found.

"He'll be here soon. Had an emergency meeting."

"What did your mom cook?"

"Pajeon, Jja

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i cried writing "How did 3 become 10?" help


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Chapter 33: No because if I can hug an au, I would hug this one tightly. I love it so much. I cried when Yujin tell her story to Minju and the fluffy moments they had at the beach was so cute. This is too realistic for me, everything here felt so real in my head. So perfect 😊 Thank you for writing this author. 🤍 Will read the next part of it.
Chapter 34: is this how a healthy relationship looks like? hope all XD
Chapter 33: this just stresses me sad and frustrated at the same time, thank god for mj and cutie yj 😮‍💨 and i’m sorry for not knowing a lot but deaf ppl really use hearing aids and they could hear? or is this like a different case?
Chapter 32: these are exactly my thoughts, loving someone for a reason is not bad per se but what if she turns out not what you’ve expected as time passes by? not like love could be constant but loving and accepting the person as a whole including things you do and do not know seems like the most plausible cause for a long relationship— unconditionally really does summarizes it XD
Chapter 30: you’ll also need a moon beb hhhh char XD
so adorable these two are :’)
Chapter 29: this one is just so so so sooooo cute. these two just perfectly fit well with each other. i also really like the fact that yj was willing to wait and be understanding and mj just trying to understand her feelings and slowly opening up 🥹 their progress was so fun and nice to read— it just makes my heart swell if that makes sense.

(i actually had hard time reading this due to my playlist while reading this, listening to unloving you while reading this gave me too much different feelings in one seating 🥲 well the giddy feeling prevailed either way! tysm for this, this would be enough to fuel me for the week to come— hopefully! XD)
Chapter 27: yuj is just really so soft and just too good for this world even in aus. (out of topic but yuj really looks soft and good irl. like ik that she’s very pretty already but her eye smile and smile would induce a lot of instincts in you— must protecc this kid and make her happy always sumn like that… what am i even saying bye ;-;)
Chapter 26: ah finally i was able to read this (it kept getting pushed due to my work deliverables but yes i got to finish this 🥹)

and wow— literally wow. the plot was simple yet with intricate details. the emotions of the characters felt so realistic and true. i was just amazed and had bunch of comments in my head while reading (can’t recall everything i thought of while reading ofc, my comment will still prolly be long tho XD)

so first, regarding mj and cw’s relationship. i won’t deny that they seem to have really loved each other but i feel like they’re more in-love with the notion of being with each other. do i make sense here? i mean sure they do love each other but it is almost like they expect from their partner and they need to be always wary of sumn (in this situation the soulmate thing with the eye color) that if not attained, their relationship might start crumbling (which happened, not surprised tbvh)

and cw hhhhhhhhhhhh i’m trying to be rlly understanding here but wth gerl you’re a gaslighter and a cheater. she never blamed anyone and always to point fingers at everyone like she was never at fault??? i want to tell her to stop that or i’ll break her finger, that rlly pissed me off. (especially when she told yujin off and that she won’t get minju even if they’re done.) well fyi stoopid she could’ve made a move but she even bridged the two of you and she had a lot of chances to try and express her feelings for mj but did she? she did not. you chose to meet hii behind mj’s back, you blamed yena for telling mj something you should’ve told, you blamed mj for not being able to see your eye color like srsly why don’t you also blame the author for the economic crisis? :D
and rlly rlly when she felt guilt all i could think was— DASURB. both her and mj had some sacrifice, okay. but does that warrant you to blame or reproach wtv sacrifice you did? i don’t think so beb

and as for mj— girl idk hhhhh. it always felt like she gave way too much in her previous relationship compared to cw. i’m not saying it’s all bad but rlly… it just feels off to me and i cannot fathom how she lasted long on that. it gives me the feeling that her prev relationship is a disaster waiting to happen idk XD (or maybe its a matter of perspective in this relationship? idk fr…)

lastly, yj. aaaahhhh hhhhh she really is the ‘why are we soulmates?’ embodiment for me. (mj and cw is more if ‘why are we not’ imo) doubts and thoughts such as not being the suitable one for the one you like. we get that thought a lot and more often than not ppl just say be the one suitable for your loved one but that is easier said than done. deym love sure is difficult ._.

not a full-blown lovestory just love and a story. i loved it hhhhh. it makes my heart full even if it is not full-on romantic— it felt deeper. tysm for this :D
Chapter 37: This is so cute! Such a serotonin boost! Thank you author🥰
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Chapter 37: i agree with comments below!! love this!!