Chapter 9 - Alone

Crush on you
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Taehyung was staring at his mom.

„Not happening.“

She sighed. „See, it´s a rare opportunity for us to get out. It´s our wedding day. Don´t be such a brat!"

„This will not happen.“ he repeated himself.

Jin was walking out of the house with his bag in his hand.

Taehyung started panicking.

„YA! Where are you going??“

„Sleeping at Ren´s house. Have fun with the alien!“

It was Saturday evening.

His mom had happily announced that they would go out until tomorrow during dinner. They were celebrating something. Wedding day. Whatever.

At first, he was pissed.

He stayed the night at the house with his brother and the pet.

NOW he was furious.

„Don´t leave me alone with him!“ he yelled.

Jin pouted and was about to open the door.
Taehyung didn´t think. He jumped toward him, pushed the door to close again, and pinned his brother to the wall.

„What...“ Jin stammered.

Taehyung let him go slowly. „What are you doing?“ he whispered to him. He grabbed his jacket and adjusted it to the correct angle.

Jin teared up. „Thanks... Thanks....“ he sobbed.

Taehyung pulled him into a tight hug.

Jin turned around, opened the door, and shut it briefly.


The door opened again, and Taehyung sighed in relief.

Jin walked in. Looked into the mirror. He sighed. Pushed his hair a bit to the right.

Taehyung was stunned. The Diva left the house again.

Taehyung’s jaw dropped. „This ing brat...“ he mumbled.



Jungkook was sitting on the couch.

His head was spinning. He tried to follow the argument in from of him. They were talking fast, so I couldn´t grab all the words.

The , the Diva, and his uncle´s wife stood at the door. Suddenly Taehyung pulled the Diva into a hug. He started crying.

„Short version?“ his uncle was sitting next to him.

Jungkook nodded.

„We will be out until tomorrow morning. Jin will sleep at his... boyfriend’s house.“

Jungkook´s head snapped around. „He... guys?“ he stammered.

His uncle nodded.

Jungkook swallowed. He pointed at Taehyung.

„He is not happy that he has to stay at the house tonight. He usually goes out.“

Jungkook froze.

He slowly turned his head to his uncle.

„We stay here? Alone?“ his voice was trembling.

His uncle patted his shoulder.“You´ll be fine. Just don´t touch his things.“ he giggled.

Jungkook got nervous.



Taehyung was panting in anger.

He was sitting in the kitchen. He wanted to go out with his friends to the party. Meet his Top five slots. Have fun, maybe nail slot four. But he was stuck with the pet.

He saw, that Jungkook passed the kitchen. He didn´t look too good.

Taehyung wrinkled his forehead. Checked the time.

„Your bag is in my room. Left side!“ he yelled.

Seriously, did he have to remind him of his medicine now? Was he a ing nurse?

He froze suddenly. His timer on the phone was beeping. This was a disaster.

He pulled out his phone and typed a number.

„Hello?“ a voice answered.

„It´s me.“

„Wow. Since when do I get the honor that you bother to type my number?“ Jimin replied.

„Can´t go out tonight.“

„Really. Cuz of the alien?“ Jimin chuckled.

„Yep.“ Taehyung said.

„That´s a shame...“ Jimin giggled.

„ you too.“ Taehyung hissed.

„Got it. Have fun.“

Taehyung hung up.


Jungkook stumbled upstairs. His head was dizzy, his body shaking. 

„Your bag is in my room. Left side!“ he heard the ’s voice.

Jungkook ran into the room. Grabbed his bag. Okay. Medicine.

He swallowed it.

His timer on the

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 46: After all of that drama... still fighting at the ramyun place...of course. lol ;)
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 32: I love the way you build up their relationship... progressively... But gotta say : after so many blocks, I was like...Finally! lol
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 1: Taehyung is such a cocky :P Just started reading this and already hooked. ;)
thank you for your comment ;-) Happy that you liked my fic! don´t forget to read the sequel crush on you 2 ;-)
194 streak #5
Chapter 21: Still more to read but could not contain myself....just had to tell you you are an amazing writer!
747 streak #6
Chapter 47: I enjoyed this story and the characters so much, thank you for taking us on their journey. Never say that you are not humorous, you definitely kept the laughs coming - along with a few tears. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in part 2, I know it’s going to be so much fun!
Chapter 47: THERE’S A PART 2??!?!
that cured my post story depression :’)
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story with us! On to part 2
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwww, I’m little bit sad that it’s over, but it was great! A cute ending, indeed <3
Thank you for putting so much effort into this and I’m happy you like my creations of posters and covers :)
I’ll be catching you with the sequel! Thanks again for sharing such a cute story!!
Chapter 46: Chap 45: Omg, the pressure is real on Tae in this chapter, he was somewhat forced to say it, but I’m happy he did (vorallem weil hier die Leute so weltoffen und tolerant sind, ganz anders als bei meinen Fics) xD I loved the last scene where they get back to their usual habits of bickering 🥰
Chapter 45: Chap 44: woah, I got so excited and nervous in this chapter, seriously it stressed me out! Wahrlich sehr gut geschrieben!! Ich bin müde vom ganzen Laufen und hektischen Telefonieren der Jungs (x_X) I love Ren, finally having the spotlight he deserves <3