Chapter 30 - And now?

Crush on you
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[CONTENTID2] Crush on you [/CONTENTID2]



There he was.

He was stuck in a school bus with his whole class. Yoongi and Namjoon were sleeping, and Hoseok and Jimin played card games, whispering things that even his mp3 player couldn´t cover.

He was looking at the pet. He was sleeping. His head was leaning against the window. He looked horrible.

Slot 28 walked towards him with an apple.

He remembered that she was one of the girls who laughed at his pet. He was mad, and she wasn't even worth a slot. He deleted her.

She started crying and left again.

Something touched his shoulder. He stiffened immediately.

- Don´t turn around. Don´t turn around. Don’t... -

He turned around and got hit by the smell of strawberries. Jungkook´s head had fallen on his shoulder when the bus drove around a sharp curve.

Taehyung inhaled it and closed his eyes.


Taehyung snapped out of it and lifted his hand. He touched the alien´s head, about to push him to the side.

„Is he okay? He doesn´t look too good.“ he heard Jimin´s voice.

„I think the alien is sick."

„Did you take care of the scar?“ Jimin asked.

Taehyung nodded.“But this morning, he refused. I´ll check it later.“ he mumbled.

After a few minutes and that damn strawberry smell in his nose, he looked at Jimin.

​​​​​"Make some room.“ he stammered.

Jimin just smiled and robbed away. Taehyung sat down in Jimin´s seat and carefully grabbed Jungkook´s shoulder.

„Don´t wake up alien... aish... so embarrassing...“ he hissed.

He placed Jungkook’s head in his lap. His hands didn´t know what to do at all. He put them to his right. To his left. Behind his back.

Yoongi appeared in his sight. Taehyung jumped in surprise. „Thought I sit down in front of you. You seem kind of nervous.“ he giggled.

Taehyung pouted.

„Just do it. He is sleeping. He won´t remember it.“ Hoseok bent over Jimin, whispering to him.

„You´re blushing, hyung. Just do it.“ Namjoon’s bright smile almost swallowed his ears.

Taehyung concentrated. Peaking at Yoongi, his body shielded him entirely from any eyes. He placed his right hand slowly on Jungkook’s head. His eyes locked into Jimin´s.

„What now?“ Taehyung whispered.

„Pat it a little.“

He patted it a little.

„And now?“

„Play with his hair. it a little.“ Jimin whispered.

He it a little.

„And now?“

„Do whatever you like.“ Jimin was smiling at him.

Taehyung was looking at his pet. He was cute, sleeping in his lap. His fingers started through his hair. Suddenly the alien moved and robbed a little closer. He wrapped an arm around Taehyung´s waist.

„What the hell....?“ Taehyung was just staring at him.

„He likes it.“ Hoseok whispered.

„He does?“ Taehyung was nervous.

Hoseok nodded.

Taehyung slowly caressed his back. He pulled him closer, the other hand carefully ruffling through his hair.
„ annoying...“ he mumbled.



Jungkook woke up. He didn´t feel good.
Somebody was holding him, and he was confused. There was a smell of apples everywhere.

He felt a hand on his back. His head moved slowly up and down. Somebody was breathing, he thought. He opened his eyes to see a chest in front of him. His eyes wandered up, and he saw that damn . Sleeping. His arms were wrapped around his body, a hand on Jungkook´s head. Jungkook found himself lying on him. He tried to get up.

Taehyung mumbled something. He started to caress his hair again. Jungkook closed his eyes. It felt nice.

„Stay like this, little melon. Just sleep.“ he heard Yoongi´s voice.

He nodded and sighed.
„God, he sounds like a purring cat.“ he heard Namjoon´s voice, giggling.

He didn´t care. The was holding him. And he liked it. He drifted back into his sleep.



Jungkook was thankful to his hyung. Before they arrived at the resort, he had woken him up. Taehyung was still sleeping. He sat up and was watching the . He was even pretty while sleeping.

Jungkook pouted.

When Taehyung woke up, he was staring out of the window. He heard a gasp, turned around, and Taehyung was staring at him. „What?“

Taehyung blushed. „Nothing… it´s nothing.“

Jungkook could see Yoongi giggle when everyone started to leave the bus.

This freaking retook his hand and dragged him to the front door. He even turned around to help him carry his bag, mumbling something that he was sick. He did not tell the slots to do it. He took the load by himself.

Jungkook smiled shyly.




Jungkook covered his ears to escape from the ´s scream. They were standing in front of the resort. Cute wooden houses. And a... pool?

„That´s an onsen. It’s hot water. Very pleasant when it´s cold at night.“ Namjoon whispered.

Jungkook was excited.

„OH, GOD!“

He squeezed his eye. „WHAT?“ he snapped at the .

Taehyung was standing in front of the house. He fell to his knees and hid his face in his palm. He was CRYING like crazy. He looked pitiful.

Hoseok giggled.

„This is an adve

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 46: After all of that drama... still fighting at the ramyun place...of course. lol ;)
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 32: I love the way you build up their relationship... progressively... But gotta say : after so many blocks, I was like...Finally! lol
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 1: Taehyung is such a cocky :P Just started reading this and already hooked. ;)
thank you for your comment ;-) Happy that you liked my fic! don´t forget to read the sequel crush on you 2 ;-)
194 streak #5
Chapter 21: Still more to read but could not contain myself....just had to tell you you are an amazing writer!
747 streak #6
Chapter 47: I enjoyed this story and the characters so much, thank you for taking us on their journey. Never say that you are not humorous, you definitely kept the laughs coming - along with a few tears. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in part 2, I know it’s going to be so much fun!
Chapter 47: THERE’S A PART 2??!?!
that cured my post story depression :’)
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story with us! On to part 2
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwww, I’m little bit sad that it’s over, but it was great! A cute ending, indeed <3
Thank you for putting so much effort into this and I’m happy you like my creations of posters and covers :)
I’ll be catching you with the sequel! Thanks again for sharing such a cute story!!
Chapter 46: Chap 45: Omg, the pressure is real on Tae in this chapter, he was somewhat forced to say it, but I’m happy he did (vorallem weil hier die Leute so weltoffen und tolerant sind, ganz anders als bei meinen Fics) xD I loved the last scene where they get back to their usual habits of bickering 🥰
Chapter 45: Chap 44: woah, I got so excited and nervous in this chapter, seriously it stressed me out! Wahrlich sehr gut geschrieben!! Ich bin müde vom ganzen Laufen und hektischen Telefonieren der Jungs (x_X) I love Ren, finally having the spotlight he deserves <3