Chapter 41 - Let´s have a conversation

Crush on you
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[CONTENTID2] Crush on you [/CONTENTID2]

[CONTENTID3] Let´s have a conversation [/CONTENTID3]


Two days later


Taehyung was standing in front of the school gate nervously.

He was waiting for Jungkook to come to school. Yoongi and Namjoon were waiting with him.

„Will he come?“ he whispered.

„It´s school. Of course, he will come.“ Yoongi placed a hand on his shoulder.

„Are you sure? I called him the whole weekend. He didn´t answer at all.“

„Good Morning, Hyung!“ he heard Yoongi´s voice when they approached.

Next to him was Hoseok. Taehyung could see that he was staring at him.

He looked pissed.

„Good Mor...“

Hoseok passed him, without a word.

„What...was that?“ he whispered. „Where is Jimin? They are always coming to school together.“

„Maybe Jimin is sick?“ Taehyung asked.


Jungkook was walking next to Jimin towards the school.

„What should I do?“ Jungkook whispered to Jimin.

„Talk to him.“

„I don´t want to see him.“
„Little melon, I swear I've known him since he is eight years old. I never saw a person changing that much. He changed because of you. Listen to him. Give him the chance to explain it from his side too.“

„What about you? Will you talk to Hoseok?“


„Why?“ Jungkook asked.

„Everything is said.“

„He didn´t mean it. You fought. He regrets it, I am sure.“

„He won´t. Hoseok is a person, that acts rationally. He never gets emotional when he decides things. He was serious. And I don´t want to talk to somebody that doesn´t believe his friends.“ Jimin mumbled.

Jungkook clenched his teeth.

He couldn´t say anything about it. What would he say? Is it okay? Will he believe him? He didn´t even believe Taehyung himself.

The school gate came closer.

„Please stay with me. Help me to go through that gate without talking to him.“

Jungkook saw Taehyung. He looked terrible. And he deserved it.

He ran towards him.

Jungkook took a deep breath.



Hoseok was walking into the classroom and stared at his desk. And the desk next to him. He had made his decision. He didn´t regret it. He was angry at him. For betraying him. He wouldn´t take back his words. Never.



Taehyung saw Jungkook coming towards the school, accompanied by Jimin.

He ran towards him but stopped when he met his eyes.

„It´s Jungkook for you.“ he snapped back at him.

„Please listen to me...“ he stammered. He didn´t know what to do or how to start the conversation with him.

„You´re blocking me. Get out of my way hyung.“

Taehyung tried to grab his hand and felt that Jungkook slapped it away. Hard. His fingers hurt.

„Kooki...“ he forced back the tears. Not in school. Not here. In public.

„I already told you that it´s Jungkook for you. Let me through.“ Jungkook just pushed him to the side, and walked straight to the gate, dragging Jimin behind him.

Taehyung could see, that Jimin turned around to him.

-I believe you. Let me handle this. I talk to him.-

He formed with his lips.

Taehyung hissed in disappointment. But nodded.



Yoongi and Namjoon were standing at the gate.

„This will be a LONG day.“ Yoongi mumbled.

Namjoon nodded. „Let´s go in. Talk to Hoseok. Something is fishy.“

Yoongi grabbed his hand, and they walked toward their classroom.




Taehyung was staring at Yoongi.

„They broke up.“ Namjoon whispered to him.

„You´re joking.“ Taehyung whispered.

Namjoon shook his head.

„Why?“ Taehyung asked.

Yoongi hesitated.

„They... got into a fight. Because Hoseok doesn´t believe you, Jimin got angry. Their argument got huge. Hoseok slapped Jimin. He threw him out of the house. Then he broke up with him.“

Taehyung froze.“So it´s my fault...“

They were sitting in the catina, and it was lunchtime. Jungkook hadn´t shown up at all, Jimin neither.

Hoseok was nowhere to be seen.

„How do I fix that?“ Taehyung whined.

„Hyung, don´t get me wrong, but you have other worries at the moment.“ Namjoon squeezed his hand.

„He is not coming for lunch, I guess?“asked Yoongi.

„Guess not.“

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 46: After all of that drama... still fighting at the ramyun place...of course. lol ;)
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 32: I love the way you build up their relationship... progressively... But gotta say : after so many blocks, I was like...Finally! lol
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 1: Taehyung is such a cocky :P Just started reading this and already hooked. ;)
thank you for your comment ;-) Happy that you liked my fic! don´t forget to read the sequel crush on you 2 ;-)
194 streak #5
Chapter 21: Still more to read but could not contain myself....just had to tell you you are an amazing writer!
747 streak #6
Chapter 47: I enjoyed this story and the characters so much, thank you for taking us on their journey. Never say that you are not humorous, you definitely kept the laughs coming - along with a few tears. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in part 2, I know it’s going to be so much fun!
Chapter 47: THERE’S A PART 2??!?!
that cured my post story depression :’)
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story with us! On to part 2
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwww, I’m little bit sad that it’s over, but it was great! A cute ending, indeed <3
Thank you for putting so much effort into this and I’m happy you like my creations of posters and covers :)
I’ll be catching you with the sequel! Thanks again for sharing such a cute story!!
Chapter 46: Chap 45: Omg, the pressure is real on Tae in this chapter, he was somewhat forced to say it, but I’m happy he did (vorallem weil hier die Leute so weltoffen und tolerant sind, ganz anders als bei meinen Fics) xD I loved the last scene where they get back to their usual habits of bickering 🥰
Chapter 45: Chap 44: woah, I got so excited and nervous in this chapter, seriously it stressed me out! Wahrlich sehr gut geschrieben!! Ich bin müde vom ganzen Laufen und hektischen Telefonieren der Jungs (x_X) I love Ren, finally having the spotlight he deserves <3