Love Phobia

Clumsy Hearts

Author's Note: First off, happy late SHINee day to my shawol readers! This title definitely inspired by me having Dice album on repeat while writing it, heh. But let's deal with the aftermath of Taemin's confession, shall we? Featuring Jonghyun, a little drunk Taemin, and a liiittle jealous Jongin. ♡


May 2012

“Can I ask you for some advice?”

“Of course, Taemin! What is it?”

Taemin had lingered around at the back of the class one day after the professor’s lecture ended, waiting for everyone to leave and then approaching Jonghyun as he headed for the door. They had talked before, and Jonghyun had told him that if he ever needed someone to talk to or some sort of help, he could always ask him. Today, Taemin had decided to take him up on this.

“Um… It’s a little personal…”

Jonghyun looked around to make sure the room was clear, then went and closed the doors before gesturing to the seats. “You can tell me about it then. I’ll keep it between us.”

The older gave him a slight smile that made Taemin feel reassured. Even so, it was hard to open up. “I- I have a problem, I think.”

“That’s alright. What kind of problem is it?”

“I… Do you think- um… I mean-” An overwhelming feeling washed through him, making his lip wobble and forcing him to bite down on it. How could he tell someone about this? Taemin decided he needed to word things carefully, fearing the other’s reaction if he was too honest. Jonghyun didn’t rush him, patiently waiting. “I just… I think I might have feelings for- someone.”

At this, Jonghyun looked taken aback, obviously not what he had anticipated. But he quickly recovered. “I see. So what seems to be the problem?”

The problem was quite simple, but again, Taemin had no idea how to break it to the other. “I’m- not sure about it. I- I never had feelings for a girl before, so I… don’t know.”

“Ah, so it’s your first crush,” Jonghyun hummed, sounding a little affectionate. “Young love, how sweet. But what part aren’t you sure about?”

I wish it was sweet, Taemin thought with a soft sigh. “I’m not sure if- if my feelings are romantic or if we’re just- just close friends. It’s not something I’ve felt before,” he echoed. Having never had a crush before, he couldn’t compare his current feelings. Yet at the same time, he thought it might explain the way he had never been interested in any girls…

“That can happen,” Jonghyun nodded, seeming unfazed and – gratefully – endlessly patient. “What kinds of things are you feeling, then? Maybe we should start there.”

What was he feeling? Taemin tried to think of examples, because the way he felt seemed to abstract to describe in words. “Like… I feel really happy whenever I see- this person. And even if I’m tired I want to spend time together. I… it’s someone I’ve known for a while, and I remember when they were in a relationship with someone else, I felt… jealous. And- I moved all the way here because I wanted to be with them again. And… my chest does weird things a lot. I get flustered when we’re too close, or when- when they look at me a certain way, or when they do normal things like… if we’re just on the couch or in bed and they put an arm around me-”

“Woah, woah, wait a minute.” Jonghyun held up a hand, eyebrows raised. “Being in bed together is normal to you? I was fine with everything else, but you’ll need to explain that a little, Taemin.”

Oh. Right. How did he explain that he had feelings for his roommate, someone he shared a bed with, without raising suspicions? There was: no way. Taemin felt himself growing warm, looking down because he couldn’t hide his face any other way.

“Is this a… friends-with-benefits kind of relationship?” Jonghyun asked gently, making Taemin glance up slightly in confusion. A what? His lack of understanding must have been obvious, because Jonghyun let out a somewhat flustered laugh. “I guess not. Then, if you don’t mind me asking, is it a girl?”

Taemin swallowed thickly, face getting hotter. Why would he ask that? Was he that transparent? “Why- why wouldn’t it be?”

“Just the way you kept referring to them, not as ‘she’,” Jonghyun explained. “And also since you have a rather close relationship, from the sounds of it. A lot of guys don’t have girls who are just friends in bed with them. It’s possible, of course…”

Jonghyun was smart. Much smarter than him. Taemin was starting to worry that it had been a bad idea to talk to him about this. Because now he was scared – scared he might have to admit it, or that Jonghyun would figure it out on his own anyway. He was already doing a good job…

Suddenly, Taemin’s vision swam with tears, and Jonghyun was quick to notice. “It’s okay, Taemin. Why are you upset? What’s on your mind?”

“I’m scared…” He choked on his own words, feeling embarrassed but unable to hold back his emotions. It was so much. Too much.

His response made Jonghyun tilt his head, considering him for a long moment. When he spoke again, his voice was soft and gentle. “Are you scared of what my reaction might be, if the person you like isn’t a girl?” he posed carefully, making Taemin hide his face in his hands as his tears became too much to hold in. “It’s okay… I’m not going to judge you. There isn’t anything wrong with that.”

What? Taemin didn’t think he would react like that; even if he had reacted politely, he couldn’t have imagined Jonghyun telling him it wasn’t wrong. Taemin fell quiet, taking a moment to compose himself. He pushed his tears back down, wiping at them before looking at Jonghyun and questioning him doubtfully. “Really?”

“Of course. That’s perfectly normal, Taemin. You’re perfectly normal.”

And though he thought it was an exaggeration, it made him feel substantially better to know that Jonghyun wasn’t judging him for it. He had never thought anyone would be so… okay with it. Especially knowing how wrong it was. But the city really was full of surprises, and even though Taemin knew it was still not really acceptable – to his family, to his world back home, to his religion – it relieved him that maybe it wasn’t so bad in the eyes of some. After a few more minutes of calming down, they returned to the problem at hand.

“Then… what do you think I should do?”

“Well, first you should let him know that you might be gay, or at least that you’re questioning your uality. His reaction to that will be a good litmus test for whether or not to tell him your feelings for him, specifically.” Jonghyun looked serious as he said this, and Taemin nodded slowly, dread churning in his stomach. Maybe Jonghyun was a rare case, even here. “Not everyone is open-minded and accepting, sadly. If he’s not, you might want to reconsider being friends with him.”

The thought of it hurt, but Taemin knew he was right. “And if he is?”

“If he is, then good. You can think about if you want to tell him your feelings then.” Jonghyun smiled, reaching out and giving Taemin’s knee a reassuring pat. “You’ll have to decide if you think telling him will be worse, or not telling him. Personally, I would tell him, but that’s just because I’m very honest with my friends. I tell them whatever I think, whether they like it or not.” He laughed, and Taemin had to smile too.

“I don’t think I’m that confident. But thank you… I’ll try to talk to him. But- Jonghyun?” Taemin bit his lip as a thought occurred, Jonghyun nodding in attention. “If- if he doesn’t take it well, I… I might have to leave. He’s my roommate, so he might kick me out…” Which meant Taemin would have to leave, because he had nowhere else to go and couldn’t afford anywhere in the city.

Jonghyun’s brow furrowed at this, looking concerned and pulling out his phone. “Here. You give me your number, and contact me if things go wrong, okay?” he told him sincerely, passing the phone over for Taemin to input his number. Jonghyun called it, so Taemin could have his number too, then put his phone away again. “You’re welcome to stay with me if you need a place. Don’t even hesitate, alright?”

Taemin could have cried. But he’d already done enough of that, so instead he just thanked Jonghyun a few times and decided to go home to talk with Jongin.



Jongin couldn’t deny that things were a little awkward after he found out that he was Taemin’s crush. Not that Taemin did anything to make it that way, but – just as it had been when he came out about being gay – Jongin kept thinking about it at random times. His hyper-awareness of his every action around Taemin increased tenfold, and he had to start questioning himself much more heavily as to what was really okay to do now. That said, there was no more mention of it, and after a while things returned (mostly) to normal again.

Having turned nineteen, Taemin was officially old enough to drink, and started going out sometimes with his school friends in the evenings. Jongin envied him, wishing he could join and always asking Taemin about the experiences. According to Taemin, he – being too shy to do much else – would spend the largest portion of his time at their table, finding his entertainment in watching his friends being sillier the more alcohol they drank. Now and then, they would pull him up to join them and dance, and he would apparently grow more compliant the more he drank.

“I wanna see that,” Jongin pouted, wondering what drunk Taemin was like. He was curious about whether Taemin danced with any cute guys, but Taemin denied it.

Something about it worried Jongin though. Whenever Taemin was gone, Jongin would lie awake and wait for him to come home. With every passing moment, he had to ask himself if that would be the night Taemin would decide to go home with someone else. Why does that bother you anyway? he asked himself. It would be good for Taemin to start having mature relationships – so what was his problem?

As he laid in the dark one of those nights, the hour past one in the morning, he thought about this. Part of him, he had to admit, was jealous of Taemin. Jealous of how he was kicking off his adult life without Jongin, and maybe worried that Taemin would leave him behind before he could catch up. But he knew there was more, because it was having Taemin go somewhere else, be with someone else in particular that Jongin was hung up on the most.

The more he pondered it, the more troubled he felt. Was he just so incredibly selfish at the idea of Taemin liking someone other than him? Did it boost his ego that much knowing Taemin had feelings for him, and he didn’t want to lose that? Jongin thought on this, really thought, asked himself what exactly it was that he didn’t like. But the answer he came up with was different.

Inevitably, if Taemin got in that kind of relationship, he would want to be with that person. He would want privacy, at least, and he wouldn’t find that there. Not in the apartment he shared with two others, or the bed he shared with Jongin. Which meant, undoubtedly, that Taemin would want to move out. Either to live with his future boyfriend, or to find his own place. And after living together the past several months – after being apart for so long – Jongin had grown comfortable. No – he was attached. The way they spent so much time together, the level of coziness between them, the banter and the affection he could only have with Taemin… it all filled a part of him, and he was certain he couldn’t easily replace it.

And sure, when he got his own girlfriend, he would probably want his own bed again. But Jongin wasn’t thinking about dating – or – again until he was an adult too. Jongin supposed the ideal situation would be for the two of them to start dating at the same time, so the need to part ways would be mutual. Until then, though, he selfishly wanted to keep Taemin to himself. Was that so bad?

(He knew it was, but that didn’t make him want it any less.)

The clock struck two, and Jongin’s stomach was starting to knot with worry now. This is it, he told himself. Mark it on your calendar. He checked his phone. September 14th, the day Taemin finally began to outgrow you…

Just as he was beginning to wallow, though, Jongin heard the sound of someone entering the code at their front door. They dialed one number too many, and then there was a second attempt followed by some mumbling. Dashing out of bed, Jongin crossed his room and then hurried across the apartment to the front door, throwing it open as a third unsuccessful try was made.

Taemin was standing on the other side, looking stunned by the door abruptly opening for him, and squinting as the light from the entrance shone in his eyes. Then his face broke into a dazed smile as he looked up at Jongin, stepping inside as the younger chuckled at him.

“Forget the code?” Jongin teased, not missing the way Taemin swayed as he moved. He reached out his arm as Taemin tried to pull of his shoes and nearly lost his balance, gently gripping the other by his elbow to keep him sturdy.


Jongin laughed and shook his head. “Seven-seven one-one-four, it has two repeating numbers, how hard is that?” But he didn’t expect much from Taemin, truthfully. Alcohol was pretty powerful. It made him laugh internally, thinking how the kid who had once been mortified by drinking now would come home intoxicated like this.

They made their way back to the bedroom, Taemin immediately collapsing onto the bed and closing his eyes. “You’re not gonna shower?” Jongin asked him quietly, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes lingering on Taemin’s clothes and probably his skin as well. Taemin made a soft, barely-coherent sound in response, which Jongin accepted as a no. “You can’t sleep like this though…”

Taemin mumbled something again, too slurred for Jongin to understand. He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or sleepiness – probably both – but it didn’t really matter; Jongin knew he wouldn’t have much time before Taemin would be completely out. So he wasted no more time, disappearing to the bathroom and returning with a wet cloth. This he used to gently wipe Taemin’s face somewhat clean with, the corner of Taemin’s lips tugging up just a little.

“Shoul’ drink more of’en…”

Jongin just flicked his forehead. Then he worked on stripping off Taemin’s clothes, not wanting to be breathing their smells in all night. Taemin just barely helped, already around eighty percent asleep it seemed. Pajamas were out of the cards, Jongin decided, not even wanting to have to try.

“Get in bed properly then,” he murmured, patting Taemin’s hip to get him to move as he pushed the sheets out of the way. In the end, he had to lift Taemin himself to get him fully on the bed. Rolling over him, Jongin threw the sheets over them and flopped down on his back, looking at his now mostly- and mostly-asleep friend with an amused sigh. “Did you have fun?”

Taemin let out a soft hum, rolling himself closer and throwing his arm over Jongin. In turn, Jongin wrapped his arms around him, suddenly recalling the pitiful thoughts he’d been having moments earlier and cherishing the fact that they hadn’t come true. He’s here. He’s not leaving you yet.

“…Like it when…”

The thought was started but not concluded, Jongin waiting to see if Taemin would keep going before gently poking him. “Hm? Like what, when what?” he prodded, wondering if he should just let the guy sleep. He probably was just saying nonsense at this point.

But Taemin continued upon being prompted, voice soft and sleepy against Jongin’s chest. “You hold me like this…”

Jongin’s heart thumped at his words. It took him off guard, feeling his face suddenly warm up. He hadn’t been expecting something like that. Yes, Taemin was drunk, but even so…

“Go to sleep,” he muttered, lightly rubbing Taemin’s back to help soothe him into dreams.

Jongin couldn’t sleep though, pondering Taemin’s words. It was making him rethink things; because Taemin rarely expressed anything that showed his attraction to Jongin, which made it easy to forget. Easy to be comfortable, and maybe cross boundaries that weren’t appropriate. Like this. Was it really okay for them to sleep together, barely clothed, and with Taemin intoxicated? Not to mention having Taemin half-on top of him, and Jongin holding onto him nonetheless. It was hardly normal friend behaviour – no, it wasn’t normal friend behaviour in the slightest. Jongin was never like this with anyone else, except girlfriends. And he’d accepted it because he thought it was just how Taemin was, but… was he really? Wasn’t this just the result of Taemin’s attraction to him?

The thoughts wouldn’t stop buzzing around in his mind, and the more he thought, the more he worried. It wasn’t like he was leading Taemin on, right? Taemin knew he was straight. But even so, was it really appropriate? Even if Taemin did know better, if he was interpreting things inappropriately then it might be time for Jongin to draw some lines of his own.

Sighing to himself, Jongin unwrapped his arms from around Taemin, trying to gently push the older off of him and roll him over onto his side to face the wall. This proved to be a challenge as Taemin was truly out cold by now, but Jongin eventually managed, giving him his teddy bear to hold instead. Then he grabbed Bambi and turned his back to Taemin himself, hugging the little doll until he fell into sleep too.

The following morning, Jongin woke to the familiar feeling of his mother his hair as she gently told him it was time to get up. As he sunk under the blankets, she informed him brunch was ready for them, making him sigh. He couldn’t let Taemin sleep through brunch; the boy would sulk about it the rest of the morning, plus his mother would be upset they didn’t appreciate her hard work. The two of them were very similar sometimes, and though Jongin might enjoy that in some ways, it drove him nuts at other times.

Sleepily, Jongin reached for Taemin’s shoulder without opening his eyes, giving it a gentle nudge and mumbling at him to wake up. Taemin moved slightly, leaning into Jongin, his hair tickling Jongin’s face.

And then Jongin noticed.

His eyes opened, filled with sleep but confusion mixed in as he recalled the night before. Taemin was still facing the wall, holding his bear, largely unmoved. But Jongin found himself curled up beside him, arm around his waist and practically stuck to Taemin from head to toe.

So much for boundaries.

Rolling onto his back, Jongin felt Bambi squish underneath him, evidently abandoned for his preferred cuddle-mate. He pulled the doll out from under him and tossed it aside, while Taemin rolled over and snuggled right back into his side. “Don’t be falling asleep again,” Jongin warned, voice groggy but stern. “Brunch is ready…”

“Can’t it be here?” Taemin mumbled, Jongin’s brain slow to process what he meant.

“No, we can’t eat here,” he denied, sighing as he looked Taemin over, pushing his hair back off his forehead. “My mom’s looking forward to seeing our ugly, puffy faces.”

Taemin gave a tiny smile, eyes opening at that. They were indeed very puffy, and Jongin had to chuckle. Then Taemin’s expression turned a bit sour. “Oh… I feel- sick…”

“Yeah, I think you drank a lot,” Jongin told him softly. Then he sat up, pushing Taemin to lay on his back. “Do you want some water? A bucket?” And though Taemin shook his head, Jongin went to get him both anyway. Then they waited a few minutes, until the feeling seemed to pass. Finally Taemin got up, pulled on a clean shirt, and went to the bathroom for a few minutes, coming out with his face washed and looking at least slightly better than when he’d gone in.

When they finally sat at the table, Jongin’s mother was smiling knowingly. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you two next year…” Next year, when Jongin would be old enough to join Taemin in drinking.

“I’m sorry in advance,” he laughed apologetically.

They ate the rest of the meal quietly, Jongin getting some Tylenol for Taemin afterwards as he still was feeling a bit nauseous. As Taemin didn’t have to work, Jongin pulled him to the couch to watch some television, the two laying out on opposite ends of the couch as usual. Soon enough, the sickness subsided again and they fell back into their normal weekend routine.

Jongin thought about mentioning what Taemin had said the night before, numerous times. He thought about asking him about his feelings, or trying to set some boundaries. But he could never find the right moment – and when he did, his mouth wouldn’t open to say it. Part of him just didn’t want to, and the rest felt too awkward and too worried about hurting Taemin’s feelings. Eventually he gave up on the whole idea, thinking he was overreacting anyway. Taemin had just been drunk, it wasn’t like sober Taemin would ever cross any lines…


“Don't you get bored hanging out with me?”

Taemin looked up from across the couch, surprise clear on his face at the sudden inquiry. The two had been glued to the couch all afternoon, streaming through episodes of an anime they were both interested in. It admittedly wasn’t the most thrilling way to spend the weekend, but considering Taemin wasn’t feeling his best, it was their most reasonable option. And at any rate, Taemin loved staying home and lazing around these days – with school and work, he would take any break he could get.

“Why would I be bored?” he wondered in return, wondering what was going through Jongin’s mind for him to suddenly ask such a thing.

Jongin’s brow was slightly furrowed, looking unsure of himself as he often did when he was grappling with unknown feelings – both to others and himself. He at the whole emotion thing sometimes. “Because.. you have adult friends,” he finally answered. “And you can do adult things with them...”

This had Taemin laughing, tilting his head as he looked Jongin over in amusement. “Why are you so insecure about that?” Jongin only frowned deeper. Insecure? Was he? “I like you more than my 'adult friends' and I'd rather spend time with you.”

The way he said it was so casual, so nonchalant, leaving no real room for doubts. But somehow, they still successfully weaseled their way into Jongin’s mind with a thought that occurred. “Are you just saying that because... you have a crush on me?”

The moment the words were out of his mouth, he regretted saying them. Not only did he immediately recognize it was a cruel and uncalled for question, but he saw it as Taemin’s face fell. The older looked down, voice much smaller when he answered again. “No. I'm not.. I'm saying it because you're my best friend...”

I don’t know why I am. I don’t deserve you at all. He could be such an inconsiderate jerk sometimes, he thought, forgetting to think before he opened his big mouth. And yet Taemin was always kind enough to see past it. Only for me to do something hurtful yet again. “I'm sorry, Taemin...”

Taemin smiled, but it didn’t really reach his eyes. “It’s okay...” He tried to sound reassuring, but Jongin hardly felt better. Then silence fell between them, both gradually getting absorbed back into their show – at least Jongin thought as much. But when the episode ended, it was clear Taemin hadn’t left that train of thought as he asked, “Jongin? Do you- do you see me differently? Because of my feelings for you?”

This time, it was Jongin who was taken off guard, unable to lie convincingly. “What? No, of course not.” And Taemin didn’t have to say it; it was obvious he didn’t buy it in the slightest. But the truth was, Jongin did see him differently. He couldn’t help that. It didn’t matter to him all that much, but yes, he thought about it. He overthought about it, overanalyzed things Taemin would say and do sometimes in a way he never had before. Jongin constantly was asking himself if things were normal, if Taemin had always been this way or that, if the reason Taemin was like that was because of the crush he’d had all along. None of this made him like Taemin any less, but yes, things were different.

But he couldn’t say that. Even if he did still feel the same way about Taemin as he always had. Because what happened when Taemin took it the wrong way? What happened when it hurt him even more, and he ended up distancing himself until he eventually left? Jongin hated the mere thought of it. But now Taemin wasn’t saying anything, and Jongin knew he could see through his lies, so he decided there was only one real option for him.

“Taemin.. can I be honest with you?” he asked quietly, Taemin’s eyes just slightly tinged with worry as he gave a tiny nod. Jongin took a deep breath, then went on. “I'm afraid of losing you...”

For a second, Taemin just stared. Then he tilted his head, looking curious. “Why would you lose me?”

Jongin gave an uncertain shrug, his chest feeling strangely tight. “I don't know,” he admitted softly, not sure himself why he felt so afraid of this outcome. But it wouldn’t go away, continuing to weigh on him. It had been for months… “I don’t want to push you away because I'm scared it'll mess up our friendship. So I just try not to think about it, but... I don't know..”

As he admitted it, he recognized that he was coming to this realization himself as much as he was telling it to Taemin. There was a reason he held so much in, pushed it down in hopes of it just disappearing. Because if he didn’t, he feared, it would come between them instead.

And as per usual, it felt as though Taemin could read his thoughts. Like they were printed on his forehead. The way Taemin looked at him, the way he stayed silent as though he were still listening. It made Jongin want to cover his ears, as though the thoughts were slipping out from them for Taemin to tune into. “I'm sorry,” Taemin told him, quiet and sincere. His guilt was transparent in his features, looking almost pained. “I didn't mean to make things harder for you. I never should have told you in the first place…”

“No, it's okay,” Jongin told him without hesitation. It wasn’t his intention to make Taemin feel bad about this. This mess was his fault. He was the one making things weird, after all; Taemin couldn’t control having feelings. “I'm glad you did,” he went on truthfully, grateful that Taemin had trusted him enough to open up. “And I can handle it. Just need a little more processing time.”

Taemin nodded slowly, and after a moment, Jongin added, “I wish I felt the same way. But you're much too good for me anyway.” And he meant it; how much easier would it be if he returned Taemin’s feelings? Jongin would love to be able to make his best friend happy like that. Unfortunately, he just wasn’t wired to like boys like that. And even if he were, he was hardly a worthy candidate.

“That's not true...” Taemin didn’t comment on the first half of what Jongin had said, but the blush on his cheeks told Jongin enough anyway.

“It is. One day you'll find someone on your level and you'll realize it too.” Jongin shot him a smile, poking Taemin’s leg with his foot. “I'm just your first crush; better ones will come along, just wait. I felt the same about my first crush too.”

“I guess so…” Taemin mumbled, sounding unconvinced. For a bit he looked lost in thought – staring off, frowning slightly, unfocused – and then he spoke up again. “Jongin? Do you really mean it, that you're afraid of losing me?”

Ah, so that was what he was pondering over now. Taemin had a cute habit of doing this, going back to something that had been said mid-conversation, and thinking on it until he couldn’t answer something himself. It was something Jongin had come to expect whenever they had deep conversations – Taemin’s mind catching up with the little details he didn’t seem to even notice at first, or the things he hadn’t had enough time to process in the flow of the conversation.

“Yes.” It was shameful to admit, but Jongin couldn’t deny it. Taemin eyes were locked on him, expression so sincere; it was like drinking a truth serum for Jongin. “Its- it's really bad, really selfish. I'm afraid of losing you from hurting your feelings, but I'm also kind of... worried that you'll leave me for someone else too.” The words spilled out before he could even think them through, more feelings he had been trying to avoid himself. As he heard himself say it, he felt sick. Why am I such a selfish prick? “It's not fair. I can't keep you all for myself like that, but I still feel that way…”

“You do?” Taemin didn’t sound repulsed by him, but he was also very good at masking those things. He fell quiet for a while, dread growing in Jongin’s stomach as he wondered how disgusted his selfishness would make Taemin feel. Especially when Taemin was so selfless…

“I feel that way about you too.” Jongin’s eyebrows raised at Taemin’s unexpected confession. “I don’t want you to get a girlfriend...”

So he’s greedy too, after all. Jongin laughed, shaking his head at their messy dilemma. “What are we gonna do, then? At this rate, I'll just have to become gay,” he joked, though it seemed like the only option at the moment. “If you have any advice on how to do that…”

Taemin chuckled, a little more sad than amused. “You have to find a guy who's really wonderful and beautiful and makes you question your whole life,” he explained softly, candid as ever. It made Jongin snort, but he found himself blushing too. Is that how he feels about me?

“I’ll keep my eye out,” he promised, strangely wishing it might actually work.

If only, if only…


Author's Note: So yes, Jonghyun was the reason (or at least helped) Taemin opened up to Jongin. Behind the scenes, these two have started to become friends! And our baby Taemin has grown up~ This shy boy who was once too scared to even touch alcohol is now a real adult! (Bonus: Any guesses on the significance of the lock code?) Lastly, Jongin is struggling with being Taemin's crush after all, even if he refuses to allow himself sometimes. It's all fine and good for now, but what happens when all this stuff you're repressing ends up making you burst, Jongin?

Anyway, we have a lot more alcohol and other ~adult things~ coming our way soon, I hope everyone is ready 😉 If you're enjoying this story so far, please upvote and tell your Taekai friends! Having people to talk to keeps me motivated ♡ See you all soon!

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Hi all! I swear I haven't abandoned you 😭 I'm in the middle of moving and it's taking up all my time (and energy). I promise to come back as soon as I can, and sorry for keeping you waiting ♡


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749 streak #1
Chapter 33: Knowing Jonghyun, I don’t think his reaction was strong at all. He considers himself a guardian of sorts to Taemin, plus he saw firsthand the sad and pitiful state he was in when he showed up at his door. He also knows more than anyone else how Taemin has felt about Jongin for all those years.

It’s a bit harsh for me to say Jongin was trivializing their relationship but he needs to try to understand things from Taemin’s perspective and not be quite so selfish. Taemin’s fear is very real and rightfully so, given the fact that his brother has resorted to threats and violence. Where Jongin’s concerns are normal, their situation is nowhere near ordinary. Far from it.

Sorry to write a book, but this chapter was both frustrating and thought provoking. Happy New Year to you as well and have a good break. Take care and see you soon!
Chapter 33: I'm glad Chanyeol caught Baeks hands but idk about the after.....
Jonghyun gave every bit of what Nini deserves. I get it, but he didn't consider Taemin at all. Just himself.
749 streak #3
Chapter 32: Chanyeol’s personality leaves a lot to be desired, he just doesn’t know when to stop. I honestly don’t see what Baekhyun sees in that big oaf.🙄 At least there weren’t any negative reactions to the kiss the boys shared. I’m also glad it was Kyungsoo who saw them in the bathroom and not anyone else. It’s actually good that Baekhyun was not there, I think he would have protested the shabby treatment of his friends.

I’m answer to your question though, I think it’s only a matter of time until their relationship goes public, especially with Jongin being well, Jongin. I’m just still worried about interference from Taemin’s family, but at this point I think he has already made his choice.
Chapter 32: I promise. Just one punch for Chanyeol. I beg.
749 streak #5
Chapter 31: I like Taemin’s plans for them, and it was so cute that he even found a ring he liked. Looks like another trip will be in the works, maybe to the US.

This chapter was so sweet and I always love the boys interacting with Jongin’s mom. All the gifts were perfect and so appreciated. It was still a little bittersweet though, thinking about Taemin’s family. I’m just happy that he’s found a second family, and still hopeful that his will be supportive one day.
Chapter 31: 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 30: I think Baek needs to punch Chanyeol in the face. Then go on a date with Jonghyun. Or a certain other member who had not appeared yet 😏. *Team Baekhyunwillbeloved*
749 streak #8
Chapter 30: Thank you for the Baekhyun update, and the Kyungsoo and Sehun cameos. I feel so sorry for him, especially since he’s been relegated to hook ups. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will have another update at some point and find out that he’s met someone special - maybe Jonghyun?🤔 I think Chanyeol is being cruel to an extent, but short of completely severing ties with each other there is no easy way to resolve things. I was hoping against hope that Chanyeol might have just been in denial.
749 streak #9
Chapter 29: I must admit that I was a bit surprised that it was Jongin and not Taemin, who went to Baekhyun for advice this time. Speaking of Baekhyun, I hope we get an update about his relationship with Chanyeol at some point - even thought they aren’t technically secondary characters at this point.

I’m glad Jongin was able to speak up about his needs to Taemin. Part of being in a loving relationship is to be their for each other in the capacity that they need. They have indeed grown up.

Lastly, I was proud of my boys for taking on Taesun, but I realize it won’t be that easy. He will pop up again at some point, more’s the pity.😔
749 streak #10
Chapter 28: This chapter practically had me in tears along with Taem.🥹 I need a Jongin in my life.😁 Their time together has been so beautiful, I’m sorry to see it come to an end. I also wanted to hug the sadness away when Jongin had to switch his ring over to the right hand. You can’t blame Taemin for being a little paranoid though, Taesun has done a number on his psyche. I know he’s really scared to give others the wrong (right) idea.

They definitely need their own place and more privacy. It is the least Daddy Dearest could do for his abandoned child.🙄