
Clumsy Hearts

Author's Note: This is the only chapter so far that is less than 3000 words, but I'm hoping the content will make up for it ㅠㅠ


Two days wasn’t nearly enough, though Jongin tried to use every minute he had the best he could. He took Taemin to the mall, to an arcade, a couple cafes, and even Jongin’s school. They made a stop at the small forest in the city too, Jongin wanting Taemin to see that there was still nature even there. They walked along the river, and Jongin promised to have a picnic next time in one of the parks.

Every time Jongin showed him somewhere new, Taemin was thrilled. His reactions made Jongin want to keep him longer, show off every corner of the city, and then travel with him to other countries. The excitement was so genuine, everything clearly new and fascinating – there was just so much that the country didn’t have. It made Jongin a little proud of his city, but mostly he just wanted to give Taemin more. But instead, Sunday night rolled around and Jongin had to take him back to the bus station to return home.

“Thank you for everything this weekend,” said Taemin as he hugged Jongin goodbye. “For the phone, and the food. I’ve always wanted to try steak… And taking me to so many places. I’m glad I got to see you and your home.”

Jongin hated to part with him, but he reluctantly let the older go. “Come back anytime. And happy early birthday again,” he told Taemin with a smile. Then he held up his phone. “I’ll call you tomorrow. And text me when you get home, okay?” It felt good to be able to say that, knowing they could stay in touch so much easier now.

And they did, texting every day and continuing to call regularly. Taemin even made a social media account, though most of the pictures he posted were food, sunsets, and other pretty, nature-y things like the view from the treetops. As promised, Jongin visited over the holidays, ending up spending most of the time in the country. He didn’t miss his other friends that much, and he was happy to get away from the city this time.

After he returned home though, things changed.

Chuseok fell in mid-September that year, and he and his mother went to visit his grandparents for the long weekend. It would be the last time he visited or saw Taemin that year.

The group had gathered to meet at the park – even Kang and Daewon who were college students now, visiting their families for the holiday – and Jongin announced that he had gotten a girlfriend. After a lot of yelling and general rowdiness, he pulled out his phone to show them pictures from her social media.

“So that’s your type huh?” Moongyu wondered as they looked through the images. She was immaculately well-dressed, hair permed into delicate waves at the bottom. was small but pouty, eyes fox-like and makeup already refined. A rich kid, obvious even through a photo. “Looks like a model.”

“You two must be a power couple huh?” asked Kang, only half-joking.

“What’s she like?” Sungwoon prodded. “Are you in love?”

Dramatic noises of disgust followed his comment. Even Jongin made a face. “Ew, no. We just started dating. She’s alright though. A little stuck up, but she’s one of the most popular girls in my school.” Truthfully, she wasn’t great; spoiled, snobby, and known for being unnecessarily rude, her attitude matched her appearance well. But everyone thought she was pretty, and they all wanted a rich friend, so most kids up to her. Jongin considered himself lucky to have successfully asked her out; all the guys envied him now.

Taemin seemed to be one of them. The guy didn’t say anything, but he was the one who looked at the pictures longest, going back to examine each one again and again. After that, Jongin wasn’t sure if he was imagining it, but he thought Taemin was a lot gloomier. It must have been hard, stuck in a small town with only a handful of options, not to mention he was probably too busy studying to even date anyway. Next year, Jongin told himself. Taemin can finally get to experience this too…

Between all that studying and Jongin’s new girlfriend, it seemed the two of them were both too busy for each other. Each month came and went, and Jongin was constantly having to take his girlfriend on dates and give her attention every weekend, leaving no time to go see Taemin. As for Taemin, he told Jongin it was probably a good thing, since it was cramming season for the entrance exams. This made Jongin feel better, not having to worry about neglecting their friendship. Rather, he was giving Taemin the space he needed (though part of him would’ve liked the excuse to escape his girlfriend just once, maybe).

However, the exams came and went, and things didn’t change. Taemin asked if it would be okay for him to come and visit, but Jongin told him he already had plans. That was, his girlfriend never wanted him to spend a second with anyone else now. He needed to take her to aesthetic places, be her personal photographer – as well as take couple pictures to maintain appearances – and buy expensive meals that she could also post about on her blog. It was practically a full-time job; she needed enough things to be able to post something new every day during the week, giving the appearance of always being busy even if she did nothing. Not that he had to explain all this to Taemin; his friend was understanding anyway.

On Christmas, Taemin sent him a message wishing him a merry Christmas, and asked if they could call. Jongin promised to that evening, but never did. He didn’t even answer his phone when Taemin tried to call him, too busy with his girlfriend.

It crushed Taemin a little, feeling like their friendship was fading. Had he always been a temporary thing for Jongin? While he was happy that Jongin seemed to have found love, he was starting to think that going to the city wouldn’t be the best for him after all…


Finally, on the first weekend of January, Jongin called. “My birthday’s next Saturday,” he explained, and it was like nothing had ever happened. “Would you be able to come up? I want to see you. I feel like we have so much catching up to do…”

“Won’t you be with your girlfriend?” Taemin wondered, his tone a bit distant. This took Jongin by surprise, not used to Taemin being… well, cold. They hadn’t talked much since Christmas, Jongin just messaging the next day to say that he had been with his girlfriend – no surprise to Taemin. Next they’d spoken had been to wish each other a happy new year, but otherwise things had gone silent between them. Was Taemin upset about this? But Jongin couldn’t address it, because he was too busy chuckling at what Taemin had said.

“We broke up,” he replied casually, receiving silence as a response. “I guess I’ve been pretty wrapped up in her lately, huh? I’m sorry about that, Taemin. We can talk about it next week though, okay? Will you come?”

The line stayed quiet for a moment, and it was just long enough for Jongin to start to realize just how much he had abandoned his friend. Did I mess up? He sort of had pushed Taemin away lately, and in all honesty, it wouldn’t be uncalled for if Taemin had decided to cut ties with him. And all for some girl who could never compare…

But then Taemin finally spoke again, promising to visit. “Of course I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss your birthday…”

Thus, Friday night found Taemin on his doorstep, Jongin answering the door in surprise when he heard the unexpected knock. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming for another hour!” He had been getting ready to leave, their plan for him to go meet Taemin at the bus station again. It was amazing that he’d even gotten here on his own

“I wanted to surprise you,” Taemin replied shyly, seeming surprised himself when Jongin dragged him into both his apartment and his arms. His face was pink, the walk from the station to here evidently having been a chilly one. “I guess you missed me after all…” Jongin gave him a tight squeeze in response as it hit him himself just how much he had missed Taemin. Then he pulled back with a frown and looked Taemin over.

“Have you gotten taller?” Jongin himself had gotten taller, up to a hundred and eighty centimetres now, but it seemed like Taemin had grown with him, coming up to nearly his eyebrows. Taemin just laughed and gave a tiny shrug. “Anyway, come in. Tell me how you’ve been!”

Within moments Taemin was making himself comfortable on the couch, Jongin preparing two cups of hot chocolate for them and bringing them over. “How were your exams? Did you get the results back yet?” he asked, realizing it had been a month or more now. They had really been out of touch for a while. Despite that, Jongin felt immediately at home with Taemin there again.

“A couple weeks ago,” Taemin nodded, taking a careful sip from his mug.

“What? Why didn’t you tell me!”

“I was going to on Christmas…”

Oh. When they were supposed to talk, and Jongin hadn’t answered. “I’m sorry. I was busy…” Jongin felt like his apologies weren’t enough; he’d really been a jerk about it. And for what? A silly girl with whom he’d had some short-lived fling. But he’d be able to make it up to Taemin, he promised himself. “So how were your results?”

For a minute Taemin sat in unreadable silence, Jongin feeling dread rise in the pit of his stomach. Were they bad? Were they okay, but he had changed his mind about coming? It suddenly occurred that his behaviour towards Taemin lately might not exactly have encouraged him to want to come. Why would he, if he was just going to be ditched by the only friend he had out here so easily?

God, I’m actually an idiot. The longer Taemin stayed silent, the more nauseous Jongin started to feel. Especially with how good it felt having Taemin back, and how immediately the want and need for him to be there was engulfing Jongin. Then Taemin said, “Well… it looks like I’ll be going to school around here.” He broke into a smile, Jongin feeling a wave of relief and pushing his shoulder. This had Taemin nearly spilling his drink, but Jongin didn’t care. Thank goodness.

“Jeez, you had me worried…” Jongin was grinning as well, resisting the urge to hug Taemin because he probably really would spill their drinks if he did. “Congrats! Have you applied to any schools yet?”

“I applied to the one closest to here,” Taemin admitted, unable to look at Jongin directly as he spoke. The nearest school… that was one of the top three in the country. Jongin was hoping he had a back-up, but then Taemin went on. “And… they accepted me.”


This was the best birthday present Jongin could have asked for. Taemin would be in his neighbourhood? And they could see each other, all the time? It felt like a dream. They had been apart for so long now – nearly a whole year – and the thought of being so close again thrilled him beyond words. After finally moving their drinks out of the way, he tackled Taemin in an enthusiastic hug, laughing in delight. Taemin gave a shy giggle, hugging Jongin back and taking a deep breath.

“Actually, I even got a scholarship with my grades. I’m not sure about where I’ll be living yet though,” he confessed. Jongin pulled back, brow furrowing questioningly, looking down at the oder who was now caught under him. “I’m trying to see if there’re any cheaper options than staying on campus.”

Of course that was an issue. Despite getting a whole scholarship (which just made Jongin feel even more proud because wow, that was his best friend), money would still be tight for him. And if that were the case, Taemin likely wouldn’t be able to afford anywhere in this area. Which meant he’d only be farther away… The thought stole some of Jongin’s excitement, thinking back to how they had practically lived together last year and wishing they could have that here too.

Then he got an idea.

“What if you just move in with me?” he suggested, gesturing to his room. “I mean, if you’re okay sharing a bed with me again. Then we could see each other all the time…”

Taemin was staring at him, unblinking and speechless. “What?” he finally managed after a long pause. “Live here? With you?” Jongin nodded, but Taemin didn’t seem convinced. “I don’t know. I- I don’t want to intrude…”

“Please, you wouldn’t be intruding,” Jongin scoffed, rolling off him and flopping down on the couch to lay out properly, pulling Taemin in beside him. “Even if you were, I intruded on your place all the time when I lived out there. And anyway, I’ve been waiting for you to move your up here for a year now. It’d be great! Like old times. No bringing any girls home though.”

Cheeks turning pink, Taemin mumbled that he would never do such a thing. “But… would you really let me stay here?”

“Of course! And I’m sure my mom would be fine with it, she loves you.” There were other aspects that contributed to this, like financial ones, but Jongin didn’t think about them. Surely they would be able to make it work. He could ask her when she got home. In the meantime, he their television and put a show on for him and Taemin to watch, the two of them imagining what it would be like if Taemin was there until they ended up falling asleep together.


Author's Note: Ah, young love(?). Anyone else remember the way people always dated for show in high school? Just me? (# bd8d94 who never dated in high school...) Sometimes I think Jongin really pushes his luck with Taemin. How do you think Jongin would feel if the roles were reversed? 🤔

Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter! We'll be meeting a new character, not to mention something big is coming our way! (I'm so excited I really just want to post it right now, but no, let me wait.) In the meantime, I'm curious what you guys think; so far neither Taemin nor Jongin have really had/expressed feelings for each other. So - who do you think will catch feelings first? Let me know ♡

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Hi all! I swear I haven't abandoned you 😭 I'm in the middle of moving and it's taking up all my time (and energy). I promise to come back as soon as I can, and sorry for keeping you waiting ♡


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740 streak #1
Chapter 33: Knowing Jonghyun, I don’t think his reaction was strong at all. He considers himself a guardian of sorts to Taemin, plus he saw firsthand the sad and pitiful state he was in when he showed up at his door. He also knows more than anyone else how Taemin has felt about Jongin for all those years.

It’s a bit harsh for me to say Jongin was trivializing their relationship but he needs to try to understand things from Taemin’s perspective and not be quite so selfish. Taemin’s fear is very real and rightfully so, given the fact that his brother has resorted to threats and violence. Where Jongin’s concerns are normal, their situation is nowhere near ordinary. Far from it.

Sorry to write a book, but this chapter was both frustrating and thought provoking. Happy New Year to you as well and have a good break. Take care and see you soon!
Chapter 33: I'm glad Chanyeol caught Baeks hands but idk about the after.....
Jonghyun gave every bit of what Nini deserves. I get it, but he didn't consider Taemin at all. Just himself.
740 streak #3
Chapter 32: Chanyeol’s personality leaves a lot to be desired, he just doesn’t know when to stop. I honestly don’t see what Baekhyun sees in that big oaf.🙄 At least there weren’t any negative reactions to the kiss the boys shared. I’m also glad it was Kyungsoo who saw them in the bathroom and not anyone else. It’s actually good that Baekhyun was not there, I think he would have protested the shabby treatment of his friends.

I’m answer to your question though, I think it’s only a matter of time until their relationship goes public, especially with Jongin being well, Jongin. I’m just still worried about interference from Taemin’s family, but at this point I think he has already made his choice.
Chapter 32: I promise. Just one punch for Chanyeol. I beg.
740 streak #5
Chapter 31: I like Taemin’s plans for them, and it was so cute that he even found a ring he liked. Looks like another trip will be in the works, maybe to the US.

This chapter was so sweet and I always love the boys interacting with Jongin’s mom. All the gifts were perfect and so appreciated. It was still a little bittersweet though, thinking about Taemin’s family. I’m just happy that he’s found a second family, and still hopeful that his will be supportive one day.
Chapter 31: 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 30: I think Baek needs to punch Chanyeol in the face. Then go on a date with Jonghyun. Or a certain other member who had not appeared yet 😏. *Team Baekhyunwillbeloved*
740 streak #8
Chapter 30: Thank you for the Baekhyun update, and the Kyungsoo and Sehun cameos. I feel so sorry for him, especially since he’s been relegated to hook ups. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will have another update at some point and find out that he’s met someone special - maybe Jonghyun?🤔 I think Chanyeol is being cruel to an extent, but short of completely severing ties with each other there is no easy way to resolve things. I was hoping against hope that Chanyeol might have just been in denial.
740 streak #9
Chapter 29: I must admit that I was a bit surprised that it was Jongin and not Taemin, who went to Baekhyun for advice this time. Speaking of Baekhyun, I hope we get an update about his relationship with Chanyeol at some point - even thought they aren’t technically secondary characters at this point.

I’m glad Jongin was able to speak up about his needs to Taemin. Part of being in a loving relationship is to be their for each other in the capacity that they need. They have indeed grown up.

Lastly, I was proud of my boys for taking on Taesun, but I realize it won’t be that easy. He will pop up again at some point, more’s the pity.😔
740 streak #10
Chapter 28: This chapter practically had me in tears along with Taem.🥹 I need a Jongin in my life.😁 Their time together has been so beautiful, I’m sorry to see it come to an end. I also wanted to hug the sadness away when Jongin had to switch his ring over to the right hand. You can’t blame Taemin for being a little paranoid though, Taesun has done a number on his psyche. I know he’s really scared to give others the wrong (right) idea.

They definitely need their own place and more privacy. It is the least Daddy Dearest could do for his abandoned child.🙄