Old and New

Clumsy Hearts

Their visit was short and sweet, ending far too soon. Taemin went with Jongin to the bus station, the two hugging goodbye and promising to see each other again soon. This time Jongin kept the promise, coming back the next month to see Taemin, preferring it over just calling him.

Jongin wished they could talk more. With Taemin’s limited phone, they could only call, and he only had so many minutes he could use. It would be nice if they could text, or even talk on social media…

While Taemin’s phone was a problem, Jongin also decided that his own phone was starting to be an issue. There was nothing really wrong with it – he’d only had it for two years and taken good care of it – but his other friends were all upgrading to newer models and Jongin was feeling the pressure to do the same. So he finally asked his mother if he could get something better.

Money was quite different for them now. Jongin’s father had always had a very high salary, but of course that was now out of reach for them. His mother had gotten a low-paying job in the meantime while she tried to find something more sustainable, and they received a child support check from his father that was nearly double that of her own job’s each month. But there were a lot of things to pay for – bills of course, food, and now rent. After their old apartment had been sold, Jongin’s mother had taken her half and used some of it for a decent deposit to lower their rent. The rest had been thrown into a savings account, leaving them to survive off what she made and got from her ex-husband. Meaning, things were pretty tight.

“If you want something, you’ll have to spend your own money,” she told Jongin gently at his request. “I’ll be starting my new job soon, but until then I won’t be able to afford it.” And Jongin couldn’t really be angry at her, knowing it wasn’t really her fault.

He could, however, be mad at his father. And this anger inspired him to devise a plan.

Sometimes, not very often but sometimes, Jongin could be very crafty. Especially when it came to money. This skill was something he suspected he had gained from his father – and he was more than happy to use it against the man now.

Jongin decided to email his father. As he knew, the man didn’t really check his emails himself; his secretary sorted through things for him and reported as necessary. In addition to this, his secretary had always been exceptionally nice, and always fond of Jongin whenever his father had brought him into work. So he hoped that she would be able to help him out. Jongin worded the message as politely as possible, lying that his phone had broken and since his mother only worked a minimum wage job, she wasn’t able to afford replacing it. Then he requested to be sent money, not specifying an amount but hoping for the best.

Though he received no response, the next day a large sum of money had been deposited into his account. With the amount he got, he could’ve bought three top-of-the-line phones. His father must have really been out of touch with the cost of things, but Jongin would not be complaining about it. At any rate, Jongin’s father made so much money that he wouldn’t even notice the amount missing.

(Unbeknownst to him, it was for exactly this reason that he had received so much. His father’s secretary, reading the email at her desk, had taken pity on him and his situation. When she had asked his father how much to send and only been told that the man didn’t care, and to just send whatever amount, she had chosen to be liberal in giving it to Jongin. She knew her boss wouldn’t miss it, thinking Jongin deserved it more.)

Just like that, Jongin had a new phone. Swapping the cards from his old one over, he tossed it in a drawer and set up his new one. That was easy, he thought as he played on the new device. It felt just like the old days, when he’d been given new toys and gadgets whenever he wanted. Thanks Dad.

A couple days later he was calling Taemin to talk as they did every week, and Jongin was about to gush about his new phone when he realized maybe, just maybe, he should keep it to himself. There was no need to rub it in that he had gotten a new phone he didn’t even need, when Taemin’s phone was substantially worse. Though he could boast to his other friends, Jongin had learned how to shut his mouth with Taemin. So it went unmentioned, the two just happily talking about other things.

“My birthday’s next month,” Taemin noted at one point. This gave Jongin the perfect idea.


It was the heat of summer, when the days stayed warm even after the sun went down. Jongin was comfortably sitting outside in a t-shirt and shorts at the bus station as he waited for the right bus to pull up. When it finally did, he eagerly got to his feet and waited by the bus door. Passengers piled off, everyone passing him with hardly a glance, and he started to worry. Had Taemin taken the wrong bus?

The bus was nearly empty before he spotted his friend climbing off of it, beaming and jumping from the steps before running towards Jongin. Jongin caught him in an excited hug, spinning him with the adrenaline of his delight, and when they let go of one another, they were wearing matching grins.

“Welcome to my home,” he said as Taemin looked around, taking things in. There wasn’t much to see there, the bus terminal entirely unexceptional, but Jongin quickly led the way out and towards the subway station across the road. “Let’s take the train.”

Taemin seemed in awe of everything, more to take in than his eyes could process no matter how wide he made them. He stuck close by Jongin as they navigated the station, sitting together on the subway when they managed to find two seats. As they passed over the river, Taemin let out a soft noise of amazement. The city lights were sparkling in the evening light, most of the last rays of the sunset faded in the sky.

“Pretty different, huh?” Jongin commented, watching Taemin’s reaction in amusement. Pretty, Taemin mouthed back in awe. It was endearing, even more than he had imagined. He couldn’t wait to show Taemin around.

They had planned it a couple weeks earlier. Jongin told Taemin that he would be busy over the first half of their summer break, and asked if he wanted to visit him the week before it instead. It hadn’t taken much bribing, Taemin quick to agree as he always seemed happy to go along with things.

Jongin had expected some protest – considering it was the weekend of Taemin’s birthday. Wouldn’t he want to spend it with his family? But Taemin didn’t make any mention of it, and neither did Jongin. That was the plan Taemin didn’t know about.

After a slight journey across town, they arrived at Jongin’s apartment. “I forgot my key card,” Jongin explained as he called up to his apartment through the buzzer, waving at the camera. “I’ve found this weird kid, can I bring him in?” he added as his mother answered the call. A second later, the door buzzed and slid open.

They rode the elevator up, Jongin’s apartment on the seventh of ten floors. Taemin kept commenting on how pretty everything in the building was all the way up to Jongin’s door, the younger just responding with amused hums. Then Jongin opened the door, swinging it wide and revealing… darkness.

“Oh? It’s… very dark,” Taemin mumbled, stepping inside after Jongin gestured for him to. The automatic light switched on in the entrance as they kicked off their shoes, but Jongin made no effort to turn on any other lights. From the kitchen, something glowing appeared and brightened the walls, soon coming around the corner to meet them. It was Jongin’s mother, holding a birthday cake with the candles lit.

She broke into song, Jongin immediately joining her obnoxiously while closing the door behind him. He only wished he had recorded it as he caught sight of Taemin’s face, looking dumbfounded as he stared at the flames of the candles. When they finished singing, all he could come up with was a confused, “What?”

Jongin clapped him on the back. “Make a wish, silly. It’s for you.” After remaining stunned for another few seconds, Taemin closed his eyes and clasped his hands together. His face scrunched in concentration, and then he blew out all his candles in one go. This plunged them into full darkness, and Jongin moved to blindly find the switch, lighting up the place again. “Happy early birthday,” he told Taemin with a grin as his mother gave the boy a thoroughly maternal smile.

“I thought you had forgotten,” Taemin whined as they led him to the kitchen. As his mother cut up the cake, Jongin laughed and patted Taemin’s back. “I can’t believe this…”

Soon they were all sitting around their living room table and enjoying the cake. Jongin pointed out the different parts of the apartment from the couch while they did, Taemin looking at everything and seeming hugely impressed. His eyes lingered on the huge flat-screen TV installed on the wall, as well as the door out to their balcony. Once he finished eating, Jongin offered to take him out to show him the view, putting his plate in the sink and then briefly slipping into his room to grab Taemin’s gift.

Jongin’s mother opened the balcony door for them, letting Taemin go out first while Jongin kept his gift hidden behind his back.

“Wow,” Taemin breathed as he took in the sight of the city. They had a decent view, not too many buildings blocking their surroundings. “I wish I had a camera. I’d love to show my parents this…”

“Maybe you’ll get one for your birthday,” Jongin noted lightly. Taemin shot him a glance and shook his head, smiling and assuring that wouldn’t happen. “Maybe not. But here…” He brandished the present from behind his back and held it out for Taemin to see. “It’s not a camera, but you might like it even more.”

“You got me a present?” Taemin gasped, looking at the small, poorly wrapped box. For a moment he was unable to take it, too stunned by the unexpected gift to move. Then he hesitantly reached out for it, taking it off Jongin’s hands. “Is it a book?” he wondered, tearing open the paper. Jongin didn’t say a word, just watching in anticipation as Taemin unveiled it.

Silence fell as Taemin opened the box, freezing as he looked inside. He didn’t move for a bit too long, and Jongin started to worry. Had it been a bad idea? Was it too much? When Taemin’s eyes finally lifted, searching for his, Jongin sensed that maybe it was.

“It’s not new,” he admitted, thinking Taemin deserved to know the truth – and also that it might lift some of the burden.

“Is this a phone?” Taemin asked him, voice sounding a little rough. His eyes were hard to read, Jongin unsure if he was touched or upset right now.

“I got a new one recently,” Jongin explained, swallowing thickly. “I- I know it’s not that great, but I thought I could give my old one to you instead of throwing it out. I wanted to be able to text you…”

Taemin set the lid down on the box, and Jongin had to bite his lip. This wasn’t the reaction he’d been expecting. Was it rude? Inconsiderate? Did Taemin think he was boasting, or just pitying him? Was he? Maybe he should apologize, Jongin thought. But before he could do so, Taemin was throwing himself at him, his face buried in Jongin’s shirt as he pulled him into a tight hug.

“I can’t believe you,” he mumbled with a sniffle. Jongin was momentarily shocked, but then wrapped his arms around Taemin in return, giving a shaky laugh.

“Does that mean you aren’t mad then?”

“Mad?” Taemin pulled back to look at him, eyes b with tears. “Of course I’m not mad. This is the best thing anyone’s ever given me…” Then he hid his face again, hugging Jongin more firmly.

Beyond relieved, Jongin brought them back inside and returned them to the couch, beginning to show Taemin some of the features of the phone. Everything seemed fine until…

“Oh, I’ll have to see if I can change my phone plan.”

Oh… Jongin hadn’t thought about that part. Just because his phone was better, didn’t mean his plan would suddenly allow for texting or anything else. Which was the whole point of giving Taemin the phone. With a frown, he thought for a minute, and then made a quick decision. “We can do that tomorrow,” he told Taemin. It hadn’t cost him anything for the phone, so he didn’t mind the idea of helping Taemin get a new plan. At least until he moved into the city.

This was a problem they could deal with later. For now, Jongin just showed Taemin to his room so they could have some alone time together.


“Your bed is so big!” Taemin exclaimed as they changed into their pajamas. Jongin was soon flopping down onto it (to the dismay of his mother, though she couldn’t see it; he had been told to be nice to their furniture one too many times), spreading out his arms and grinning.

“Yeah, no need to sleep on top of each other here,” he responded, patting the space around him though in his current position he had hardly left any room for Taemin to properly lie. Unperturbed, Taemin crawled onto the bed beside him, head resting on Jongin’s pillow and trapping the younger’s arm. “Wanna watch something?”

When Taemin hummed in affirmation, Jongin flicked on a movie and switched off his lamp, leaving the room to be lit up by the screen. Soon he grabbed Bambi and pressed the toy into Taemin’s hold, Taemin chuckling and cuddling it without a word. In turn, Jongin’s arm wrapped around the other’s shoulders, holding him closer to appreciate his familiar warmth.

Was it strange that Jongin was breathing deeper because he liked the way Taemin smelled? Probably. But in his defense, he didn’t get to smell Taemin over the phone, or feel him. It was nostalgic, bringing him right back to the days they had been together all the time. He missed these little parts of their friendship too, and knew he didn’t have long to enjoy them.

Eventually they fell asleep, Taemin already curled up to him and Jongin’s other arm soon moving to encircle Taemin’s frame entirely. Jongin’s mother came in at some point, turning off the TV and smiling at the sight of the two sleeping boys. Then they were left to get some much-needed rest.

In the morning, Jongin awoke first, a little confused by someone being next to him. Then he remembered that Taemin was visiting, opening his eyes to see the top of Taemin’s head. During the night, Taemin had taken to using Jongin’s shoulder as his pillow, and Jongin was pretty sure his arm was dead now. He didn’t mind though, too pleased with Taemin being there to be upset; arms were overrated, he told himself.

Gently waking his friend, Jongin laughed as Taemin looked around in a sleepy daze, taking a moment to get his bearings. Once they were both more aware, Jongin was dragging him up by his good hand and showing him to the bathroom to shower. They showered together since there was more than enough space, Taemin sleepily noting how even the bathroom was amazing here.

After getting ready and eating breakfast, they went out, sorting out Taemin’s phone first. They changed his plan, Jongin arranging for automatic payments to come out of his bank and not allowing Taemin to argue. He had spent the same amount on snacks for them every month before, he reminded Taemin; it wasn’t a big deal. (Especially with the amount of money he had left over from his father after buying his own phone; Jongin wouldn’t miss it.)

Once this was done, they went around to some of the places Jongin liked. Jongin messaged his friend group to see if anyone wanted to meet them for lunch. An hour later, he was introducing Taemin to a couple of guys from his school at one of his favourite restaurants.

It turned out to be a choice he regretted.

Things were alright at first. His friends weren’t part of his inner circle and not who he typically hung out with, but they were polite enough, asking about Taemin and where he was from, the usual. Until they got to their table. Then the guys started making sneaky remarks – insults disguised as compliments about what Taemin was wearing, subtly sarcastic comments about him being from the country. All of these seemed to go over Taemin’s head, fortunately, but this only seemed to spur them to more. Jongin gave them glaring looks, hoping Taemin would remain oblivious.

It got worse when Taemin picked up the menu. Admittedly, the place was one of the pricier restaurants Jongin liked to dine at. This wasn’t somewhere he would come on a regular basis, but he had wanted to show off a bit. Considering it was Taemin’s birthday, it felt fitting to come somewhere fancier anyway. And of course it would be Jongin’s treat. But Taemin didn’t know all this. His eyes widened as he saw the prices – a single meal was priced at what it would cost his whole family to eat.

“What, don’t recognize anything?” one of the other guys wondered at his reaction. “I’m sure Jongin can explain things for you.” The other two chuckled, but Jongin wasn’t laughing.

“He’s probably just never been somewhere this classy,” another friend remarked, not even hiding their taunting at this point. “They don’t have places like this out there.”

Before Jongin could snap at them to shut up, Taemin quietly asked Jongin where he could find the bathroom and excused himself without another word. Jongin didn’t miss the slightly hurt look in his eyes, rounding on his friends the moment Taemin disappeared.

“What the is wrong with you?” he snapped at them, struggling to keep his voice down. Even after just a few minutes of their behaviour, he was feeling enraged. “When did you become such mannerless dickheads?”

“When did you become friends with a bumpkin?” one friend shot back, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

“Who cares!? If you think I’m embarrassed about having him here, let me be clear: the only thing I’m embarrassed about is having him meet you lot!” Pointing an accusing finger, he shot pure daggers in each of their directions. “You call this place classy, yet you’re out here being the most classless s I know. If this is how you wanna be, then go!”

Then he got to his feet, storming off after Taemin to see if he was alright.

He found Taemin at the sink, quietly washing his hands but looking noticeably put out. “Taemin… I’m sorry about them,” Jongin said, feeling guilty about the whole thing. He should have known better than to try and mix Taemin with his friends like this. Not that all of his friends were so terrible, but these ones were particularly stuck up.

“Hm? Oh, no, that’s okay,” Taemin assured him, giving a quick smile that faded just as fast. He grabbed some paper towel, drying his hands off. “I’m sure most people around here look down on us…” Even if he didn’t say it, Jongin could tell it had hurt him. And hearing him talk like that made Jongin worry; what if he decided he didn’t want to move here after all?

“No, most of us don’t, really,” Jongin tried to assure him. “Some of my friends are just snobs, I’m sorry. I had hoped they wouldn’t be like this…”

Shooting him another small, short-lived smile, Taemin shook his head. “It’s okay,” he repeated, before his features morphed into a frown. Without giving Jongin the chance to respond, he spoke again. “But… I don’t think I can eat here, Jongin. It’s – it’s a little expensive…” He said the last bit quietly, looking embarrassed at having to admit as much.

“Don’t worry about the prices,” Jongin told him, reaching out to touch his arm in comfort. “I’ll pay. Just get whatever you want. It’s your birthday after all.” And with a little more reassurance, he was able to convince Taemin to stay and eat something there.

Back at their table, Jongin was surprised when his friends offered Taemin an apology, admitting they had been a bit impolite and hoping he could understand they had only been joking. It wasn’t much – especially the suggestion that it had only been a bit too far – but Taemin accepted it and Jongin decided it was better than nothing. Then Taemin went over the menu again, seeming overwhelmed in no time.

“There’s too many options,” he confessed. It was definitely a big change from the simple menus he was used to encountering. “I’ll just get whatever you get.” So Jongin ordered his favourite, a black truffle steak gnocchi, hoping it wouldn’t be too far off Taemin’s palate.

When their plates arrived, Taemin looked a little uncertain, leaning in to take a whiff of the food. After a couple blinks, he awkwardly picked up his fork and stabbed one of the gnocchi. Jongin shot his friends yet another glare as they giggled at the way Taemin held the fork – unnatural, gripping it like he was afraid he’d drop it. Knowing exactly what they were thinking, he tried to make it clear that if they dared to make a comment they would have to deal with him. Yes, Taemin clearly didn’t have much experience with this form of cutlery; no, Jongin would not let them make him feel bad about it.

Taemin didn’t seem to notice his surroundings though, focusing on chewing the bite slowly. So slowly that Jongin started to worry he didn’t like it. Then he swallowed it, a smile lighting up on his face as he looked to Jongin. “This is really good!” he said, his tone sincere and excitement dancing in his eyes. “I’ve never had this before…”

Though part of Jongin wanted to ask him to clarify which part he’d never had – the gnocchi or the truffle – he decided not to ask then. He didn’t want to give his friends anything else to about. Instead he just smiled back and dug into his own plate. “I’m glad you like it.”

The group continued to chat while they ate, Taemin off in his own world as he savoured every bite of the food. Jongin was quieter than usual, eyes shooting to Taemin often to make sure he was okay, not looking like he felt too out of place. When everyone had finished, his friends asked if he wanted to hang out more, but Jongin lied and said he and Taemin already had plans. In reality, he just wanted to get his friend as far away from the group as possible. Paying the bill for the two of them, he gave some faux-friendly goodbyes and ushered Taemin out of the restaurant.

“I’m so sorry about them,” he gushed the moment they were out the door. He wasn’t sure of the blast of heat he felt was just from walking back out into the hot summer sun, or if it was also fueled by his embarrassment over having to apologize for someone else’s behaviour.  “I’m not close with them. I didn’t know they would be such jerks…”

“Oh? No, it’s fine,” Taemin replied, waving a hand. He seemed utterly unbothered, but Jongin knew that that was his specialty. How much had his “friends” hurt him?

“I can’t believe them,” Jongin went on, keen on distancing himself from them. If Taemin thought that they were the kind of people he was friends with, or the kind of person he was, it could damage their relationship. “I can’t see them the same way now. I don’t think I’ll hang out with them again.”

“Don’t stop being friends with them because of me…”

“I don’t want friends like that,” Jongin countered, throwing his arm around Taemin’s shoulders and pulling him closer as they walked. “Especially after meeting you. There are much better people out there than them…”

Taemin didn’t have anything more to say after that, but Jongin could have sworn it made him blush.


Author's Note: Taemin's first adventure in the city with Jongin. Jongin has a good heart, but sometimes he does not think things through. He loves spoiling our dear sunshine boy though! Do you guys think Taemin could handle city life full time? Would he be able to adapt like Jongin did in the country, or is he too different?

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Hi all! I swear I haven't abandoned you 😭 I'm in the middle of moving and it's taking up all my time (and energy). I promise to come back as soon as I can, and sorry for keeping you waiting ♡


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749 streak #1
Chapter 33: Knowing Jonghyun, I don’t think his reaction was strong at all. He considers himself a guardian of sorts to Taemin, plus he saw firsthand the sad and pitiful state he was in when he showed up at his door. He also knows more than anyone else how Taemin has felt about Jongin for all those years.

It’s a bit harsh for me to say Jongin was trivializing their relationship but he needs to try to understand things from Taemin’s perspective and not be quite so selfish. Taemin’s fear is very real and rightfully so, given the fact that his brother has resorted to threats and violence. Where Jongin’s concerns are normal, their situation is nowhere near ordinary. Far from it.

Sorry to write a book, but this chapter was both frustrating and thought provoking. Happy New Year to you as well and have a good break. Take care and see you soon!
Chapter 33: I'm glad Chanyeol caught Baeks hands but idk about the after.....
Jonghyun gave every bit of what Nini deserves. I get it, but he didn't consider Taemin at all. Just himself.
749 streak #3
Chapter 32: Chanyeol’s personality leaves a lot to be desired, he just doesn’t know when to stop. I honestly don’t see what Baekhyun sees in that big oaf.🙄 At least there weren’t any negative reactions to the kiss the boys shared. I’m also glad it was Kyungsoo who saw them in the bathroom and not anyone else. It’s actually good that Baekhyun was not there, I think he would have protested the shabby treatment of his friends.

I’m answer to your question though, I think it’s only a matter of time until their relationship goes public, especially with Jongin being well, Jongin. I’m just still worried about interference from Taemin’s family, but at this point I think he has already made his choice.
Chapter 32: I promise. Just one punch for Chanyeol. I beg.
749 streak #5
Chapter 31: I like Taemin’s plans for them, and it was so cute that he even found a ring he liked. Looks like another trip will be in the works, maybe to the US.

This chapter was so sweet and I always love the boys interacting with Jongin’s mom. All the gifts were perfect and so appreciated. It was still a little bittersweet though, thinking about Taemin’s family. I’m just happy that he’s found a second family, and still hopeful that his will be supportive one day.
Chapter 31: 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 30: I think Baek needs to punch Chanyeol in the face. Then go on a date with Jonghyun. Or a certain other member who had not appeared yet 😏. *Team Baekhyunwillbeloved*
749 streak #8
Chapter 30: Thank you for the Baekhyun update, and the Kyungsoo and Sehun cameos. I feel so sorry for him, especially since he’s been relegated to hook ups. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will have another update at some point and find out that he’s met someone special - maybe Jonghyun?🤔 I think Chanyeol is being cruel to an extent, but short of completely severing ties with each other there is no easy way to resolve things. I was hoping against hope that Chanyeol might have just been in denial.
749 streak #9
Chapter 29: I must admit that I was a bit surprised that it was Jongin and not Taemin, who went to Baekhyun for advice this time. Speaking of Baekhyun, I hope we get an update about his relationship with Chanyeol at some point - even thought they aren’t technically secondary characters at this point.

I’m glad Jongin was able to speak up about his needs to Taemin. Part of being in a loving relationship is to be their for each other in the capacity that they need. They have indeed grown up.

Lastly, I was proud of my boys for taking on Taesun, but I realize it won’t be that easy. He will pop up again at some point, more’s the pity.😔
749 streak #10
Chapter 28: This chapter practically had me in tears along with Taem.🥹 I need a Jongin in my life.😁 Their time together has been so beautiful, I’m sorry to see it come to an end. I also wanted to hug the sadness away when Jongin had to switch his ring over to the right hand. You can’t blame Taemin for being a little paranoid though, Taesun has done a number on his psyche. I know he’s really scared to give others the wrong (right) idea.

They definitely need their own place and more privacy. It is the least Daddy Dearest could do for his abandoned child.🙄