Chapter 6

I Am Not Him: Na Jaemin

Chapter 6

Jaemin blinked twice, thrice. He was at SM Entertainment officially with his manager. Mrs. Na personally hired the assistant for him because of the medical care and other personal secrets that should be handled by the family of Na. Jaemin's manager is trained to protect and take care of him even in spiritual occurrences. 

The Demon is still lurking outside, finding a fit body that he could possess. Jaemin' who was accustomed and a perfect vessel, was in danger if the devil found him again. Jaemin was half-listening to the management noona. He's been in a daze since they started the meeting but Jaemin was kindly aware of his schedule especially for the practices. The dream is busy with their other schedules after the comeback. Also, they have been attending award shows nonstop then another comeback for the whole group NCT. 

Jaemin on the other hand does not have any schedule aside from daily practice to get his body in shape again. He will join their company's trainees and Jaemin was glad that the practice studio used by the trainees was on the lower floors while NCT and other artists were using higher floors. Jaemin will be spared by accidentally bumping into s. 

"Jaemin has his apartment but because of his health and safety, Mrs. Na requested another whole space for Jaemin alone. He is not allowed to have any roommates." Manager hyung said the voice was firm, eyeing the noona who scowled at them. 

"But that's against the rule..." Noona muttered, she got her phone to type something but along with it a beep from her phone made her frown. Probably a text message. 

"Mrs. Na already requested it. We cannot allow Jaemin to come back with his housemates and get sick again. His family priority is Jaemin's well-being." The silence followed but at the end, Noona nodded her head and discussed Jaemin's schedules. 

Jaemin yawned after the meeting but did not bother to get his phone since last time. He was tired and because he was still anxious, Jaemin appeared to be sick wearing his black hoodie and black jeans. He also has a black facemask hiding his pale skin and a black cap, because Jaemin's hair is longer than before. He mentally reminded himself to visit the salon so he could cut his hair. 

"Hyung?" Jaemin stops his track in the hallway after hearing the familiar voice of . Jaemin shifted his head and was discerned by Chenle and Jisung. 

Jisung looks taller than the last time he saw him. His eyes were big and narrowed while his mouth was hanging open because of the surprise of seeing Jaemin in the flesh. Chenle's eyes were deep and blank but his surprised face was still evident.

"Oh my god! Jaemin hyung?!" Jisung exclaimed in excitement. Tried his best to giggle while releasing his scent. The young alpha scent was so potent that both Chenle and Jaemin felt dizzy. 

Jaemin's breathing stopped after seeing their members. There was the nostalgic warmth but only existed shortly, Jisung scents made Jaemin react, sending a warning to Jaemin's body. His heart started to flutter and Jaemin's eyes narrowed because of the memories. The pain in his body was so strong that Jaemin was taken aback by the negative response.

"Ughh." Jaemin whimpered in pain, his legs turned jellies and he needed to hold his manager jacket to help him not to sit on the ground. 


"! Jaemin!" Manager Hyung quickly held Jaemin's waist to help him. He took a scenting cream from his pocket and gave it to Jaemin. "Here, close your eyes, Yeah, focus on this scent." The voice told him, Jaemin's attacks happened when he was triggered by certain scents from his past. Jisung's scent was burning Jaemin's chest, and his inner wolf was scared and panicking after seeing the alpha who hurt him last time. It's been one and half years since it happened but his trauma was still there. 

"Jisung-ssi, your scent is dangerous to Jaemin. I am sorry but we needed to go. His sickness needs to be attended to immediately."


Chenle's eyes turn blurry after seeing Jaemin's body turn to paper when was lifted. There were tears in Jaemin's eyes and Chenle knew that Jaemin was having a hard time breathing. It's been so long since he has seen his hyung and Chenle was missing him. He gets mad when s blame Jaemin for what happened to them last year on Christmas eve but Chenle knew that Jaemin will never do that. He believes that Jaemin will never do things to harm them, he knew that his hyung loves s that's why when he recovered, the first thing he asked was to visit Jaemin but their manager informed him that they are not allowed to see Jaemin. Chenle remembers the beaten faces of s. Guilt spread on them but Chenle doesn't believe them. He went to the hospital, he sneaked out from his manager and members but eventually, Jisung accidentally knew what he did. It was true that Jaemin has had no visitors since then but Chenle was determined to check for his hyung. His money helped him to find Jaemin but Chenle was shocked when he saw Jaemin reacted merely to the names of s. He had a severe panic attack. He saw his mother cry while Jaemin was in the ICU only half breathing. It was the most heartbreaking scene for Chenle to witness. It lingered in his dreams for months and Chenle only told this to Jisung. His best friend who had a  guilty face cried on that day. Chenle was fuming mad but he couldn't blame them. 

"It's the same... When I visited Jaemin hyung a year and a half ago, I sneaked out and told the nurse that I wanted to talk to him... He was sent to the ICU quickly and almost died. I blame myself for being stubborn. I almost killed my hyung just by mentioning my name." Chenle mumbled, his tears finally fell and he started sobbing again. 

"It was my fault. I got so excited seeing Jaemin hyung that I lost my reasoning." Jisung's voice is surprisingly hard and deep. His scent was gone like it was not there in the first place. Chenle witnessed how much Jisung tried to control his inner wolf. It was an accident that Jisung allowed his alpha when they saw Jaemin. Jisung learned how to be scentless and sometimes people confused him as a beta for having a minimal scent. 

"I'm sorry too. I should have stopped you when we saw him. I was so worried that I froze when I saw Jaemin hyung." Chenle sighed and held his best friend's cold hand. His grip was hard and Chenle knew that Jisung was hurting his palm. Chenle waited for moments to calm themselves. 


"What happened to your hand Park Jisung?! You're bleeding!" Renjun exclaimed and took his dongsaeng's hand to inspect it. The older omega bit his lip and quickly went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit at the clapboard.

"What happened to you?" Haechan asked, voices were worried but narrowed his eyes when Jisung had a blank expression on his face. 

"Chenle, what happened to Jisung? I thought he would just collect his cap that he forgot?" Mark asked, looking expectant at Chenle to spill it like he always does. But Mark furrowed his brow when he saw that Chenle's eyes were red, and his nose was pink. He looked like he was crying. 

"Are you okay?" Jeno patted the younger beta. He knew that something was wrong when their two dongsaengs got back from the company. He wants to ask him but Jisung beats him to it. 


"We saw Jaemin hyung in the company," Jisung whispered. Renjun stopped applying medicine to Jisung's hand. His eyes were wide, the same as the other members. 

"And?" Haechan asked in anticipation, feelings were controlled. It was a sensitive topic for them after all. 

"He... He was sick... He cannot take my scent." Jisung's eyes flicker and the tears started to fall on his cheeks. 

The older members froze, long silence followed them until Chenle told them his story. 

"Jaemin hyung... He looks different now from the last time I saw him lying on that hospital bed. I'm just glad that he improved. He almost died just by the mention of my name. But today, he looks into my eyes and Jisung too. He just reacted because Jisung releases strong scents." Chenle said but was still in a daze. His eyes kept blinking so he could stop the tears from escaping. 

"What do you mean? Jaemin hyung was so pale when manager hyung carried him! What if he was hurt?" Jisung panicked, in his quivering state Renjun hugged the younger alpha. 

"Shhhh, Jaemin will be fine. It's not your fault." Renjun whispered but his scent said otherwise. He was anxious after hearing what happened. Renjun convinces himself that what happened to them was from the haters and he never blames Jaemin. He recovers and Renjun is healthy now. 

"." Haechan cursed and ran to the bathroom. Mark followed him afterward while Jeno clenched his jaw, his red eyes were dark. His heart started to whack rapidly, blowing away his ribs, hurting him. Jaemin's impact on them is like air, bringing a total vitality to keep them in living but also vicious that could suffocate them to death. 

The image of the pale, half-conscious state of Jaemin made Jeno inside burning. He was mad and fuming but he also knew that there was nothing to direct his anger. It was his fault after all. The frustration made him see red and Jeno remembered the smiles of him in his memories. Jeno calmed down and the hush concealed their shattered hearts. 

Jeno keeps patting Chenle. He needs to make sure that he has no scent when meeting Jaemin. He prays to see Jaemin soon. 

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