Chapter 20

Accidentally Changing The Story of a Web Drama

After admitting their feelings toward each other, Kyungmi and Kyungwoo were walking around the neighborhood while holding hands. Although they wouldn’t utter a word, this silence was a comfortable feeling rather than an awkward one. 


“I can’t believe this is happening “. Kyungwoo chuckled as he brought their intertwining hands up to stare at them. 

“Me neither “. She giggled as well as he brought them back down. “But, where did you get this courage to confess? “. She wondered. Kyungwoo took a deep breath before answering.

“Your friend helped me “. 

“My friend? “. Kyungmi arched an eyebrow in confusion. 

“Kang Jihoo “. He replied and she scoffed in disbelief. 

“Kang Jihoo? Seriously? “. She asked as she couldn’t believe he encouraged him to confess. 

“He kind of threatened me, because I was a mess with my feelings “. Kyungwoo admitted. 

“Why is that so? “. 

“Because I never liked Yeseul….but you suggested I date her….”. 

“Ah…..”. Kyungmi cleared as she slowly avoided his gaze. “Sorry…..It was because I thought you and her would look good together….”. She replied with a smile of awkwardness. 

“You know how frustrated I was when you couldn’t see my efforts toward you? You are seriously so slow-witted “. He scoffed with a smirk as he caressed the back of the hand he was holding. “But….that’s in the past now. What’s important is that we are together now “. 

“I guess….”. She chuckled at the thought but then a smile of sadness appeared on her face. “Still...I feel bad for Yeseul….I really liked her though….and I feel like the bad girl who just stole her friend’s boyfriend ”. Kyungwoo softened at how worried she looked and comforted her by caressing the back of her head. 

“ are really a soft-hearted person “. He scoffed with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. I will be the bad guy and take full responsibility for this so leave it to me “. She looked at him and couldn’t help but softly smiled at him. 

“Alright “. She nodded in agreement. “I trust you “. Then a thought popped out of her mind. “But...what should we do now? “. 

“What do you mean? “. He asked as he brought her closer. 

“I mean...I’m glad that we were able to admit our feelings toward each other...but, I’m scared to reveal this to our friends now. I think if we are going to date, wouldn’t it be best to announce it later? “.

“You mean, you want to date in secret? “. Kyungwoo arched an eyebrow. 

“It will be temporary “. She explained. “It’s been no long since you broke up with Yeseul “. She tried to reason. “If we announce tomorrow that we are dating, don’t you think people will suspect that you were cheating on Yeseul with me? “. 

“Aigoo~ you have a bright future as a writer “. Kyungwoo joked. 

“I’m being serious here “. She complained with a pout. “I don’t want to put you in an awkward situation “. 

“I could care less about others' opinion “. Kyungwoo commented as he stood up in front of her, stopping her from walking. “But, if you feel uncomfortable about it, I can wait until we can freely date “. Kyungmi softened at how thoughtful he was and then pulled him into a hug. 

“Thank you for everything….and I’m sorry for not being honest with you….”. She sighed as she tightened the grip of her arms around him. “I was just insecure and the thought of being rejected scared me….Also, I wasn’t confident in being completely honest with you because I lost my memories “. Kyungwoo softly exhaled at her explanation as he lightly smiled and caressed her hair in a comforting way. 

“I’m also sorry for not being honest with my feelings in the beginning “. He replied as he lightly pulled her away from the hug. “Let’s promise to be honest with each other from now on. How about that? “. Kyungmi smiled at the idea and nodded in agreement. 

“Sure “. 

“Aigoo “. He chuckled as he ruffled her hair with affection. “So….when did you start to like me? “. 

“Could we talk about something else? I’m getting quite embarrassed now “. She said as she looked away while trying to hide the blush on her cheeks. Kyungwoo laughed at her cuteness and gently pinched her cheeks. 

“Why? I’m starting to get curious though “. 

“Stop it “. She whined, making him laugh even more. 

“Alright, just because you feel embarrassed to admit your feelings toward me “. 

“Yah, you were the one who confessed first! “. She pointed out as she pushed him away. “Don’t you feel embarrassed because of that? “. 

“Why should I? It’s not like I’m lying “. He shrugged his shoulders. She sighed as she covered her cheeks with her hands. 

“Then I will go back home now. It’s getting too late. See you at school! “. She said as she began running toward her building. 

“Yah, wait for me! I will walk you home! “. He laughed as he ran after her. “Yah, Choi Kyungmi! “. 




Kyungmi arrived at her classroom after visiting the teacher’s office. She felt awkward walking in the corridors because rumors about her kept going even after the incident with Jo Seungmin was over. She sighed as she tried to pull her best smile and walked into the classroom to find her friends at Jarim and Minji’s desks while eating some snacks. 


“Kyung~ Are you back? “. Ahram asked with a smile as she saw her friend coming back from her visit to the teacher’s office. 

“Everything okay? “. Jarim asked her. 

“Yeah “. Kyungmi nodded in confirmation as she brought her chair to sit at one corner of the desk, between Minji and Jinhee. 

“Yah, I’m glad that you are okay “. Jinhee told her while resting a hand over her shoulder. “I can’t believe you had to go through those hardships “. She said as she faked a cry. 

“Why bring something that’s in the past? “. Ahram shook her head after nudging Jinhee on the ribs and then looked at Kyungmi with a grin. “Kyungmi-ah, eat this! I brought your favorite snack “. 

“Oh, thank you “. Kyungmi thanked her as she opened the bags of chips and began eating. 

“You’re not going to eat? “. Jarim asked as she looked at Minji, who was doing nothing but staring at the snacks. 

“Snacking is a big no-no “. Minji furiously shook her head. “I’ll just eat a salad for dinner, too “. 

“Wow~ how can you live like that? Just eat. You are already thin “. Jinhee commented. 

“Jinhee’s right, you are already pretty enough “. Kyungmi added. 

“Hearing that from skinny people doesn’t comfort me one bit “. Minji retorted. “You’ve never had flab. You wouldn’t know what it’s like “. She said while massaging her arm. 

“Still, didn’t you lose some weight? “. Jarim asked her. 

“About...well, 1,5 kilograms? “. 

“Yah, don’t you lose that much after you take a dump? “. Ahram asked, making Minji react with frustration. 

“Yah! Good for you if your poop is big “. Minji retorted. 

“Yah, just eat and exercise. Don’t make the girls feel uncomfortable eating “. Ahram reasoned with her. 

“Exercise….”. Minji whined as she rested her arm on her desk with her head resting on it. Kyungmi watched her with pity when Kyungmin came back with Kyungwoo and Byunghoon. 

“Yah, there was an accident in the canteen so they’re making emergency repairs “. Kyungmin announced. Kyungmi looked back and slightly smiled when Kyunwoo covertly winked at her. 

“Yah! Then what do we eat today? “. Ahram cried out in panic, wondering how she would survive without food. 

“We have to buy something at the snack store. Oh yeah! “. Byunghoon said as he lifted his fist in the air in excitement. 

“What ‘Oh Yeah’, you bonehead? The entire school will be going to the snack bar “. Kyungwoo retorted. 

“I guess the place will burst “. Kyungmi commented as she looked back to see Kyungwoo already stretching his neck as if he was getting ready to run toward the snack bar. “Yah, how about if we- “. Kyungmi was about to say with her phone in her hand when the bell rang and immediately Kyungwoo and Ahram ran toward the snack bar as well as the rest of the classmates. “- order something? “. She blinked as she finished her sentence. 

“Call! “. Jarim agreed with her. “How about chicken? “. 




Twenty minutes later, Ahram and Kyungwoo came back from the snack bar. 


“So stingy, did you have to clear out the store? “. Kyungwoo retorted at her when they arrived at the classroom, only to find everyone eating delivery food. Ahram immediately walked toward the table where her friends were and looked at them with betrayal. 

“Yah, what’s this? “. 

“We were going to tell you to order it, but you guys ran out before. We don’t have time to queue at the snack bar “. Jarim told them as Kyungmi chuckled at Ahram’s reaction. She then took a chicken leg and took a bite of it while offering Kyungmin, who was sitting on her left side, another piece. 

“Aish….I ran for nothing “. Kyungwoo sighed as he sat down on the surface of the desk, next to Kyungmi and threw the snacks he bought at the snack bar. After swallowing the food she had in , Kyungmi took one of them, which was pizza bread, and opened it. 

“Thank you~ “. Kyungmi sang as she opened the package and took a bite of the bread. Kyunwoo scoffed with a smirk as he nodded in affirmation. 

“Sure, you have to eat a lot to get your muscles back “. He retorted. 

“Well, she should “. Kyungmin nodded in agreement. “All she has left are bones “. 

“Yah, Ahn Kyungmin, do you want to eat a punch? “. Kyungmi threatened him as she pulled out her fist in front of him. Kyungmin lifted his hands in defense as he looked away from her. Then Jooyoung and Byunghoon joined them with boxes of pizza and pasta. 

“Jarim! The pizza and pasta are here! “. He sang as he placed the boxes in front of Jarim. 

“Put it there! “. Ahram told him. 

“Thank you! How did you know I wanted pizza? “. Kyungwoo chuckled as he was about to take a whole box of pizza when Jooyoung stopped him. 

“Let go, it’s for Jarim! “. Jooyoung exclaimed. 

“Yah, so it’s fine if your friend starves to death? “. Kyungwoo retorted as he took the box away from him. 

“What an exaggeration. Just eat a little “. Jooyoung warned him. Kyungmi chuckled as she kept munching with contentment at the bread when she saw Minji’s eyes traveling back and forward to the food, with -watering by how delicious they looked. 

“I’ll take this one “. Ahram sang but Kyungwoo took the piece of pizza Ahram wanted from her. 

“Nope, it’s mine “. He declared as he grabbed it. Ahram looked at him with annoyance and said. 

“Yah, go eat with your girlfriend! Why come here and be annoying? “. Kyungmi looked at her with slight panic as she glanced at Kyungwoo, who cursed under his breath. 

“That's true. I haven’t seen her today “. Kyungmin pointed out. 

“What, did you guys fight? “. Jinhee asked. 

“Aish…”. Kyungwoo sighed as he threw the pizza back into the box. 

“What the? Looks like you guys really did fight! “. Kyungmin guessed with excitement. Kyungmi nudged his arm as she made eye contact with Jooyoung since both of them knew what actually happened. 

“Yah...let’s eat before the food gets cold “. Kyungmi insisted so she could change the topic. 

“Yeah “. Jooyoung agreed. “Jarim! Eat up “.

“Gosh...why did you have to fight now? Adding another mouth to feed “. Ahram commented. 

“Ahram “. Kyungmi called her to stop adding fuel to the fire. 

“It was already unbelievable that he was even dating “. Minji retorted. 

“You really won’t eat? “. Jinhee asked her. “You can have just a little. Just eat “. 

“Let her be. That makes one less person to feed “. Kyungwoo retorted as well. “You’re trying to lose some of that chub? “. He mocked Minji. 

“What? Do you have a death wish? What’s wrong with me? “. Minji exclaimed with annoyance. 

“I don’t think you’ll look any better even if you lose any weight “. He joked while laughing. 

“You’re so annoying “. She sighed as she stood up and left. 

“Minji-ah! “. Kyungmi called for her but she didn’t return. 

“What? It was a joke “. He replied. “Why is she so serious all of a sudden? “. 

“Yah! Why did you bother her? She’s already sensitive because of her diet “. Ahram told him as Kyungwoo pursed his lips out while Kyungmi nudged his leg as a warning. 

“Jarim, open up “. Jooyoung said as he tried to feed her with pizza. 

“Gosh...I have hands, you know “. She retorted. Jooyoung whined in refusal as he wanted to feed her. “Gosh, seriously “. Jarim gave him as she took a small bite of it. Jooyoung smiled in happiness like a child. “Quickly eat up before the others finish everything “. He told her. Kyungmin cringed at the scene as he wrinkled his face in disgust. 

“I think if I keep looking at them while eating, the pizza will come back out through my mouth as a stir-fried pancake “. 

“Aish ...shut up “. Kyungmi clucked her tongue in annoyance. “You are making me lose my appetite “. 

“Honey, you used to do that just for me “. Byunghoon pouted while looking at Jooyoung with sadness. “You’ve changed. Feed me too, me too! “. He whined like a baby. 

“I will “. Kyungwoo chuckled as he took a piece of pizza. “I will feed you. Ah~ “. 

“Ah~ “. Byunghoon opened his mouth but he burped all of sudden. 

“Aish..”. Kyungwoo dropped the pizza as everyone including Kyungmi stood up to leave as the rest were getting the food away from him. 




After school ended, Kyungmi and Kyungwoo walked together on their way to Kyungmi’s house as they talked about what they should do for tomorrow’s lunch. 


“What should we do? “. Kyungmi sighed as she looked up at the sky. “Since they forbid us from ordering food….maybe I should make a lunch box…”. 

“Yah, you know how to cook? “. Kyungwoo blinked at her with amusement. 

“Kind of? “. She nodded at his question. “Although my cooking isn’t as good as Ahram’s, my food is edible to eat “. 

“Really? “. He hummed as he nodded. “Then I want a lunch box too “. 

“Okay, 10.000 won “. She said as she extended her hand. 

“Such a cheapskate girl “. He scoffed as pushed her hand away from him. “Just make me one “. 

“Aigoo….just a demanding boyfriend I have “. She sighed as she shook her head. “Then I should go get the ingredients to the market “. 

“Let’s go together “. He insisted. 

“Okay “. Then they went to the mini-market from their neighborhood and bought the groceries she needed for tomorrow’s lunch box. After buying everything, they went to Kyungmi’s house as he helped her put the groceries at the kitchen counter. “Thank you “. She said as she began taking the ingredients out. “You can go to the living room if you want. Do you want something to drink? “. 

“It's fine “. He assured her as he helped her take the ingredients out too. “I want to watch you cooking though “. 

“That...won’t be a good idea “. She nervously laughed as she looked for a knife and a cutting board. 

“Why? Afraid to get distracted by this handsome face? “. He wiggled his eyebrows with a mischievous smile on his face. 

“As if “. She scoffed as she turned him around and pushed him away. “Now get out of my kitchen “. 

“If you are not afraid, I have no reasons to leave, right? “. 

“Can’t you listen to me at least once? “. She sighed in tiredness. 

“I don’t want to “. Kyungwoo shook his head as he tried to act cute, which Kyungmi felt unfamiliar with since he always showed his smug and mischievous side. 

“Okay….”. She sighed as she told him to sit down at the table. “But don’t distract me “. 

“Yes, ma’am “. He laughed as he took a seat and looked at her while she went to wash the ingredients. While she was rinsing the rice, Kyungwoo couldn’t help but admire her, thinking in his mind how lucky he felt for being with someone like Kyungmi. 

It took her almost thirty minutes to finish the first side dish, which was stir-fried sausages. 

“Yah, have a taste “. She said as she handed him a pair of chopsticks while placing a small plate filled with stir-fried sausages. He took the chopsticks and without hesitation, he tried it his eyes widened a little as he grew surprised at the flavor. “How does it taste? “. She asked with anxiety. 

“Yah, did you add something weird or something? “. He arched an eyebrow as he tried to hide his smile. 

“Why? Does it taste bad? “. She looked at him with concern. 

“No “. He shook his head. “It tastes awesome “. 

“Yah! You scared me! “. She exclaimed as she pushed him, making him laugh at her reaction. 

“But seriously, this is good “. He admitted as he kept eating. “You should definitely make me a lunch box “. 

“Just wait. I have to finish the other side dishes “. She said as she went back to get the other dishes ready. In a total of two hours, she finished making stir-fried sausages, bulgogi (beef marinated in soy sauce), stir-fried kimchi, and stir-fried potato pancakes. 

“Wow~ “. Kyungwoo gasped at the number of dishes placed on the table. Kyungmi came back with two bowls of rice and placed one in front of Kyungwoo as she placed one for herself as she sat across from him. “I should say...I made the right decision to make you my girlfriend “. 

“Cut the crap “. She faked a smile as she pointed at him with her chin. “Eat up “. Kyungwoo scoffed but nodded as he grabbed the chopsticks when he remembered how Jooyoung fed Jarim back at today’s lunch. He put his chopsticks down and rested his elbows on the table. 

“You feed me “. 

“Are you crazy? Why should I? “. She asked as she blinked at him with confusion. 

“Come on~ Feed me “. He said as he slightly pouted. 

“Aigoo~ You sure are a kid “. She shook her head as she grabbed her chopsticks and grabbed a stir-fried potato pancake before putting it inside his mouth. He munched it and hummed with satisfaction. “Is it good? “. Kyungwoo nodded as he gave her his thumbs up. 

“From now on, I will come to your house to eat lunch and dinner “. 

“Don’t even think about it “. She scoffed with a smirk. “But will you be okay with eating these again? Although I didn’t put the bulgogi here since I just made enough for tomorrow’s lunch “. 

“Yah, as long as I have something decent to eat tomorrow, this is totally fine “. He told her. “This should be something to show off though. I heard from Jooyoung that Wang Ja would be making lunch for both of them tomorrow “. 

“Really? “. Kyungmi gasped as she frowned in shock. “God bless him “. She mumbled. 

“Yah, can I at least show this off to Gong Joo? “. He pleaded with puppy eyes. Kyungmi sighed as she stabbed her chopsticks on her rice while looking at him with a blank expression. Surely, she couldn’t resist his puppy eyes as she nodded while looking away from him. 

“ whatever you want “. 

“Thanks “. He smiled as he began eating. Then he held out a stir-fried sausage for her to eat. She looked at him with surprise and chuckled at his antics before accepting them with . 

“Mm~ it’s good! “. She nodded in agreement. 

“Now stop eating, it’s all mine “. He said as he grabbed the plate with stir-fried sausages and began eating them on his own. 

“Yah! You should leave some for me! “. She cried out while laughing as she tried to take the plate away from him as he continued eating them by himself.




The next day at lunchtime,  Kyungmi brought Kyungwoo and her lunchboxes, sat on her desk, and passed one to him. She then glanced at her left side to see Jarim taking out some pots with side dishes as well. 


“Wow~ “. Jooyoung laughed with nervousness as he eyed the food Jarim made. “Looks delicious “. He said as he forced a smile. “This is stir-fried sausages, dried laver, and even kimchi stew! Wow! “. 

“It's not “. Jarim looked at him with confusion. “This is stir-fried fish cakes, to which I added sausages because you like them “. She explained. “And this isn’t kimchi stew, it’s stir-fried kimchi “. She pointed out. Kyungmi hid her smile as she tried not to laugh right there. Kyungwoo did the same as he pressed a fist over his lips to refrain himself from laughing out loud. 

“Ah~ “. Jooyoung nodded in understanding. “Really? It looks delicious. Thanks for the food “. He said as he tried the stir-fried kimchi first. He stopped munching and wondered how he should swallow it without hurting Jarim’s feelings. “Wow~ It’s so good “. He commented. “Did you….add water maybe? “. 

“Yes “. She hummed. “I was scared it would be too salty “. She smiled with pride. Jooyoung forced a laugh as he smiled at her. 

“Then I think it would be tasty if you added some onions too “. 

“If it doesn’t taste good, don’t eat it “. Jarim retorted as she tried to take the pot away from him when he stopped her. 

“No! It’s delicious. Give it to me “. He told her. 

“Aigoo~ He’s working too hard “. Kyungmi clucked her tongue as she shook her head before opening Kyungwoo’s lunch box. “Hope you don’t mind, I added some salad “. 

“I really anticipated the bulgogi “. He rubbed his hands as he eyed the lunchbox with satisfaction. “I will eat well “. He told her as she nodded in affirmation as he began to eat. She smiled when he hummed in satisfaction at how well the bulgogi tasted and she opened her own lunchbox too. Then two classmates from Class 2 came over to Jooyoung. 

“A lunch made by Wang Jarim? “. One of the male classmates asked as he held out his chopsticks. “Yah, just let me have one bite “. Kyungmi covered as she suppressed laughing out loud. “I wouldn’t want to do that if I were you “. She thought as she poked her rice. 

“No! “. Jooyoung exclaimed as he covered the pots with his arms to prevent them from trying Jarim’s food. “Jarim went through the trouble of making these for me. Why would I give it to you guys? Just leave “. 

“Come on “. The male classmate said. “That makes me want to take it even more “. He said as he and his friend took some of the stir-fried fish cake with their chopsticks and tried it before they began coughing out of disgust. Jarim stared at them with shock as Kyungmi let out a slight chuckle Kyungwoo couldn’t help but let out a laugh as well. “Ah sorry “. The guy said. 

“I think this has gone bad “. The male student with glasses commented. 

“What? “. Jarim asked while looking at them with shock. 

“What the hell are you saying?! It’s delicious! “. Jooyoung insisted. 

“Wow~ Did love blind your tongue, too? “. The one with glasses retorted before turning to Kyungmi and Kyungwoo. “Oh? You made it yourself? “. 

“Huh? Oh ...”. Kyungmi slowly nodded, feeling shy about receiving sudden attention, which she hated. 

“Yah, let us have a try “. The guy from earlier said as he and his friend took some stir-fried potato pancakes from her. 

“Yah “. She called them but they had already taken a bite of them. Their eyes widened at how savory they tasted. 

“Yah, this tastes so good! “. The guy complimented. 

“Really? “. Kyungmi looked at them with a smile of relief. 

“Yeah, let’s have some others “. The guy with glasses said as he was about to take some of the bulgogi when Kyungwoo slapped their chopsticks with his own.

“Yah, don’t you guys have food? Stop stealing from others and leave when I’m saying it nicely “. He warned them. 

“Such a cheapskate person “. The male student said with a scoff. “Oh? Why do you have the same lunchboxes? “. 

“Perhaps….”. The guy with glasses glanced at them with a mischievous smirk on his face. “Are you guys dating? “.  

“Are you crazy? She made me this because she lost a bet toward me “. Kyungwoo retorted. “Stop making stupid conclusions “. The male classmates from Class 2 scoffed at his rudeness and walked away. “Let’s continue eating “. He suggested as he went back to eat. 

“Oh….”. Kyungmi nodded in agreement as she went back to eat. But she couldn’t help but feel her heart beating so fast because of how Kyungwoo acted and defended her. She found it quite awesome. “I used to stand Gong Jooyoung at the beginning of the drama, but I must say that I should stand Lee Kyungwoo now “. She hid her smile as she ate her food in small bites. 




Meanwhile, Minji was in the corridor texting Sanghoon as she avoided lunch to prevent her from gaining more weight 


Sanghoon: Many people do home workouts these days. 

Sanghoon: It could be difficult to go out to exercise, so I thought it would be all right with things you can do at home. This workout is the most popular among the easy ones. 

Sanghoon: I already said it last time, but I’d like it if you didn’t push yourself too much. You’re already more than pretty enough 


Minji smiled at his messages as she remembered the rude comments Kyungwoo told her on that day they ordered delivery food. She looked annoyed by remembering it as she wondered what she should do with her feelings toward him. She knew she shouldn’t like him by how he treated her but she couldn’t help it. She looked back at the text messages Sanghoon sent her while she didn’t notice Ahram walking toward her. The latter looked from behind while drinking her soda with a straw. 


“It's really Devoted Hoon “. (T/N: pun on Jung Sang Hoon: Jungsang means devotion) 

“You scared me “. Minji looked at her with surprise. 

“Have you made your decision? “. 

“About what? “. 

“If you aren’t playing with him, put an end to this soon “. 

“What are you saying? I’m not playing with him “. 

“But he likes you. You don’t, so why are you exchanging texts with him? He’s going to misunderstand “. Ahram pointed out.

“I don’t know….”. Minji sighed as she leaned herself against the wall while Ahram frowned at her with confusion. 




Kyungmi finished taking a shower after a long day at school. She came out of the bathroom with her pajamas on as she ruffled her damped hair with a towel. She arrived at her bedroom and grabbed her phone to see any new messages. She saw a missing call from Kyungwoo and decided to call him back. After three rings, he answered. 

“Oh “. 

“Sorry, I was in the shower “. She apologized as she pouted. “What is it? “. 

“Nothing...just wanting to hear your voice “. 

“Aigoo~ stop being cheesy, you bring me goosebumps “. She joked. “Now for real, what is it? “. Then she heard the sounds of cars. “Are you outside? “. 

“Yeah...I decided to meet Yeseul since she insisted on talking about our relationship “. 

“Really? “. Kyungmi blinked as she nodded in understanding. Normally, other girls would feel angry and jealous if they hear that their boyfriends are going to meet with their exes, but that wasn’t in Kyungmi’s case, since she knew how he was feeling toward her so she felt confident that Kyungwoo wouldn’t betray her. “Be nice to her when talking to her. Make sure she doesn’t cry when you both are talking “. 

“Alright, ma’am “. He teased. “Are you going to sleep now? “. 

“Yeah “. She nodded in affirmation. “I’m kind of sleepy today “. 

“Then I won’t bother you. See you tomorrow “. 

“Alright...and good luck “. She said before hanging up. She just hoped they wouldn't end things in a bad way. Kyungwoo sighed as he stared at his phone, with his screen already changed to a picture of him and Kyungmi on the day of the festival. He softly smiled at the view, as a way to be distracted a little before meeting Yeseul. 

“Kyungwoo-ah…”. Kyungwoo turned around when he heard his name being called and saw Yeseul walking toward him. 


On the other hand, Sanghoon and Minji were walking on the streets, on their way to a restaurant Sanghoon found so Minji can also eat despite her diet. 


“If we go there, you can eat too “. He told her. 

“No, it’s fine! You should eat what you want to “. Minji insisted. 

“How can I do that? You won’t be able to eat “. He pointed out. “I found a tasty salad restaurant so it’s all right “. Minji smiled in gratitude as they continued walking. Then Sanghoon spotted Kyungwoo with Yeseul on a bench at a small park. “Oh? Isn’t that Lee Kyungwoo? “. He asked. Minji followed his gaze and stared at him with a blank expression. “Should we go say hi? “. 

“It’s fine, let’s go on our way “. She suggested. 

“Sure “. Sanghoon nodded in understanding. Minji then stared at Kyungwoo while feeling annoyed. “So annoying. Why am I the only one bothered by him? He’s nothing special “. She wondered before looking at Sanghoon. Then, she changed her mind. 

“Let’s just go eat something tasty! I don’t want to diet “. 

“Is that all right? “. Sanghoon looked at her with surprise. 

“Yeah “. She nodded in confirmation. “You said I’m fine as I am. I don’t think I need to go through the trouble “. She explained to him. 

“Yeah “. He nodded as he smiled with shyness. “The way you are’re pretty “. He complimented her. 

“Let’s go “. She told him as they turned to the way around and walked away. 


Meanwhile, Kyungwoo and Yeseul were sitting on the bench, with him staring at the horizon while she was staring at him. 


“Let’s….continue dating “. Yeseul spoke. “I don’t want to break up with you “. She said while shaking her head. “I think I was having too many expectations and burdened you. I’m sorry for whining “. Kyungwoo then looked back at her as he felt guilty for making her say those words when in fact it should be him saying sorry for using her to hide his real feelings. “I won’t expect anything from you “. 

“Sorry “. He said as he exhaled and looked away from her. “I’ve been feeling sorry ever since hearing what you said that day. Dating you with my current feelings...would feel wrong toward you “. 

“What’s wrong with…. your current feelings? “. She asked as her expression turned blank. “You don’t like me anymore? “. 

“To be honest….I tried to like you since I’ve been having feelings for a person I shouldn’t have been in love within the first place “. He began telling her. “I thought that if I dated feelings toward that person would disappear, but….it just didn’t work…”. He said as Yeseul looked at him with surprise and betrayal at the same time.  “Even if we keep dating, I think I’ll only be feeling sorry for you, rather than feeling love for you “. He confessed. “I’m a bad jerk “. 

“You bad jerk “. Yeseul mumbled as she began shedding tears. “ “. She sobbed. 

“I’m sorry. For real “. He mumbled without even sparing a glance at her out of guilt. “Yeah, I deserve her hate. I shouldn’t have played with her feelings in the first place...I’m sorry Yeseul…”. He thought as he looked up at the sky. 




Minji hummed in satisfaction when she almost finished a bowl of spicy rice cake she’s been craving for days. 


“I’m so happy “. She sighed with contentment. “I should have given up earlier. I held back for nothing “. She told him as she patted her tummy with happiness. She then realized what she did and looked up at Sanghoon smiling at her cuteness and she blushed in embarrassment. “Ah...did I look like a pig just now? “. 

“No! “. He chuckled while shaking his head. “It’s nice to see you eating well “. He confessed. 

“Do you really think I’m alright the way I am now? “. She asked him. 

“Yeah “. He nodded in affirmation. 

“Why do you like me? “. Sanghoon looked away as he drank some water out of nervousness as he tried to find good words to express toward her. 

“I...from the first time we met, I really liked you “. He began. “You’re bright, you smile a lot….and even now, I still really like you “. Minji thought for a moment after hearing his confession before looking at him. 

“Then should we….date? “. She suggested. At those words, Sanghoon couldn’t help but smile widely as he felt he won the lottery. Minji smiled at him too as she mentally praised herself. “Right, Sanghoon is a good guy. Unlike that idiot of Kyungwoo, Sanghoon is 100% better and nicer than him. You made the right decision, Yang Minji “. 


At the same time, Kyungmi stirred awake at the vibration of her phone and groaned in tiredness as she slowly sat up to grab her phone from the nightstand. She rubbed one of her eyes with her fist as she tried to look at the ID on her screen. She saw Kyungwoo’s name on and immediately replied. 


“Huh? “. She hummed with a sleepy tone. 

“Oh...sorry, did I wake you up? “.

“Kind of “. She softly yawned as she stared at the clock to see it was already 9.30 pm. “Why are you calling me at this hour? “. 

“I wondered if...we could meet up now “. She then guessed that the breakup didn’t go quite as well as she expected it to. 

“Give me five minutes, I will be down there soon “. She promised before hanging up as she kicked the blanket away. She grabbed a thick knitted cardigan from her closet and walked out of her bedroom. She silently walked toward the door as she noticed her mother fell asleep on the couch with the TV on. She then carefully slipped on a pair of sneakers and slowly opened the door before closing it without making much sound. Then she took the elevator and pressed the button to the first floor. She walked out of there when the doors opened and headed outside to look for Kyungwoo. She saw him waiting at one of the benches in the building’s garden and she walked there as she tried to wake her senses up. Kyungwoo noticed her coming and slowly stood up when she arrived. He chuckled at how cute she looked when she was sleepy. 

“Sorry if I took longer than expected “. She mumbled in her sleepy voice. 

“It’s fine, you arrived on time “. He commented as he brought his fingers over her eyes as rubbed them with tenderness. “I should be the one apologizing to you for disturbing your sleep “. 

“It’s okay, I can always fall asleep right away “. She joked, trying to enlighten the mood around them. “Although I’m not quite awake yet “. She confessed. 

“Let’s sit then “. He chuckled as he brought her to take a seat on the bench before sitting next to her. He let her lean her head against his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders to bring some warmth to her. 

“Judging by your expression and voice from earlier, I guess things didn’t end well “. She tried to guess. He chuckled at her comment before staring at the horizon. 

“Sometimes, I hate it when you are right “. He told her. “But yeah….things didn’t end well...Yeseul ended up crying “. 

“It’s my fault….”. She hummed at the thought. “I guess if I should have been more honest with you, you wouldn’t date her and then give her a painful goodbye…”. 

“Don’t say that “. He sighed. “It’s my fault. I was the one who made the decision to date her, so don’t feel bad that you did this “. 

“Still….I feel like I was involved in this mess as well….”. 

“It’s already in the past now…”. Kyungwoo exhaled through his nose as he rubbed her arm to comfort her. “Yeseul will find someone better than me, someone, who deserves her “. Kyungmi softened as she looked up at him. 

“Right….she will “. She nodded in agreement. “Just like I wish I made the right decision to confess to you “. She told him, making him frown in confusion. “I feel happy that we share the same feelings...but who knows what the future awaits for us? “. 

“Are you worried that we won’t last long? “. He arched an eyebrow while looking at her. 

“Kind of? “. She chuckled at him. “You know that you are handsome and charming, unlike me, who is so average in everything- “. 

“What are you saying? “. He scoffed in disbelief at her words. “I don’t know who’s putting you sh*t in your mind, but you should forget about it. You are beautiful and unique the way you are, okay? So stop saying negative things about yourself “. He insisted. “And don’t worry about the future now. Just focus on the present, okay? “. 

“Okay….”. Kyungmi agreed as she softly grinned at him. “You know you sounded cheesy back there, right? “. 

“Come on, let me act like Jooyoung for once “. He retorted, making her laugh. He smiled back as he continued rubbing her arm, worried that she would be freezing from the cold night. “Aren’t you cold? “. 

“I’m fine “. She assured him as they admired the stars of the night. 




The next day, after school ended, Kyungmi, Kyungwoo, Jarim, Minji, and Kyungmin were at the large stairs from the school’s field, waiting for Jooyoung and Byunghoon to come so they could go home together. While Jarim and Minji were having random talks, Kyungmi was playing a round of games on her phone along with Kyungwoo and Kyungmin. Then Jooyoung arrived along with Byunghoon and he sat next to Jarim with a bright smile on his face. 


“Yah “. He called everyone to catch their attention. “The lunchbox Jarim prepared for me today was totally tasty “. Byunghoon scoffed at his comment.

“Friend. How long have we been doing business together? How dare you try to trick us? “. 

“It's true! “. Jooyoung insisted. “Just try and say that Jarim can’t cook, you’ll die “. He warned them. Then he looked at Minji. “Right, Yang Minji “. 

“Yeah? “. She looked at him. 

“I heard you’re dating Sanghoon? “. Jooyoung beamed. 

“Yeah, that’s true “. Minji replied with a forced smile. 

“What the? “. Kyungmin looked at her with surprise. “One couple disappears and another one is born? “. Kyungmi stopped playing as she heard those words and slowly glanced at Kyungwoo, who tried to dissimulate that he didn’t care. “Is it the law of conservation of couples or what? “. 

“One disappeared? “. Jarim asked Kyungmin. Kyungmin pointed at Kyungwoo with his chin. 

“This fool broke up with Bang Yeseul “. 

“Really? I’m only finding out now “. Jooyoung said. Why? “. 

“You don’t need to know. It’s my fault anyway “. Kyungwoo replied with his eyes on his phone. Kyungmi mentally sighed as she wanted to tell him that he should stop blaming himself. 

“No doubt, that’s for sure “. Byunghoon commented. 

“Forget about me “. Kyungwoo immediately said. “These two are dating “. He said while pointing at Minji with his chin. “Sanghoon is a really good guy so do well “. 

“Okay “. Minji softly replied with a nod. 

Kyungmi exhaled through her nose as she went to Kakao Talk and typed on Kyungwoo’s chat before sending him a message. He paused his game when he saw her message and began reading it. 


KyungM: Stop blaming yourself. It wasn’t entirely your fault. I will feel sad if you keep saying that….


He softly chuckled as he turned to Kyungmi, who returned him a small smile to assure him that it was okay. He gave her a small nod in gratitude, feeling thankful that he had her by his side.


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I'm glad you liked it, although it's just a simple one~
four chapters updateeeeee!!!! yayyyyy!!!
Chapter 15: isn't it supposed to be chapter 11??
jurroz #4
Chapter 7: obsessed with this so far
Wow! My favorite genre! Can't wait to read this!