

Minjeong did some stretching while she looked around. Some faces that she's familiar with and some were not. She was inside the badminton court and getting ready for the tryout. She saw Ningning at the corner, just arrived with Ryujin and Yuna. She smiled seeing them coming to watch and support her though it was just a tryout.

She walked towards them to greet them.

"Hi guys."


Ningning stood up and did some massage on her shoulders and arms while Ryujin and Yuna gave her encouragement.

"We know you will get in for sure. You are the Kim Minjeong anyways." Ryujin said with confidence and Yuna nodded her head vigorously.

Minjeong just chuckled seeing how supportive they were to her.

"Wish me luck guys." Minjeong grinned and hugged Ningning before leaving them on the court bleachers.

"You ready, Winter sshi?" Jaemin asked with his serious face. Minjeong nodded her head.

"Good. On your position." Jaemin said and Minjeong grabbed her racket right away before going to the opposite side.

Jaemin looked at his co captain, Song Yuqi.

"Alright. You have 3 games of 21 points. I'll whistle once you are all ready and you can start after that." Yuqi announced, holding her whistle as she looked at them both.

As soon as Yuqi blowed her whistle, Jaemin made a serve first.

The other badminton club's members were watching by the bleachers and some students just came to watch their famous Kim Minjeong's tryout.

Yuqi smirked seeing Minjeong can avoid most of Jaemin's trick and everyone can see how fast Minjeong's movement was in order to hit the shuttlecock from Jaemin's strong hit.

Yuqi so noticed Minjeong's skillful footwork. She never hesitate and is confident of her movement. She moves her body flexibly to make sure to never miss the shuttlecock.

"Damn, she's good." Yuqi mumbled.

After 2 games, Yuqi blowed the whistle again and asked them to take a quick break of 5 minutes to drink as she saw how tired they were.

Minjeong went to get her water and closed her eyes while trying to catch her breath. After that, she went back to get ready. She did some quick stretching with her arms again while waiting for Jaemin.

"Last game." Minjeong mumbled and glanced at the scoreboard.

"Oh! Aeri! Here here!"

Minjeong turned her head when she heard Ningning's loud voice, some murmurs could be heard now with Aeri's appearance alongside the volleyball members including Yoo Jimin.

It was rare of Jimin to come by and watch a tryout of other clubs, that's what Minjeong heard from some of the whispers inside the court now.

Minjeong's eyes found Jimin's eyes and Jimin let out a small smile at her as she mouthed "you can do it". Minjeong's body felt the sudden energy coming out of nowhere with that.

Minjeong looked down to hide her smile and closed her eyes again as she tried to calm down her raging heartbeat.

"There there, you heart. We need to win this first then we can celebrate." Minjeong whispered to herself.

"Alright, you guys ready?"

She heard Yuqi's voice so she gripped her racket tight and lifted her head up, determination in her eyes as she nodded.

After the whistle, Minjeong made a strong serve which caught Jaemin off guard that he barely managed to hit the shuttlecock back. Minjeong was fast but now, with all the new adrenaline and energy inside of her, she's getting faster.

The crowds let out squeals watching them and excited with how good both players were. Jaemin wanted to end the game so bad, just two more point then he'll win but the score was a tie at the moment. So he became aggressive, he kept giving Minjeong a strong hit but Minjeong still calmly hit back.

Minjeong's eyes are as sharp as eagle eyes and she noticed Jaemin's hand and legs almost giving out so she smirked and positioned her body before she tricked Jaemin to make him gave her a high hit of the shuttlecock, she stepped backward speedily before jumping and hand gripping tight on the racket as she let out a grunt before smashing down the shuttlecock as hard as she could.

It was silence for a second when she landed back on the ground, panting as she eyed the shuttlecock that just hit the ground too.

Minjeong glanced at Jaemin's tired face before she looked at Yuqi's laughing face.

"Kim Minjeong won!" Yuqi announced out loud using the mic.

Just like that, everyone cheered loudly for Minjeong's successful tryout.


Minjeong found herself getting crashed into a tight hug by Ningning, Ryujin and Yuna. They kept hugging her and jumped up and down.




Minjeong laughed seeing their reaction and hugged them back.


They all broke the hugs to see a smiling Jaemin. 

"Congrats and welcome to the club. We're happy to welcome you into the team." Jaemin said and offered a handshake which Minjeong accepted immediately and bowed politely at him.

"Thank you so much." Minjeong smiled.

Jaemin smiled back, surprised to see Minjeong's beautiful smile. Yuqi came and nudged him to snap him out and he took back his hand right away.

"We'll text you up about the detail of joining the club. Congratulations, Kim Minjeong." Yuqi said and hugged her before dragging Jaemin with her.

"You go girll!!" Ningning hugged her again.

While at the bleachers, Jimin was smiling watching the scene in front of her.

"They looked so happy." Aeri smiled, eyes never leave Ningning.

"Mm." Jimin hummed.

"Woah, Kim Minjeong was really good." Yeji clapped her hands.

Jimin saw how everyone was still amazed with Minjeong's badminton skill and she can't help but to feel very proud of her.






"So, should we celebrate?" Ningning asked as she s an arm around Minjeong's shoulder.

"It was just a tryout, Ning ah. Not even a tournament." Minjeong chuckled.

"Who cares? I still want to celebrate something with you. Hm how about we celebrate your return here? I know it's late but hey, better than never right? I'll tell everyone!"

Before Minjeong could say no, Ningning has already running towards Aeri and shared her plan which everyone seemed to agree and were excited just like her.

"Let's party then! My house! I'll invite everyone!" Aeri exclaimed and told Yeji to help her informed everyone else through their social media.

"It's too late to stop them, right?" Minjeong asked Ryujin and Yuna who were still beside her.

"Yes. When it comes to party, Aeri will never say no and she'll make sure it will happen no matter what." Ryujin chuckled and walked ahead with Yuna to talk to others when they saw Jimin approached Minjeong.

"Congratulations. I knew you would win." Jimin told her.

"Thank you." Minjeong smiled.


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Chapter 17: This story is so cute😣😣
Psykotato 29 streak #2
Chapter 14: This is how vocal I need a person could be
Chapter 17: So cute 🥺 love the story. I want more of them
Chapter 17: They're so in love 💝
Chapter 17: Aww this is so cute & great story 😭🫶❤️
eurooo0 #6
Chapter 17: Minjeong fell first but Jimin fell the hardest 🥺
Chapter 17: this is so cute 🥺
Chapter 17: I love your JMJ's stuff more than I love myself ngl
kinsamoy #9
such a cute story🥰
Chapter 17: rereading cause this makes my day better it heals me