

The rumour of how Jeno, one of the popular boys planned to court Jimin was spreading throughout the University. Jimin, well, she doesn't like it. She knew who was he and she certainly did not see him as someone she can like.

The second reason would be because of Kim Minjeong. Jimin cherish Minjeong a lot despite of all her rejection for the girl. Jimin respect Minjeong so she will feel bad if anyone else were to court her too when Minjeong has been doing that all this time. Moreover, she is keeping her promise to give Minjeong a proper chance so there's no way she will hurt Minjeong by giving another chance to someone else.

Third reason is-

Jimin frowned and stopped her thoughts when she saw a girl was giggling and blushing while talking to Minjeong who only smiled at the girl. 

"I forgot to tell you. Your great admirer gained a serious admirer too." Aeri whispered before leaving Jimin to go to her locker.

"This is the first time someone dared to confess their love publicly for Minjeong. Usually, her admirers will do it secretly." Ningning said when she came and then greeted Jimin before going to Aeri's side.

"She got confessions too?" Aeri asked.

"Duh. Of course. My best friend is attractive too okay but her admirers are mostly so shy and will meet her when no one's around or will just gave her letters secretly." Ningning said.

Jimin tried to ignore the scene and went to her locker. She sighed softly, frowning a little more when she found herself felt irritated.

"Morning girls." She heard Minjeong said to Aeri and Ningning before she felt her presence next to her.

"And good morning to you, beautiful girl." Now, somehow, Jimin's irritation vanished as soon as she heard Minjeong's sweet voice greeting her.

"Are you daydreaming again?" Minjeong asked, chuckling. Jimin only turned her head at Minjeong before she finally opened her locker to get her books.

Minjeong smiled and took the books from Jimin's hands smoothly. She then went to tell Aeri and Ningning that they will be going first when Jimin closed her locker. Jimin waved a bye to them before walking with Minjeong.

"Who was the girl earlier?" Jimin asked.

"Uh, she's a freshman. We don't really talk but she did greet me whenever she saw me."

"Does she like you?" Jimin asked with a flat tone. 

Minjeong used her free hand to grab Jimin's arm gently.

"Wait. Are you upset?"

"Should I not?"

Minjeong furrowed her brows at Jimin's question. She checked the time and saw that they still had 10 minutes to spare.

"Jimin, are you jealous?"

"How does one feel when being jealous?"

"You don't like what you see or witness. It hurts your feelings and your heart ache a little. And well, you can feel upset too."

"What makes the jealousy to appear?"

"Because the person is important to you and you like the person too much to give you the feeling of jealousy when you see the person with someone else."

"And if I feel upset seeing the girl talking to you because I know she seems to like you, does that mean that I am jealous?"

Minjeong was surprised by the question but she composed herself again before clearing . She must choose her words wisely to protect Jimin's feelings. 

"M-Maybe? So, do you feel that way earlier?" Minjeong asked carefully.

"Yes. Does that mean that I like you, Kim Minjeong?" Jimin asked.

Minjeong knows. She knew. She knew that sometimes Jimin's mind flew away from too much thinking. The reason why she wanted to approach Jimin slowly and to let her explore her feelings slowly too. She does not want to pressure her.

So Minjeong only smiled at her warmly. She held Jimin's hand and caressed her hand with her thumb.

"If you feel happy when you see me Jimin, then maybe you like me too."

"That's all?"

"No, actually. It is when you can't get me out of your head, when you always think of me no matter what you do, when your day brighten up by being with me, when your heart is in joy spending time with me, when you keep missing me while I'm away and then you want me to only like you. That's the feeling of liking someone because I feel that way for you, Jimin."

"Because you like me?"


"Is it the same thing as being in love?"

"Hm, a little. Being in love is another different feeling, but I'll tell you that another time. For now, I want to make sure of one thing first. Do you feel all of those that I have mentioned earlier?" Minjeong asked, inserting a little hope in her heart.

"I do." Jimin mumbled.

"What should I do?" Jimin asked.

Minjeong only smiled calmly at her. Even if she wanted to jump and celebrate but she can't. She don't want to scare Jimin away.


"Huh? Nothing?"

"Yes, nothing. Just be you. I like you as you are and I will just continue courting you. Only thing now is that I know that you are starting to like me too."

"Ahh." Jimin nodded.

"It's a good thing that you asked and we talked about it."

"Is it?"

"Yes. I want you to just tell me if you don't like something, be it something I do or just anything that upset you. I want you to feel comfortable enough to tell me anything."

"Okay. One more thing."

"What is it?"

"If I ask you to court me publicly, would you do it?"

Minjeong's smiled faded away as her face froze, trying to process what Jimin just said.

"I'm sorry. What was it again?"

"Court me publicly so people know that you are courting me. I don't want anyone else to court me or make a move on me again while you're courting me. It makes me feel guilty."

"But I'm okay with that. I mean, you deserve it. You deserve to get all the attention and love."

"And I'm not, because I respect you. I promise you to give you this chance and I want to give it to you properly, only to you."

Minjeong sighed but she chuckled at Jimin's serious face.

"The thing that you said, it does something to my heart you know."


"Well, okay. I'll let everyone know that I am currently courting you and I will make sure everyone know that I only look at you so you don't have to feel jealous. Will that be okay with you?"

"Yes." Jimin smiled.

"And just to confirm it again, you like me now right?"

"I think I am. Yes, Minjeong."

Minjeong grinned and nodded her head happily.

"That's good, that's good. That's really good." 

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14 streak #1
Chapter 17: This story is so cute😣😣
Psykotato 24 streak #2
Chapter 14: This is how vocal I need a person could be
Chapter 17: So cute 🥺 love the story. I want more of them
Chapter 17: They're so in love 💝
Chapter 17: Aww this is so cute & great story 😭🫶❤️
eurooo0 #6
Chapter 17: Minjeong fell first but Jimin fell the hardest 🥺
Chapter 17: this is so cute 🥺
Chapter 17: I love your JMJ's stuff more than I love myself ngl
kinsamoy #9
such a cute story🥰
Chapter 17: rereading cause this makes my day better it heals me