

Ningning rested her chin on her palm as she keep smiling staring at Minjeong in front of her. The two of them were at the library as Minjeong filling in the form of which clubs she's joining while Ningning doing some research. 

"I thought you need to finish your research by today." Minjeong said.

"I still can't believe that you're here." Ningning mumbled. Minjeong glanced up shortly before looking at the form again.

"You look like someone who's awestruck. Don't fall for me, Ning ah. It's not going to work for us." Minjeong said calmly.

"Hey. I am not. I only have Aer-" Ningning widened her eyes and covered .

Minjeong looked up again to see her reaction. Now that finally caught her attention as she put down her pen. Minjeong intertwined her fingers and smiled at her best friend.

"Aeri Uchinaga, is it?"

"W-What?" Ningning stuttered. Minjeong just keep smiling. 

"I like her for you." She said.

"Ah. What are you saying?" Ningning blushed.

Minjeong sighed softly before she sit up to sit beside Ningning.

"Ning Yizhuo." Minjeong took her hand.

"It's okay to be happy. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I know you hold yourself back because of me but hey, I want you to be happy. So stop holding yourself back." Minjeong said.

"I just, I can't be fully happy knowing that you're struggling out there and away from me." Ningning looked down.

"And I am here now, aren't I?" Minjeong peeked at her and Ningning looked at her, pouting.

Minjeong stares at her with her warmest eyes and Ningning's chest tightened, she can't be happy knowing Minjeong isn't.

"But I want us to be happy together. That way, I can be completely happy. You're my best friend, I care about you a lot." Ningning said.

"And I will be. Because I have you now with me again. You will always be here for me, right?"

"Of course I will."

"That's all I need, Ning ah. So please, get your happiness. Do it for me, hm?"

Ningning slowly nodded her head and her eyes brightened seeing Minjeong's wide smile for the first time after a long time.

"Good. If you need help, let me know. You know I'm an expert when it comes to winning a woman's heart." Minjeong smirked.

Ningning groaned and pushed her playfully.

"Yeah, prove it to me first." Ningning said.

"Oh, I will. I'm working on getting myself an exclusive place inside a Yoo Jimin's heart. This time, I'll succeed for sure." Minjeong winked.

"Really? So it's going to still be her?" Ningning asked.

"Always, Ning ah. Always." Minjeong smiled.






"So, what are the chances of Ningning will agree to go out with me?"

Jimin and Yeji looked at Aeri as they both done with their stretching. Jimin glanced at their other team mates before looking back at Aeri who was still stretching. They were now at the Volleyball field outdoor.

"Hm, 99%?" Yeji said.

"Where did the 1% go?" Aeri asked.

"That's the last normal conscious cell inside her body thinking if she should just say no." Yeji laughed when Aeri almost gave her a flying kick.

"Go for it, Aeri ya. I'm sure she would say yes." Jimin said.

"Right! I'll ask her soon." Aeri wiggled her eyebrows.

Jimin and Yeji just laughed.


They now turned to see the captain of Football team standing tall near Jimin.

"Hi uhh, May I talk to Jimin please?" He asked politely.

"Told ya." Jimin heard Aeri whispered before Aeri and Yeji excuse themselves to go to their team mates.

"Hi Jimin." He smiled at Jimin shyly.

"Yeah, Hi uhh..."

"Oh. Jaehyun. My name is Jaehyun."

"Right. Jaehyun. What is it?" Jimin asked.

"Hmm. How do I say this? I actually..." The boy was super shy and he kept rubbing his nape while looking elsewhere, feeling intimidated with Jimin's stare.

Jimin sighed silently before she looked away from the boy, finding herself uninterested before her eyes landed on a familiar figure who just came out from the door as she walked towards the field with Ningning pulling her eagerly.

"Come on move your !" Ningning shouted before she gave up and let go of Minjeong and ran to Aeri.

Minjeong shakes her head and keep fixing her hair as the wind blows her hair gently. Minjeong rolled her eyes when she heard Ningning was complaining out loud to Aeri of how difficult it was for her to drag Minjeong out to watch them practice Volleyball.

Jimin saw Minjeong decided to sit on the first level of the bleacher as she put down her bag before resting her both hands at each side of her and crossed her legs. Only after she settled down, her gaze turned towards Jimin.

Minjeong tilted her head and raised her eyebrows seeing a boy talking to Jimin.

"Jimin? Jimin?"

Jimin blinked her eyes and looked at Jaehyun.

"Huh? What was it again?" Jimin asked.

"Oh. I uhh..." Jaehyun bit his bottom lip and cleared his throat.

By the time he was about to speak, Jimin's eyes darted towards Minjeong again.

"I want to court you!" Jaehyun suddenly said it out loud which earned not just Jimin's but the others attention including Minjeong.

"I would like to court you if you'll let me." Jaehyun said again and looked down, closing his eyes.

"Oh." Jimin blinked her eyes, trying to process it.

Both Ningning and Aeri keep glancing back and forth towards Jimin and Minjeong. Yeji looked surprise by Jaehyun's interest in Jimin though it's normal for anyone to have a crush on Jimin since the girl is one of their university's heartthrob.

"I heard a rumour of you... Finally opening up to be in a relationship so yeah, I want to give it a shot. I really like you." Jaehyun said again.

'Now where does this rumour came from?' Jimin thought before turning around and squinted at Aeri.

"Uhh, why did Jimin look at me like that?" Aeri mumbled.

"I don't know." Yeji said.

"It's okay if you still want to think about it. I can wait. I just feel like I have to let you know first that I want to court you. I'll ask you again next time, by then I hope I will get an answer." Jaehyun quickly said, afraid of taking too much of Jimin's time. Everyone knows how sensitive Jimin is of people wasting her time for unnecessary stuff.

"I'll see you around. Good luck with your practice." Jaehyun smiled shyly before taking his leave, not bothering to wait for Jimin's reply.

"Oooohhh. What was that Captain? Someone is finally taking a courage to pursue you?" Her Volleyball's team mates started to . Jimin just shakes her head and told them to finish warming up as they will start practicing soon.

She glanced at Minjeong and saw the girl now was playing with her phone.

"Let's practice!" Jimin announced and Ningning hugged Aeri before she went to join Minjeong at the bleacher.

20 minutes into the practice, Yeji asked for a short break. She bend down and put her hands on her knees as she panted.

"You seemed distracted today Capt, is it because of Jaehyun?" Yeji asked.

"Is it?" Aeri asked.

"No." Jimin rolled her eyes. She sighed and shakes her head.

"Let's cool down and wrap it up here. We'll just practice some other time, I'm sorry guys." Jimin said.

Yeji and Aeri frowned. Jimin then ran to the bleachers, eyes signalling Ningning that she wants to talk to Minjeong alone. Ningning who got the hint left without a word to go to Aeri and Yeji.

"Oh. You guys are done?" Minjeong asked.

Minjeong stands up and pulled her long sleeve from her wrist to her palm so she can wipe off Jimin's sweats just like how she always did in the past.

Jimin just closed her eyes, letting Minjeong did that for her. 

"That was a quick practice." Minjeong said.

"The promise." Jimin suddenly said.


"The promise, are you going to claim it?" Jimin asked.

Minjeong stares straight into Jimin's eyes lovingly and smiled.

"I am. Is there a problem with that?" Minjeong asked.

"I want a confirmation, Kim Minjeong." Jimin said.

Minjeong hummed while still wiping off her sweats gently but her eyes never leave Jimin's face. 

"Yes. I am still holding on to your promise." Minjeong said.

"You are still single right?" Minjeong asked this time. 

"Yeah." Jimin answered.

"Good. So the promise is still valid then." Minjeong said.

"Because my feelings never change." Minjeong added and smiled at Jimin.

This is one thing about Minjeong. Even if Jimin keeps rejecting her, even when Jimin never show interest to her, Minjeong will always be this confident when she tried to win her heart. Jimin likes how Minjeong never scared of looking at her in the eyes while she make her confession. Jimin likes how Minjeong will say everything with confidence, showing Jimin that she is very sure about her feelings and there is no lie at all.

Jimin simply like how Minjeong will make sure to keep her eyes on Jimin while talking to her. Jimin doesn't like it when someone talk to her not looking at her. She wants to be sure the person is giving her the attention that she deserve if they want to get the same attention from Jimin.

"So...?" Jimin asked.

"Slowly, Yoo Jimin. Slowly. We'll have all the time now. I don't want to be reckless like before. This time, I'm doing it right. So I want you to keep your promise for me. Can you?" Minjeong asked.

This is different. Totally different. The old Minjeong would just ask her straight away. But not this time. This current Minjeong is being careful. Nonetheless, Jimin will still wait for her and when the time comes, she's going to give her the chance that she deserve.

"You can count on me." Jimin replied without hesitation.


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Chapter 17: This story is so cute😣😣
Psykotato 29 streak #2
Chapter 14: This is how vocal I need a person could be
Chapter 17: So cute 🥺 love the story. I want more of them
Chapter 17: They're so in love 💝
Chapter 17: Aww this is so cute & great story 😭🫶❤️
eurooo0 #6
Chapter 17: Minjeong fell first but Jimin fell the hardest 🥺
Chapter 17: this is so cute 🥺
Chapter 17: I love your JMJ's stuff more than I love myself ngl
kinsamoy #9
such a cute story🥰
Chapter 17: rereading cause this makes my day better it heals me