Spring in Bloom

Flirt 'n Flair
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A sense of familiarity leaps through me as I scan the place.

The idea of a public library honestly freaked me out a little when Baekhyun suggested it. I’ve never gone there before and it’s just … new and scary. I don’t know if I was too obvious earlier today when I was getting ready, but plans have been changed and I only realized it once the car drove through a familiar street.

We’re here today. At our high school campus.

I am quite relieved and … very thrilled to be back here.

The whole school isn’t too busy, except for a few people and staff who are probably here for remedial education and other non-regular schooling reasons. It’s still a holiday break and it’s almost the most perfect time to just visit and look back for fun. I just never thought of doing it and, I never had anyone whom I could do that with.

We were allowed in, thanks to Baekhyun’s high school I.D. that he keeps in his wallet until now—I don’t know why but I didn’t bother questioning him. I have a sentimental side as well and I must say, it’s quite cute of him.

“So, we’re not … going to the public library anymore?” I ask my boyfriend who held my hand as we go upstairs. Obviously, I don’t mind this. If I did, I would have asked as soon as he started driving to a different direction from the library, I thought we were going to. I just want to know what’s going through his head right now.

We arrive at the second floor, and he looks out to the clean corridor and breathes in the spring breeze that’s coming from the wide windows across every classroom.

“We’re going to a much better library.” He turns to me with that same handsome smile he always gives me. I look out to the hall again, a few classrooms away from us will be the campus library. One of my favourite places in the whole vicinity. “Re—really?” I couldn’t hide the excitement in my tone, so I just bite the grin off my face.

Baekhyun reaches for my face to pinch my cheek. “I knew this was a much better plan. Thank God, I gave it a shot. I wasn’t sure either if my old I.D. would work, but I trusted my gut.” He says before dragging me to walk again.

When we pass by the teacher’s office, the door was opened and a familiar voice stops us. “Oh? Excuse me?” The voice says, making us pause.

When we turn, it’s one of the Arts and Music teachers, Mrs. Yang Juri. She’s probably in her fifties now. “Oh, my goodness, Byun Baekhyun, is that you?” She steps out of the office to greet Baekhyun. I just stand behind him to hide. I doubt if she’d recognize me, I didn’t really do well in her class and I was never someone who’d people remember.

Usually, people just need about a year to completely forget who I am. Maybe even less. I just really don’t stand out, what can I say?

On the other hand, Byun Baekhyun … he’s popular in all aspects. Not only because he was a part of the school band but also, he’s just very good at a lot of things.

“Mrs. Yang? Holy crap, you’re still alive? And how do you look exactly the same, what water are you drinking? I need it.” Baekhyun greets back as he bows lightly. The old lady pouts and playfully slaps his arm. “You haven’t changed a bit, you’re still silly! What brings you he—oh, hi, why don’t you introduce me to your friend?” She tries to peek at me and I just keep my gaze low while I bow.

“Mrs. Yang, you don’t remember her? Choi Soobin, I’m sure she was in your class too.” Baekhyun tries to explain to her.

I don’t think it’s going to work, honestly.

As expected, the woman just inspects me with an unsure smile while tilting her head on one side. “Uh, she’s Hanbin’s sister? Choi Hanbin.” Baekhyun adds next, his tone lowering a notch as if it physically hurts him to even have to say my brother’s name. And I can’t blame him, to be honest.

“Oh my, Hanbin! Now, I remember. Forgive me, from what I can recall, you were a very timid student back in the day, my dear. I’m sorry. How are you? How’s your brother, you should have brought him along!” She finally acknowledges me with a knowing grin.

Even at this age … I’m still only existing behind my brother’s shadows.

Mrs. Yang affectionately rubs Baekhyun’s arm. “So what have you been up to, Baekhyun? You must be making a lot of money with your music now, tell me the most famous songs you made, maybe I know some of them.” She grins excitedly.

Baekhyun chuckles but I feel him recoiling a bit as he held my hand tighter. Although I’m usually very bad at reading body language, I’ve known him long enough to know that he’s just as uncomfortable as I am. “Oh, that—I didn’t end up doing that as a career, ma’am. You know it’s just—”

“Oh, no. How come? Weren’t you scouted by a company too, before graduating? I remember you telling me about it. Clearly, you didn’t end up accepting it, otherwise, you’d be on TV now.” She frowns in disappointment. “But you’re so talented and you sing so well too. What happened?” She asks.

Baekhyun laughs again as he scratches his neck. “No, I can’t be in that industry. It’s just that, uh … it’s uh—showbiz isn’t for me, I didn’t like the idea of it. And about my music, I just got busy with other stuff, so I didn’t end up submitting anything. I’m not doing music anymore.”

Mrs. Yang sighs, and it seems like she’s genuinely feeling bad about the news. It’s the first time I’m hearing that an entertainment company, I assume, tried to recruit him before? I wonder why he didn’t accept it. It could have been such a good opportunity.

Unless … this is about his birth mother.

“So, what do you do now? I honestly can’t even imagine you doing something else aside from music, you loved it so much.” She then asks.

Baekhyun glances at me and for a quick second, our eye contact makes his smile a bit genuine but when he looks at the teacher again, his Adam’s apple moves a few times. “I’m a bartender, ma’am.” He answers.

It’s easy to catch the reluctance behind Mrs. Yang’s smile and it makes me feel very protective over Baekhyun but my body refuses to react to what I’m feeling. “Ba—bartender? Wow … is it fun? Did you go to school for that? How long does the course take? Sorry, I don’t know any bartender.” She laughs.

“Oh, uhm, it’s just a short-term certification training and you know, alcohol and foodservice certification is required too. But no ma’am, it’s not really like a … school kind of thing.” Baekhyun explains while laughing along with her. “I actually—I actually didn’t go to university.” He adds as if he knew that question would eventually come up next.

Mrs. Yang gasps loudly and covers . “May I ask why? You passed the entrance exam and you were accepted in all the universities you applied to, wh—what happened?”

When someone says, “May I ask why?” would they actually respect it and not take it personally if the other person answers, “No, you may not.” or would they just keep pushing until they get an answer?

I always wonder about that. Because if it was me she’s asking … I’d definitely say no.

“Oh, just—” Baekhyun hesitates while waving a nonchalant hand. “—I just got busy with other stuff, I had to focus on work, ma’am. That’s it but it’s all good, I’m happy right now with what I’m doing. Bartending is really fun for me.” He explains open-endedly.

He’s lying. I know that he’s not happy with what he’s doing. But it’s like … it’s the only way to end this interrogation. Or is it?

“Sorry, we have to go.” I blurt out. Holy crap, I didn’t mean to make it sound so rude. The tightness in my chest eventually became unbearable and I just … had to do it.

As expected, Mrs. Yang looks at me with a pursed mouth. “Oh, sorry—I’m sure you have somewhere to be, it wa—it was nice to see you, Baekhyun! And, uh, you—Soobin, right? Give my regards to Hanbin, okay? Tell him to visit the school too.” She smiles but it’s not the same kind of smile she gave Baekhyun the whole time.

I don’t really care but it still makes me feel anxious and all.

After bidding a proper goodbye to the old teacher, we excuse ourselves and proceed to make our way to the library. There is a fleeting yet cold silence between us as we walk until Baekhyun speaks. “I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce you properly as my girlfriend, I didn’t think it was an issue if it

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Chapter 46: I never knew Hanbin had such a sad backstory… that explains it all ..
Chapter 4: ahhshshdhdhd kyungsoo is so funny good lord
Chapter 1: why does the blue shirt baekhyun reminds me of blue shirt baek during lotto 😣😣😣😣
it seems like a good story from reading the foreword aaaa so excited to start read it!!
Chapter 41: Ughhhhh!! The last line!!! My insides are asdfhkl
Chapter 55: I’M TOO AUTISTIC FOR THIS OMG I CANT STOP LAUGHING WHAT— I just-I don’t even know how to start here but MAN I LOVED THIS STORY SO DAMN MUCH. I’m literally crying right now, I’m so stupidly happy for these two I cannot stop smiling/sobbing like a crazy . Honestly tho, this story’s probably the best one I’ve read in this site or maybe it’s just that I’m old now and I can relate with these ed up characters so damn much I feel like hugging them and telling them they did great and deserve the world— I don’t know anymore, I’m just absolutely in love with these characters and their relationship man. And I’m sorry for the long -messy comment but I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful ride and let you know you did an amazing job here. The plot, the character’s personalities, their chemistry and funny/cute interactions… this was perfect, my heart can’t be fuller.
Chapter 2: Did you receive any of Jaehyun's letters yet, Otornim?
Chapter 1: Poor Soobin. It's not you, girl, not you.
Ah, another well-tended story. That was truly satisfying.