April Rain

Flirt 'n Flair
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My chest has been swelling with pure anxiety for the past two weeks.

Something tells me that Soobin did hear what I said in the car. And that something is her sudden distance, physically and emotionally. She has been avoiding me since that night. I think I really ed everything up this time.

I should be relieved.

Maybe this is her non-verbal way of saying she doesn’t need lessons anymore and that she’s rejecting my accidental love confession. my life, as always. Like right now, I am watching from the bar as Soobin heads out of her office. She walks over to Kyungsoo who is talking to one of the hostesses at the front. I glue my gaze at her as she walks past the bar.

No ing eye-contact, no word, no nothing.

I drop my head against the counter as I press the glass, I am wiping dry against my tummy. “ .” I hear myself whisper under my breath. I would rather she tell me straight up that she heard it and she’s rejecting me.

I have a feeling that she knows and she just doesn’t know how to react to it, let alone act around me after hearing my confession. That sounds more like Choi Soobin.  

But it doesn’t make it better for me. Why does she have to be so difficult?


I instantly stand tall upon hearing and feeling the thudding sound right on top of my head, on the counter. It’s Kyungsoo. I look at him and I don’t even bother to fake a smile. “What do you want now?” I ask. I genuinely did not mean to say it like that but I’m just so irritable today.

this .

“Don’t get snarky with me. Don’t slack off like that just because it’s a slow gloomy day, there are still customers who can see you.” He tells me quietly but in a very firm bossy way.  “Don’t get snarky with me, da da da.” I mimic his tone while rolling my eyes.

Kyungsoo throws his arms up in the air as if he had surrendered. “Are you being difficult because of the nasty weather or because Soobin’s been avoiding you?” He asks me. My eyes widen as I quickly look in Soobin’s direction at the front desk, still talking to the hostess.

I fake a laugh. “Wha—what do you mean avoiding, she’s not avoi—” My short-lived persistence ends and I hurriedly crush against the counter to lean closer to him. “She’s really avoiding me then? Why? Did she tell you anything?” I whisper firmly.

My boss tilts his head on one side before folding his arms across his chest. “I work with the two of you every day. I don’t need to hear anything from either of you to know something’s up. Like I said, I see things.” He tells me.

I quickly lean away the counter and look away. “Well then you probably need glasses because you’re seeing the wrong things. It’s about time. Aren’t you fifty?”

Once I see him grabbing the towel hung on his shoulder, I hop away from his reach. I randomly grab one of my cocktail shakers to aim it at his direction if he ever tries to whip me with that god damn towel again. “Don’t you dare hit me with that again. I’m just about done with it; I will burn the crap out of that towel once I get my hands on it.” I threaten him.

Just then, Soobin walks our way.

She stops right beside Kyungsoo, in front of me, but continues to avoid my eyes. “Chef, I’ve discussed the vacation request of Dohee with Haesoo. I’m going to discuss it next with Sora tomorrow and then we can arrange the temporary shifts for them while Dohee’s away.” She tells him.

“Okay, that’s good. How are you Soobin? Let’s chat here. We can chat right? It’s not like you’re avoiding me, right?” Kyungsoo leans an elbow on the counter and smiles down at her.

Is this motherer serious?

“Of course not, Chef. I’m great, what’s up?” Soobin smiles at him and I feel my whole body crashing down against the cabinet behind me. , I wish she’d ask me what’s up as well and smile like that. It’s her work smile but I’d take anything at this point.

I hope he is helping me right now. I hope he tries to join me in the conversation or something. Anything. I will take ing anything!

Kyungsoo slyly gazes at me before focusing back on Soobin. “How’s your parents? Are they well? Why don’t you bring them here one time?” He then asks. Okay, that doesn’t help me at all. I think it's safe to say that this jerk is just annoying me on purpose at this point. “Anyway, Baekhyun could also—” My eyes lit up when I heard my name get mentioned.

But then the motherer paused and looked down to his watch. “Oh wait, I forgot I needed to watch cat videos in the office to stress-relieve but mostly just to have a reason to walk away and piss someone off right now. So, never mind. Nice chat! Get back to work, everyone.” He waves a hand at Soobin before looking at me. “Everyone includes you.” He mouthed at me before walking away with an obviously smirk on his face.

“,” I say under my breath before looking at Soobin. “Hey.” I try my luck once again, like every single day for the past two weeks. “It’s raining hard outside, it’s disgusting, right? But at the same time, it’s a perfect weather to be in bed all day.” I add with an awkward snort. That chuckle was not supposed to come out like that. I totally sounded like a pig. Oh my god, I am falling apart right before her.

She barely turns to me to give me a small nod before rushing back to her office.

What the ?

“Okay, this is—I can’t do this anymore,” I say out loud, not caring if she heard me, or if anyone else heard me. I lift the counter and stepped out of the bar. I follow her in the office and she jumps when she realizes my presence.

And the motherer, Doh Kyungsoo, is actually in there on Soobin’s computer watching mothering cat videos. I thought he was kidding. “Chef, sorry but I need to work. You said to get back to work.” Soobin awkwardly stands behind the office chair as she waits for Kyungsoo to move away.

Kyungsoo leisurely leans all the way down on the reclining chair before looking over his shoulders. “Okay but Soobin, I said I need to stress-relieve with cat videos, right? So why don’t you do me a favour and find another task to do. Like uh—I don’t know, yell at employees who are slacking off, maybe.” He scratches his neck and I can tell he’s just ing with both of us at this point.

The confusion in poor Choi Soobin’s face as she looks at our boss. It’s priceless.

Kyungsoo suddenly points at me. “He’s always slacking off. Yell at him.” He then turns back to the computer screen where a cat is unsuccessfully trying to jump on a shelf. Okay, now … I don’t know if he’s trying to help us or he’s still ing around.

If he’s trying to help then it’s not working. And it’s a stupid idea, overall. He’s very lucky he’s talented in cooking. That head of his is ing empty.

I sigh heavily. “Or maybe you get out and let me handle this myself.”

Surprisingly, Kyungsoo stands up, grabs a protein bar from the drawer, and walks to the door. “Yell at him. Make him cry for me, please. Oh, and film it.” He pats Soobin on the shoulder making her flinch. I give him a dirty look as he heads out of the office.

Soobin walks to her desk and closes the window of the cat video. I take a few steps back until I am leaning against the closed door. “You can go back to your work, I won’t yell at you, don’t worry. I think—I think he’s joking, maybe. I will check later if he’s serious but don’t worry for now, you can go.” She briefly says without any eye-contact. That’s the longest sentence she has ever said to me in two weeks.

My shoulders droop as I look at her.

This is hurting me. A ing lot.

“He’s obviously messing around, Soobin. I ju—” I press my thumb and index finger across my temple as I turn away. “Can we talk? You’re freaking me out. Are you sure you didn’t hear anything that night when—”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“My phone. I forgot my phone. Can I come in?” I hear Kyungsoo’s voice from the other side of the door. He suddenly tries to open the door but I held the knob tightly. “No, don’t you dare come back in. You’re just pissing me off on purpose now. And stop eavesdropping!” I yell while we fight for the door.

I see Soobin holding a phone that

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Chapter 46: I never knew Hanbin had such a sad backstory… that explains it all ..
Chapter 4: ahhshshdhdhd kyungsoo is so funny good lord
Chapter 1: why does the blue shirt baekhyun reminds me of blue shirt baek during lotto 😣😣😣😣
it seems like a good story from reading the foreword aaaa so excited to start read it!!
Chapter 41: Ughhhhh!! The last line!!! My insides are asdfhkl
Chapter 55: I’M TOO AUTISTIC FOR THIS OMG I CANT STOP LAUGHING WHAT— I just-I don’t even know how to start here but MAN I LOVED THIS STORY SO DAMN MUCH. I’m literally crying right now, I’m so stupidly happy for these two I cannot stop smiling/sobbing like a crazy . Honestly tho, this story’s probably the best one I’ve read in this site or maybe it’s just that I’m old now and I can relate with these ed up characters so damn much I feel like hugging them and telling them they did great and deserve the world— I don’t know anymore, I’m just absolutely in love with these characters and their relationship man. And I’m sorry for the long -messy comment but I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful ride and let you know you did an amazing job here. The plot, the character’s personalities, their chemistry and funny/cute interactions… this was perfect, my heart can’t be fuller.
Chapter 2: Did you receive any of Jaehyun's letters yet, Otornim?
Chapter 1: Poor Soobin. It's not you, girl, not you.
Ah, another well-tended story. That was truly satisfying.