Blue Lagoon

Flirt 'n Flair
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I am furious by the fact that I had to contaminate Choi Soobin’s scent on my body with another woman’s—my only client of the day. Now, all I smell is a strong floral scent that strongly lines through my nostrils all the way up to my head. God damn, that woman bathed in perfume. I hate it when they do that. I feel that it’s very inconsiderate to other people around her.

Funny thing though, I think I’ve smelled this same exact scent from multiple clients before.

Must be a famous perfume then. 

But that’s not my point. My point is … there are no tracks of Soobin left on me anymore and I hate it. Not that it was anything strong, to begin with. But it’s her. That’s a big enough deal for me to fret about.

I massage my lower back as I wait for the elevator to open. I’m back home and I just need to wash up to get ready for my bartending shift. Today, Soobin is not at work and a part of me is relieved. I don’t know how I’d react if we had to work together today after doing that. After I’ve felt her the way that I did today. The way that I’ve touched her. And the way that I’ve pleasured her. It didn’t feel like real life and I didn’t mind staying in that beautiful reverie.

But I didn’t. I couldn’t.

I mean, obviously, we’d have to work together tomorrow and deal with this feeling all over again but all I’m saying is that this little time apart gives me some space to at least … calm the down first before I have to see her again.

Otherwise, I don’t know what I’d end up doing. On-shift.

When I arrive home, Jaehyun is alone but I hear his loud noises. I quickly hang my jacket and drop my duffle bag on the floor before rushing through the corridor. Oh, right. Dad texted me that he needed to pick up the refills for their medication at the pharmacy. It’s a quick walk from here so he should be back by the time—

“Bud! Ice cream—Dad says he gets me ice cream, Bud. Dad is not back yet? Dad is not back yet, Bud. Dad says he gets me ice cream. Bud!” I get welcomed by a firm grip on my tensed shoulders and my brother, who is, by the way, a few inches taller than me, starts shaking me back and forth. “Jaehyun, calm down—he’ll be back with your ice cream if he promised you.” I try to calm him down but he cries even more and starts head butting me hard until I am crushed hard against the front door.

He starts screaming in my shirt while he stomps from side to side. “Ssh—it’s okay, he’ll be back, Jaehyun. Listen to me—listen to me—” I try to pull away from his grip so that I can hold him down but his frustration is showing in his strength at the moment. So, I decided to just hug him. He wraps his arms around my neck but then starts whipping me with his knuckles right on my upper back.

I wince in pain as I continue to rub his back. “He’ll be back, he probably just bumped into some neighbours and got distracted with chatting, bud. He’s—Let’s go here and sit, hm?” I successfully pulled one of my hands away so I press it on top of his head as I push him towards the living room.

I encourage him to sit but he doesn’t let go of my sweater and I can feel his fingers tightening more and more on the fabric until I feel it all stretched out around me. “Bud, I have to get ready for work. Let go of me now, please?” I tell him. His strength wins over me again and my hand on his head slips away.

“Ready for work. Work. Work. Work. Bud, I have to get ready for work. I need my ice cream. Bud, I need my ice cream. Dad says he gets me ice cream.” He continues to ramble while bumping his head against my chest, hard enough to actually hurt me every single time he does it.

I take in a deep breath before I start singing. “There are three bears in a house. Father bear. Mommy bear—” He finally let go of my sweater but before I could move away, he starts pounding his palms on my chest hard like I’m a bongo. “—and Baby bear. Daddy bear is chubby! Mommy bear is slim! Baby be—” I unwillingly stop singing when he covered my mouth and nose with both hands.

“Hm, hm, hm—” I tap his arms firmly while I try to peel off his hands. “Jaehyun, please. You’re hurting me.” I muffle in his palm as I try to yank him off of my face.

He eventually let go of me only to proceed to tapping his palms on his ears and vigorously shaking his head. I flick my tongue in frustration as I rake a hand through my hair. “Jaehyun, he’ll be back with your ice cream. You have to wait. Okay, do you understand me? You have to wait.” I speak with finality.

He twirls a couple of times before grabbing a nearby stool and slamming it across the floor. I watch him do it a couple of times before throwing it and moving towards the wall himself. I immediately catch on to what he’s about to do so I chase him. He starts banging his own head against the wall and on the third hit, I slip my own hand in between his head and the wall so that he doesn’t get hurt.

I squeeze my eyes shut tightly as I endure the pain while he continued doing it while screaming and making random noises. “Bud, calm down. Dad will be back soon, believe me.” I stay as calm as possible as I spit out words of encouragement that I know he probably could barely hear at the moment.

I sigh in relief when he finally stops banging his head on the wall—more like my bare palm—and turns around me. “Jaehyun, it’s ok—” He holds onto my arms and begins pinching me hard and I fight back by placing a palm on his head again. “That’s not nice—you’re hurting your bud, Jaehyun. I’m serious now.” I frown as I look him straight in the eyes.

He only screams louder as he flops down to the ground and switches his attention to my feet. “Ice cream—ahhhhh! Daaaad!” He grunts in a very low tone before whipping his frustrations on my feet and legs while I try to take long steps backwards to dodge his hits.

I close my eyes to suppress myself from blowing up as I hold his head down again. Then, I grab him in both arms to try and pull him up but failed when he leaves all of his weight down until I eventually fall with him. This action then triggers him to start knocking his head right on the floor so I quickly did the same thing as earlier and slid my hand right in there so he doesn’t injure himself.

“Oh my god, dad. Where are you.” I muffled under my breath as I wince in pain.

Finally, the front door opens and my father gets immediately aware of what is happening. He could probably hear it from outside.

“Oh no. Byun Jaehyun, dad is back. Come here. You’re hurting your brother! Stop it.” As soon as Jaehyun hears his voice, he switches all of his attention to our dad and runs to him. I collapse down to the ground while staring at my very red right hand. I catch my breath as I watch my father hug my brother down. He continues to scream on his chest but I could tell that he was slowly calming down.

“Where’s the ice cream?” I mouth at him.

“I forgot about it, I got distracted by Mr. Jang outside.” My father mouths back and I sigh heavily. I knew it. I know him so well. Without saying anything more, he tries his best to drag the tall tree—I mean, Byun Jaehyun towards the bedroom. “Don’t worry about it, this silly boy would be so tired from his meltdown he’d prefer to sleep in a couple of minutes,” Dad says before closing the door of the bedroom.

it, I’ll get the ice cream myself then.

I grab and wear my jacket before heading out. I take out my phone to call Kyungsoo because I already know that I’ll be at least half an hour late. As I walk out of the building, I feel the familiar cold breeze hit my reddened face.

“Hello? Chef, I think I’m gonna be late for my shift today. Something came up at home—ah, maybe half an hour? I will try not to make it half an hour but I don’t know, it depends on the traffic. I’m sorry.” I walk to the snowy path while having my other free hand inside the pocket of my jacket.

Which I belatedly realized was empty.

“Oh, nuggets—” I yank my hand out and start patting the pockets of my pants. Also, nothing. “—no, I didn’t mean you, chef. No, I was just—” I stop walking and look behind me for some reason. Obviously, I don’t see any wallet on the ground. I would have felt it falling. “Okay, thank you, chef. Yes, chef. Yes, chef. I am aware that it’s just a five-hour shift toda—don’t guilt-trip me, I’m not having it with you today, Bilbo. Yes, chef—what, no, I’m not gonna be late because I’m scared of the blizzard—what is your brain made of, a walnut? Something just came up, I swear. I’m not lying … okay, bye.” I end the phone call as quickly

There’s gonna be a blizzard today? What the ? It’s way too late in the season to have it at all and we’re in the ing city where it rarely even snows that hard.

Or is he bullting me right now? He tends to do that when he’s pissed at me. Well, too bad. I can’t help this situation.

I turn around to walk back to my building. I must have dropped it somewhere in the apartment. Maybe when I hung the jacket? As I reach my building, I was honked at by a car that is parked by the side of the road. “What the f—” Before I could even frown, I quickly realize the familiar white snow-covered sedan.

It’s Choi Soobin’s car.

Oh god, I’m not ready to see her just yet. I need several hours to move on.

She steps out of the vehicle and I compose myself as best as I can. “Oh, hey. What are you doing here?” I hesitantly smile as she comes my way. “Hello. I was trying to call you but your line was busy. I don’t usually come uninvited but I had to give you your wallet. You dropped it at my dining room.” She stretches one arm towards me and I see my wallet wrapped around her pale slender fingers.

Those fingers that I kissed one by one. Those hands that fit so perfectly with mine while she moans against me. I swallow hard to work on a big smile as I grab the wallet from her. I successfully take the wallet without making any contact with her skin. Otherwise, it’s game over—

“I should be polite and greet your father and Jaehyun before I leave then.” She says with a straight tone. Her expression tells me that she is just as freaked out as I am at the moment. And that’s why she looks emotionless. I know her well enough to see that.

The only difference between us is that I’m probably showing a lot of emotion in my expression right now but I am praying that she doesn’t catch on it. This is one of those times that I’m grateful she’s not the best at picking up signals and moods.

I scratch the back of my neck. “This is probably not good timing. Jaehyun’s having a bit of a tantrum. Actually, I’m on my way to get ice cream for him and then

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Chapter 46: I never knew Hanbin had such a sad backstory… that explains it all ..
Chapter 4: ahhshshdhdhd kyungsoo is so funny good lord
Chapter 1: why does the blue shirt baekhyun reminds me of blue shirt baek during lotto 😣😣😣😣
it seems like a good story from reading the foreword aaaa so excited to start read it!!
Chapter 41: Ughhhhh!! The last line!!! My insides are asdfhkl
Chapter 55: I’M TOO AUTISTIC FOR THIS OMG I CANT STOP LAUGHING WHAT— I just-I don’t even know how to start here but MAN I LOVED THIS STORY SO DAMN MUCH. I’m literally crying right now, I’m so stupidly happy for these two I cannot stop smiling/sobbing like a crazy . Honestly tho, this story’s probably the best one I’ve read in this site or maybe it’s just that I’m old now and I can relate with these ed up characters so damn much I feel like hugging them and telling them they did great and deserve the world— I don’t know anymore, I’m just absolutely in love with these characters and their relationship man. And I’m sorry for the long -messy comment but I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful ride and let you know you did an amazing job here. The plot, the character’s personalities, their chemistry and funny/cute interactions… this was perfect, my heart can’t be fuller.
Chapter 2: Did you receive any of Jaehyun's letters yet, Otornim?
Chapter 1: Poor Soobin. It's not you, girl, not you.
Ah, another well-tended story. That was truly satisfying.