
Lo siento

Joohyun tried to cover her face with her scarf as much as possible. There weren't many artists in the building today but she was embarrassed. As she headed to the elevator, she was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Joohyun-ah!" It was Junmyeon. What should I do?  She panicked. She decided to just say hi to him.

"Oh hi Junmyeon. I thought you were practicing on the fifth floor."

"I am, but I had to talk to my manager first and he was on this floor so... Wait, are you crying??" He realized.

"... No. I'm not."

"Yes you are! Why? Did something happen with Hyukjae hyun??" 

"No it's fine. We just had an argument that's all."

"But you guys seemed really happy just now. What happened?"

"... He was making a big deal out of... He got jealous..."

"Jealous??? Of me???" She nodded. He let out a sigh. 

"It's not your fault so it's fine. I don't know why he's making a big deal out of it." She said trying not to concern him. 

"Did you tell him that we were... that we dated?"

"Yeah, accidentally. But I told him that we didn't have any feelings anymore." He swallowed. He knew she didn't have feelings for him, but what about him? No, you can't, she is in a relationship now. It's different now. 

"But he was still mad. I don't know how... how to talk to him about things like this." She continued. 

"I would help if there was anything I could do for you."

"Thank you. But I'll try to solve it myself." She smiled a little. Her smile hit him. I used to love her so much. But she moved on, I should too. 

"I'll get going now. Thank you for comforting me. It's nice to talk to you again like this."

"Yeah. You know you can contact me anytime. If you want."

"Thanks, Jun."

She got on the elevator. She closed her eyes. All the memories came back to her mind. How he confessed to her with a rose in his hand, how they had their first kiss in the practice room, how they first made love to each other, how they were suddenly falling apart because of their schedules. It wasn't easy for her to erase these memories. He was the first boyfriend that she had after debuting. She was relieved that she could still be friends and talk like this to him. It wasn't awkward. But he wasn't her boyfriend anymore. She didn't love him anymore. She had moved on. She loved Hyukjae. He knew how to make her laugh, he always listened to her whenever she had some concerns, he always looked at her so dearly, he was the kindest person that she had ever met. Though he was the dance machine of the group and was cool on stage, he was actually cute. He expressed his love towards her, was always affectionate to her. She liked that about him the most. Yet, they were fighting. He was making a big deal out of her ex-boyfriend. She wanted to just show him how much she loved him and how much she is thankful to him for always being on her side. 

She decided to go home. She needed to practice for the concert but she couldn't bring herself to do it at least for today. When she opened the door, she was greeted by Seungwan. 

"Unnie! You're early. We were just talking about whether we should go to SM to practice."

"Oh, sorry I should've stayed then."

"It's fine. We don't have much time anyway. We could practice tomorrow." Seungwan looked at her unnie closely. 

"Unnie, are you okay?? You look tired."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Unnie, you always say you're fine. Just tell me if you got something on your mind okay? I'm a great advisor actually!"

"Thank you Seungwan-ah." Joohyun went into her room. She checked her phone to see if there were any messages. There were none. 

She decided to try and not to think about it anymore. She lied on the bed looking at the ceiling. She thought about Hyukjae. What is he doing now? Is he regretting what he said? Why did he get so jealous? Does he think that I don't love him that much even though I really do? 

Tears came rolling down from her eyes. It had been long since she cried like this. She thought she could manage by herself, but she couldn't. She didn't know what to do. After letting out her emotions and wiping her tears, she opened the door of her room and headed to Seungwan's room. 

"I knew you would come." She smiled. "What's wrong? Did something happen with Hyukjae oppa?"

Joohyun nodded silently and tried to hold in her tears. She didn't like to let other people see her crying, even her close friend, Seungwan. Seungwan made her sit on the bed, and she sat beside her. 

"What happened?"

"Umm... So at SM, we accidentally bumped into Junmyeon." 

"Oh..." She replied as if she could guess the whole story. 

"Oppa got jealous even though we weren't friendly, just acting like friends or even colleagues. He was angry so at first, I lied that he wasn't my ex. But I accidentally said it anyway, which made him even madder." She sighed. "I just don't know why he's so mad. I mean it wasn't good to lie but what was I supposed to say?"

"Oh... I see. Can I just ask one question?"


"You're completely over him, right? Junmyeon oppa."

"Of course I am. I love Hyukjae oppa so much."

"Then why don't you just tell him that?"


"Just tell him that the person you love is him and not Junmyeon oppa."

"But how? I always tell him that I love him. Isn't that enough?"

"Men can easily get jealous. But that's just because he loves you so much. I think he is scared that you won't love him anymore. Tell him how much you love him and you'll be fine unnie."

"Really? Do you really think so? And I should make the first move?"

"Yeah. The faster the better. And besides, you were kind of at fault as well since you didn't tell him in advance..."

"Yeah... I guess... Oh god. Why does it have to be complicated! Agh."

"I guess it's a problem of someone who's dated a lot. Hahah..."

"Who? Me? I haven't dated many!! Junmyeon was my first boyfriend since I debuted! What are you saying?"

"Really? If that's what you say unnie." Joohyun tried to put on a pokerface. She didn't want to bring the memories back. Yes, she might have had a crush on some, but it never was an official thing. Now, she loved Hyukjae. She knew she had to amend what has been done. 

"Anyway, I'll do as you told me to. Thank you Seungwan-ah."

"Your welcome unnie." She laughed a little. She loved teasing her unnie. 

As Joohyun left her room, she texted Hyukjae. 

"Can we meet? Are you still at SM?" She was worried if he would text back. But he did, just seconds later.

"Yeah. I'm still in the practice room."

Joohyun made her way back to SM, telling her manager to drive fast as he could. When she arrived on the 7th floor, her heart was pounding like never before. Hyukjae was sitting on the floor when she opened the door. She sat on the couch where she could see him clearly but not too near. 

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I'm sorry for not telling you that he was my ex-boyfriend. I'm sorry he made you jealous. I just want you to know that the person I love is you, only you."

He looked at her with his teary eyes. She wanted to hug him but wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry too for getting mad. I shouldn't have made a big deal out of it. I was just scared that you would leave me."

"I would never leave you oppa. I love you." She went toward him and hugged him. He cried. It was the first time seeing him cry in her arms. 

"Why are you crying?" He tried to hold in his tears and answered. 

"It's just that I love you so much. SO much that sometimes I get scared. I'm really sorry. Miane..."

"Oppa. It's okay. I know how much you love me. I just hope that you know how much I love you too. Okay?"

"Yeah..." He started to sob even more.

"Why are you crying that much?" She went to the table and got the tissue box for him. It was kind of funny seeing him like this. He always acted mature like an older boyfriend would do and didn't really show his weak side. It was new. When he got around, she captured his lips. It was warm and loving. She didn't want to let it go and neither did he.















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apricotty #1
I hope you guys like it!!!