Seoul Music Awards 2018

Lo siento

Joohyun woke up, realizing she had overslept. It was 7 o'clock. She didn't have a schedule, but she had to go practice the dance of Bad Boy with her members, so she had to go back to her dorm before they woke up. She ordered a cab on her phone. She untangled his arm from her chest, and went to the bathroom. After she washed up, she got dressed. As she was dressing herself, Hyukjae hugged her from behind. 

"Don't go." Hyukjae said. "Yesterday was amazing. We should do this often." 

"Yeah. We should." She said laughingly and broke off the hug. . "But I have to go now. My members will get suspicious." 

"You still haven't told them yet?" 

"Not all the members. I only told Seulgi, but I feel like Yeri knows. But I don't want them to think that I spent a night with you."

"You should tell your members soon. They will find out sooner or later."

"Yeah, maybe I should."

Hyukjae then quickly went to wash up. As she checked her schedule, she realized that the next time they could meet may be at Seoul Music Awards. It was the first time for them to be seen together, but only that they didn't know about them. 

"Oppa, Seoul Music Awards is coming up. What should we do?"

"What do you mean? As long as we don't make the fans get suspicious, it'll be fine."

"So I can't see or talk to you or sit beside you then?"

"That might be awkward too though. I guess sitting at the same table would be fine as long as other members are sitting together too.  But don't make an eye contact for long." Hyukjae . 

"It's you that would do things like that. I'll be fine." Hyukjae raised an eyebrow at her but she didn't notice. 

"Okay, I should really get going now. I think the cab is here." She said as she checked her phone.

"You ordered a cab? I could've taken you home."

"No it's fine. I think we really need to be careful from now. I really don't want to get caught by Dispatch or something."

"Yeah that's true. You guys still have a lot of potential. I don't want to be the reason for ruining that."

"Yes, I'll try to be careful. We can meet more often at SM or tell my manager to take me here from now on. Okay?"

He nodded. They headed towards the front door. As they said goodbye, he hugged her once again. He broke the hug and kissed her. She responded. They finally broke off and she got into the cab. 

When she made her way into her dorm, she was nervous. She didn't want them to think that she wasn't taking her job seriously. Luckliy, nobody was awake yet and she sneaked into her room. She changed into new clothes and ate breakfast. Then Yerim came in. 

"Oh hi Unnie. Why didn't you come home yesterday?" Joohyun tried not to choke on her food. 

"Oh umm I had dinner at Hyukjae Oppa's house and I had too much wine and fell asleep."

"Oh really now?? Okay if that's what you say." Yeri giggled and sat in front of her. 

"So when are you going to tell us officially?" 

"Oh, you already know right?" She nodded. "I don't know, I should tell you guys soon right?" She nodded again, excitedly.

"I'll tell you guys when we finish the dance practice today." 

"Ohhhh so it's serious huh?" Yerim was the maknae but she was experienced. 

"Yeah it is." She said trying to be blank faced. 

"Okay, then I'm looking forward for it today." 

Joohyun had finished her breakfast by then, and went back to her room. 

When they finished the dance practice and came back to their dorm, it was time for Joohyun to tell them about her relationship, officially. She wasn't used to doing things like this. She dated before but none were serious. This time, she felt like she really needed him in her life. As they sat around the table in the living room, she finally said,

"I'm seeing someone." Joy and Wendy were shocked as they had no idea.

"What?!?! Who? When?"

"Umm Hyukjae Oppa and from a month ago." The two were surprised yet they kind of agreed why she chose him. 

"Congratulations Unnie! We're happy for you." As the two looked around, they noticed the other two were smiling.

"Wait you guys knew about this?? That's so unfair!!" Joy cried. 

"Sorry I couldn't tell you guys sooner. I just needed time. I only told Seulgi but Yeri just happened to know it already." She laughingly said.

"It's okay." Wendy said.

"Unnie, details???" Yeri finally spoke.

"Why?? What do you want to know??"

"How did you confessed to each other and have you done it? or not...?!" Yeri laughed it off.

"Pabo!!! I'm not gonna say anything. I just want to tell you that I'll really be careful not to get caught. I won't cause trouble for Red Velvet. And thank you for supporting me."

"Yeah. We are happy for you Unnie." 

Joohyun was relieved that her members were supportive. It wasn't the first time they had a gathering like this. Seulgi was unexpectdly the first one to confess to them that she was in a serious relationship. It was with Jimin. All members supported them. As Seulgi didn't have any experience in love before, she consulted Joohyun whenever something happened. 

She went into Seulgi's room. 

"Have you texted him?" She asked.

"Yeah, he said we could talk at the backstage of the award show next week. He's been really busy."

"That's a relief. You should tell him how you still feel about him okay? Otherwise you won't get a second chance."

"Yeah okay. But I'm a bit worried. Did you have experience like this? Like getting back together?"

"Umm yeah. But you two just fought right? Just make up, and you'll be fine."

"Yeah I guess. Thank you Unnie. Oh, how was your date???" Seulgi asked curiously. 

"It went fine." Seulgi smiled. 

"Fine?? Really Unnie??" 


"Okay, if that's what you say." 

"Okay I'll get going now."

"Oh wait Unnie. I just want to ask you something." Joohyun sat down again. 

"You know I've never experienced IT... How is it like?? Does it hurt? What do I have to bring?" Joohyun could judge from her tone what she was talking about.

"Why are you asking me this now?"

"You know, just in case it happens in the future."

"Well I don't really remember. It was such a long time ago. It always hurts a little but you'll get used to it. It'll be fine. Oh but bring pills in case you know he doesn't use it. But if he's always like that, break up with him okay? Your body should be the first thing you need to think about."

"Right. Okay. Thank you Unnie." "Your welcome."

Joohyun didn't really like to talk about things like this but she had to make sure her Seulgi would be safe around men. She knew how toxic men could be. 


After a few days, it was the day of Seoul Music Awards 2018. They performed Peek a Boo and Red Flavor, their hits. After that, it was time for awards. They were told to sit at the middle table, so they made their way there. Joohyun tried not to look obvious that she was searching for her boyfriend. Cameras were everywhere. Just when she pulled the chair, she could see Hyukjae coming towards her table. She couldn't help but tell him to sit next to her. Leeteuk also sat at the table as it had 2 empty seats. The members also tried hard not to look at the couple sitting together.

Joohyun was happy yet nervous at the same time because she was looking forward to seeing him but knew that the cameras were watching them. She tried hard not to look at him, but she failed. She accidentally looked at him and got embarrased, which was caught on camera. Hyukjae seemed to panick a little because he could see a camra facing towards them. But as time passed, they looked more natural.

When Super Junior got the award, Red Velvet all clapped for them, but Joohyun was the one who clapped the hardest. She couldn't stop smiling how her boyfriend achieved such a record after debuting for 13 years. She was proud of them. And when Red Velvet got the award, Hyukjae was proud of their dongsaengs but he tried not to show it on his face. Instead, he gave a high-five to Joohyun. Seeing that, Leeteuk felt like he also needed to do something to save them, so he also gave a high-five to her. Joohyun tried not to make a smile on her face and walked towards the stairs. Hyukjae couldn't stop but admire her beauty from the big screen when she was giving a speech. 

And the night ended. At the backstage, as soon as she saw Hyukjae, she smiled and bowed to him not to get suspicious. He told her to come to their waiting room in a whisper. She went there as he told her to do so, there was only Hyukjae, Leeteuk and Siwon in the room. 

"Hi Joohyun-ssi. Congratulations for your award and also for... you know. Congrats!!" Leeteuk said. Joohyun thanked him. 

"The time has finally come~~!!" Siwon sang out aloud. Making Hyukjae and Joohyun embarrassed.

"Okay enough, by the way, thank you for saving me today Hyung." Hyukjae said to Leeteuk.

"Oh no problem. I'll do anything for you guys!"

They were so supportive. They knew that the coupld had this thing from a long ago. Joohyun was glad that their members understood their relationship. 

"Thank you Leeteuk Oppa and Siwon Oppa. I'll get going now."

"Wait, Joohyun-ah." Leeteuk and Siwon read the room. They said they were going to buy a drink. Hyukjae thanked them. As soon as they went out, he hugged her. Tight. Joohyun also hugged him. It was difficult for them to be together but trying to not look at eachother to not make it obvious. 

"I missed you."

"I missed you too." 

Then they leaned in and their lips touched each other's. They were waiting for this moment. It was a delightful moment. Eventually they broke off the kiss.

"I'm sorry I looked at you and blushed. I couldn't help it." Joohyun being honest. 

"It's okay. It wasn't that awkward I don't think. It should be fine."

"Okay, I have to go now. Call you later?"

"Yeah, I'll call you as soon as I get home. Oh and good luck on your comeback!!!"

"Thank you Oppa. Oh and say thank you to Leeteuk and Siwon Oppa." And she went out. 

Her group's comeback was coming up. She was already busy, but she tried her best to find time and contacted him. She went back to her waiting room, got changed. In the car back to their dome, she whispered to Seulgi,

"How did it go?" and she gave a thumbs up replying to her. She was relieved that it all went well. 

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