Part 6





This day had been the worst. The absolute worst. It had started with Kyungsoo oversleeping, and it only went downhill from there.


Granted, his oversleeping had been his own fault, but in his defense his dreams about his beautiful boyfriend had been too sweet to wake up from.


So by the time he got to work, the morning rush had already started, everyone in the neighborhood coming in for their coffee. Right when it was the busiest, their delivery had arrived, hours too late, and they had been too busy to check if everything was in order. Once they finally got the chance to look at it more carefully, they found out that the company had delivered big sacks of salt, instead of sugar, which was a disaster. They were running out, and the weekend was coming, and a bakery could not function without sugar. So Kyungsoo had to call their supplier, and argue until they finally agreed to bring their correct order right away.


Then in the afternoon an entire class of high school girls had arrived, which was good for the bakery, but they were so noisy, and Kyungsoo already had a headache, and his coworker Baekhyun was completely useless once the place was filled up with short skirts - not that he was any better when the bakery was filled with attractive men, sometimes it just seemed that he liked everybody.


The delivery had arrived late in the afternoon, so by the time the bakery closed they hadn't nearly managed to prepare everything for the next day.



So it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when Kyungsoo finally managed to leave.


In the afternoon Sehun had sent him some texts, asking him to come over after work. At the time, Kyungsoo hadn't thought too much about it, but now when he read those messages again, they sounded serious.

'Could you please come by, directly after work?'

Normally Sehun didn't talk like that, so maybe there was something wrong.


Just as he approached the apartment building, he got another message.

'How far away are you?'

'I just arrived, I'll be up in two minutes.'

'Okay. Just come right in, it's open.'

That naturally made Kyungsoo even more worried, maybe Sehun was sick, and had been stuck in bed all day with nobody to take care of him. Which was especially unfair since as a nurse he was always taking care of other people.


On the way up the elevator, Kyungsoo was going through his messages, when he noticed a reminder he had ignored earlier. He silently cursed. Today was exactly three months since their first date, and Kyungsoo had been planning to buy roses on the way home, but in all the commotion he had completely forgotten and now it was too late. He cursed again. This really was the worst day ever.


Since Kyungsoo was worried about his boyfriend, he didn't even bother with going home and changing, but instead went directly to Sehun's apartment.


It was open, so he walked right inside. The light wasn't on, which made him worried, but as soon as he walked into the living room, his heart started beating ten times faster than normally.


In addition to the soft lighting from a lamp, there were candles all around, and a big bouquet of red roses. But the absolute showstopper was Sehun, leaning against the back of the couch behind him, wearing baby pink scrubs. Looking so soft, yet manly at the same time that Kyungsoo couldn't breathe.

“Hey, hyung.” He said sweetly.

“H-hey...” Kyungsoo swallowed, trying to keep his mind from focusing on bad thoughts, very, very bad thoughts. “Everything... okay?” He was absolutely frozen.

Sehun's pretty smile turned into a pout, and he folded his arms. “I... I was trying to seduce you. But I should have known you were just being nice. Scrubs aren't y.” He whined a little. “I feel so stupid.”

“No.” Kyungsoo moved closer. “You are... beautiful.” He stuttered awkwardly.

“I wasn't trying to be beautiful, I was trying to be y!” He pouted, but there was a slight shade of pink on his cheeks at the compliment, matching the scrubs perfectly.

“You are.” Kyungsoo internally cursed at his inability to express his feelings. “You... really... are.” To prove his point, he took Sehun's hand, and placed it over his chest. “Can you... feel how fast it's beating.”

For a second, Sehun felt him, cutely staring into the air with an open mouth, and then suddenly he giggled, and nodded.

Kyungsoo smiled too, and whispered:

“You are... so y.”

He gave his boyfriend a soft kiss on his precious lips, and then everything was good.


Holding onto Sehun's hands he backed slightly away so he could see him. The color was perfect, and the neckline was wide, showing off his collar bones, and even though Kyungsoo didn't understand how that was possible, Sehun's shoulders looked even broader than usually, and he was more handsome than ever.


“I thought you wore blue?” Kyungsoo asked, lightly biting down on his lower lip, not believing his luck that he got to see Sehun in more colors.

“We do.” His boyfriend said cheekily. “But I stole this from the maternity ward.”

“You... what?”

“I'll give it back, it's just... they remind me of the color of that first rose you gave me, and I was thinking that tonight...” Sehun's cheeks turned bright red. “...maybe I could be your rose....” He shyly glanced up.

“Lucky me.” Kyungsoo mumbled. “You are absolutely beautiful. Perfect.”


“Incredibly y.”

Although Kyungsoo could put Sehun's hand in a place that would prove how y he found him, he didn't want to be crude, so instead he kissed him.


After the kiss, Sehun giggled, and pulled him around the couch, so they could sit down in it.

“I bought wine.” He said, and opened up a bottle that was already on the coffee table next to two glasses, and a vase with red roses. “Happy three months anniversary!” He said, handing him a glass with a big smile, making Kyungsoo feel guilty.


“Sorry... I didn't buy you anything... I was going to but then...”

His sentence was stopped with a finger on his mouth.

“Tonight I'm going to take care of you hyung!” He smiled. “I'm sorry that work was so tough - but now I'm going to give you a massage. Your neck is too stiff. Turn around hyung.”


Although Kyungsoo should say that it was okay, and that he didn't need a massage, the thought of Sehun's fingers on his skin - any part of his skin, sounded heavenly. Too heavenly. So he turned his back to Sehun.


Soon, he could feel cool fingers, lightly rubbing the back of his neck. It felt good, and also surprisingly sensual. The thing was just that Sehun was wearing pink scrubs and taking care of him and it was all too much. So he just closed his eyes, and enjoyed the gentle rubbing on his neck, the feeling of stiffness softening, his stress slowly vanishing.


Sehun started rubbing his shoulder blades a little, but then he suddenly stopped.

“Hyung... maybe it's better that you take your shirt off... you know... for the massage.”

Kyungsoo looked back, and smiled at Sehun's suspiciously innocent expression. Probably his request had less to do with the massage, and more to do with Sehun wanting to see him shirtless. But that was okay. Kyungsoo liked that reason better, so he ed his shirt, liking the way Sehun bit down on his lip as he watched him.


Then his hands were on Kyungsoo's shoulders, rubbing him, softly at first, but then more firmly.

“You are... very good at this.”

“Of course I am.” Sehun said cheekily, but still giggled at the compliment. “I need to take good care of my boyfriend.” He said with such pride that Kyungsoo's heart melted.


Moving closer, Sehun gave him a soft kiss on the shoulder, first on the right one, then on the left, and it was so sweet that Kyungsoo couldn't resist and turned around.


Sehun's eyes opened up wider. Slowly, his hand moved closer, but right before touching the exposed chest, he looked up. Kyungsoo nodded, and then Sehun placed his hand on his chest.


It was too hot, so Kyungsoo kissed his boyfriend. Soon they were making out on the couch, and since Sehun's hand was roaming his chest, Kyungsoo couldn't resist and snuck under the scrubs, and started Sehun's side and his stomach, because touching him felt so good.


Things were getting hot and heavy, when Sehun broke the kiss. For a long moment, they just looked into each other's eyes and Kyungsoo smiled a little, to let Sehun know that he was happy, and because his boyfriend was beautiful.


For a moment, Sehun looked down, but then he met his eyes again.

“Hyung, I think I'm ready.

“Really?” Kyungsoo tried to keep his expectations in check, but his heart was already in overdrive.

“Mmh...” Sehun said with a cheeky smile, and stood up, dragging Kyungsoo up with him.


They were halfway to the bedroom, when he realized something.


“What?” Sehun pouted and it was irresistible.

“The candles.”


Kyungsoo pulled him along, back to the living room, because he didn't want to let go of Sehun's hand, even for a second. So they walked between the candles together, and blew them out one by one. Afterwards Kyungsoo pulled him closer for a short kiss, and then let himself be dragged to the bedroom.







Afterwards, Kyungsoo lay on his back, with Sehun on his chest and everything was perfect. In the moment it felt absurd that he had been worried and upset over things like wrong deliveries and loud customers. None of that mattered, compared to having someone so sweet and interesting in his life, someone so precious.


“Hyung...” Sehun muttered drowsily.

“Mmh?” Kyungsoo over his broad perfect back.

“Are you going to break up with me now... since we did that?”


“You promise?”


“Good.” Sehun purred a little, hugging him a little tighter. “Hyung?”


“I kind of have a confession to make...”


“I know it's a bit early but...” he hesitated, raising his head so they could look at each other. “...but I think I am falling in love with you.”

Kyungsoo's heart freaked out. To the point that he actually thought that he was having a heart attack so it was lucky that his boyfriend was a nurse.


It felt like his heart had wings, like all of him had wings and he was visiting a new and exciting fantasy land where everything was warm and soft. Kyungsoo was so shocked, that he barely managed to stutter back:

“Me too.” Then he finally managed to clear his mind up enough to clarify: “I am falling in love with you too.” Though the truth was that Kyungsoo had fallen for him a long time ago.


Sehun giggled, and kissed him, then he raised himself up, eventually standing up. His body was absolutely gorgeous, and Kyungsoo wished that he could stare at him forever. But his boyfriend had other plans.


“Common, hyung.” He said, pulling at Kyungsoo's hands.

“What?” Honestly he wasn't sure his legs would work so well right now.

“Since we did your fantasy with the scrubs it's only fair that we now do my fantasy!”

“In the shower?”


And then he let himself be dragged up. Sehun chuckled and gave him another kiss.

“I love you.” Kyungsoo blurted out quitely, and his boyfriend smiled so brightly that he fell in love with him all over again.

“Well... then you have to take... real... good care of me.” Sehun said brattily and pulled him to the bathroom.

And all Kyungsoo could do was wonder what he had done to deserve becoming the luckiest man in the world.















That's all!

Thanks so much for reading ♥♥♥






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I just finished reading again and I like it even more :))) such a lovely fic :33
Chapter 6: This was sooooo sweet. I can't even~
So sweet.
970 streak #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhh!
So sweet.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #4
Chapter 2: This is so innocently sweet.
I love how they bought flowers at the same time to give to each other. So cute.
Mistycal #5
Chapter 3: LMAO again but blushing Sehun??? I LIVE FOR THIS
Mistycal #6
Chapter 2: Apart from the obsession with scrubs, this is the cute sesoo content I needed :)
Mistycal #7
Chapter 1: Wow the supposed one-sidedness here is almost sad tho o.o
Chapter 6: oh ok.. this chapter was perfect ending of the story. they are so fluffy and sweet my heart is happy and full. thank you for sharing this:3
Chapter 6: aww the story is completed now? will miss this sesoo but def come back to reread. im gonna save this chapter for my time off work today yay :3
collin12 #10
Chapter 6: This story was super sweet and cute thank you <3