Part 4







The hospital was big and hectic, and honestly, a bit overwhelming. Luckily, Sehun had agreed to meet him on the ground floor, next to the gift shop.


Waiting there, Kyungsoo resisted the urge to buy him flowers. Sehun was working, so that would be weird.


Once more he checked for messages, and there was nothing new, just that same one from eight minutes ago.


As soon as Kyungsoo looked up, he saw him, approaching him with a big smile. Sehun's scrubs were light blue, and Kyungsoo's heart skipped a beat. It skipped all the beats.


“Hey, you came!” Sehun said brightly.

Kyungsoo's mouth didn't work, so he just nodded.

“Hyung, wanna see my ward before we go eat?”

Again he nodded, because that was all he could do.


On the way there, Sehun chatted about his day, and Kyungsoo sneakily peaked at him whenever he got the chance.


Light blue. Why hadn't he thought about that? That was really the perfect color, he now realized, manly, but soft. It fitted so incredibly well with Sehun's black hair and his fair skin, making him the most handsome man Kyungsoo had ever seen in his life. He loved how simple the cut was, it just emphasized how perfectly built Sehun was. It made him look even taller, his shoulders even broader, and the v-neck showing off a hint of his collar bones was the most tempting sight imaginable.


Completely unaware of Kyungsoo's inappropriate thoughts, Sehun led the way to the pediatrics ward.

As soon as they looked into a playroom, cute little voices started to yell:

“Nurse Sehun!”

Clearly they all loved him. And the few parents that were there, also seemed to love him, especially the mothers.



With a big smile, he greeted all the kids by name.

“He's my friend.” He explained proudly when the kids started to ask about Kyungsoo, and then added: “He's a baker.”

That was a big hit, and suddenly Kyungsoo was surrounded by a dozen little kids asking him if he knew how to bake a birthday cake, a cookie, a cinnamon bun, a donut, or candy.


Not sure how to explain that making candy wasn't exactly baking, Kyungsoo just said yes to everything, which was a mistake, because that just brought more questions, more children, until he was completely surrounded, kids pulling at his shirt, clinging to his legs, doing anything for attention.


Starting to panic, he looked helplessly up at Sehun, but he was just laughing at him, enjoying his misery. For a couple of minutes more, he let him suffer, but then he clapped his hands.


Like magic, all the kids dispersed.

“There, you have to be nice to Kyungsoo hyung if you want him to come visit again.”

The kids seemed to accept that logic, and after patting some of them on the head, and pinching a few cheeks, Sehun dragged Kyungsoo out of the room.


“They're very cute.” Kyungsoo said politely, once they were back in some hallway.

“Yeah, don't you think?” Sehun was practically beaming. “Sometimes they can be a handful, but they're so cute you immediately forgive them for everything.”

Kyungsoo imagined that getting mad at Sehun was equally impossible.


As they walked, Kyungsoo thought about how sweet Sehun had looked with those children. Even though it was too soon to think about things like that, he started imagining a future where he and Sehun would adopt a child together. Kyungsoo kind of wanted a kid, but he was also a little bit afraid of them. But if it was with Sehun it would be easier, since he was so good at this. And he would be such a good father, and look so incredibly handsome when he was holding the baby, and unbelievably cute when he was playing with it. Kyungsoo's chest felt warm.


Suddenly, Sehun grabbed his arm, stopping him. He had nearly bumped into some stairs. Looking up, they noticed that a very large man was getting something from the top shelf of an enormous cabinet.


“Hyung! What are you doing?” Sehun asked.

Kyungsoo's heart felt a little uncomfortable at hearing his date calling another man 'hyung' so easily.

“Ah! Sehun-ah!” He answered without even looking back, so obviously he knew him very well. “Take these.” He said, handing him some blankets.


Reaching up, Sehun's scrubs lifted up, and his belly button became visible. Only for a second, but it was enough to ruin Kyungsoo's sanity. It was just so damn cute, and y, long like the man himself, and Kyungsoo really wanted to touch his stomach. Just a little bit. Or a lot. Preferably a lot.


The big man stepped down from the stairs, holding even more blankets.

“What do you need all these for?” Sehun asked.

“The family staying with the kid in 304 is feeling cold.” He accepted the other blankets from Sehun, and then looked curiously at Kyungsoo.

“Oh... yes.” Sehun blushed a little. “This is Chanyeol hyung, my colleague, and good friend.” He then turned and added: “And this is... uh... Do Kyungsoo... my... neighbor.”

Neighbor? Only neighbor? This Chanyeol guy got to be a colleague and a good friend, but Kyungsoo was only a neighbor? That did not make him happy.


“Nice to meet you.” The big man said with a goofy grin.

“Nice to meet you too.” Kyungsoo replied, even though he was not sure that it was so nice.

This friend was very strong, very muscular, extremely tall and good looking, so it was hard not to wonder what kind of a 'friendship' these two had.

“Kyungsoo hyung is... uhhh.. joining me for lunch!” Sehun explained.

“That's nice.” Chanyeol answered with a broad smile which Kyungsoo wasn't sure if was genuine or not.

“Yeah.” There was a slight blush on Sehun's cheeks.

“I'll be down a little later, maybe I'll see you guys.” He offered happily, and Kyungsoo decided that he did not like this man.

“Yeah, maybe.” Sehun replied with a smile. “See you later.”



The cafeteria was hectic, and complicated, and Kyungsoo had no idea how anything worked. Following Sehun's lead, his tray was filled up with food, and then somehow everything was done.

“I... I... You didn't have to pay for me.” Kyungsoo stuttered awkwardly.

“No worries, it's easier that way.” He had paid with his employer card. “Besides, since you paid for the last date, it's only fair I pay for this one.”

Kyungsoo's heart jumped. This was a proper date?



They found a nice table by the window in the back, where it was slightly more quiet. Sitting opposite each other made Kyungsoo finally able to take in how beautiful Sehun was in his scrubs without being a creep about it. Just watching him like this felt amazing, and Kyungsoo was in such a good mood, that he was way more chatty than usual. Normally he didn't enjoy small talk so much, but any chance at making Sehun smile was worth it, a million times over.


They were both laughing, when Sehun suddenly looked up and waved. Looking back, Kyungsoo saw that Chanyeol guy. Just as he thought he was going to join them, he waved back and sat somewhere else. Maybe there was still hope for this guy. At least he knew how to take a hint. (Kyungsoo's glare had probably been slightly too harsh, but he didn't even care.)


Making his expression neutral again, Kyungsoo turned back to face Sehun again.

“So... have you... known him for a long time?”

“Yeah...” Sehun smiled broadly. “Ever since middle school.”

Since middle school?!? This was worse than he thought. Kyungsoo started to sweat.

“And then after high school, we decided to go to nursing school together. Or well, he's one year ahead of me because he's older.”


“Yeah, and actually...” Sehun's voice turned into a whisper. “...Chanyeol hyung was the one who made me realize that I was gay.”

Kyungsoo knew he was supposed to say something, but he just couldn't. Sehun was in love with this guy? And blatantly telling him this? That was so incredibly mean (and heartbreaking).

“It was because he was always talking about s so much! At first I thought there was something wrong with him, but then I kinda realized that it was me.”

“He's straight?” His voice sounded more desperate than he wanted to.

“Yeah. Very.” Sehun pointed to the desk where his friend was sitting. “See that woman over there?”

He nodded.

“His fiancé. She's a doctor, specializing in heart disease. Very nice, you should... meet her one day.”

Although he should be relaxed now, he didn't feel quite as relieved as he should. Naturally he was glad that this guy wasn't going to hit on Sehun, but he didn't really care about his feelings, he cared about Sehun's feelings. And it was simply not possible working next to a tall and handsome man wearing scrubs every day, without falling for him.


So even though it was petty he asked:

“Did you ever... have any feelings for him?”

“Why?” Sehun asked very cheekily. “Are you jealous?”

“Yes.” Kyungsoo deadpanned.

Gasping at the blunt answer, a pretty pink shade appeared on his cheeks and he giggled. Then he shook his head.


“He's kinda like my brother, so it's weird.”

“Not even once? He's quite handsome?”

And tall. Not to mention tall (even taller than Sehun!) But Kyungsoo didn't want to point that out too strongly, in case Sehun hadn't noticed that the height difference between his friend and Kyungsoo was half a person.

“Handsome? I guess...” Sehun shrugged. “But he's also an idiot, very loud and says the stupidest things... which makes him fun to hang out with, but is not very... y.” He smiled. “I guess he's just not my type... and you know, almost like my brother, so it's kind of gross.”

Kyungsoo was glad. He was very glad. “So does he know that you are gay?”

“Yes. I think he knew it before I did.” Sehun smiled broadly, but then turned shyer. “In fact... I... I told him about you.”

“You told him about our date?” Kyungsoo was practically beaming. If Sehun was telling his friends about them, that must be a good thing.

“Yes, about the date... and also... before that.”


“Yeah...” Sehun's eyelids fluttered a little as he looked down. “Actually, Chanyeol hyung was the one who convinced me I should just ask you out myself if I liked you so much... Which was why I bought the flowers.”

Kyungsoo had seriously misjudged this man, but more importantly:

“You like me?”

“Well.... yeah.” Looking up at him, Sehun was so sweet that it was torture not to kiss him.

“Me... too... I mean... I also like you.” He admitted (somewhat) boldly, and reached for Sehun's hand on the table, so he could touch him a little.


For a moment, they looked at each other and smiled, and Kyungsoo was just so incredibly happy that this beautiful and sweet human being liked him.


But there was one thing that was still bothering him.

“I know it's a bit early... Because we've only been on one date.” He started hesitantly.

“Two.” Sehun corrected him, holding up two fingers to make sure that he wouldn't forget the date that they were currently on.

“Two dates. But we've known each other a bit longer.” In some ways all of their walks together had been dates, or pre-dates at least. “So if you... want to introduce me as your boyfriend... I wouldn't mind.”

“You wouldn't mind?” Sehun asked with a big smile, squeezing his hand a little tighter.

Kyungsoo shook his head. “Actually... I would like that.” He really didn't want to be introduced as his 'neighbor' ever again.

“Okay.” Sehun answered eagerly, with a smile so bright that it sparkled. It literally sparkled. “But only if you introduce me the same way.”

“Okay.” Kyungsoo automatically smiled back, and didn't bother mentioning that he had started introducing Sehun as his boyfriend before they even dated.













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I just finished reading again and I like it even more :))) such a lovely fic :33
Chapter 6: This was sooooo sweet. I can't even~
So sweet.
970 streak #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhh!
So sweet.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #4
Chapter 2: This is so innocently sweet.
I love how they bought flowers at the same time to give to each other. So cute.
Mistycal #5
Chapter 3: LMAO again but blushing Sehun??? I LIVE FOR THIS
Mistycal #6
Chapter 2: Apart from the obsession with scrubs, this is the cute sesoo content I needed :)
Mistycal #7
Chapter 1: Wow the supposed one-sidedness here is almost sad tho o.o
Chapter 6: oh ok.. this chapter was perfect ending of the story. they are so fluffy and sweet my heart is happy and full. thank you for sharing this:3
Chapter 6: aww the story is completed now? will miss this sesoo but def come back to reread. im gonna save this chapter for my time off work today yay :3
collin12 #10
Chapter 6: This story was super sweet and cute thank you <3