Part 5










The stew started to boil, and Kyungsoo was turning down the heat on the stove when the doorbell rang. Instantly a smile spread over his face and he hurried to the entryway.


Sehun was standing in the hallway with a goofy smile, and two big bags of chips.

“Hey! I brought dessert.”

Kyungsoo let him in, and as soon as the door was closed, he reached up on his toes to give him a gentle, welcoming kiss.

Afterwards, Sehun giggled a little (like he often did), and looked so sweet that Kyungsoo wanted to hug him, and more. But he behaved.

“Dinner is almost ready.” He said, accepting the bags of chips, and then he led the way to the kitchen.


Once there, he put them into the cupboards, hoping that once they were out of sight they also would be out of mind.


“What's for dinner tonight?” Sehun asked, curiously looking into the pots.

“I'm trying a new recipe... Mexican stew. It's supposed to be very tasty.”

“Oh. Interesting.”

Kyungsoo smiled at Sehun's positive attitude.


The truth was, as Kyungsoo had found out over the past few weeks of dating, that his boyfriend was a picky eater. A very picky eater. Getting him to eat vegetables was next to impossible, unless they were cut into very tiny pieces, which was why Kyungsoo had liked this recipe.


His plan worked like a charm. Sehun ate plenty, without even realizing how many vegetables were in there. He even got a second helping, which was almost unheard of.


After dinner, once they got settled on the couch, Sehun didn't even mention the chips, so hopefully he had forgotten about them. Not that there was anything wrong with eating chips once in a while, but Sehun's diet seemed to be mostly only chips, pizza, ramen, and chocolate. So much chocolate. Kyungsoo just wanted him to eat healthy, nutritious meals that would give him plenty of energy for his demanding job, and make him live a long, healthy, and happy life. So he was relieved that Sehun had forgotten about the chips.


“Wanna watch a movie?” He suggested, because he wanted Sehun to stay over for longer.

When his boyfriend nodded, he just picked something at random. After getting some water for them, Kyungsoo sat down on the couch, right next to Sehun, so close that their thighs touched. Then he put his hand on his own thigh, keeping the palm open, and like he expected, Sehun's hand was soon there, holding his. Not only that, but as the movie got started, Sehun snuggled up to his shoulder.


It was such a good feeling, having him close, having a sweet and beautiful boyfriend to spend time with.


But as the movie progressed, Sehun started to get more restless. Kyungsoo noticed that this happened especially when the guy in the movie was making progress with his dream girl. At some point Kyungsoo started worrying that the movie he had chosen was too racy. But there was no real , and it was not like either one of them were s. Both of them were fully grown men, and this was just a commercial American movie, so probably he was reading too much into every single one of Sehun's moves.


But after the movie was over, his boyfriend was unusually quiet. Kyungsoo was about to ask if everything was alright, when Sehun beat him to it.

“Hyung... do you even like me?”

“Uh... Yes.”

“But... are you attracted to me... like... at all?” He pouted a little.

“Yes.” The question was absurd. “Why would you think I'm not?”

“Because...” Sehun whined. “In the movie the guy was always pushing the girl to do things, because he wanted her. But you never do anything... physical.”

“Do you...” Kyungsoo swallowed the excessive amount of saliva forming in his mouth. “...want our relationship to become more physical?”

“No.” His boyfriend replied harshly, but then added: “I mean... not yet.”

“Then... what is the problem?” He turned to face him so it would be easier to understand him.

“I don't know.” Sehun sighed and leaned back onto the couch, still holding onto Kyungsoo's hand. “I guess I'm being too selfish. I want you to understand that I need to take it slow... But I also want you to want me... you know... in that way.”

“Ah... I see.”

“I know. Too unreasonable!”

“You're not.” Kyungsoo shook his head. “Since you asked to take it slow, I don't push, and I don't mind waiting.” That sounded wrong. “I mean... I also like being with you... like tonight. I just really like... you.” He swallowed. “But I am attracted to you... in that way. And I do hope that someday, when we are both ready, we will become more... physical.”



“Do you ever... think about that?”


“Many times?” Sehun looked so hopeful that it was beyond adorable.


“Do you have... fantasies about me?” He smirked a little.

“Many.” So incredibly many.

“Tell me!”

“That's a bit... embarrassing.”

“Only one.” He whined with the cutest little pout, making him impossible to resist.

“Sometimes...” Kyungsoo started against his better judgement. “...I imagine that you are coming over, straight after work... and you're wearing your scrubs...”

“That's not y!” He complained. Clearly unhappy.

“This is my fantasy, and it is. Very.” Kyungsoo snapped back, mildly annoyed.

“Me? In scrubs? Do you... like that?”

“Yes.” Kyungsoo felt his ears getting red. “...So you come back from work, and you've been working hard and you're tired and...” He skipped the word 'needy' because that sounded bad. “...and you just want a lot of love and then we... you know.”

“That's so normal!” Sehun smiled broadly.

“Uh... yes?” Kyungsoo wasn't sure if his boyfriend was happy about it, or if he was making fun of him. “I just want you... normally?”

Sighing contentedly, this time it was clear that he liked it, though Kyungsoo wasn't sure why. But he was starting to get very curious about something specific.

“Do you... ever also... think about me... like that?”

“All the time.”

“All the time?” Kyungsoo's heart jumped around in his chest, completely out of control.

“Yes. Every time I... you know.” He looked down, his pretty eyelashes fluttering.

“Do you... also have a fantasy?”

“Ugh. So many.”


“Like, when I'm in the shower, I picture you there with me. And you're kissing me, and then you want to soap my body because you like me so much, and then... you know.”

“I... like that.” Kyungsoo smiled a little, thinking about the scenario in too much detail. “Do you mind if I borrow that?”


“Your fantasy... Can I think about it sometimes, when... I want to?”

Sehun nodded violently, with the broadest, most adorable smile ever to exist, that then turned into a bratty smirk. “But since it's my fantasy, then you have to do everything I want... and make sure to take real good care of me!”

“I promise.”

Sehun giggled, and then Kyungsoo couldn't resist any longer, and moved closer to kiss him.


Sehun's lips were so soft and cute, and it felt wonderful to kiss him. In fact, Kyungsoo was getting dangerously addicted to it. Both of them were a bit on edge after the conversation, so the kiss became a little deeper than normally, wetter, more needy, and Kyungsoo just loved to taste him. He couldn't wait until he would get to taste all of him.


After their make out session, Sehun was panting a little. He still had his arms around Kyungsoo's neck, while his hand was on Sehun's waist.


“Sorry... that I am not ready yet.”

“That's okay.” Kyungsoo said and he meant it.

“I want to be ready... but I just really like you.” Sehun tried to explain. “So I worry that if we do it... that maybe you'll just break up with me afterwards...”

“That's not...”

“Or that then you'll only want to do that, and nothing else. It's not that I don't like that... it's just... I also like this.” He said and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

“That is not going to happen.” Kyungsoo said sternly. “Because, I also like this. You. Us.”

With a big and beautiful smile, this time it was Sehun who reached for a kiss, and Kyungsoo's heart fluttered with how much he liked him.










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I just finished reading again and I like it even more :))) such a lovely fic :33
Chapter 6: This was sooooo sweet. I can't even~
So sweet.
970 streak #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhh!
So sweet.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #4
Chapter 2: This is so innocently sweet.
I love how they bought flowers at the same time to give to each other. So cute.
Mistycal #5
Chapter 3: LMAO again but blushing Sehun??? I LIVE FOR THIS
Mistycal #6
Chapter 2: Apart from the obsession with scrubs, this is the cute sesoo content I needed :)
Mistycal #7
Chapter 1: Wow the supposed one-sidedness here is almost sad tho o.o
Chapter 6: oh ok.. this chapter was perfect ending of the story. they are so fluffy and sweet my heart is happy and full. thank you for sharing this:3
Chapter 6: aww the story is completed now? will miss this sesoo but def come back to reread. im gonna save this chapter for my time off work today yay :3
collin12 #10
Chapter 6: This story was super sweet and cute thank you <3