Part 1






In complete silence, Kyungsoo leaned closer, pressed his ear against the front door and listened. He had already put on his shoes and jacket, and his bag was prepared and on his shoulder, everything was ready. But he didn't hear anything, apart from his own slow breathing.


Fighting against feeling disappointed, Kyungsoo reminded himself that he was early, there was still time.


Just as he was ready to give up, he heard a door opening, then the turn of a lock. Instantly, a smile spread over his face. Backing off, he took one breath, forced his face to become neutral, counted quickly to five and then opened up.


“Good morning.” His neigbor Sehun greeted him with a bright smile.

Kyungsoo was weak to that smile, so he didn't even try to resist it, and smiled back. “Good morning.”

Though the honest truth was that he was weak to most things Sehun. His laughter and his handsome face, his tall lean build and exceptionally broad shoulders. And other parts of him too. Parts that became visible when Sehun was wearing skinny jeans.


Today he was not wearing skinny jeans, but nice black slacks and a casual blue shirt. Kyungsoo wondered if his nurse scrubs were in that particular shade of blue, or if maybe they were white, or pink. Kyungsoo didn't know, because (like he had reminded himself many times), faking a trip to the hospital just to see how Sehun looked in his shrubs, was creepy and he shouldn't do it. But he still wished that he could catch a glimpse into the bag Sehun always had with him. If he knew the color it was easier to fantasize. Though actually it didn't matter so much, because Sehun looked amazing in all colors. But Kyungsoo still wanted to know.


Clearing his throat once he realized that he had been silent for too long, Kyungsoo said hesitantly.

“So... are you off to work?”

“Yes... You too?”

Kyungsoo nodded.

“Wanna walk together?”

Again, he nodded, and didn't even try to hide how happy that made him.



Wednesdays were the best days. From Wednesdays to Fridays, Sehun had the morning shift at the hospital, which fit perfectly with Kyungsoo's schedule at the bakery, so these days were his favorites of the week. And Wednesday was the absolute best, because then he got to walk with Sehun, while knowing that over the next two days he could do it again.


The first time they had walked to work together had been a complete coincidence. They had exited the apartment building at the same time and walked in the same direction until it was too awkward not to acknowledge each other. That was when he had found out that his handsome neighbor was a nurse (Kyungsoo had a thing for nurses), and that the bakery where he worked was exactly half the way between Sehun's hospital and their home.


The days after, Kyungsoo had sort of lingered around in the mornings, hoping that his neighbor would show up again, but he had to wait a week before he had gotten lucky again. At that time he had the good sense to (casually) ask about Sehun's schedule and after that their walks were less of a coincidence, and more of a careful (not stalkerish) plan.



Apart from being handsome, Sehun was funny, and cute, and he didn't mind if sometimes Kyungsoo didn't say so much, which made it much easier to talk to him, even though normally Kyungsoo wasn't very good at small talk. Sehun was also cute, and liked the same movies and video games as Kyungsoo, and even though they didn't always like the same music, it was still fun to argue about it. Also, he was incredibly cute.


Today was no exception, and Kyungsoo's stomach filled with tiny little butterflies whenever Sehun laughed. Which was a lot. He was in a good mood today, which meant that Kyungsoo's mood was also good.


Halfway to the bakery, tiny droplets of water started falling from the sky. It was not until Sehun opened his big black umbrella that Kyungsoo realized that he didn't have his. He had been too excited about the fact that it was Wednesday to check the weather.


“Hyung, you don't have your umbrella?” Sehun complained. “You have to be careful, otherwise you'll get sick!”

“I... forgot.”

But actually that didn't sound so horrible. If he got sick, maybe Sehun would come over to his apartment to nurse him, and maybe he would be wearing his cute peach colored scrubs (now they were peach colored in Kyungsoo's mind). Of course it didn't make much sense that Sehun would wear his scrubs at home, but it was Kyungsoo's fantasy, so he could picture it like he wanted to!


A strong hand on his forearm pulled him closer, and out of his daydreams.

“Hyung, you can't get wet.”

Kyungsoo was going to object, pointing out that it wasn't a big deal, but now they were suddenly very close and then he couldn't speak anymore.


They walked the rest of the way more or less in silence. Occasionally Sehun said something and Kyungsoo mumbled up an agreement, but mostly they were quiet, but that was okay. Sehun had his arm around Kyungsoo's waist and that was much better than talking. He felt warm where they touched, they were close and Sehun smelled fresher than the rain.


Too soon, they stopped in front of the bakery, but Kyungsoo didn't want to part right away. It felt too good being close to him, and he didn't want Sehun to go. So Kyungsoo did something unusual. He was bold.

“If you have some time, do you maybe want some coffee and a croissant? On the house.” (Which technically meant from Kyungsoo's salary, but that sounded more creepy). “If you come in for a moment, maybe the rain will blow over?” That didn't seem very likely, but it still sounded reasonable. So he held his breath and looked up at the way taller man, and waited for an answer.

“Sure... If it's okay?”

“Yes, absolutely! No trouble.” Kyungsoo said with a bright smile and searched for his keys. They opened up at seven, and it was raining, so hopefully nobody would show up for the next fifteen minutes or so.


“Just... sit down.” He blurted out quickly, and hurried behind the counter. Luckily, his coworker, Baekhyun, who had the early shift had already the coffee machine, and the croissants were fresh from the oven, so it didn't take Kyungsoo long to have everything ready.


“Do you maybe... have some sugar?” Sehun asked, once everything was placed in front of him.

“Ah, yes! Of course.” Kyungsoo felt stupid, and hurried back behind the counter.


It was then that his coworker came from the back.

“Ah, Kyungsoo-yah, you're here!” Baekhyun smiled brightly. “I just needed to ask...” He stopped midword once he noticed Sehun sitting alone with his coffee, and then he whispered. “Wow! Who's the hottie?”

“My... neighbor.” Kyungsoo replied awkwardly.

Baekhyun started pulling off his apron while muttering: “Papa needs a piece of that...”

“No!” Kyungsoo objected way too loudly, so now Sehun was staring at them. He added more quietly. “You can't do that.”

“Why not?” Baekhyun shook his head. “Hyung is thirsty, and that's one tall drink of...”

“Because.” Kyungsoo looked desperately for an excuse in his head. “Because...” He found nothing and blurted out stupidly: “Because he's my boyfriend.”

“No way!” His smile turned even brighter. “Why didn't you tell me? Introduce us!”

“No... I... can't.”

“Why not?”

“Because... he doesn't know.”

“Know what?”

“That... he's my boyfriend.”

Probably Kyungsoo should have expected it when his coworker burst out laughing, loudly, catching Sehun's attention again. He blushed.


When Baekhyun finally stopped laughing, he said brightly: “Well, you probably should tell him soon. A guy like that is not going to stay single forever.”

“Shut up.” Kyungsoo muttered embarrassed, grabbed some packs of sugar and hurried to the table.


“What was that about?” Sehun asked curiously, while pouring sugar into his coffee.

“Uh... nothing.” Kyungsoo answered quickly. “Baekhyun hyung... my coworker, he is always like this.”

Sehun looked at him, like he expected Kyungsoo to introduce them. But no way that was happening. Baekhyun was a nice guy, but not the best at being subtle, or controlling his urges, so Kyungsoo was not going to let him anywhere near his neighbor.


Instead he changed the subject:

“So... why did you decide to become a nurse?”

“Me? I don't know.” Sehun smiled. “It just... sort of happened.” He took a sip of his coffee. “At least I don't have to sit still all day, and I like people, so that's good.”

“Mmh.” Kyungsoo nodded. “It's probably tough sometimes, though?”

“Yeah, sometimes. Like now I'm working at the pediatric ward, and it's hard when they are very sick.” Then a soft smile appeared. “But the kids are very cute and they'll love anyone who talks to them, so that's nice.”

“I'm sure that you're everyone's favorite.” Kyungsoo smiled. Sehun (in his scrubs) with his arms full of kids was just too cute of an image.

“Of course!” Sehun's smile turned wider, making him absolutely beautiful. “I'm taking care of them so they have to love me.”

Kyungsoo didn't think anyone could resist his charms. “...And you probably also look really good in those scrubs.” He froze, and his eyes opened up wide, once he realized that he had actually said that outloud.

But instead of being disgusted with him for being a ert, Sehun's eyes turned into crescent moons and he asked hopefully: “Do you think so?”

“Mmh.” He couldn't resist agreeing, and was rewarded with a sweet blush on his neighbor's pretty cheeks.

“Maybe you should come visit me sometime at the hospital? For like... a lunch or something?”

Kyungsoo's heart started beating faster. Was that an invitation to a date? Like a real romantic date? Maybe not, lunches were not particularly romantic. So probably more like a meeting of acquaintances? Though it could be a date? Maybe?


Sehun looked down, his eyelashes fluttering a little, and he took another bite of his croissant, making the choco custard cream filling spill out, so he had to his lower lip a little. (Kyungsoo had never loved a croissant more.)


Kyungsoo decided that it didn't matter if it was a proper date or not, he wanted to go. But the timing for accepting the invitation had passed, and he was trying to come up with a non-awkward way to change that, when Sehun said:

“Wow. It's really good!”

“Actually, it's... my recipe.” He admitted.

“It is?” Sehun's mouth opened up in shock, forming a cute little 'o'.

How badly, Kyungsoo wanted to kiss those pretty lips. “Yeah... Actually it's my dream... to open up my own bakery one day.”

“That's amazing.” Sehun smiled. “And I will be your first customer!”

“Okay.” Kyungsoo liked that idea. He could already picture the opening day of his cozy little neighborhood bakery. And Sehun would be there, trying out everything (while wearing his scrubs) and his lips would be covered in powdered sugar, so Kyungsoo would have to wipe it away. No, kiss it away, and Sehun would taste as sweet as he looked.


“Ah, I should probably get going.” Sehun said then.

“Mmh.” Kyungsoo knew that he should feel guilty for making him late for work, but he didn't.

They awkwardly said goodbye, and then Kyungsoo sighed happily, completely ignoring Baekhyun's glances and teasing remarks.


It was not until later in the day, once the lunch rush was over, that Kyungsoo really started to think about his coworker's words. And as much as he hated to admit it, for this one (and only) time, Baekhyun was right. Sehun was gorgeous. It was a miracle he was even single now. They had been walking together for weeks now, so it was time Kyungsoo manned up and asked him out. Especially since Sehun had almost, kind of, asked him out already. If Kyungsoo wouldn't do anything now, Sehun would think that he wasn't interested and move on to someone else. Then, Kyungsoo would have to see the new boyfriend around the apartment building. He might even hear them. He shuddered at the thought.



After work, he stopped by a flower shop on the way home. He wanted to do things properly.


There were many different options available, but he quickly settled on roses. Those were the most romantic flowers, after all. There were small bouquets, big and huge ones, but that was too aggressive, so he decided on giving only a single rose. There were several colors, and red was the traditional one, but Kyungsoo was drawn to the pink roses. They looked so soft, like his feelings for Sehun were soft.


Since Kyungsoo was in no hurry, he carefully went through all the selection, until he found the absolute best pink rose available, it was tall, flawless, and smelled divine. Just like Sehun.



He was nervous, but excited, as he walked the rest of the way home, carefully protecting the rose that had been carefully wrapped in white by the very skilful shop assistant.


He thought about how Sehun would react, if he would like the rose. If he would smile, and want to go out with him. And then agree to be his boyfriend forever.


Of course not all of his thoughts were as optimistic, but he tried to focus on the good ones, the ones with a happy ending.


His heart was beating heavily as he walked up the stairs to the second floor. Should he check if Sehun was home already? Or wait until after dinner? He hadn't made up his mind when he reached the correct floor.


Immediately, he saw the broad back of a man, he would recognize anywhere.

“Hey!” Kyungsoo said eagerly, thinking that it was a sign that his neighbor was coming home at the same time as him. A happy coincidence showing that they were meant to be together.

That was until Sehun turned around, showing that he too was holding a bouquet of flowers, a big one.


All the color slowly disappeared from Kyungsoo's face as he realized that he was too late. Somebody else had already asked Sehun out.
















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I just finished reading again and I like it even more :))) such a lovely fic :33
Chapter 6: This was sooooo sweet. I can't even~
So sweet.
970 streak #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhh!
So sweet.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #4
Chapter 2: This is so innocently sweet.
I love how they bought flowers at the same time to give to each other. So cute.
Mistycal #5
Chapter 3: LMAO again but blushing Sehun??? I LIVE FOR THIS
Mistycal #6
Chapter 2: Apart from the obsession with scrubs, this is the cute sesoo content I needed :)
Mistycal #7
Chapter 1: Wow the supposed one-sidedness here is almost sad tho o.o
Chapter 6: oh ok.. this chapter was perfect ending of the story. they are so fluffy and sweet my heart is happy and full. thank you for sharing this:3
Chapter 6: aww the story is completed now? will miss this sesoo but def come back to reread. im gonna save this chapter for my time off work today yay :3
collin12 #10
Chapter 6: This story was super sweet and cute thank you <3