part 2 of chapter 5

Vampire Love
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Halloween night is finally here as people get ready for fancy dress parties

"So Taeyong, who is going to this party?" Johnny shouts across the room from the living room door.

"I'm not sure, all I know so far is Jaehyun, his friends and all of us" Taeyong says looking up from fixing the zipper on his costume before he puts it on.

"I hope there will be more there if not I'm gonna leave and head to the club" Johnny says making Taeyong a little annoyed with it being this first party with his boyfriend he would like his friends there too. "Sorry Johnny" Taeyong says as the taller leaves the sitting room

"Mark my is sticking out" Ten looks over his shoulder at the mirror seeing the bottom half of his cheeks stick out of the short shorts.

"Ten honestly you have worn worst costumes " Mark falls sitting onto the bed laughing as Ten grabs a towel he used for his shower putting it around his waist to hide.

" Ok Ten if I give you longer shorts will you wear them?" Mark starts to rummage through the clothes on his bed making Ten excited to see what he finds.

" Here, those will work" Ten picks up the longer shorts and places them at himself for size. "Perfect now my isn't on show for everyone" Ten rushes off to get changed as Mark zips up the rest of his one-piece spider man costume.

"Looking good man" Johnny enters the bedroom dressed as a giant polar bear drinking from a bottle of beer.

"You're gonna be so warm at a party in that man are you sure you don't want to change?"

"I might not be staying long" Johnny lays down on Marks bed huffing.

"Why not, it's a party and its Tae's man that's throwing it. We owe it to him to be there after getting the invite" .

"It's just we don't know this guy and I wanna enjoy myself tonight that's why I wanted to go the club instead"

"Look do this one thing for Tae and if it's really bad you can sneak out ok"

"Fine lucky I love that kid" Johnny smiles before leaving the room.

"Are you ok?" Taeil sits on the sofa next to Taeyong who is feeling rather nervous about tonight.

"Yeah, just nervous, and worried"

"Why are you worried?"

"It's a party my boyfriend is having, don't I need to look good on his arm in front of his friends?"

"Eh no you don't, you need to be yourself plus you look good anyway"

"Thanks Taeil, I just want it to go well"

"It will, stop worrying about what other people think and just be you"

"Thanks man" Taeyong hugs his friend feeling a little bit better already.

Buzz buzz

Hey beautiful fancy coming downstairs and seeing your man for a minute?

I'll be right down

Rushing down the stairs Taeyong starts to smile seeing his man standing leaning against his flash car dressed in all black with a black leather jacket on

"Hi" Tae walks closer as Jaehyun closes the gap between them.

!I missed you" Jaehyun smiles pulling Taeyong closer into his body

"I saw you only an hour ago" Taeyong giggles feeling shy as Jaehyun lifts his chin up

"Long enough to be without you"

"Cheesy" Taeyong giggles as Jaehyun smiles at him "oh is it now, should I not say cute things to my man?"

"No no do, I'm sorry"

"Are you getting ready for my party?"

"Yeah, the lads are nearly ready"

"And what about you beautiful?"

"I just need to put my costume on and sort my hair out"

"So I can take it off later" Jaehyun whispers making Taeyong look up at him shocked with a red glow across his face

"Oh ...oh..." Tae stutters as Jaehyun laughs cupping his cheek

"I was just being playful"

"Oh I thought you know .... You ...."

"Wanted to make love to you , yes I do but when you are ready Taeyong"

"Really, you would wait for me?"

"Of course I would beautiful, I'm just happy you decided to be mine"

"I got this for you" Jaehyun reaches into his inside pocket and pulls out a small black box with a red bow on it

"A gift what is it?"

"Open it silly and see"

Opening the box carefully Taeyong looks confused up at Jaehyun

"You bought me cigarettes and gum?"

"Look I know how hard it is to quit smoking and tonight your gonna need them because I can sense your feeling rather nervous about tonight am I right?"

"Ye... yes, I am, I just want it to go well and hope that your friends will like me"

"Hey, listen to me I really like you and I don't care what they think ok, it's what matters to me, not them. Plus we changed who was going"

"What do you mean?"

"The mayor asked if we could use the mansions old ballroom as the local Halloween party because the Main city hall they were using is flooded from a burst pipe"

"So everyone will be there?"

"Yeah, pretty much"

"Oh the guys will be happy then as some wanted to go the club instead"

"I don't care where they go as long as you're coming to me"

"I am, thank you for these"

"You're welcome, enjoy them because tonight will be the last night you will have that many"

"Oh being bossy now Taeyong smiles as Jaehyun pulls him even closer to his body before swapping places so the smaller's back is against the car

"Calling me bossy now hmm"

"Just being playful"

"I know beautiful now give me a kiss please"

Leaning in Taeyong presses his lips against the taller's softly as he pulls tae even closer

"You're holding me too tight|" Taeyong pushes back a little feeling all flustered as the kiss was deeper than before

"Sorry I just really missed you and had to see you again"

"Well you will see me later now I need to go get ready"

"No stay here" Jaehyun keeps him leaning up against the car as Taeyong lets out a playful giggle

"I need to get ready, or I won't make your party"

"Ok ok I'll let you go" Jaehyun kisses Taeyong on the cheek and moves so the smaller can head back up to his dorm

"I'll see you soon" Taeyong turns to walk away but Jaehyun pulls him back by the arm as Taeyong crashes into the taller's chest

"Woah" Taeyong gets a fright at the sudden movement till he feels the softest lips touch his again. He kisses back till he hears shouting and cheers from the windows above

"We have an audience it seems" Jaehyun laughs as they both look up seeing Ten and Johnny waving

"I best go"

"Yeah, I know, can you make it up to the mansion yourself or can I come pick you guys up?"

"I never arranged lifts "

"Hey, it's ok I can come down and collect you and your friends"

"But your car won't fit us all"

"Don't worry Yuta can drive his car down as well so there will be plenty of room between both cars"

"Ok that will be great, I'll let them know"

"Good now beautiful man of mine go get ready, and I will see you in about and hours' time ok"

"Ok see you then"

Jaehyun turns to walk away and climb into his car, but Taeyong runs back to him "wait" he shouts making Jaehyun look confused at him

"For some reason I don't want you to leave"

"You will see me soon beautiful"

"I know it's just this weird feeling Every time I'm near you or you go to leave it's like I can't breathe or rest till your closer to me"

"Well, I will be closer to you tonight so go head on in and I'll be back as soon as I can"

"Ok" Taeyong moves to walk away as Jaehyun starts the car and drives off leaving a very emotional and confused Taeyong on the sidewalk

"Why do I feel like this when he leaves what's wrong with me?"

Taeyong heads inside and up the stairs back to the dorm to tell the others

An hour later

Beep beep

"Look they are here, come on let's go" Taeyong fixes his hood and grabs his stick that belongs to his costume

"Ten I'm not going as a girl" Taeil shouts stomping his feet as the others look at him

"But you look so pretty as one" Ten teases him even more making the smaller even more annoyed.

"Guys we are just about to leave come on" Taeyong holds open the door as the others just stand there looking a Taeil

"Go put the boxer's outfit on and hurry up" Mark pushes Taeil back towards the bedrooms as Taeyong fidgets at the door waiting

"You go head down, we will be down in a minute" Johnny says to Taeyong making him

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Oh wow thank you so so much . I'm delighted you like it it's something new with different characters ❤️❤️
748 streak #2
Chapter 9: This is so good, I hope you decide to continue at some point. I am enjoying the story and characters.
Chapter 6: Chanyeol! I'm scared how Tae will react to the truth....pam pam pam!
Chapter 4: Uhh this is getting interesting!
U goo gurrlllll!! And dang Jaehyun in kickit is just- jcucycivjvjvh
Chapter 1: Ooo loved the chapter!! Excited for what is to come in the future😆