Chapter 4

Vampire Love
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"Where would you like to go?" Jaehyun asks as he drives the car, hardly watching the road and only keeping his eye on the nervous cutie beside him.

" I have no idea it's like my mind has gone blank all of a sudden. I don't usually go anywhere with strangers I just met" 

" Hey it will be ok I don't bite. I promise and if you want to go back to the club I will bring you back" Jaehyun looks at the road ahead pretending to drive even though he can sense danger without even looking at the road.

"Ok thank you" Taeyong smiles looking out the window still feeling so nervous and shocked that this is the most this guy has spoken to him since he first met him.

"I need a smoke. '' Taeyong moans a little as Jaehyun turns to face him gripping the steering wheel with a little anger.

"Not in the car please we are nearly there" Jaehyun speeds up a little as he turns into a car park at the the most famous building Korea has to offer at night. 

(Cr to owner )

"Oh wow I haven't been here at night time  before" Taeyong sits up in the seat taking off his seatbelt as the car comes to a complete stop.

"Welcome to Gyeongbokgung Palace" Jaehyun climbs out of the car grabbing the packet of cigarettes that have fallen out of Taeyong's pocket.

"I have always wanted to come here at night, it's been a dream of mine I just never had the time" Taeyong hugs himself a little feeling nervous again.

"I need a smoke, sorry" he smiles as Jaehyun walks ahead a little hiding the cigarettes in his pocket .

"Oh crap I must have dropped them somewhere" Taeyong looks in the window of the car to see if they are on the seat but frowns they aren't.

"You don't need them, you just need to learn how to take a deep breath when you feel nervous " Jaehyun stops as Taeyong walks towards him looking a little sad.

"Look lets go inside and then we can head to the shop and buy you some lung dye"

"Lung Dye?" Taeyong frowns not understanding the meaning

" Yeah smokes turn your lungs black"

"Oh right , I think I will head back to the club" Taeyong pouts and turns back to walk in the opposite direction 

" Hey come on, I'm sorry. I just hate cigarettes and a cute guy like you shouldn't be smoking, your poor lungs"

"They are my lungs to do with whatever I want "

"Ok i'm sorry please don't go just yet, lets go inside see the castle at night " Jaehyun takes him by the arm gently as Taeyong gives in so easily and follows him.

"Its closed" Taeyong frowns as Jaehyun smiles "Come follow me I know a secret way in with no guards but you have to be quiet" Taeyong starts to feel butterflies in his stomach and wants to stop but one look into the strangers eyes he relaxes and follows him as he guides him along a wall and through some tight  close together trees.

"Oh my ...." Taeyong nearly shouts, making Jaehyun cover his mouth, shushing him.

"Hey beautiful, be quiet or we will be kicked out" Jaehyun laughs a little, making the smaller nod his head.

"Come on" holding out his hand Jaehyun waits as the smaller one takes it and walks quietly beside him.

"This is so beautiful at night wow" Taeyong whispers looking up at the building in awe of the light making it so magnificent. 

"Yes you are" Jaehyun whispers with his head a little low looking at Taeyong who seems to have frozen to the spot.

"Oh me, beautiful no im not" Taeyong blushes, turning his face away hiding his now red face.

"Don't turn away from me please" Jaehyun reaches for the smallers arm making him turn to face him. 

"I don't know what to say. '' Taeyong lowers his head trying hard to hide.

"Hey look up at me" Jaehyun lifts the smallers face up to see him better looking deep into his eyes and smiles a little. 

"When I say you're beautiful I mean it and you really are. I

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Oh wow thank you so so much . I'm delighted you like it it's something new with different characters ❤️❤️
748 streak #2
Chapter 9: This is so good, I hope you decide to continue at some point. I am enjoying the story and characters.
Chapter 6: Chanyeol! I'm scared how Tae will react to the truth....pam pam pam!
Chapter 4: Uhh this is getting interesting!
U goo gurrlllll!! And dang Jaehyun in kickit is just- jcucycivjvjvh
Chapter 1: Ooo loved the chapter!! Excited for what is to come in the future😆