Chapter 5

Vampire Love
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Taeyong's pov 


Waking up with a banging pain in my head I suddenly smile remembering lastnight and how that tall dark y stranger asked me to date him. Touching my lips I close my eyes again and try imagine him here kissing me.


Buzz buzz 


Opening my eyes I search under my pillow for my phone. Smiling I see his name on the screen along with a message 




Morning beautiful, I hope you are not too badly suffering this morning. Would you like to meet me for some breakfast before you head off to college?.




Getting all excited feeling butterflies in my stomach I reply back 


Yes I would love that I will get ready and maybe meet you at the our cafe 


Perfect see you there in ten 


Dropping my phone I rush out of bed trying not to fall over as I grab a box of cigarettes from my bedside table and light one up. Taking a puff of it I gather myself and rush to get dressed to try make myself look somewhat decent.


"Morning he must be a good kisser if your dressed and walking around at this time of the morning" Mark grumbles as he walks past me into the kitchen holding his head


"He asked me to meet him for breakfast"


"Oh don't mention food I'll be sick" Mark leans over the counter top turning on the kettle 


"You might need to miss college this morning Mark your in a bad way man"


"I can't I have to be there today I have an English assignment to hand in and if I don't get it in on time my professor will have my and not in a good way"


Grabbing him a cup and the coffee, I make him the strong coffee he likes on mornings like this when he feels his body is not his own 


"How was Yuta you seemed to be all over each other lastnight"


"He was all over me and can you blame him look how good I look .....ok maybe not right now but when I'm more alive and not feeling like a vampire just used me as a blood bag . Oh and by the way Halloween is this weekend what are we doing for it ?"


"I have no idea I just wanna at least get through today and maybe we can all decide later" 


"Ok man just let me know " Mark takes his coffee and heads to his bedroom hopefully to get dressed for the day ahead 


Grabbing my keys, wallet and phone I rush out the dorm and down to the cafe. Walking past the window towards the door I see him smiling as I push the door to enter 


"Good morning beautiful" he stands as I walk closer to him


"Hi" I blush still not believing he chose me to be with. This guy looks rich but not the in your face rich guy he is more discreet and I love it .


" You look so tired " he leans in and kisses my cheek making me blush so much more as I move away and sit down across the table from him.


"I will be ok, please don't worry" 


"I will worry about you we are dating now I need to take care of my man" he reaches his hand over the table touching mine with comfort 


Looking down at the table I know my face is turning so red right now 


"I love how you blush with me" he whispers letting my hand go as the waitress appears at our table 


"Same as always Taeyong?" She asks as I finally look up "Yes please Sarah" I wait as Jaehyun orders the same as me passing her our menus .


"So can I ask have you changed your mind about what I asked you lastnight ?"


Feeling butterflies in my stomach I look at his eyes that are now so softly looking at me making me melt . "I haven't changed my mind I meant what I said I would love us to date"


"I was worrying you would maybe change your mind being sober"


"Oh I got really bad lastnight didn't I"


"No sweetheart you were worse the night before" 


"Oh god I'm so embarrassed" covering my face with my hands I feel the chair beside me dip and soft gentle hands touch them.


"Hey look at me" he whispers with a deep voice as I let my hands fall from my face and see him sitting beside me now 


"Don't be embarrassed with me I really like you Taeyong if I didn't I wouldn't have asked you to be mine. I've seen you drunk already remember" he smiles as I let out a little giggle "yeah what a sight that was Id say"


"It didn't bother me" he touches my chin and makes me turn to face him again. "Can I kiss you here in the cafe?" He looks around making me just stare at him as he leans in and softly kisses me 


Right away I melt in the chair wanting it to never ever stop.


"Excuse me here is your food" the waitress appears as Jaehyun moves back a little


"Thank you so much" we both say as she hurries off leaving us alone 


"You smoking again?" he says making me nearly kick myself knowing I should have brought gum before I seen him


"Yes" there is no point denying it he has kissed me and tasted it ...oh god it probably tasted awful for him.


"You must be going for the dark black lungs" he says making me a little annoyed. Putting down my knife and fork I move out of the booth we are sitting at and head towards the door 


"Hey hey hold up, where you going ?" He catches my arm stopping me 


"I'm going to college" I try pull my arm free but he holds it tighter 


"Don't go please" 


"I'm not gonna stay here and let any man slag me off over my smoking" 


"I'm sorry, but you don't need those cancer sticks"


"I do actually they make me relax"


"I have a way of making you relax" he pulls me closer to him as I bump against his chest. All of a sudden it feels like I am under a spell of some sort and dont want him to let me go 


"What way?" I whisper 


"By making love to me. I can make you relax better then any cigarette can"


"I get stressed in college are you gonna make love to me there too when I get so badly stressed?"


"If you want yeah" he smirks at me making me laugh a little


"Come have some food please and we can talk" he guides me back to our booth and sits across from me eating his food

We sit like this for a few minutes in silence and to be honest it doesn't bother me . He makes me feel relaxed in his company it's like I have known him all my life .


"What are you thinking beautiful?"


"Just this smoking thing is going to come between us and it's making me realize maybe we shouldn't be together if that's the case. I don't like the little digs about my lungs being black" 


"I'm sorry but they will be soon enough Taeyong. Look I'm the type of guy what says it like I see it . If I don't like something I'll say it and not dance around it . I liked you the minute I laid eyes on you so I asked you out before I lost you to another guy in the club. Yes I hate the smoking only because I know what it does to people and I can't let it happen to you. Your stunning Taeyong why let a little stick ruin your life"


I try to hold the lump in my throat down and the tears not to fall but they fail me and escape down my cheek .


"Oh don't cry" he sits beside me again and touches my hand while reaching up and wiping my tear away 


"My parents tell me off enough I don't need you telling me off as well. I think I'm just gonna go back to the dorm get my bag for college, thank you for breakfast". I slide out of the booth and stand up taking money out from my wallet placing it on the table .


"Breakfast is on me" he hands me back the money as I take it and leave. Rushing out the door I wait till I'm past the windows of the cafe before I start to cry . Sniffing and snotting down the road towards my dorm I stop and try to catch my breath. Leaning against the window of a bakery I grab the cigarettes from my pocket and take one out feeling now annoyed at myself for leaving the way I did . Looking at the cigarette just before I light it I crumble it up in my hand along with the box and throw it towards the road with anger before I wipe my face of tears.


"What did they do to you?"  I look up seeing the guy that was with Jaehyun lastnight 


"Turn my lungs black" I huff back at him <

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Oh wow thank you so so much . I'm delighted you like it it's something new with different characters ❤️❤️
748 streak #2
Chapter 9: This is so good, I hope you decide to continue at some point. I am enjoying the story and characters.
Chapter 6: Chanyeol! I'm scared how Tae will react to the truth....pam pam pam!
Chapter 4: Uhh this is getting interesting!
U goo gurrlllll!! And dang Jaehyun in kickit is just- jcucycivjvjvh
Chapter 1: Ooo loved the chapter!! Excited for what is to come in the future😆