THE DESTRUCTION OF THE HATER (in red capital letters)

My Rich Boyfriend
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Minho POV


Everything around me is dark. The only thing that can be heard is my diabolical laugh. I can no longer tell how long I have been sitting here thinking about my revenge strike. The hatred inside me has made time stop.

"That little weasel." I mutter under my breath.

"You may have gotten mother hooked but you'll never get me." I have to laugh out loud at the thought of my plan to take out this hater.

My laughter abruptly turns to hisses as light burns in my eyes. Protectively, I hold my arms in front of my face.

"Are you completely nuts now?" Jinki asks me as he pulls the cucumber slices from my eyes.

"You're late for your workout." He urges me to stand up, yet my hairdresser isn't even done yet.

"Oh no, I've been working out, all night. In here!" I tap my index finger against my temple.

"You certainly weren’t asleep." He says, looking at me in horror.   


My gaze wanders to the mirror in front of me. I have to gasp and move frantically, in response my hairdresser has to gasp too.

My once perfect face has been tainted by dark shadows. Dark bags lurk beneath my beautiful brown, deep eyes. And they are not Chanel. Not even Lidl.


"This is what that weasel did to me!" My fist is trembling as I pound on the dressing table in front of me in anger.

"Um...Mr. Choi...please don't move." My stylist asks behind me with scissors in his hand.

"You got a new pet?" Jinki wants to know and has to sigh loudly.

"You know very well what happened with the monkey. You are not allowed to have pets." Jinki's words tear open old wounds in my heart.


I painfully remember my little capuchin monkey. Little Lee Sooman caused quite a commotion when he hopped around on the plane. But animals like that don't belong in cages. They should be free, which is why I eventually booked him his own seat. Who could have guessed that he would shimmy into the cockpit? And in the end, all was well. An emergency landing in the jungle only enriched me and the other passengers by one experience.

It may have been a short time, but those three days with this proud animal were the three best days of my life.

"I will never forget you Lee Sooman." I whisper in awe thinking of my monkey. I miss my little friend.      


"Well, I'd like a wombat." I quickly come back to Jinki's question though.

"I saw such a cute video on TikTok the other day you know. I'll send it to you later." I say enraptured by this little ball of fur. For a moment I feel like a delicate flower in a green meadow when I think of the sweet face of this lovely little rodent. But there will still be enough time for that later.

Now is the time to hate a hater!

"But!" I therefore say again enraged by flames and get up from the spinning chair. Never have I loathed someone so passionately as this shirt saboteur!

"Oh my God!" I hear a yelp from my hairdresser behind me. In the mirror I realise my hairstylist is putting the scissors to the side.

"That was quick today." I say, impressed, turning to him with a smile.

He and Jinki exchange a strange look. I wonder if they have something going on with each other.

"You know, hats are really all the rage in the fashion world these days." Says my hairdresser as he packs up his tools.

"Why don't you tell your stylist to make you some, yeah?" he gives me some friendly advice before he goes on his well-deserved break.

"I will, thank you." With a smile I bid him farewell and then promptly turn back to Jinki.

"My mother really decided to hire that hater, can you believe it?" I hoist myself over to him. I can literally feel the disgust spreading through me. But it could also be yesterday's salad.

"I guess you can't." He says matter-of-factly.

"No. And I don't have to." My lips form into a devilish smile.

"I have a plan Jinki." I triumphantly explain to my better half.

"And that would be?" Jinki looks at me as if I don't know what I'm saying. Yet I have never seen things as clearly as I do now.

I nod diabolically and look deep into his eyes. The fire of hatred spurs me on. I can literally feel it inside me...or is it actually yesterday's salad?

Jinki knows I am serious.

"I will make Mother see the truth." I begin to explain and step to the window. I look out at the beautiful green view in front of me. Behind me I hear Jinki laugh out loud. That is the laugh of a winner. That's how I'll laugh as soon as I finish Lee - tunic terrorist -Taemin with my plan.

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Lol did I say 6 more chapters?
I meant 2 😊


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 19: I found this story two years ago - it is sharply funny, silly, has deep thoughts, and a great take on celebrity life. Not to mention my favorite ship of all time - 2min!!! Very deserving of a feature!!
Chapter 22: Hello, I am so sorry for excitedly commenting many times in a row but I just want to let you know that I am very happy that I found this story ❤️ I don't really read comedies because it's hard for me to find them funny but this one really is very funny, heartwarming and fluffy. I have developed an attachment to the whole family already :') I love this fic so much and it'll always have a place in my heart! I love every characters so much, and although Jonghyun made little appearance, he gives so much impact and gentle wise advice to the characters like the angel he is and I lovee that. Thank you so much for writing it, you are such an amazing author! I'll be sure to check out your other fanfics as well!

Thank you again and sorry for ranting ❤️🥹 I am sure I'll come back again someday to reread this ❤️
Chapter 5: Oh god the way Jinki treats Minho like an experiment subject hdhdjsjsjajsj I never really laugh when I read but this is so funny, it's 3.50 am here where I live but I couldn't help but cackle I AM NOT EVEN HALFWAY IN BUT THE CHARACTERS ARE SO ENTERTAINING AAAA SO GLAD I FOUND YOU AND THIS STORY
Chapter 1: Just started reading this and.... First paragraph in and I am already giggling imagining Taemin picking up the individual cat hairs 😂😂😂😂😂
This is the first time I have read a fanfic and I'm glad I picked this one. This was really incredible. 😋❤
Chapter 22: Hi hello it's me again, sorry.
I don't believe you at all when you say you're not a comedy writer, this was great! xD Yet again, so drastically different from your other stories I've read so far (I'm leaving the heavier ones for later..). I'm in awe of your ability to write such different stories and yet have them all be equally as captivating. I'm also not sure what was going on with the earlier stories formatting, I think it was probably this site having issues now I think about it more, I'm sorry ^^;
I do have to say though, Minho in this story really REALLY reminds me of King Julien from Madagascar lol. Especially when he calls Taemin his hater, it made me think of that episode about finding and converting his one hater lol. I love that lemur so much xD and Minho too I guess... :P
969 streak #7
Chapter 1: I just checked this out this morning.
But you got me when Taemin had to remove the cat's hair manually because Jiwoo's chakra will be disturbed with the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Such characters!
Thank you so much for sharing this wacky story.
Chapter 22: Wow! I just binge-read this! Couldn’t stop reading. And you can definitely write comedy! I was smiling all throughout at how much of an idiot Minho is and I also laughed out loud several times! Really an enjoyable read, so please don’t say you can’t write comedy because you’re definitely good at it. Thank you for writing 2min. I really shipped (and still do) them from the start, back when I literally didn’t even know what shipping was and had to google it haha! And I missed JongKey more with this. I’m glad you included our angel in this. ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 22: So this is how you organize a story! 👀
Gotta take some notes from Abbie
Chapter 21: A spin-off about Jongkey? YES PLEASE!