Best take Jonghyun's Advice

My Rich Boyfriend
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Taemin POV


"That's all." I simply shrug my shoulders.


Minho's statements about my place don't hurt my feelings. If there's one thing I've learned about Minho, is that he wears his heart on his sleeve, even if sometimes that heart can't tell the difference between a sheep and an actual jumper.

He didn't ask me condescendingly or to show off. He was just genuinely curious. And to be honest, it doesn't surprise me. Minho knows nothing but pure luxury. Maybe that's why he always dresses the way he does? Maybe I am just unfamiliar with style because I don't have any money? When I look at him in his sequined outfit, I don't think he looks stupid, even if everyone else in it would look like they didn't know such an outfit should only be worn on Halloween, that's how scary it is. But when he wears it…somehow...I like it.


Kai rolls over slightly and moans as he grabs his head.


"Oh my God." He groans to himself, still drunk with sleep.

"How are you feeling?" I ask quietly, helping him to sit up straight.

"I had a really weird dream." His eyes are shut tight as he massages his temples. 


Minho gets up and walks into our kitchen nook.


"I was dreaming that you brought Choi Minho here." Kai laughs at his statement as if it were impossible.

Here I cannot hide a small pitying chuckle. Kai looks at me and in his eyes I read clear confusion as he fails to interpret my gaze, but it could also be that he simply hit his head too hard.


"About that..." my eyes travel to the tall man now standing behind Kai.

Of course, I noticed from the beginning that Minho is tall. I don't know why, but today I particularly notice that his proportions are really nicely balanced. He has long legs, broad shoulders and a defined waist.

No wonder he's a model.


"Here." Says Minho as he sits back down with us and holds out a glass of water to Kai.

His hands are also very beautiful I notice.

"Thank you." Kai doesn't look up, just takes the glass of water and drops himself onto the back of the couch.

"It felt so real, like he was sitting right next to me." Kai tells of his supposed dream and takes a sip.

"Oh man, I can tell you a thing or two about that." Minho states, looking at both of us with narrowed eyebrows.

"Once I dreamt that a llama spat on me. And I am so animal-friendly! However, the next morning my face was really wet." He finishes telling the story and shakes himself.

That's what I mean when I say he wears his heart on his sleeve.

You can just see that he didn't like the dream at all and he didn't filter anything either. He simply said what he thought.

"Now that I think about it, I used to have a llama. What happened to it?"


I can’t help but smile at his confused face. Mentally, I make note to find out when Minho's birthday is. Maybe I can't give him a real llama, but a stuffed animal is certainly possible.  


Kai's trousers are wet and his mouth is hanging wide open. The water he just had in his mouth has taken the direct route from his mouth to in between his legs rather than the conventional one through his body.

Not that he wets his trousers in general...I digress.


"Exactly like that!" exclaims Minho.


My smile gets wider. I don't think he's being funny on purpose, but whatever you call this quality, maybe it's honesty, maybe it's lightness, I like that about him.


Kai's gaze wanders to me. He swallows once. But before I can tell him that it really isn't a dream, his eyes close shut one more time and his head collapses once again on Minho's lap.


"Narcolepsy is really not a nice thing." Minho says and puts a pillow on his knees so that Kai is comfortable.



When I finish telling about the evening, neither Key nor Jonghyun say anything. The two exchange a look that I don't understand. 

"What's wrong?" I want to know and look at both of them in irritation.

"Did you hear that?" Says Jonghyun and looks behind me, very concentrated.

"What?" I look around the small café.

"There is someone asking for another coffee. Excuse me for a moment." He smiles but his eyes say something completely different.

"I didn't hear anything." I say, confused, hoping my friend doesn't get hallucinations from working too much. Maybe I should help him out at the café again after all.

"One bitter truth to go? We have that for free today!" He says to an imaginary person, jumps up and leaves me alone with Key. 

The latter gives me a look

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Lol did I say 6 more chapters?
I meant 2 😊


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 19: I found this story two years ago - it is sharply funny, silly, has deep thoughts, and a great take on celebrity life. Not to mention my favorite ship of all time - 2min!!! Very deserving of a feature!!
Chapter 22: Hello, I am so sorry for excitedly commenting many times in a row but I just want to let you know that I am very happy that I found this story ❤️ I don't really read comedies because it's hard for me to find them funny but this one really is very funny, heartwarming and fluffy. I have developed an attachment to the whole family already :') I love this fic so much and it'll always have a place in my heart! I love every characters so much, and although Jonghyun made little appearance, he gives so much impact and gentle wise advice to the characters like the angel he is and I lovee that. Thank you so much for writing it, you are such an amazing author! I'll be sure to check out your other fanfics as well!

Thank you again and sorry for ranting ❤️🥹 I am sure I'll come back again someday to reread this ❤️
Chapter 5: Oh god the way Jinki treats Minho like an experiment subject hdhdjsjsjajsj I never really laugh when I read but this is so funny, it's 3.50 am here where I live but I couldn't help but cackle I AM NOT EVEN HALFWAY IN BUT THE CHARACTERS ARE SO ENTERTAINING AAAA SO GLAD I FOUND YOU AND THIS STORY
Chapter 1: Just started reading this and.... First paragraph in and I am already giggling imagining Taemin picking up the individual cat hairs 😂😂😂😂😂
This is the first time I have read a fanfic and I'm glad I picked this one. This was really incredible. 😋❤
Chapter 22: Hi hello it's me again, sorry.
I don't believe you at all when you say you're not a comedy writer, this was great! xD Yet again, so drastically different from your other stories I've read so far (I'm leaving the heavier ones for later..). I'm in awe of your ability to write such different stories and yet have them all be equally as captivating. I'm also not sure what was going on with the earlier stories formatting, I think it was probably this site having issues now I think about it more, I'm sorry ^^;
I do have to say though, Minho in this story really REALLY reminds me of King Julien from Madagascar lol. Especially when he calls Taemin his hater, it made me think of that episode about finding and converting his one hater lol. I love that lemur so much xD and Minho too I guess... :P
969 streak #7
Chapter 1: I just checked this out this morning.
But you got me when Taemin had to remove the cat's hair manually because Jiwoo's chakra will be disturbed with the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Such characters!
Thank you so much for sharing this wacky story.
Chapter 22: Wow! I just binge-read this! Couldn’t stop reading. And you can definitely write comedy! I was smiling all throughout at how much of an idiot Minho is and I also laughed out loud several times! Really an enjoyable read, so please don’t say you can’t write comedy because you’re definitely good at it. Thank you for writing 2min. I really shipped (and still do) them from the start, back when I literally didn’t even know what shipping was and had to google it haha! And I missed JongKey more with this. I’m glad you included our angel in this. ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 22: So this is how you organize a story! 👀
Gotta take some notes from Abbie
Chapter 21: A spin-off about Jongkey? YES PLEASE!