About Unicorns and Snakes

My Rich Boyfriend
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Taemin POV


"We're only staying for two days, I might as well get something plain." I try to persuade Jiwoo, but I can't deny that I look pretty good in this outfit, which costs more than my entire life.

"Oh please Tae~" Jiwoo folds her hands and gives me her puppy dog eyes.

"Ever since Minho grew up..." she stops on her words.

"That doesn’t sound right. Since he matured...” Again she stops. She puts her thumb and index finger around her chin.

"Since Minho has been living on his own he dresses himself. Well, and you see what becomes of that." In the mirror we smile at each other. She didn't say it in a scolding or derogatory way. There was love in her words. As if to say 'Yes Minho may dress unconventionally, but that's just Minho.'


I like unconventional.


We only stay at this resort for the weekend, yet Jiwoo makes me try on countless outfits. The planned lunch outing has now turned into a weekend trip.

Jiwoo doesn't have any appointments that she has to attend physically and came to the conclusion that if you have to learn a script by heart, you might as well do it on the beach.


Equipped with new clothes, I let myself fall onto the big hotel bed. No wonder why rich people are all slim. Putting on and taking off new clothes should become a discipline at the Olympic Games, specialising in carrying big, heavy shopping bags.


But I sit back up straight away. I still have a lot of work to do. I didn't have internet connection on the plane, so I have to get some more done now. But the day is still young. Who knows, if I hurry, I could even use the resident pool or sauna in the later evening.  


But as I unlock the tablet, there is a knock on my door.


"Oh." Is all that comes out of me as I see Minho smiling at me. My grip on the doorknob tightens.

"I told you I'd show you everything." He says. I'm glad he's wearing sunglasses. If I were exposed to his eyes for a minute longer, I would certainly not be able to hold myself back any longer.


"Well..." I look at the tablet which is still glowing brightly.


A little angel and a little devil settle on my shoulders. I'm surprised that the little devil looks like Key. But I can't deny that he looks quite good in his red leather outfit. Only the red horns are no difference to otherwise.

I look at my other shoulder. There lies little Jonghyun with golden curls, a harp in his hand wearing…diapers? 

Shouldn't they both look like me?


"Come on! Go out with him already!" little devil Key yells at me and pokes me with his pitchfork.

"Ouch! That hurt." I rub at the now small wound on my shoulder.

"Besides, I still have a lot of work to do." I explain to him, frowning.

"Whatever." I hear trilling over to me from the other side.

"Shouldn't you be telling me to stay here and keep working?" I ask Angel Jonghyun, confused.

"I tell you what the right thing is to do." He plays a romantic melody with his harp.

"And the right thing is to go out with Minho now?" I ask him.

"To decide the right thing you have to listen to what's in here." The little angel points to his chest.

"And if it's not the right thing, then what's in here is also good!" the little devil laughs wryly and points between his legs.

"You're not helping me much." I say.

"Well, you should make up your mind slowly." Devil Key nudges me lightly.

"Because loverboy looks pretty confused about your self-talk." He twirls his index finger in a circle at his head.

"I thought this was all in my head."

"It is, but we can't stop time." Explains the little angel as if he has to explain to me how to breathe.

"Yeah, we're not real, after all." Says Devil Key.

"Just a figment of your imagination." Jonghyun makes a straitjacket out of his white nappy.

"Guys, I'm here too!" I hear behind me and grab my head.

"If I turn around now and see Kai as a long-bearded man, then I'll convince the author of this fan fiction to have you all written out of this story!" I say to the two of them.

"Then you better not turn around." Says Key, eating his summoned popcorn. Absentmindedly, with his eyes fixed on Kai, he holds the popcorn out to Jonghyun. 

"Yippieeeee!" I hear Kai shout as he immediately comes fluttering up.

"Okay, okay! Get out, all of you! Especially you!" I say to Kai the unicorn with his colourful mane.

"What makes you think you're a unicorn anyway?" I ask him.

"Those are your thoughts, aren't they?" He shrugs with what I think are his shoulders.




"Oh loverboy wants something from you. Just remember..." Key points to his s again, when there shouldn't be any. Because in my mind Key has no ual characteristics at all. The thought sends shivers down my spine.

He vanishes into dark smoke.


Jonghyun also leaves behind a white cloud as he disappears. But before he does, he plays the first notes of Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On on his harp and raises his eyebrows lasciviously up and down, his little halo following the movements of his brows.  


"Heeeeeello~" Sings Kai the Unicorn as he flies around my head and leaves a rainbow behind as he disappears.


"Are you all right?" is the first thing I hear.

But what wakes me up are not his words. It is his hand that is now placed on my forehead.


Now I feel understand what the unicorn represented.


I put on my best smile and take a few steps backwards.


"Yeah everything is great!" I assure him, nodding frantically like a Bobble head figure.

"You sure? Your face is all red." He takes a step closer to me.


I notice we are alone. In a hotel room.


Loudly, I clap my hands once, making him flinch.


"Shall we go then?" I say to him and walk out of the room as fast as my wobbly legs can carry me. 


This is going to be a long weekend.



My gaze makes a complete lap around me. Minho lifts his sunglasses too, as if the increased light can now show him where we need to go.


"I think we're l-"

"Lucky? Exactly!" Minho interjects, pressing his hands against his hips.

"Very rare berries grow around here as you can see." He goes to a bush where small blue berries grow.

"I think they are poisonous." I point to the illustration in my travel guide. Minho stops his hand movement that was heading straight for his mouth.

"I know that." He waves it off with a laugh and lets the berries fall to the ground.

"Besides, they say there are snakes living around here." I say as I continue to browse.

"What have you got there?" he asks me as he looks to the book in my hands.

"A tourist guide from the hotel." I explain to him.

"Does it have a map in it, by any chance?" he scratches behind his ear.

"I'm just asking out of curiosity!" With a smile, he rolls his eyes.


I have to laugh at his silly manner. 


"Don't worry if we run into a snake..." I say, my eyes searching the page for the words.

"All we have to do is make inhuman noises. This will make snakes flee." I read the passage aloud and nod in satisfaction.

"We don't need to be afraid of snakes, animals love me." He says and makes an exuberant hand gesture to the nature around us.

"But back to the map..." he tucks his sunglasses into his shirt and stands next to me.


I have to swallow as I flip to the very first page where the map spans over two pages. The first two buttons of Minho's shirt are undone. The unicorn in me is kicking in, but I try to keep my gaze focused on his chest the map. Tensely, I keep my eyes on the picture in front of me as I feel Minho's fingers along my leg. I pretend not to notice. As if I don't understand all his advances. So far it's worked.

What am I supposed to do? He's my boss's son. I have to admit, though, that Minho's hand feels more like cold, wet leather. But I'm not used to anything 'normal' from him either.




I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks as he says my name so quietly and shakily. He too is nervous. His hand has

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Lol did I say 6 more chapters?
I meant 2 😊


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 19: I found this story two years ago - it is sharply funny, silly, has deep thoughts, and a great take on celebrity life. Not to mention my favorite ship of all time - 2min!!! Very deserving of a feature!!
Chapter 22: Hello, I am so sorry for excitedly commenting many times in a row but I just want to let you know that I am very happy that I found this story ❤️ I don't really read comedies because it's hard for me to find them funny but this one really is very funny, heartwarming and fluffy. I have developed an attachment to the whole family already :') I love this fic so much and it'll always have a place in my heart! I love every characters so much, and although Jonghyun made little appearance, he gives so much impact and gentle wise advice to the characters like the angel he is and I lovee that. Thank you so much for writing it, you are such an amazing author! I'll be sure to check out your other fanfics as well!

Thank you again and sorry for ranting ❤️🥹 I am sure I'll come back again someday to reread this ❤️
Chapter 5: Oh god the way Jinki treats Minho like an experiment subject hdhdjsjsjajsj I never really laugh when I read but this is so funny, it's 3.50 am here where I live but I couldn't help but cackle I AM NOT EVEN HALFWAY IN BUT THE CHARACTERS ARE SO ENTERTAINING AAAA SO GLAD I FOUND YOU AND THIS STORY
Chapter 1: Just started reading this and.... First paragraph in and I am already giggling imagining Taemin picking up the individual cat hairs 😂😂😂😂😂
This is the first time I have read a fanfic and I'm glad I picked this one. This was really incredible. 😋❤
Chapter 22: Hi hello it's me again, sorry.
I don't believe you at all when you say you're not a comedy writer, this was great! xD Yet again, so drastically different from your other stories I've read so far (I'm leaving the heavier ones for later..). I'm in awe of your ability to write such different stories and yet have them all be equally as captivating. I'm also not sure what was going on with the earlier stories formatting, I think it was probably this site having issues now I think about it more, I'm sorry ^^;
I do have to say though, Minho in this story really REALLY reminds me of King Julien from Madagascar lol. Especially when he calls Taemin his hater, it made me think of that episode about finding and converting his one hater lol. I love that lemur so much xD and Minho too I guess... :P
969 streak #7
Chapter 1: I just checked this out this morning.
But you got me when Taemin had to remove the cat's hair manually because Jiwoo's chakra will be disturbed with the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Such characters!
Thank you so much for sharing this wacky story.
Chapter 22: Wow! I just binge-read this! Couldn’t stop reading. And you can definitely write comedy! I was smiling all throughout at how much of an idiot Minho is and I also laughed out loud several times! Really an enjoyable read, so please don’t say you can’t write comedy because you’re definitely good at it. Thank you for writing 2min. I really shipped (and still do) them from the start, back when I literally didn’t even know what shipping was and had to google it haha! And I missed JongKey more with this. I’m glad you included our angel in this. ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 22: So this is how you organize a story! 👀
Gotta take some notes from Abbie
Chapter 21: A spin-off about Jongkey? YES PLEASE!