
Iz*one's baby - Season 2
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Jahoon: Hello everyone! We are currently in Japan because of our Japanese debut. I'm so excited to meet the Japanese fans!

I jumped a bit in my seat while looking into the camera, I currently was holding.

Jahoon: Vicky! Say hi to Moonlights (name of your group's fandom)

I turned the camera to face Vicky, who was sitting right beside me while playing on her phone.

Vicky: Hi everyone! How are you guys doing? Have you guys eaten? We haven't eaten yet because we had to take the plane early in the morning and directly to the hotel after landing.

Jahoon: That is right~ I'm very hungry right now~ I will turn the camera off for now but let us meet again when we arrive at the hotel. See you in a bit Moonlights~

We both waved to the camera before I turned it off. Suddenly I heard someone snoring loudly. I looked around to see Jina sleeping with open and snoring in the seat right in front of me, as well as some of the other members peacefully sleeping. I looked over to Vicky, who had the same sinister smile on her face. I slowly stood up and took a picture of Jina's sleeping face. Just in case, nothing more than that… Okay, you caught me lying but that is what best friends do to each other.

Zora (member): Hey Jahoon unnie!

Look at this article! Zora, who was sitting beside Jina, turned around in her seat to show me her phone, making Jina stirred in her sleep. We both freeze for a moment before sighed in relief when Jina continued sleeping. I took Zora's phone from her and slapped the back of her neck, making her pout at me. Vicky put her head on my shoulder, as we both read the article.

Article content:

B4U leader Jahoon, the former member of Iz*one, has been lately seen using the in-ears from when Iz*one was still active. Fans suspect if the rumors about Iz* one’s reunion are true after seeing the former member changing her in-ears. For now, there hasn't been any confirmation from either CJ E&M Entertainment or the girls' respective entertainments. Stay tuned here for any updates.

Knetz comments:

1: Hold up! So Iz*one is maybe going to have a comeback? I'm gonna cry.

2: They shouldn't be having a comeback. They don't deserve it after having been cheating in the program.

3: Iz*one is coming back in the game!

4: Omg I'm gonna cry. Jahoon is my favorite in Iz*one and to see her cry doing their last concert really hurt my heart since she usually doesn't cry.

5: If you are going to bring back Iz*one, might as well bring back X1

6: They are all going to be crying. Not sad tears but happy tears.

Vicky: Seems like your little hint was too obvious.

Jahoon: Seems like it.

I chuckled lightly but I could feel a sting in my heart as I read the hate comments. I tried to shrug it off but they still lingered in my mind even on the way to the hotel, making me quiet.









Manager Kim: Alright Jahoon. Have you gotten everything for the surprise?

Jahoon: Of course, I'm all ready. I won't screw up the surprise……. Wait a moment, I'm missing the flowers!!!

Manager Kim: I knew this was going to happen, so I already prepared them. They are in the back, secured so they won't get smashed.

I sighed in relief and leaned back into my seat, as manager Kim started the car and began to drive to the concert venue. I kept looking out of the window, trying to calm down my excitement but it seemed like I was too excited because manager Kim suddenly began laughing at me.

Manager Kim: Seems like someone is really excited to surprise.

Jahoon: I can't help it! It has been a long time since I have seen them and also at the same time I broke the news at the concert, CJ E&M will release an official statement about the reunion making me even more excited!

I bopped my shoulders at almost every word I was saying with a huge smile on my face, clearly showing my cheekbones. Manager Kim shook her head at me and focused back on her driving. After a short moment, we finally arrived at the concert venue, where J-line would hold a joint concert with all of their sister groups. Both manager Kim and I put on our face mask and a cap before taking everything we have prepared from the car and made our way backstage.

Guard: そこにかざしてください。どこに行くと思いますか (Hold up right there. Where do you guys think you are going?)

I pulled down my facemask a bit to reveal my face to the guard.

Jahoon: 私だけのジャフーンです (It is just me Jahoon.)

Guard: ああ、ご

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